Anger management kills the soul
55 posts
Just some cosplayer who likes a bunch of things. Check my links for cosplays and WIPs
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itsjustleto · 26 days ago
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Genshin didn't give me Arlecchino valentines art, so I had to do some self-service in this house 😭😂
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itsjustleto · 2 months ago
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Yesterday I did a quick styling of my Ririsa wig just to see how it would fit me. I don't do female characters that often, so I'm always a bit worried if they fit me. Really happy with how I look tho. I can't wait to wear the full cosplay.
The base wig is from dokidokicosplay and it's great. One side is already back-combed, just had to cut it a bit and used pink hair clips to hold it in place. Had to cut the bangs and that's pretty much it. The overall length is already perfect
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itsjustleto · 2 months ago
Review: Herta wig from dokidokicosplay
At the beginning of the month I ordered a Herta wig from dokidokicosplay for my upcoming cosplay. It arrived yesterday and, well... dokidoki wigs are very hit or miss and this one is definitely a miss. Seeing it close up and in natural light it becomes clear, how off the colour actually is. This is the dark version of the wig, they also have a lighter one.
First, indoor light:
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It looks okay, but you can already see the red-purple strands which bother me a lot.
Indoor light but at the window:
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It looks much more red with the light coming from outside and I made a close-up photo of the fibers as well and you can see this weird mix of grey-white and red-purple strands.
Natural light (cloudy, no sun):
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Again, it looks very red and the light outside makes it very obvious just how much grey-white this wig has and probably even more in direct sunlight. The colour mix just looks so weird. It kindaaa works while inside with less bright lighting, but in natural light the colour is too off imo.
Rating: 2/5.
It's only $9 and the overall quality of the wig is good. It's not shiny, the fibers feel nice, it has a good amount of hair and it only needs a bit of styling. The colour just isn't it.
I'll buy the Herta wig from LemailWig next (not so soon though, maybe in a few months) as a friend recommended this shop and I'm looking forward to that one. I also picked a basic wig from coscraft if this one isn't what I was hoping for either, but I'm hoping for the best, because I don't want to do the styling.
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itsjustleto · 2 months ago
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I'm really trying to be more active here again to log my Cosplay progress.
Not the first time I did Sakuma, and thanks to some friends, I decided to remake it. All new, except for the eyepatch which is the same one I used ~10 years ago.
This time the wig has the right color and isn't blue 😆
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itsjustleto · 8 months ago
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Sorry for this awful picture. I didn't take a proper one and could only download the one from my insta story.
Last weekend I've prepared a pattern (old pants of mine) and already cut out the fabric for Fizzarolli's pants. This weekend I sewed everything together and I'm quite happy how it turned out.
Another big part of the cosplay done. Gonna try to get the sleeves done next weekend, but I also have a lot of sanding for three other cosplays to do, so let's see.
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itsjustleto · 8 months ago
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Besides Cyno I'm also working on Silver Wolf and I'm currently printing her weapon (I won't take it to the convention tho, because we have limited car space and we're already taking a polearm and a bow). It's coming out really nice so far.
I bought the files from Kosplayit and scaled them down to 80% to fit my height better
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itsjustleto · 8 months ago
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Cyno's top is almost finished now, I just need to add the zipper in the back. I've used the old one as a pattern and it came out pretty well. I've also made the symbols for the vinyl cutter and my wife ironed them on. They look sooo great and I'm really happy how it looks. Now it also fits with the pants which I remade a few months ago
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itsjustleto · 8 months ago
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Trying to document more of my cosplay progress, so here we go...
Currently working on Cyno and while I bought it from dokidoki, I'm gonna replace plenty of stuff. I've already made new pants and printed a completely new helmet (not painted yet). I'm also remaking his armor.
First version was made of foam. It looked okay, but I was in general not happy with it. I know people make great stuff with foam, but it's not for me.
Sooo TPU... it was my first time printing it and it was a challenge. Finding this configuration profile helped a lot.
There was still a lot, a lot, a lot of trial and error involved, but I also learned quite a bit and I'm happy how it turned out in the end. Excited to see how it looks painted.
3D Files are from this etsy shop
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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cyno's comedy act debut in fontaine
(my twitter)
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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I don't think she left because she was bored
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
Wig Seller Masterlist
Some people on were asking if I had a post about this and I didn’t, so I thought I’d make a big master post of wig companies I like! It’s in alphabetical order, with information about them listed afterwards. Currently I have fifteen brands on this list, but if I try and am really impressed by another, I’ll add it. I hope maybe one of them has that hard to find wig you’ve been searching for! I have the color samples for Arda, Assist, Classe, Coscraft, Cyperous, Kasou, and Swallowtail and am willing to help you check if a color from them is correct or not.
Japan only brand, so you’ll need a shopping service. Wide range of colors, including some that are hard to match in other lines, and a lot of base styles that I like more than other brands. Sells both wefts and lace front pieces. Lace hairline wigs are also available. Fit is medium (not particularly large or small). Price is higher. Swatch book not available.
Alice Garden/aiyaya
Amazon wig brand selling lolita/natural looking wigs. The variety is not good but if they have something that looks like what you need to wear with very little styling, you won’t get something as nice for the price! Styles are all very natural looking. Fit is on the smaller end of medium. Price is low. Swatch book not available.
