OOC: Hey folks!
Sorry I've been so terrible about posting in a timely manner :/ I'm going to have to take a short break to deal with some things so it'll be just a little longer before I post, but I am working on it and come the first I should have everything sorted out and everyone happy. I dropped a note about it in the submit box for sof (although I haven't seen a reply yet) so this should be an official hiatus?
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OOC: Shuu's mun is terrible
I am in despair. My terrible, terrible delay in posting has left me in despair.
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But have no fear for there is hope! One post down, two to go! I will (hopefully) be posting my long due response to Kafuka tomorrow (rather late as I have a marathon to be at for most of the day~) and then minerking the day after. I will succeed!
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A Crazy Case of the Crazy (for Voiceinthewater)
There had been rumors, floating around the school for days – passed from student to student with a snide giggle and snarky smile. They were hardly anything kind, mostly comments about how a particular pastel haired student was insane. He had been claiming, perhaps not pressingly but openly, that he was an alien. Not from a foreign country but from another planet altogether.
Usually Shuu was of the mind that anyone who took part in this process of mindless gossip mongering was best suited to a life of experimentation and dissection. This particular rumor was different however. Well, not so much the rumor (It seemed a different student was stricken made each week – ‘Did you see what Chiyo was wearing today? That girl has gone mad.’ Or ‘I cannot believe Alfred dumped her, is he crazy.’ Insanity was apparently the one thing all the occupants of the school had in common.) as the student the crazy rumor pertained to.
A boy who claimed to be an alien.
The truly confusing part for the doctor was less that the boy claimed non-human status, and more that any member of the school faculty or alum doubted him. Shuu himself taught a medical robot, made small talk with a ghost, and was perpetually plagued by the presence of a narcoleptic calculus genius who ate bird seed.
Why was being an alien so unbelievable?
As far as he was concerned, it wasn’t unbelievable. It was terribly, terribly interesting.
His hand had been twitching with anxious energy for days. Even a few extracurricular activities, the results of which had served as the mystery meat in yesterday’s lunch, had failed to quail the overwhelming need to cut the boy up.
The brunet man had finally given up on the tedious exercise of denying himself this urge and decided to seek the boy out. Now it was just a matter finding the little alien fish.     
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The sight of his own neat, disinfected office was heartening. This plain white room lined with cabinets of chemicals and smelling overwhelmingly of what could only be described as clean, this was his sanctuary. Shuu allowed himself a small, secret smile, standing silently in the doorway.
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He moved further in, grabbing a stool and placing it on the opposite side of his desk. "Sit," he ordered, gesturing vaguely as he fished out his briefcase. He set it on the desk and flicked open the clasps with practiced ease made somewhat awkward by these unfamiliar hands. Shuu withdrew a thin blue book and a bag made of black plastic, stacking them on the desk carefully. Diving back in the the case, opened to a careful degree so that only he could see inside, he pulled out another black bag - smaller in size but apparently fuller. He tossed this second bag at Nanaki and replaced the other items back in the case before closing it.
"Take one pill from each of the white bottles and two from the red. There's coffee on the desk." Without sparing the other man a look Shuu shuffled to his cabinets, paused and promptly turned about to march back. He dared not look Nanaki in his own purple eye as he fished around in the pockets of the white lab jacket he wore. Eventually he pulled out a small key ring, which he marched back to the cabinets, reassuming his previous pose.
"My plan," Shuu finally answered with his back facing the other, "which I assure you is in fact genius, is to do a little quick blood work. I can only assume our current situation is the effect of some chemical we both ingested. Once I've identified it, feeding both our bodies an antiserum of sorts should solve the problem."
The brunet turned blond ran a hand through his now shorter hair, gripping the locks a tad too tightly. "Now I need only get the blood work kit..."
Which unfortunately was stored on the top shelf of the cabinet before which he stood, safely out of reach of most of his student and coworkers. And now himself.
Said kit also sat right next to a jar of highly questionable contents.
