itsvunker · 2 months
Struggling to suck it in 😜
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itsvunker · 2 months
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Let’s find each other
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itsvunker · 2 months
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Filled up on coach's load💦
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itsvunker · 2 months
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itsvunker · 2 months
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Just a little manip
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itsvunker · 2 months
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itsvunker · 2 months
Good ol' belly drop!
No hiding this anymore
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itsvunker · 2 months
Tummy Tuesday!
It’s tummy Tuesday.. time to show off my gut. Should I make my gut bigger n fatter?
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itsvunker · 2 months
As I say good bye to my old job, a lot of people want to treat me for lunch before I leave. Here's the aftermath of some tacos and ice cream cake:
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Even after cutting for a couple of months, I'm surprised my stomach can still round out the way it does. Still sitting at around 250. With my new job being full remote, I'm hoping to add on more size since I should be able to eat more...
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itsvunker · 2 months
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Coach put me on a special diet..
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itsvunker · 3 months
Fuck me 🥵
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itsvunker · 3 months
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My latest piece! I call it... "Multi-Drain Ro'Ro"!
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itsvunker · 3 months
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A little muscle theft minicomic I made ft. two snap-happy gym bros who discover that the camera gives as much as it taketh away~
Full res NSFW and textless versions are available on my Patreon! 🥳
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itsvunker · 4 months
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itsvunker · 5 months
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Worship while you ride
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itsvunker · 6 months
Professional Weight Gainer (ex-trainer)
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For all of you to enjoy, I drew my next comic. Story goes something like this: There exists a gym, who through hushed tones of mouth, pay fitness models and personal trainers extraordinarily well for their work. Through stories, all they have to do is strip naked, put a vibrator in their ass, and enjoy the ride. Something about how it motivates the clientel to stay enrolled there or something. Chase decided to give it a shot. Upon arrival, he stripped down and laid down on the folding bed, and inserted the lubed up device into his tight hole. Even though he was a top, the pay was good enough to experiment with sticking something inside his own ass. Within seconds, the vibrator sprang to life, it's penetration burrowing deep into his virgin G-Spot, the addon thrumming against his taint. The whole thing felt so amazing! He couldn't believe he had never used a vibrator before, he thought about purchasing one upon leaving. From below the vibrator, the tube attached slowly began to fill. Within moments, large lumps of a mysterious fluid were pumped into the vibrator, which began to fill Chase from within. "It... feels like something is filling me... is...this what those twinks feel like when I blow my load into them?!" he yelled in his head. A deep growl and echoing rumble could be heard from his stomach, and without warning, the bed clasped wrist restraints around his arms, pinning him to the bed helplessly. The pleasure from his G-Spot combined with the influx of this fluid made his thoughts hazy. After what seemed like hours, he glanced down through his haze and saw that he was being sat up in the bed. A warm mass spilled out over his thighs as he sat up. "Nnngf... Fuck... I'm geting so FAT... My muscles have grown so weak... It feels so good though! I... I don't want it to stop... aaahhhhhh~ So....f...fucking... FAT..." were all he could manage to eek out before noticing the giant tank the hose was attached to which read "Client Fat", which was barely halfway empty. By the time the tank emptied, and he was released, he was enormous. Any trace of the once muscular stud that walked in was gone and replaced with a blubbery fat mess. As he struggled to waddle to the couch in the lobby, which he promply flopped down on, winded, he mumbled to himself "I'm so ashamed of myself.... I'm so fucking FAT now..." He fished his fat pad out of the tight underwear he was given to cover his shame. "My dick is buried now... I'll probably NEVER see it again." He let out a massive, embarrassing belch that was so deep in pitch several patrons turned their head to see where it came from. "I...I still want more... So much FAT pumped into me so fast....It felt so GOOD."
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itsvunker · 7 months
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I made dis. You guys can look if you wanna ;)
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