itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Overdue PSA
tl;dr : Haven't been around, this account is most likely just going to fade into the dust. Love you all.
As it's probably been obvious, I've been on hiatus because of shit happening irl. I've been around a bit, but my Muse for Irene is completely gone it seems. Sorry for anything I've got going on, but I don't know when (or if) I'll be back.  I love you all a ton, but there's too much that comes with the lovely dom that I can't write at the moment, plus the drawing pool for partners is a bit shallow for me at the moment. Not to mention insecurities.
Keep doing what you do. 
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
"Ah, politics." Even she got days off sometimes. She sighed, accepting the tea. With a sip, she instantly felt the warmth spreading through her. It was a beautiful thing, tea. Next would be a hot shower, perhaps she would let Kate pick what she would wear today. The woman took another sip, slowly feeling the sleep drain from her, waking up more and more. "What shall we do with ourselves?" Irene smirked at her assistant as though it were some kind of inside joke.
Kate nodded and stood, turning towards the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder as Irene spoke and shook her head, watching her employer stretch for a moment before she spoke. "Not today, no. You were supposed to be seeing the Minister of Defence, but he's been delayed at the summit in Switzerland." she explained before making the tea and taking it to Irene.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
"Tea would be lovely." The woman wandered into the room, dropping lightly into a chair and leaning back. "Any appointments today, love?" She stretched again, her dressing gown neatly outlining her frame. The sunlight filtered in the window, lighting the room naturally. Irene wasn't fond of electric lights, they made things feel too... synthetic. Too clean and plastic, like everything would be laid out bare for everyone to see. The woman relaxed into the chair, allowing her posture to slip only the smallest amount.
Morning, Sunshine // kateofbelgravia
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Morning, Sunshine // kateofbelgravia
The sheet rustled as Irene stretched, catlike and drowsy. The woman settled slightly for a moment longer before pushing them aside, half rising like the sun hanging outside her window. The room was kept warm for her so that Irene didn't have to bother with cold because of her aversion to the clinging, impractical bed clothes that so many people wore these days. A simple dressing gown was just within her reach, however. However much she may like the thought of wandering without clothes, she didn't actually practice it more than necessary. 
Tying the sash around her waist Adler made her way from the bedroom. Kate was around, she knew automatically. There was a feel to being in a flat with another person. It didn't matter where they were, one could feel the way they took up space, muffled sound, existed. With a delicate yawn, she ran her fingers through loose hair, padding softly through the rooms looking for her assistant. Still foggy from a late night, Adler wondered vaguely if she had any appointments that day. Kate would know. Kate always knew.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
I hope you're grateful to still be breathing. -JM
Hmm, everyday love. 
I do use gags, but that's between my clients and I. Are you interested in not breathing?
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
OOC; That whole "being active on Irene" thing is now almost impossible. I've had my laptop confiscated and can't get replies out quickly or well written.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
OOC: I'm officially back now and ready for plotting. 
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
OOC: Everything on hold for GISHWHES. Mostly.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
He was bragging. She could hear the hints of pride in his voice. And by hints, she meant downright screams of pride. Her features twisted slightly, distaste clouding her expression. Part of her wanted to scream back at his stupid face and stupid expressions and tell him all the ways he was wrong and outdated and... wrong. The other part wanted to stand him in front of her safe and open it to the rigged bullet that would fly directly into his face. Running her tongue over her lips, the woman eased up on her grip of him.
His smell clung to her senses. Somehow, she thought she could sense a compliment in the midst of all the sexism. 'All the women before you'. He was saying she was special? As though she didn't know that. Still, it felt oddly... nice? But then, who didn't like getting compliments? 
"Not particularly." She whispered back to him, grazing his ear with her canines. He was a paying customer, and she offered a particular service. If he wanted a whore who would just lay back and enjoy it, he had picked the wrong number. Irene scoffed lightly, rolling her eyes and pushing herself away from him. "What I would like to know is why you bothered coming here." Irene's heels clicked on the hard floor as she strode to the bed, perching on the edge. She imagined they would end up there eventually, so she might as well speed up the process and get a few answers out of it.
Skin Vision
It was bound to happen, really. He was handsome, charming man with money in a fine suit. It was only natural that, as a woman, she was attracted to him. It was unfortunate that, that had to be under the the condition of him being in pain, or rather, he attempting to cause him pain. She wasn’t doing so well on that part, but he supposed that was also part of the chase. It appeared she enjoyed that just as much, however. The chase was just as good as the prey. He could appreciate that.