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This was a bit of a problem.
Waking Up Confused (Body Switch Event: Open)
Nanaki blinked at the sudden tirade. Well, he supposed that made sense. But then Shuu stopped mid-sentence, and that made Nanaki stop chewing and look evenly (downward so therefore it wouldn’t be even, it was at an angle, his mathematician mind insisted) at the other.
“Yep. You’re so skinny; it’ll do you some good,” Nanaki chimed cheerfully, crunching another seed between his back teeth, the savory taste filling his mouth. It was odd, because it tasted a little different, even though he knew it was still the same millet. Different tastes, he supposed.
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That was when Shuu moved, faster than he thought he was actually capable of (at least in his own body) and a sharp, stabbing pain jolted down his arm, up through his shoulder, only made worse by the subsequent hits. The bag of millet dropped, scattering seed across the hallway floor, and drawing a pained groan from the man in Shuu’s body.
“You could have just asked me to stop…” he muttered, fingers digging into the lab coat around his shoulder. He knew Shuu had few scruples about hurting people, but it was a bit of a surprise that he’d go to such lengths on his own body… The sharp pain had subsided, but it left a lingering throbbing pain all down his right side. He flexed the fingers on his right hand, wincing, and glancing at the spilled millet regretfully before walking hesitantly down the hall, a few steps behind his own body, out of reach.
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Thankfully, the lab came into sight around a couple more corners, and even though the torturous tense silence had only grown between them in the past minute or so, he was grateful that he could sit and not move his arm for a bit. So this was the secret of his weak right arm… It wasn’t in his nature to hold grudges, but all knowledge is worth having. He couldn’t remember where he’d heard that tidbit.
“So what’s your genius plan, Doctor?”
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Shuu shot his companion a dark look, the features of his face feeling entirely wrong.
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He was sure the look was entirely wrong but didn't allow it to show in his voice as he snapped back. "Oh get over it this hobo rag can't be that hard to replace." Shuu whipped his head around to look at the walls as he increased his pace passive aggressively, hoping halfheartedly to outstrip his own body. It was idiotic, but...
Shuu had half a mind to start hitting his head against the nearest wall. Nanaki's lethargic body was impeding his brilliant mind and turning him into a badly dressed idiot. He stopped suddenly and turned to face the other man.
"Again, what sort of idiot do you take me for? Regardless of the perceived benefits, anyone with half a brain would refrain from ingesting any experimental drug until after it had been perfected and all the possible side effects were identified and -... Are you eating that bird seed?" 
This body apparently made him far more easily distracted. Shuu simply could not continue his rant with the imposter chewing down millet like it was a perfectly normal snack food. Granted, the bag of seed did look particularly tasty. So much so that his mouth watered a - NO!
Shuu gripped the wrist of his original body's right arm, lifting it out of his way. With precision borne of years of precise surgery and his own personal knowledge of his body, Shuu jabbed three fingers harshly into the flesh of the shoulder joint and again in the inside of the upper arm. Right where he knew it would hurt most.
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That was the first time he had needed to exploit his own weaknesses and for a moment the doctor laughed softly to himself, mocking his own weakness. For a brief moment he felt years of ineptitude and depression bare down on his defenses. With far more harsh strength than he would have credited Nanaki's body Shuu jabbed the shoulder joint again before dropping his companion's arm and stepping away.
"Your lesson is to mind your own business and keep your morals to yourself. Now come on, I can't stand being in your body for longer than I must."
Waking Up Confused (Body Switch Event: Open)
“Hey! I’ll never get that stain out…” Nanaki pouted, watching the blood seep into the tassels, and the pale tan fabric. The insult hadn’t phased him. Almost as if it had flown right over his head (which was quite a feat with his newly acquired additional height) or in one ear and out the other. “Anyway, I would think that if you found the right kind of advancement, I’d think you’d be the first to reap the benefits of your own scientific discoveries.”
