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itssurvivorgirl-blog · 8 years ago
It’s Sunday night... 
Im currently sitting on the couch watching the VMAs with my mom waiting for the season finale of Game of Thrones to come on in exactly 12 minutes from me typing this right this exact moment. 
I’ve decided I wanted to start kind of a diary here and just throw my thoughts and stream of consciousness on something more real than my mind. And for it to also be something i can come back to if i ever need to, and get those creative juices flowing... idk, I'm a weird girl i know that, I'm cool with that.
Tonight is one of those weird nights, where the energy is just off you know what i mean? lol who am i talking to? hello out there in the world wide inter web if you're actually reading this i really appreciate it... anyways back to focus, my friend since kindergarten leaves for England tomorrow for three and a half months, I really hope i can go and visit her that would be something really cool and fun, and side note i just sent out for my passport last Friday so I should be expecting that soon :)  I also start classes again tomorrow and I'm pretty excited to be busy again and keep going with that.
Now... today, its 9 DAYS! 9 days till i find out if i and 25 other people make it to the final round in casting in survivor. This show is my favorite of all time i have literally said since junior high that i will be on this show and to be so close i fee like i could touch it is so crazy to me. But i also  have fully prepared myself that i WONT make it so i don't get too upset about it, and lets be real... the chances of me ACTUALLY making it is just so slim i seriously have no chance at it.... right?.....RIGHT?! 
anyway... 9 days away.... school starts.... what will tomorrow hold?
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