He would appreciate it more if she weren’t trying it on him. Should he be the one being paid here? “You seem to be, mm, enjoying that a little too well Ms. Adler,” James breathed back. “It’s natural, you know. My, mm, ‘scent’. The scent of sex, and pain, and please, and all the woman before you that couldn’t tell the difference. Mm, and death of course. The sweet undertones of last breath.” He laughed, arching his back against the floor ever so slightly. The angrier she was, the better. Not to mention there was nothing better than a little gloating. 
There was no reason to go, no harm in this little pretend game. It was probably one the more unusual things about James; he wasn’t afraid to be wrong. Or, in this case, taking it much less literally, not being in control. Which was just as bad as being wrong. Not to say he wasn’t in control just yet. He arched his mouth towards her ear and in a husky tone whispered at her, “care to change places?”
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
It was almost as though I could feel his thoughts, and they excited me. Once again I was reminded of how clients were often lacking. They came to me for something they couldn't get elsewhere, and where was I supposed to go? It's obvious that I'm eager, but at the moment I can't bring myself to care. His hands move in slightly more, covering more area, allowing me the touch of flesh that I craved. 
I allow him to move us back to the bed. Already, I can tell every surface will be covered, and I'm not sure whether or not I'm talking about us or the room. He sits on the bed and I remain standing. I look down on him, appreciating the build of him. He certainly had the features to draw me in, like bait for a shark. And I'm certain my own face didn't do much to deter him from coming after me either. His lips meet my skin and can hear a whisper of a moan already fitting against my lips. 
Straddling his knees, I kneel on the bed with my legs on either side of his. Left in my knickers, I still feel like there is too much fabric involved, but I hold back the tiniest bit and allow it to remain moments longer. 
I love the way he moves. The way we move. Nothing overpowers and there's some strange balance at least for the moment. Act, respond, react, repeat. Each layer building on itself to keep things out of monotony. No rush. I smile at the memory of old stories I'd heard and bring my mind back to the moment. 
The Basher Moran Special || (itstodowithsex/colsmoran)
She bites my lip and I gasp playfully. She doesn’t draw blood but I pretend to think she’s got nerves to simply bite me. I push harder into the kiss, my hand sliding up to her groin, but quickly moving to the side to curve her thigh, feeling the rim of her laced-panties with my fingertips. I haven’t taken a moment to look properly at her, so I break off the kiss, looking down at the swell of he breast first, before taking in the rest of her.
My eyes roll up to look at her from underneath my eyebrows, and my lip curls. I’m obviously pleased with what I’m looking at. Not many women can wear something like this and look absolutely stunning in them. I’m one of those men who likes his women pretty. I don’t care for the occasional dimple on the thighs or bum, but not too big. But Irene Adler is one of those women that are just too perfect to exist. Like some angel had pissed on her parents’ drink the night she was conceived. Well, I never believed in God but Irene seemed to be one of those creatures too beautiful not to be someone’s creation.
And I was going to fuck her until she screamed.
I place my hands on her hips and pull her closer and away from the wall. I back up and pull her along until my legs hit the bed. I sit down on the end and look up at her, smirking once again as I move my head forwards and place my mouth on the swell of her left breast, kissing the exposed skin above the edge of her bra. If we’re going to do this, I’m going to do it properly, making sure every path of her skin will have felt my mouth by the end of the day.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Ayurnamat - The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed.
 Irene stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair hung by her shoulders, unbound in waves that tickled her bare skin. Her face looked pale in its frame of smooth locks and she blinked slowly. The small object in her hand barely weighed anything, yet it felt so heavy.
She fit her fingers to it and lifted her hand, looking at the metallic tool. The woman could feel it warm to her touch yet digging into her flesh. With a deep breath, she ignored the lump in her throat and began her final task. Everything else was finished, her bags packed and her papers in order. Adler had even vacated her flat already. She had left this to be last. Cutting ties, as it were. Which was a strange thing to be doing while staying a final night at James Moriarty's. But she had needed a place.
The scissors bit their way through her hair, severing the strands section by section. The pins that had once held up her curls were sitting uselessly at the bottom of a bag, tucked neatly next to some cosmetics that she had no immediate use for. The loss of her phone should have been the end of her, and on paper it was. Irene Adler was dead, and only select few would know any different. 
Her host strolled into the bathroom lazily. He was a strange acquaintance, but one that she found useful to keep. The final snip and her hair fell bluntly against her neck. Sliced strands clung together on the countertop as though making a desperate final attempt to stay together. She swallowed and brushed away the few pieces that stuck to her, watching them float lightly down to the rest of them. 
