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Mashup of Into You - Ariana Grande and Coming Down - HALSEY.
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It was rare to see Maddie being so... adventurous. But there were strange noises coming from that room, and she needed to know what it was. Slowly opening the door, she stood right in the middle of the door frame when her eyes laid on the person occupying the place. “What are you doing?”
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Maddie had no idea what lead her to the student lounge, but she was there now and she should at least enjoy her time there. “You know what they say, it’s 5pm somewhere in the world.” She said to the other girl, glancing at her glass. “Give me some of that, I need alcohol in my system before I get stuck in yet another Spanish class.”
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Mackenzie was in the student lounge when she heard someone come in. “Before you ask—no it’s not too early to be drinking,” She narrowed her eyebrows at the stranger coming near her. “Isn’t this what student lounges are for? Lounging?” She sighed before taking another sip of her drink.
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“I fucking hate bugs!” Maddie exclaimed, trying to stop herself from moving too much until the bug was away. She hated the fact she got a bug in her hair, even more with him around. “You of all people should know that.”
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“Don’t fucking cry you big baby it’s just a bug.” Ryder pushed his glasses up his noses and reached out to pluck the small bug from the others hair before flicking it away quickly. “One little bug never hurt anybody.”
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“I’m just curious.” She let out before she started clicking her nails on the locked screen of her phone. After a moment, she opened the screen and slide it in front of him. “Is it true what the Zine says?”
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Hearing the question, Bodhi looked up, a light blush coming to his cheeks. “What?” he let, a bit confused at to where the question even came from, “Wren? She’s a close friend. Why do you ask?”
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Fashion Memes
Alternatively, send “🔁”+an icon for my muse to do it to yours.
Send “💅” for your muse to do my muse’s nails Send “💇” for your muse to do my muse’s hair Send “💄” for your muse to do my muse’s makeup Send “👗” for you muse to pick my muse’s outfit Send “👛” for your muse to bring my muse shopping
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group sex
Guess my muse’s turn-ons
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✉ mads
Pearl: do it then
Pearl: without hair he'll look like a boiled egg, it'll be great
Maddie: i am so doing it
Maddie: polishing his head to turn him into a perfect mirror
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Usually, Maddie wasn’t one to pay much attention to what the Zine had to say. She had her own little book full of filthy thoughts, she didn’t need others’ as well. But she still couldn’t help scrolling through it once in a while. She had no proof whether any of this was true, but some of the things she read on there made her slightly uncomfortable. Locking her phone’s screen, her attention turned to Bodhi. “Who’s Wren?” She asked after a moment of just staring at him. There was nothing really serious between them, but it made her feel uncomfortable to know he may have someone else. 
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✉ mads
Pearl: the one who looks like a bald eagle
Pearl: you know, hairy son
Maddie: ew yeah, i know wo you're talking about
Maddie: he should definitely go and embrace the bald life
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“I doubt you’re sane if you already have a toddler at your age. Let alone have a toddler while still studying. Handling one is already hard enough, you’re crazy if you try to do both.”
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“Why did I think attending university was a good idea when I’m raising a toddler? I’m going to lose what’s left of my sanity before this semester is over, I can already feel it.”
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― The Lobster (2015) David: It is more difficult to pretend that you do have feelings when you don’t, than to pretend you don’t have feelings when you do.
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When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (1960)
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Burton & Taylor (2013) directed by Richard Laxton
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Hey girl, you’re a strong one But none of us are bullet proof
Switchfoot (via switchfootness)
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