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Team Flare Leader Lysandre: Sun in Leo, Saturn in Leo or Sun or Moon conjunct Saturn in Leo
Image Source: https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/trainer-spotlight-lysandre/
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Ghetsis: Sun in Scorpio, Saturn in Scorpio, Mars in Scorpio, Pluto in Scorpio
Image Source: https://aminoapps.com/c/pokemon/page/blog/why-i-love-ghetsis/ZzhB_uev40EWwzpmD3QB1Qwpe3YdEM
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Team Galactic Leader Cyrus: Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius
Image Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2546985
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Team Magma Leader Maxie: Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo or Capricorn, Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo or Capricorn
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Archie: Sun in Cancer or Scorpio, Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, Mars in Cancer or Scorpio
#Pokemonastrology #traditionalastrology #planetaryassociation #pokemonvillain
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Pokemon Villains’ theoretical zodiac sign or Planetary Association/Placement: Team Rocket Leader Giovanni: Sun in Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn
Capricorn is an earth sign and ruled by the big boss Saturn, the planet of structure and organization. 
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Snore cat brought to by my bf @talesofanedgelord
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At Target this lady told her son he couldn’t have a Wonder Woman doll because “that’s for girls” and then bought her daughter the same one. It got me thinking about how often I see people bar young boys from appreciating girls/women as protagonists and heroes, and my own experience with it as a kid.
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A Potent Saturn Return in Capricorn and the Year 2020
For those of us born on February 13, 1988, to February 6, 1991, we are currently under a transit called Saturn return in Capricorn. In Capricorn, Saturn has an essential dignity by being in its domicile. Saturn will still be in its domicile and triplicity in Aquarius by December 2020, so it’s a long powerful five to six-year reign for our beloved ringed planet! 
However, unlike the Saturn return in the previous and the next sign it enters, this Saturn return is special since Pluto is co-present in Capricorn. The two planets will perfect the conjunction in January 12, 2020. Austin Coppock discussed that Pluto acts like the nodes to which magnifies and intensifies the effects of the planets it touches, and this makes dull Saturn radioactive and in turn forces invisible Pluto to reveal itself. 
Saturn is strong in its own sign and with Pluto, it's given more power. It can also be said that Pluto acts through Saturn. With Pluto under the rulership of Saturn, the proverbial iron rod that shatters clay pots becomes literal under this transit. 
In natal charts, this transit can be likened to the destruction of our old beliefs and patterns. The effect of Pluto makes this Saturn ruthless in destroying but also potent in building impenetrable yet invisible walls. Whatever literal and proverbial wall being destroyed and rebuilt under this transit are fated and would last long (probably the wall built will undergo another cycle of destruction and construction once Saturn and Pluto will conjunct in the next 33 to 38 years).
The eclipse in the Cancer-Capricorn axis adds an oomph to this transit. Change has started when the nodes were in the mutable Virgo-Pisces axis where ideas were conceptualized and identified. In the fixed Leo-Aquarius axis, change has been firmly seeded in the ground. 
Now in the cardinal signs, it’s time for the seeds to emerge. In the sign of Capricorn, the root of the seed was forced to dig deeper into the ground as Saturn demands a strong foundation while Mars its exaltation ruler necessitates the conservation and gathering of force to emerge.
Cancer requires the seed to be nurtured and protected. The Moon, its domicile ruler, nourishes the seed that will cause growth, and this reflects Jupiter, as the exaltation ruler of the sign of the crab. The darkness experienced by the seed under the soil is the imagery of Pluto, the lord of the underworld acting through Saturn, the lord of the harvest. Likewise, the darkness that the seed has to through go reflects the luminaries deprived of their light. The seed has to struggle to emerge and thrive, and this is theme for us going through the Saturn return with Pluto and the eclipse in Capricorn.
The odds right now may not be on our favor, but there’s light at the end of the long tunnel. Saturn will continue moving in Capricorn and will meet-up with Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius in December 2020. The lunar nodes will transition from the Cancer-Capricorn axis to the Gemini-Sagittarius Axis on May 2020. What this means for us is that the seed we have planted and worked hard for comes in full bloom or bear fruit. We are able potentially reap the rewards if we keep moving and do the hard work. The nodes changing to the signs ruled by the intellectual signs of Mercury-Jupiter offers us a new perspective in life and the chance to start afresh thus planting the seeds of change for this never ending cycle. 
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