"I'll be out of your-... Gone soon. And I don't think I'll be seeing you in for a while." Her shortened hair swung forward into her face as she looked down to blink away the stupid spots of moisture that gathered in her eyes. It's only hair, she chided herself. It didn't matter, what mattered was that Witness Protection would keep her safe until she could get her own defenses set up once more. 
Squaring her shoulders, Irene faced James. "Want to make the best of it?" 
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Send me a word and I will write a drabble with our characters:
Cheiloproclitic - Being attracted to someones lips. Quidnunc - One who always has to know what is going on. Ultracrepidarian - Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge. Apodyopis - The act of mentally undressing someone. Gymnophoria - The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you. Tarantism - The urge to overcome melancholy by dancing. Autolatry - The worship of one’s self. Cagamosis - An unhappy marriage. Gargalesthesia - The sensation caused my tickling. Capernoited - Slightly intoxicated or tipsy. Lalochezia - The use of abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain. Cataglottism - Kissing with tongue. Basorexia - An overwhelming desire to kiss. Brontide - The low rumbling of distant thunder. Grapholagnia - The urge to stare at obscene pictures. Agelast - A person who never laughs. Wanweird - An unhappy fate. Dystopia - Am imaginary place of total misery. A metaphor for hell. Petrichor - The smell of dry rain on the ground. Anagapesis - The feeling when one no longer loves someone they once did. Malapert - Clever in manners of speech. Duende - Unusual power to attract or charm. Concilliabule - A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot. Strikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”. Lygerastia - The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out.
 Ayurnamat - The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed. Sphallolalia - Flirtatious talk that leads no where. Baisemain - A kiss on the hand. Druxy - Something which looks good on the outside, but is actually rotten inside. Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
I imagine he's the sort who would spend all his time in bed if he could. And with his sort of job and tastes, I imagine work and play aren't necessarily very different things. If I were completely honest, that's what I was looking forward to. He's confident and so far we appear on even ground. That's how I expect it us to stay, equals. I toy with the idea of letting him take over, and it sounds appealing. But I know that even then we would both have fair footing. Neither of us was off of our home turf.
I love the thought that I'm equal with this man. Of course, I've seen how men and women alike would watch as I walk by, but seeing the looks that Moran received himself made them that much sweeter. It gave one power to know that they could have anyone in the room if they wanted. And walking together, we were knockout. 
His hands slide between my legs and my skin tingles in expectation. I can tell that he's holding off for a moment, and I smirk into the kiss. He's been around, as if I hadn't known that. I can feel my hips lean towards the touch, knowing he'll respond. I'm not in an enormous hurry, but I'm after sex not the romantic "lovemaking" that proper couples fancy.
I can feel his hum against my lips, biting on his lip with my canines. One of my hands wanders down his neck, nails kissing his flesh in their own way. I press closer, wanting more contact. I need to feel, need to touch. And he has just what I crave. The fingers still tangled in his hair grip tighter in the smooth strands, not quite hard enough to pull out a few by the roots. 
And we were just getting started.
The Basher Moran Special || (itstodowithsex/colsmoran)
‘Hmm,’ I hum with approval when she admits she likes sex, still kissing her neck. ‘So do I,’ I add with a low purr. Sex is one of those little pleasures I absolutely enjoy and make time for to enjoy. I’m not the type that would fuck any girl I’ve had an eye-fuck with in a back-alley of a club. I have done that on countless occasions, but I prefer the elaborate stuff, paying full attention to my partner and making sure they and I would experience a glorious release in the end.
But I’m not afraid to disappoint her, because I know I won’t. I’ve been sexually active since my sixteenth, and even though there was a gap year (my time in the Royal Army), I had never forgotten how it was done. Especially after I received my first wages I had bought my women (and men) to resume what I loved to do most, or I’d just go down a pub or club and pick someone up. Or two. But paying someone for their services was the easiest way of course.
She forces me to kiss her again and I do so gladly. My hand on her backside has had enough of chaste touching and it slips between her legs, caressing the inside of her legs, but not touching her groin yet. I know women usually hate it when a man goes straight for the naughty bits, so I’m playing safe today. I will notice soon enough from her body language how fast she wants to do this.
I hum against her mouth, obviously pleased with the way her fingers touch my hair. I’m usually the dominant person in the bedroom, but I can’t deny that I like having my hair be pulled rather roughly. There are only a few occasions when I allow such a thing, and that it when I know the other has enough experience to drive me insane.
Irene Adler is bound to have what I want…
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Hello Ms. Adler! So nice to see you again. Were do I go to schedule an appointment?
I always am a sight for sore eyes~
But I don't do anonymous clients, love. Nice try.
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
Hello, loves.
I'm back in town~
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
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itstodowithsex-blog · 12 years
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