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Nanaki almost spoke in argument, but he did have to admit a science lab would be much more effective in terms of discovering what kind of oddity was the cause of this strange turn of events. Before he started after Shuu, though, he ducked into his office, plucking the bag of millet off his desk, popping a few seeds into his mouth as he moved back into the hallway to follow.
He stopped mid-step as his body went hurrying down the hall, head tilting slightly, and watched for a moment. It took only a few long strides to catch up to Shuu, following down the hallway, back towards the office he’d just come from, no doubt.
“So what’s the plan? You know this reminds me a little of that movie. The one about the humans who switch bodies and have to learn a lesson from it before they can switch back. Do you think that’s what happened to us?” He looked thoughtful as he nibbled on the millet, gaze drifting towards the ceiling. “I wonder what lesson I’d have to learn. Yours is easy enough to figure out…”
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"Well isn't that interesting." Shuu pursed his lips slightly, leaning away to pick up his clipboard from the desk behind him. He pulled a pen from his coat breast pocket and jotted down a few notes. With two fingers the brunet turned Canti's head screen device to the left and then to the right. He made a small, unhappy noise and withdrew his hand to jot a few more notes.
He so wished to feed this creature some sort of drug, as it obviously was purely electronic. The creature had too much personality, too much of what lesser men would call soul to be purely wires and electricity. The catch of course, was that this particular creature seemed to be for all intents are purposes one of a kind and it wouldn't do to dissect it just yet.
Although those abilities as an x-ray could prove both useful and dangerous. With the side of his foot Shuu pushed his briefcase safely out of sight, never breaking eye contact with the screen.
"What is your primary energy source? How does that body run?"
Canti jumped slightly when he became aware that he was staring at the man, quickly showing the word “Sorry” on his screen as he made an apologetic gesture.
Canti watched his hand as he tapped on his chest, the doctor’s next statement causing him to take a step back. Canti wasn’t too keen on the idea of being taken apart by his anatomy teacher. He felt like if this man didn’t think Canti was useful to him, he was gonna end up doing something unpleasant.
Him being a medical robot and hoping to get on the doctors good side, he demonstrated his ability to take x-rays at the man. Surely a doctor would find such an ability useful to him, and cause him to reconsider his last statement.
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The willpower it took not to slap Kazuaki was staggering. Why would he ever dream of being Nanaki? Cutting up? Perhaps. But actually being? This was a nightmare.
Shuu took a brief moment to feel proud of himself and yawn again. It was true that calculus was far less likely to have caused their predicament, not that Shuu would ever admit such a thing aloud.
"What sort of blundering buffoon do you think I am? Regardless of my specialties the last person I would conduct an experiment on would be myself."
Yes, insults were always the better option.
Using the edge of the ridiculous scarf Nanaki shrouded himself in to wipe the blood from his hand, Shuu turned to properly face the imposter in his skin with a dark glare.
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"Yes, you are quite short. Now follow me, I doubt you have anything useful hiding amongst the millet and homework from idiot students here. My room will prove far more useful in solving this predicament."
Off Shuu marched without a backward glance, walking at double pace to make up for his suddenly shorter limbs. How did the sleepy professor live in such a tiny body? The at least half a foot's height difference between their two frames seemed to make miles of difference. Silently, Shuu mourned the loss of his own body.
Waking Up Confused (Body Switch Event: Open)
“I am a bit narcoleptic, you know…” Brows creased, head tilted. “Or would it be that youare narcoleptic? Hm…” The way Shuu was acting—or would it be the way he was acting? This was confusing… Nanaki decided that he’d just refer to himself as Nanaki and Shuu as Shuu for now—was very much like himself, and he felt vivacious and like he could go for days… 
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“Well, this is obviously some bizarre dream, because you are in my body, and I am in yours. That’s the only logical conclusion, isn’t it?” His finger tapped his chin, gaze drifting upwards. “But then again there are stranger things in this school than if we were to suddenly wake up as one another. Unless you were conducting one of your strange experiments. As far as I know, I’ve done nothing that could possibly be the cause of this, as we do not interact, and last I checked, calculus doesn’t have such odd effects…”
Wow, his mind was working so efficiently, and quickly. The rapidity of thoughts flitting through his mind was boggling to him, so used to pondering lengthily about matters. Well, and the fact that his voice was considerably deeper, a smooth tone that was well-suited for debate.
