Ict Tools that i like using as a way of life...
Lalainne, Urbano
The Ict tools that i like is a Facebook because using Facebook i can always update my status. I can also download pictures,Video and etc. I can also use facebook to know what is happening in my place. I can like ,share and everything want can i do to do in facebook. Messenger is the tool we can use to message to any people. We can say anything but there’s a limit for this tools, we are not able to say bad for others, We can send pictures,videos,audio to others. We are able to call voice and video call if we want to see or talk to the others. COC is one of tools we use now because i can learn how to build, create and attack we can use it to know if our skills is right to use. I can also known character who am i use. and lastly Google is the one of what i want because it is the only one that i can live for everyday in my life. I can search , translate get ideas and everything that i can do or i dont know.

Caballero, Gerriel Mae M.
The tools i like using as a way of life is Facebook application. It can help us to communicate other people for example, our relatives is in another country we can communicate them using Facebook. Using Facebook many people or netizens can express their feelings, Using Facebook we can post what we are doing and we can upload pictures.
I also like Google Chrome because it can help us to search our assignments and projects. It can give us more knowledge ,we can read a lot of things in google chrome.If you don’t know an unfamiliar words you can possibly get or you will know their meaning using google. Messenger application is the one that i use everyday because it can help us to communicate our family and friends. It can also help us if we have a project, For example you have a dance practice with you group you can make groupchat to communicate your group member.

Adolfo, Alyssandra Nicole M.
I’m using these Ict tools for me to have an idea about everything, because i know that you can learn a lot by just using these from your everyday life. These can also give you entertainment and release your stress.
Facebook/Messenger: I always use these two to communicate with my friends and relatives through chat and comments. I also love watching funny videos that goes viral, Fb became my past time. The thing that i always do on Facebook was visiting my idol fanpage and get her pictures, and upload mine too.
Youtube: The videos of this amaze me because i think everything that you want to learn is here. Like guitar tutorial , Make-up tutorial there is also Videoke in Youtube. amazing right ? i love this and this tool really became my stress reliever.
Google: This Ict tool is also amazing because i think everything that you want to know is here. this tool can help us so much from our assignments to every information that you want to know. I’m using these apps/tools also for my idol, i always watch her video through Youtube and see her pictures and information through Google and Facebook.

Fombuena, Nica R.
I’m using this tools as my way of life because it gives me ideas and knowledge about everything that i still don’t know yet and gives entertainment if boredom hits me.
Facebook it let’s me update my status and it shows me people, Strangers who i wanted to be my friend and sometimes i can post videos or even go live if i wanted to. It let’s me post pictures of me or with my friends and share anything that seemed to facinates me, i watch other videos for enjoyment like in the page filipino vines. Another thing that i usually use is Messenger because it let’s me communicate with my friends and family and i can even videochat or call using this app it amuse me especially when i play the games it releases my stress.
I like playing games online games to be specific like Tetris, Crossfire and left for dead and etc. it gives me knowledge about things that i might learn that other people don’t know . Youtube is the commonly app that i use because i like watching horror movies, funny videos and dance videos, Youtube helps me by just watching their videos i can learn easily and also i like using the app Wattpad it let’s me reads different gender like horror,romcom,scientific and fantacy etc.it just entertains me very well especially when i’m bored.
Lastly the most important app that i thinks that really hepls me with my homeworks and projects is Google because i can say that its the advance version of books in the library because there’s writters, bloggers and authors etc. who writes articles about the important events and history about the past, present and even for the future but i’m not against book in fact i love books it’s just my word and opinion

Marasigan, Jamiroquai
Ict tools that i like to use everyday is Facebook and messenger because i used Facebook everyday to see video’s or funny videos or vines and sometimes to upload pictures, I use messenger everyday because messenger is my use to communicate my friends and families. Messenger is the only way to communicate other people if you don’t have load on your mobile phone.

Pandac, Jennifer
Ict tools that i like using as a way of life is: Facebook, Google, Vidmate Downloader, Youtube, Wattpad, Freebasic App, Wikipedia, and V-live this are the tools i use everyday in my life through it i can be updated as a netizen of this country and i found it interesting and also a lot of information that i was collecting.
Facebook is the most application i use, like me as a data users i can access this app, everybody knows how helpful it is. Through it i can connect my relatives and friends even they are far from the time, before I only use cellphone for texting and to contact them today even without load we can connect every second. And the most i can see news from my idol and also i enjoying in group and pages, i love posting in my pages.
Google is the go connect of any websites where we can find anything like information but when i was using data that free i can get information in free basic app.. freebasic is help for free data and it’s also connect in wikipedia i love reading wikipedia even is unreasonable for sometimes, for any information we can select this web or application.
The other application i use is Wattpad where in i was reading stories or books i enjoy them a lot for my entertainment i use youtube and V-live where i’m downloading them in Vidmate.

Maghinay, Anabel P.
Facebook/Messenger : The apps that i usually use is messenger because the messenger is the way that i message to all my friends, family and to everyone, Specially if i don’t have load. Facebook app. also because this is the way that i remember to all my close friends their birthdays, because of Facebook i can do and i can post what i want to post that is the way also if i don’t have work for being bored. I use also Youtube to search songs what i want to listen for my relaxing or if i want to emote.

Sawadjaan, Al- rashid B.
What i like using is facebook, with facebook you can access online sometimes for free. Facebook is my way through communicating to others even though they are far away from our location. Through Facebook, you can let everyone know how your life is working through posting photos,videos and status.
I always open my account everyday, even before sleeping facebook is my way to say good night to everyone just like waking up every morning. When i wake up everymorning, Facebook is my way to Greet everyone, Posting a status on Facebook is Sharing what you are feeling, whether it is good or not.
I only access online using Facebook only when necessary. i don’t usually open my Facebook account if i’ve got nothing to do, putting all of your time using Facebook is not good, But honestly i really like using Facebook.

Ganir, Jennifer A.
Facebook i always using this apps to communicate to all my family and friends. I always chatting or video call and i also get some information and ideas to what is happening to our country. GIve some ideas what is the most Flods maybe it’s a shoes, clothes, cars or anything.
Google i use it because it’s easy to get a information what ever i wanted to know. it’s like a book but it’s the way to get the information easily and faster. Google has complete information. This apps have a dictionary if i didn’t understand the one thing and to get the answer to my question.
Youtube while im feeling alone i like listening music and for me it is the way to relive the stress or something in my mind and if i didn’t watching tv i like what it is.

Jhomarie Mejia
Ict tools that I like to use everyday like a League of legend i’m enjoying the online game, Because i have new Friend because of that game. And that games you can see participation all of gamers.

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