Dedicated to Mass and Mass Theft
96 posts
Muscle Theft, Fat Theft, Beer Guts, Inflation, Massive Muscle
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itsvunker · 2 months ago
Beach (Ball) Day
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itsvunker · 2 months ago
Tag You're Fat
"Bro, why the fuck are we playing tag, we are grown ass adults." John asked.
"Just go with it man, it'll be fun." Brad pleaded. "It's not just any game of tag, It's called tag you're FAT! The way it works is that one person gets selected randomly to be it. He will eat this." Brad holds up a large pill. "It will turn them into a fatass for a short time, the fatass will then be contagious. Any person he touches will also become a fatass. Everyone hides and the last person to get fattened wins."
"Dude this game seems weird." Graham spoke out.
"C'mon just try it, it'll be fun." Brad pleaded once again.
The group seemed to collectively sigh and agree to play. Brad then pulled up a random number generator on his phone. "Everyone pick a number, I'll be one."
Each man then says a number between one and seven. Brad generated a number. "It's 4, who's 4!"
A couple guys pointed at Graham. "Man this is bullshit, I didn't even want to play this stupid ass game." Graham complained.
"That's too damn bad, take the pill." Brad responded.
Graham grabbed the pill and stared at it for a bit. "This is temporary right?" He asked.
"Ya of course, just take it." Brad said as he pulled up a photo of Graham on his phone, just for comparison for after.
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Everyone started to get impatient so Graham finally swallowed the pill. Almost instantly, he began to twitch and grunt. As he twitched, his body began to jiggle more and more. His once flat stomach grew rounder and rounder by the second, riding up his shirt in the process. It kept growing until he had a solid beer gut that sagged over his waist line and love handles that thickened his once slim waist. His defined pecs became soft and plump as they sagged onto his gut and his arms became plump with a thick layer of fat. His pants tightened under the pressure of his growing ass and thick thighs. Finally his face widened as fat filled his cheeks.
Graham stood in silence as he took off his tiny shirt. His friends waited in silence for him to say something.
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"Huh huh huh, that felt good!" He said in a dumb voice.
No one could tell if he was being serious, but they figured he was when he kept giggling and playing with the fat on his belly.
"Ok everyone, HIDE!" John yelled as he ran to a hiding spot. No one had time to react, so they just ran. Each of them found a hiding spot as Graham started to slowly hunt them down.
John trembled as he heard the large man stomp towards his hiding spot. He struggled to keep quiet as Graham approached. "Boo!" Graham yelled as he turned the corner. John jumped and proceeded to plead for Graham to not tag him.
"Wait wait! You don't need to tag me. You can just go find someone else." He practically pegged.
"isn't that the point of the game though?" Graham asked as he reached for John's arm. John yelled in fear, but immediately stopped when Graham made contact.
His muscles seemed to tense up, and he started to grunt. John started to grow much faster than Graham did. Within moments his belly had grown so big that he looked pregnant. It grew and grew, almost never ending until it was larger than a beach ball, ripping straight through his shirt. His hands grew to twice their size as he held his massive gut. A thick layer of fat covered the rest of his body, giving thick arms and legs, and large man tits. His ass also grew to the point that it ripped through his pants, leaving him completely naked, though it's not like you could seem much under that hulking gut. Similar to Graham, his face was the last to change. His face rounded out until it looked like a circle and he grew multiple chins under his thick beard.
John sat there for a moment, getting used to the way his body felt. The thick legs that rubbed together and the giant gut that changed his centre of gravity made it hard for him to move around.
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"Get up big guy!" Graham pulled John to his feet.
"Shut it pipsqueak, you try movin around with a gut like this." John snapped back.
The two men soon went back to searching for the rest of their friends, shaking the ground as they walked. Dewayne and Miguel hid together nearby and peered around a corner to see Graham and John searching.
"Dude is that John?! He's fucking massive, and he's naked." Miguel whispered.
"Shut up, they're gonna hear us." Dewayne whispered back.
Almost as if on cue, John and Graham turn and start walking toward their hiding spots. They were cornered, so they just curled up and hoped they wouldn't be seen. It did not work. Graham turned the corner, chuckled, and grabbed both men.
Dewayne started to grunt as his body grew. His soft gut spilled out of his black tang top and over his shorts. He grew soft man tits that stretched his shirt to its limit. His body quickly started to say under its own weight as a thick layer of pudge covered his body.
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Miguel befell a similar fate soon after. Although the effects didn't seem as bad on him since he was such an athletic person, but that could only help him so much. His six pack rapidly turned into a beer belly larger than his own dad's gut, riding up his tiny gym shirt. His solid pecs swelled into a pair of moobs with nipples that showed through his shirt. The defined arms and legs he worked so hard for softened into pudgy limbs.
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The two men emerged from their hiding spots, happy as ever without a thought going through their minds.
It didn't take long for them to find Andrew after that. He was the tallest in the group, making it hard for him to hide. He tried to run but quickly ran into John, knocking him straight on his ass. Unfortunately for him, his arms hit John's belly in the impact. Andrew sat on the floor as his mind cleared and his body started to grow. Within seconds he had a giant hairy belly hanging out of his shirt, only rivaled by John's. His limbs bilmped out and his ass expanded, popping open his belt and threatening to rip his jeans. Finally a thick double chin formed under his beard. Andrew stood up, towering over the rest and crossed his arms. "Well who's gonna find the rest?" He asked in a dumb voice.