And then the absent and sudden thought hit him.
“I really am quite short, aren’t I?”
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Shuu looked from the oh so wrong reflection at the sound of a familiar and yet new voice to find... himself? There he was, or rather there his body was, standing in the doorway with the most sincere grin he'd ever worn. It literally made him a little sick to his stomach as he stared blankly at himself for a few slow beats.
This body moved far more slowly than he was used to and it seemed to impede his thought processes greatly. Whereas a scathing response would normally have been tossed out by now, Shuu instead found himself battling to keep his eyes open.
"Why the fuck is your body so tired?"
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He stopped mid yawn as his words and situation seemed to finally click properly in his mind. "You!" He yelled suddenly, inwardly dissatisfied with the timber of his voice. This was wrong. All wrong. He was shorter, and sleepier, and far more calm than he was comfortable with.
"What did you do you nit-brained Professor!?"
Yelling didn't sound right in Nanaki's voice but at the moment it was all Shuu could think to do. He was, for the first time in recent memory, not in control of the situation. Instead he was trapped; confused (an emotion he most certainly was not accustomed to), tired, and most insultingly of all forced to look up to meet his own eyes. The doctor found himself unable to even take a moment to appreciate Nanaki's vibrant blood spilled across the broken glass of his 'seven years bad luck'.
Waking Up Confused (Body Switch Event: Open)
It wasn’t unusual for Nanaki to wake up not knowing where he’d ended up. It was, in fact, pretty par to the course. So when he woke up blinking blearily at a desk, it wasn’t as if it was unexpected. He yawned, stretching arms towards the ceiling and glancing around. An unfamiliar room… He glanced down at the desk, blinking sleepily. Oh yeah, that’s right. He’d been grading papers. He must have finished and wandered off though, because this was not his desk. A cup of coffee, presumably stale, as it was half finished and seemed to be cold. Books about anatomy and the human body. A briefcase that seemed vaguely familiar.
Nanaki reached up, and found glasses perched on his nose when he went to rub the sleep from his eyes, and his brows creased in confusion. Since when did he wear random peoples’ glasses? Apparently since some time last night. He moved, standing up, and was surprised to find that this desk was considerably shorter than his own. Hm, how odd…
Well, he had papers to grade, or at least classes to attend, if he had actually finished before he nodded off. Sometimes his memory got a little hazy when it came to that kind of thing. Gosh, everything in this room was considerably shorter than his own. He ought to have something done like this in his own office, as the top shelf of the bookshelf against the wall seemed to actually be within his reach. He’d draft a letter to the administrators, as soon as he found out whose office this was.
Feeling uncharacteristically energetic, Nanaki started towards the door, and caught a glimpse of someone moving in a window, and glanced over.
“Oh, good morning, Shuu.” That made him pause. The words were his, but the voice wasn’t. Then he creased his brows and stared into the window, the reflection of his fellow faculty member doing the same.
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Wide violet eyes stared out under mussed brunette bangs, a red-framed pair of glasses perched on his nose. Somehow, he was in Shuu’s body. What a strange dream… Especially for him, who barely ever dreamed. He chuckled, and was hit by a strange sense of wrongness, for his laugh to be coming out of this mouth.
How very queer.
Well, if this was a dream indeed, if he went back to his room, and back to sleep, perhaps he could wake up in his own body again… The realization accompanied a slight sense of disappointment. So that meant that he furniture in that office was not shorter at all, he was merely taller…
He heard a crash as he opened his door, and peered around the corner to find himself staring down at a broken mirror, hand bleeding, an expression that looked very out of place on his face, and before the oddness of the situation sank in, chimed cheerfully in Shuu’s voice:
“Seven years bad luck!”
