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Today is Nakba Day.
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Link for the art and post.
Today is Nakba commemoration day. Today 74 years ago, British and (now) Israeli troops invaded Palestine and massacred the residents of over 530 villages and towns and drove them out. On this day, please make the effort to inform yourself on the nature of this occupation, and settler-colonization.
Here is a list of cities and towns destroyed during the initial invasion and war that lasted 2 years.
Here is a list of cities and towns destroyed as a result of the continued occupation.
Here is a 5 episode documentary describing the process of colonization from as early as 1799 to the actual Nakba in 1948 and its immediate aftermath (be sure to click on the read more to see the episodes). A number of Israeli, British, and Arab historians explain the formulation and development of the project to colonize Palestine by Western powers, and Palestinian refugees recount their experiences living under this. Fair trigger warning, there is extreme violence described as well as footage of bombings and concentration camps.
The Nakba isn't over, it never ended. It just takes a different shape and form now, and Israeli and Western propaganda has allowed it to take an inexcusable form with complete international impunity. Speak out, tell your friends and family, share with those you know care, convince those on the fence about it. Don't let Western misinformation continue to propagate in your circles. Learn the truth and decolonize your mindset.
Please reblog.
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Israel has been committing unspeakable war crimes, crimes against humanity, and illegal collective punishment against Palestinians in Gaza for 15 years. 15 years. Any comment or analysis that doesn’t take this fact into consideration today is hollow, immoral, and dehumanizing.
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It pissed me off to see all of those Tumblr blogs who preach about being oh so progressive and everything yet they immediately changed their tune and condemning Palestinian people and calling them terrorist. Yeah I get it civilians death are bad, but there won't be any civilians death if Israeli government just retreat and stop oppressing Palestinian people. Bad things happen in war zone?
No shit. Because Israel government keep doing the thing that allowed war zones to exist.
Gods another reason to take Tumblr people with a grain of salt since most only typing from the comfort of their home and stuck in the bubble of one website. It's even more annoying when so called progressive blog who is like example passionate about freaking Avatar The last Airbender Water tribe politics against fire nation or some shit but then they immediately condemn Palestine people and using this one incident as a ground for them to say Palestine deserve no freedom at all
If your activism only extend to fandom about your favorite franchise. Your activism is meaningless. Everything you preach are hollow and just ending up as E-Garbage. And I say this as someone who is absolutely obsessing with defending mages from dragon age, good lord...
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May Palestine be free in 2024...
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Wanna help Sudan? Contact your reps. The info is all there, it takes 3 minutes.
Info available on contacting reps in US, UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia.
Contact Your Representatives for Sudan: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Email: sudanaction.org
TEXT: Text SIGN PHIOTX to 50409
CALL: usa.gov/elected-offici…
Contact Your Representatives for Sudan: CANADA & AUSTRALIA
EMAIL: tinyurl.com/SudanCanadaAct…
EMAIL: tinyurl.com/SudanCanadaAct…
EMAIL: tinyurl.com/SudanGenAction
REPS: tinyurl.com/SudanAUSAction
Contact Your Representatives for Sudan: UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND
EMAIL: tinyurl.com/SudanUkAction
EMAIL: tinyurl.com/SudanGenAction
REPS: tinyurl.com/SudanIREAction
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A few weeks ago the UN reported that everyone in Gaza is facing a food crisis -and that 1 in every 4 people in Gaza are starving -a quarter of their population is hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people. EVERYONE is hungry -their medical systems have collapsed and there are imminent outbreaks of diseases. How HUMILIATING and dehumanizing it is to have to fight for basic necessities. Imagine seeing a humanitarian truck -something rare because as we know the IOF has been collectively punishing Palestinian people for months now and has been committing mass genocide under the guide of 'war.' Not letting through resources to prevent people from dying from starvation is beyond depraved. And the fact we will NEVER see this on western/European mass media is just... absolutely infuriating.
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The root of this all really is the denial of the Nakba. Hundreds of our villages wiped off the map and now the same is being done in Gaza just in an industrial way. The refusal to accept the nakba occurred is what sustains any notions that Israel can just be reformed and that u can actually free palestine by accepting Israel's "right to exist" as if it was not born out of the Nakba. The occupation, the settlements, the siege and bombing of gaza, a continuation of the Nakba but if you don't believe in the Nakba then you can post online your empty platitudes for "both sides" and the "peace process" and say that "israel is bad but-" without really really engaging what are the "bad" policies and actions and how long have they been carried out for and who bears the brunt of them and why does israel continue to uphold them along with the occupation at great expense
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The images that Israel claims are of fighters arrested and stripped in Gaza include a journalist and his family, two teenage boys, one United Nations employee, and the director of an UNRWA school.
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whoever decided to turn daisy bell into a spooky dookie creepypasta song is fucking evil. that computer was brave enough to sing us a delightful little song and you do THIS to him? thats hatsune mikus grandpa dude. fuck you
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Aang and Zuko carrying the first flame to the dragons
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hello this is my favorite video ever please please
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Ms. Marvel Ep. 1 + #justsouthasianthings
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