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Brad trembled as he heard someone approaching his hiding spot. He had no idea who it was, but it sounded like someone massive. He got scared and decided to get up and run from his hiding spot. As he got up, he was met by Andrews thick underbelly.
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His forehead impacted Andrews belly, knocking him back. He grunted in pleasure and pain as the transformation began. His body was hit the hardest since John. His once unnoticeable belly soon became impossible to miss, riding up his shirt to his chest and drooping over his waist. His skinny chest exploded with fat, growing larger tits than he had ever seen before, with large sensitive nipples. His previously thin arms became engulfed with fat and his legs thickened until it was basically impossible for him to separate them. His love handles spilled over his waist and his ass fattened until his crack was visible above his pants. He got up once his transformation was complete, struggling to stay up due to his immense weight. He pulled up his shirt and looked down at his hulking gut and man tits, he smiled before following the rest of the men to find the last of their friends.
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"Omar, you're the last one you can come out now!" John yelled.
Omar appeared from behind a couch and stood in shock at the sight of his friends. Each one of them bursting out of their clothes and sagging with fat, John had even ripped out of his clothes. Omar started to laugh hysterically, pointing out how fat his friends were. Once he regained his composure he asked his friends, "so when does this wear off?"
"What do you mean wear off, why would we want it to wear off?" John responded.
"No no, you said it would wear off." Omar's expression quickly changed.
"What do you say boys, this guy is lookin a bit too skinny for our standards, how about we change that." John asked the rest of the boys.
Omar backed away, but quickly became cornered by the horde of large men. It didn't take long for one of them to grab his arm. He froze in place and started to grunt as his body began to change. He tried to resist, but there was no point. His gut burst out of his shirt, popping off the buttons in the process. His pecs grew into thick moobs, and he grew multiple chins under his light stubble. His ass fattened until it ripped through his jeans, and his thighs ripped what was left of them, leaving him naked from the waist down. His arms fattened up as he held his gut.
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"Now for the best part about the game." John started as he approached Omar. "It has made up who we were meant to be, it made us hot." John gets really close to Omar, pressing both their bellies together. "Now we can do whatever we want with each other." John grabbed Omar's dick as he spoke, making him moan.
With all the tension built up over the game, it didn't take long for all of them to rip off their tiny clothes. Nothing in their heads other than sex and food.
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itsvunker · 2 months ago
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He couldn’t get enough food! No matter how much he stuffed himself, his belly was constantly growling for more. But his husband was more than happy to feed the beast and watch him swell in every direction. Little did they know why the big bear was so insatiable.
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6 months later and he couldn’t stop himself from snacking at all times. Ever since they found out his husband had knocked him up with 6 big and hungry babies 8 months ago, his husband was determined to give him as much food as he wanted to grow his future boys big and strong. He couldn’t wait to see how big he gets in the next month before the birth then next year after he’s knocked him up again and with an even bigger batch of babies.
Morph done by @maxmorphs
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itsvunker · 3 months ago
Definitely a successful Thanksgiving
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itsvunker · 3 months ago
Go ahead, give it a smack 😏
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itsvunker · 4 months ago
Bouncing belly!
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itsvunker · 4 months ago
Mason was cocky. He always thought he was gods gift to woman and men. Well. There’s several other people who would beg to differ. I watched him from a distance as I always do. Watching him treat people horribly. Watching him take pictures of himself.
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He was so proud of how he looked. Well. What would be think of himself if that’s was all taken away from him. That’s when I decided that mason would become the one thing he always said he would never be.
All power that surrounds me now
I call on you this Halloween eve
To make this vessel pay a penance dowe
To become something more than it is
I suppose the powers from there and here
Grant my wish
Make this vessel grow a 100 pound gut of fat and beer !!!
I changed the spell three times looking at mason and his fate was sealed. Mason began moaning and rubbing his stomach as I could here is stomach churning and gurgling. He began to burp insanely and began to fart. Mason looked down at his precious flat stomach as it slowly began to push outward. Hard. Hindering. Painfully stretching becoming bigger and bigger by the second. His own muscles in his chest and arms beefed up with muscle and some added fat. But his gut never waned. Mason was gritting his teeth in pain as his gut began to shake. Almost as if it was vibrating on it own. And then suddenly surged forward to massive 100 pound beach ball that he would forever wear under my curse. When this happened his back cracked and he backs a couple inches shorter.
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Mason began to scream and panic. Looking at his gut it was massive ! It rest on his bathroom sink ! How was he going to deal with this !! But what I didn’t expect was him beginning to rub it. And moan not from pain but pleasure. “Yeah. Look at this sexy fucking hog gut !”
After a couple weeks I checked on Mason. And just like when I left him he was still enamored with his massive weight gain. I thought it would have been something that would make him want to change. But it did the opposite. He’s more aggressive now. More dominating. And he’s looking for ways to make himself bigger.
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itsvunker · 5 months ago
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itsvunker · 5 months ago
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itsvunker · 6 months ago
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I fucking love worshiping men.
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itsvunker · 7 months ago
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I'm gonna burst any second
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
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Evolved from Munchlax to Snorlax real quick 😉
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
Lewis Breed pecporn
Lewis Breed pecporn
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
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Logan Frazier July 21st, 2024
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itsvunker · 8 months ago
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