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What is it that makes us human? Yes, we’re bone, fat, muscle, nerves, blood and skin. That’s what makes a body. What I mean by this question is: what are we outside of the physical representation of what we are? When I sit down to think about it, I think it can be broken down into a few words: the C’s of Life if you will.
Compassionate (caring, concern)
I’m sure if I kept digging, and kept bugging my husband, I could come up with a few more. These, however, encompass a lot of what we are. Let’s take a look at them a little more in depth.
Character- We can take this 2 ways.
Character being “oh she’s such a character!” I can image fancy ladies laughing with their fingers to their mouth behind a fan chortling away about what that “Milly so and so did.” With big giant white wigs on their heads and big satin ball gowns that cost more than I will ever willingly pay for any outfit.
Character being what our nature is. The definition of Character being: the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. I, as you know, do not have any children at this time but I can imagine what it must be like, the hope and desire that you are raising someone of strong character. To be kind, loving, strong individuals, that will put others’ needs before their own (to an extent), that are model citizens and stand up for the unjust, stand up to those in power, and question the norm.
Courage- this is something I know a lot about. I witnessed it first hand for 21 years. Courage is getting out of bed every day, putting on a smile, pretending that your aren’t sick from the poison in your body that is fighting that “other C” in life. Fixing your 3 children breakfast every morning, working full-time, making home-cooked dinners every night, cleaning, laundry, laughing, snuggling. Fighting cancer. To me, this is courage. Doing all the things you do not want to do, but doing it anyway because you need to, just to stay alive.
Cunning- Not the nicest of terms to be known by but it is a small part, okay maybe not so small, of what we are. Each of us have a little cunning in us. The old phrase of “little white lie” comes to mind with this word. Cunning is achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion. This came into play a lot as a child. My mom always said “I have 4 children, Peter, Sarah, Heidi and It wasn’t me.” It was always someone else that took the last cookie, that left the towel on the floor or took what wasn’t theirs. I like to think of cunning a little like self-preservation.
Cerebral- Those that are cerebral use their heads instead of their hearts. I am not one of these people, and I know very few people that are. I’d love more insight on this type of person and do not feel I am qualified to even attempt to define them. What do you think a cerebral person might be like? Are you cerebral yourself? Leave a comment because I’d truly love to know more!
Compassionate- Another easy one for me. This word truly encompasses everything that I hope I am. I care, too much according to some, about what others’ feelings and experiences are. Most of my compassion is for animals as I feel most humans have a lot of choice in life, whereas animals do not. I would love one day to own a few acres of land and just set up an animal refuge. Where animals (no reptiles please they give me the heeby jeebies) can be dropped off when they are no longer wanted and I will help find them happy healthy homes, or just keep them until the end of their days. Where they will know nothing but happiness, contentment and joy. Compassion is when you can be both empathetic and sympathetic to someone else’s experience and want to help make it better or right for them.
Charisma- “Fake it til you make it” pops in my head with this attribute. You don’t have to be right, people have to think you are. It is what makes a lot of customer service representatives successful. The ability to turn a phrase or a look and you can have anyone eating out of the palm of your hand. I like to think that I have an infectious personality. I make a lot of things into self-depreciating jokes that can put a room at ease. Some do this with humor, some do it with charm, others do it with their simple presence. (Now I’m thinking of Christan Grey in his sullenness)
Choices- The final C of this post. The most important C of all in my humble opinion. Yes, I am that nerd and I am about to quote Harry Potter. Dumbledore says “It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities.” We all can choose what mood we are going to be in, how we are going to take that feedback we may not agree with, what the day is going to be like. No one can make you feel anything that you do not choose to feel. Some of the greatest adventures in life start off with a choice:
Do we really want to have kids and change what we are?
Do I really need a 4th dog? (yes, of course)
Do I continue to live here in this small town and hope my career grows in the direction I hope it will.
Do I let this fight go and always know that someone important to me will always be 2nd or 3rd best, or do I keep up the fight as much as it divides us right now.
So many choices, these are the biggest that weigh on my mind but every day I make smaller, but just as important decisions. Will I wear my hair up today, will I put on make up, will I leave with enough time to get a coffee this morning? The answer to the last one is always a No. Mornings, again, are not my forte.
I have no intention of this post being a dictionary lesson. Instead, i hope it will give you some insight that we all have these thoughts about ourselves. What makes us who we are? Am I as kind of a person as I hope, is that what is perceived about me? When it comes down to it, will I stand up for what is right? God, I hope so.
The C’s of Life What is it that makes us human? Yes, we're bone, fat, muscle, nerves, blood and skin. That's what makes a body.
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