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Waking Up Confused (Body Switch Event: Open)
When had he fallen asleep?
Shuu pushed away from his desk slowly, feeling far more tired and off center than he had any right being. It had only been a few days since his last nap. That was nothing to him. He picked a piece of paper from where it stuck to his cheek, letting it fall back to the messy desk at which he sat. The desk itself was... unfamiliar actually. Students' papers littered the surface, all rife with encouraging remarks in a pale yellow ink. A small bag of millet sat half eaten on the corner and there wasn't a coffee cup to be seen.
Where had he fallen asleep?
Thin, long fingers snatched up a random page, hoping perhaps to find some clue on them.
It was some sort of math quiz, which even Shuu (whom had never found much use in math work beyond what was necessary for his experiments) could tell had been completed by an idiot. The answer to one question was, in fact, not an answer but a crude drawing of a banana space ship. The pale yellow pen wielder had colored said ship in and written in small, loopy print next to it 'Very creative, although I'm not sure that's the correct answer to this particular equation.'
Obviously the owner of this desk was an idiot.
How did he ever get to the point where teaching a math class was a viable option?
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Shuu shook his head slightly to try and rid himself of this awful residual tiredness, blankly noting that his hair had not felt this light in several years. His hand found a pen which the doctor immediately set to the paper.
The previous comment was crossed out several times with neat lines through the middle. 'You are a worthless being, with nothing to contribute to society. The world would be a better place if you would kindly report to Anatomy room 201 during Doctor Iwamine Shuu's office hours to allow yourself to be dissected. This is literally the only way in which you may be made useful. Also, your drawing skills leave much to be desired. Kindly stop.'
The back of his hand, Shuu noticed as he wrote, was not the proper color.
This was not his body.
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Shuu searched helplessly for anything with a reflective surface. Just beyond a cracked door he could see the edge of what was likely a toilet. Where there was a toilet there was likely a mirror.
The brunet, who likely was no longer a brunet, rushed for the toilet - stumbling  awkwardly over feet not his own. There was indeed a mirror perched on the wall next to the toilet in the small bathroom. Shuu noticed in an offhand manner that the sink came far higher up than he remembered before bracing his hands against the porcelain and looking up into the face of a stranger.
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That was no stranger.
That was Nanaki.
He was Nanaki.
He was Nanaki.
He was Nanaki.
With a loud crash the mirror fell, shattering further as the already broken pieces hit the pale tiled ground with a symphony of startling sound. The knuckles of Shuu's - well, actually Nanaki's - left fist dripped blood slowly but the doctor could find little reason to care. He absently eyed the broken shards of mirror - recalling being told once that they would result in seven years bad luck. His mind could process little more through what he was beginning to realize was an ever present fog of sleepiness. All he could see was brown eyes and golden hair as blood dripped onto a visage not his own.
Usually such an image was far more satisfying.
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Shuu snorted indelicately, one hand holding an umbrella above his head to block the sun’s rays from his delicate skin and the other hand occupied by a clipboard. He shifted the angle of the clipboard so his notes could not be spied upon, purple eyes tracking the other man.
“Your propensity for so called big headedness will never cease to amaze me. All things considered, it is ironic. After all from all measurements you actually have a small head for your size. Although, this is simply theory based on observations. I don’t suppose you’d be entirely willing to allow me to severe it for me in depth measurements?”
Shuu didn’t wait long for a response instead shifting his clipboard again. “No, I suppose not.  Perhaps it is best for the time being.”
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A vampire smile slipped into place as the doctor considered his companion through his lashes. “How is it that you’ve stumbled your way here as well?”
Qui est-ce?
“It seems I have so-called followers..” Not that he was surprised, the boy smiled wide; a smile he was determined would charm the masses. After examining the crowd, his smile fell lopsided and curious, tapping his chin with an index finger.
