itsmajork · 8 months
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I have been drawing, just also doing a fair bit of writing and planning. Mostly though, what I've been drawing has been sketches, and unfinished ones at that. Have some fairly finished sketches.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Been working on something else tonight. I'll probably have more of this up in the next few weeks as I try and find designs that work, plus work on characters. Really not happy with the train mech yet, but the mini kaiji are OK. I do like some of the elements of the first picture - the railgun is nifty and unchanged between either image, and the feet with the wheels being the ground contact point, but... it still needs a lot of work. Cockpit design and location as well... needs work.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Just a quick sketch of 76 tonight. Was watching Claws of Axos, and thought I'd really like to draw her with Delgado's Master, but this was the next best thing.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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So, have been talking with friends about a bunch of old ideas I used to write about or draw, back when I was a kid. One of the ideas was set around intelligent mice who had built a civilisation under the feet of humanity (think back to The Littles) who also piloted mecha. They had been discovered by post control robots someone was trying to develop, who decided the mice were pests to be eradicated, and rebuilt themselves into a form that could control their own mecha by plugging in as a brain unit. I used to have a lot of fun with this setting, and a lot of what I used to tell stories about were these hidden societies beneath our feet - one of the others I was talking about was a war between cybernetic cane toads and slugs, which was strongly influenced by Doctor Who. The last of the ideas being discussed was dinosaurs who had built a massive space empire. May draw something on these in the coming weeks.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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More 76 and Promise. I'm going to have to turn some attention to John soon.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Tonight was working up sketches for story ideas. Don't ask me where the idea of a plague doctor climbing out of someone's mouth came from, because I don't really know. All are from different episodes.
I guess I should mention something of the concept. This is the 76th Doctor, from a future series of Doctor Who. The product of a traumatic regeneration, she's on the hunt for a cure to what killed her last body, since it's not gone yet. To that end, she's teamed up with a UNIT soldier from Sydney, Australia, 1980, and the Red Dalek (renamed Promise) that was buried in Egypt and has been cast adrift from its people. At some point, the Daleks became galactic policemen - overzealous policemen - the Cybermen have scattered and are chasing feelings, and Gallifrey stands once more, although with the drawbridge up and not accepting visitors.
My idea is to write Target adaptations of each story in this Doctor's run. Still playing with characters and imagery ATM, but it's fun playing.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Still playing around with outfit ideas.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Tonight's effort. Still looking for interesting poses. Inspiration not striking. Keep thinking I should do some Target-style book covers or something.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Continued working. Wasn't entirely happy with the skirt, so made it longer and threw some boots on. Like this more. Colours... still kind of wanting to hit that black and red combination, so I can swap the outfit colours from time to time.
Now to think of other poses and maybe do some more work on the other characters. And maybe, just maybe, some writing.
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itsmajork · 1 year
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So, quick sketch tonight. Playing with costume ideas for the 76th Doctor again. Keep thinking ringmaster or marching girl look. Has to be suitably loud and impractical. Travels with a 1980s UNIT soldier picked up from an Osiran incursion in Sydney, and a Dalek abandoned in Egypt. Concept is a future show co-produced by ABC in Australia. I've got most of it plotted out, but remains to be seen what I do with it.
I'll probably do some more sketches in the next few days, but... yeah. First time I've done the skirt, though, and I like it in comparison to the trousers I've done up until now. Longer, perhaps, and maybe boots...
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itsmajork · 1 year
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Tonight's effort.
If you're wondering why I'm drawing Transformers at the moment, I had a friend die recently. He did a lot of Transformers art, a huge amount. Finding out he'd done even more than I had thought, and was apparently quite well known in the fan community, made me think of a few of the projects I worked on over the years that never went anywhere.
There was a Machine Wars comic with Josh... Burcham? Became one of the IDW colourists a few years later. I designed up a toy line for fun, who's selling point was they were all Headmasters (Titans Return kind of scratched that itch a decade later). Also wrote a World War 2 story that was going to be a comic before I realised I couldn't figure out how to draw the humans and converted it to a fanfic that I abruptly ended shortly after when I stopped writing fanfic for a few years. There a TF RPG I've been trying to write for years now. And going back to the original big project, in the late 90s I decided to make an animated series. After all, how hard could it be?
Turned out pretty hard. My 3d skills were terrible. I still think the writing was good - I plotted three seasons, and wrote the first, intending to release it just as a fanfic series, before a hard drive crash ate the second, better half of the season.
Every few years I've come back to the characters and story, wondering what to do with it. And with my friend dying, I finally figured - I'll write it as a series of novels.
The plot has changed a little bit, and I'm sure it'll change some more before I'm finished, but the characters are mostly the same ones I had 24 years ago. Aside from this one.
At the time I wrote it, I played on a Transformers MUSH. A text-based online RPG, for the young ones, effectively writing collaborative fanfic. And, one of my friends had a character I thought was pretty neat. With her permission, I used her character in the series. Unfortunately, in the decades since, I've lost track of that friend, so I've turned her into an original design and changed the character and their impact on the story. Still a helicopter altmode, and hints of the Galvatron helmet crown, and similar colours, but that's about it.
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itsmajork · 1 year
Some recent images. Different projects or just having fun or practice.
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itsmajork · 2 years
Tonight, been worrying on something I've had in my head for a while. No real story yet, but I like the concept.
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itsmajork · 2 years
Hmm. Been a little while since I posted anything. A few things I've been working on recently. Sketches mostly for various things underway. Don't read much into them.
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itsmajork · 2 years
Halloween sketch
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itsmajork · 2 years
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Still getting there.
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itsmajork · 2 years
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