“I recognize some of you it seems, but not all. Don’t be shy, mes amis! Step forward and introduce yourselves!”
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The doctor cocked a brow in barely reigned annoyance, slowly tapping his foot. "Tell me young man, what is it you are staring at? Between the two of us I assure you are more worthy of staring." Shuu leaned forward and tapped his finger against the body of the electronic student, frowning at the slightly hollow sound. "Hmmm you would be fascinating to take apart. No blood though... how unfortunate."
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itsyourheadinabox replied to your post: itsyourheadinabox started following you Canti…
Shuu blinked twice in quick succession, purple eyes trailing the creature who had waved at him. He had always had the desire to study electronics in a more in depth manner… Two fingers were flicked lazily from the brow in a salute of greeting.
Canti watched the man as he gave his greeting, slightly tempted to ask about the rumors he’d heard. He didn’t though; it seemed a bit rude to ask, as he’d probably been bothered about it by dozens of other students before. Besides, rumors that crazy couldn’t possibly be true.
As Canti was wondering about that, he didn’t even realize he was staring at the man.
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Shuu considered the student before him, tilting his head this way and that to observe the boy from multiple angles. He balanced the handle of his umbrella in the crook of his arm to take a few notes on his clipboard before darting his eyes back to the boy.
"Are you now?" His head fell the right again, this time resting in that angle. "What is your approximate weight and height?"
itsyourheadinabox started following you
There’s something… different about this man.
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Urara hesitates as he looks at him. He’s not used to feeling threatened, but something tells him to be anyway. Maybe it’s some long-suppressed prey instinct telling him he’s encountered a predator. 
JFX tells himself this is foolish. Even if he was a threat, he’s still got his water pistol, right? He’s in no danger. With that thought in his head, he turns his cautious look into a smile and says, “Hello. My name is Urara. I’m an alien.”
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{Yes. Yes good. I have no will to resist now.}
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itsyourheadinabox replied to your post: Qui est-ce?
{Shuu’s mun is having an inordinately difficult time resisting this post. I promised myself I wouldn’t make Shuu creep on Yuuya immediately. But you may wish to prepare your body for my breaking this promise.}
[[ i was prepared from the moment i reserved yuuya babe
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A Message From Your Friendly Neighborhood Serial Killer
Actually this is the mun of said serial killer but tomato - tomato eh?
I find this phrase to be far less effective in text form. How unfortunate...
Moving swiftly forward!
So I've found that tumblr (at least for me) hasn't been alerting me when people reblog my posts and the notes refuse to fully load soooo if I owe any of you lovely darlings a post (or if you think you're ready for this jelly I'll stop. Right, If you find yourself in the mood to rp with my most sincerely insane self) kindly like this post or tag any responses to Shuu with itsyourheadinabox and I'll work on something for you post haste!
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"Okay, I'm gonna try this Spin The Bottle thing.
…why isn’t he dying? He should be dying.
“Damn it.”
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...why isn't he dying? He should be dying.
"Damn it."
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"Okay, I'm gonna try this Spin The Bottle thing.
“Despite your state of intoxication I am in fact still entirely male.”
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“Moving swiftly forward, I’ve provided you with a cocktail of neurotoxic alkaloids of the batrachotoxin group. It’s been proven deadly to many small animals in large doses, although the effects on humans have yet to be determined.”
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"Despite your state of intoxication I am in fact still entirely male."
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"Moving swiftly forward, I've provided you with a cocktail of neurotoxic alkaloids of the batrachotoxin group. It's been proven deadly to many small animals in large doses, although the effects on humans have yet to be determined."
"Okay, I'm gonna try this Spin The Bottle thing.
“Nothing much at all!” Shuu yanked the bottle from Ron’s hands and poured the contents of a vial (pulled from god knows where) into it. He then twirled the drink a bit before offering it back. “Just drink.”
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