Aoi Wig
Taobao brand doing character wigs, so a shopping service is required. These are hands down the best character wigs I’ve ever worked with. If you don’t want to do a ton of styling and they have the character you want, you literally cannot go wrong here. Fiber isn’t the world’s most durable but will hold up for multiple wears, and the price is good enough to make up for it. Fit is slightly small but larger than most taobao wigs. Price is a bit high for taobao but is still dirt cheap for what you get. Swatch books not available but the photo color is exceedingly accurate.
Arda Wigs
American based. One of the most common brands for a REASON! Wide range of colors in a wide range of styles. If you have a larger head or a lot of hair, this is your new best friend. They sell lace fronts but not individual lace pieces. The big problem with them, however, is the stock issues. Colors run out quickly so sometimes you have to compromise on which style you buy, or place an order from one of their sister sites in another country that actually has the color you need. (OOPS this is no longer an option anymore! Luckily there are a lot of Arda wigs secondhand online.) Nobody has as much hair in their wigs as they do, which can actually be a problem in some styles; be prepared to pluck lace fronts and use thinning shears. Fit is LARGE; they have the largest wigs in the market. Price is a bit high but not exorbitant. Swatch rings are available for both their fiber types
Japanese brand, ships worldwide but EMS/fedex only so you’ll probably want to group order. Nobody in the market has as many colors as Assist; between their premium and basic lines, they have over 600 colors! DO NOT TRUST THEIR PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY TO PICK COLORS; you need to buy their swatch books or ask a friend who has them to help you choose, because those photos can be criminally inaccurate. If you ever order from them, buy a bottle of Face Cover Glue and watch it change your life as “wig sticks away from face and face framing pieces move out of place” become a distant memory, and I adore their contacts! They sell wefts and lace pieces in their premium line but not their basic. Price varies; Premium line is a great price for what you get, but Basic is incredibly cheap (but not quite as good quality). Fit is small; based on how they fit my clients they’re the smallest of the Japanese brands and if you’ve ever found taobao wigs too small, assist will probably also be too small for you. Swatch books or rings are available and also required.
Blue Beard
Taobao character wig brand, so shopping service is required. Blue Beard wigs are all affordable and decent. You won’t ever get a bad wig from them, but I’ve found that their wigs tend to require a lot of maintenance. Wide range of characters! No wefts available. When you find stolen taobao wig photos, more often than not they’re stealing from Blue Beard. The photos are all color accurate, but you’ll typically need to do a lot of styling to make the wig match the photo. Price is great for what you get. Fit is medium to small. No swatches available.
Japanese brand that requires a shopping service but oh what a brand it is. Classe has a wide range of colors but where it truly excels is in the range of extra styling supply options. You can buy lace front pieces, yes, but you can also buy stand alone skin top pieces in center whorl or long for parts. No brand is as flexible with what you can do with their wigs, not by a long shot. Make sure to check out their styling blog! Even if it’s all in Japanese, the diagrams are clear and the techniques are genuine life savers. The fiber is beautiful and the website’s color suggestion feature where the desktop version tells you a list of characters they’d use this color for makes picking colors a lot easier. You’ll pay a lot for them, but what you get will be worth it. I’ve been using them a lot lately because no other brand’s fiber is as easy to make behave like human hair. Naturalistic wig stylists and cosmetology people, this brand is for you! Fit is up to 59cm (!!) and is roomy in the hairline coverage to the point some people have to trim the ear tabs a bit shorter, although it’s my personal comfiest fit. Swatch books are available and affordable.
Based in the UK but ships worldwide despite being way too unknown outside Europe. Coscraft is an absolute gem of a site with a wide range of colors (more than 80!) with plenty of unusual color options that aren’t found anywhere else that doesn’t need a shopping service, a decently large variety of base styles to choose from, and wefts and separate lace front pieces and stick on skin tops in every color. Unlike every other cosplay brand on the planet, their lace front pieces come in dark brown lace for darker skinned cosplayers and not just beige! (The skin top pieces are only in beige so far but hopefully they will work on this.) Also for some reason they sell ridiculously inexpensive corset coutil so for all the craftsmanship people, new source acquired! Even if you’re outside of Europe, Coscraft is so nice that it’s hard to believe their prices. When the pound is up vs your currency, they’re shockingly affordable. When the pound is down vs your currency, the quality per money feels straight up illegal. This is my current go to cosplay wig site for a reason. Fit is larger medium; it won’t be too big or too small on most people. Color swatch ring is available.
Japanese cosplay wig source that theoretically ships EMS outside Japan but I haven’t been able to get that to work for years so shopping service it is. Pour one out for Cyperous; they’re clearly in decline but as one of the original heat resist brands, they’re still here and still worth ordering from while you can. Nobody has as beautiful and delicate blondes as Cyperous; their Milky and White Milky are the best blondes I’ve ever used. They have a nice selection of lace wigs and the much rarer lace bang wigs as well as regular wigs, and wefts of course. No other brand I’ve seen has synthetic wigs that photograph as much like real hair as Cyperous. They can tangle a lot as a result but it’s worth the upkeep. I have no idea how long they’ll keep limping along, but look them up before it’s too late. Price is high but reasonable for what it is. Fit is a true medium. Swatches used to be available and no longer seem to be, but the photos are pretty accurate to my ancient swatch ring and newer wigs.
Five Wits Wigs
Five Wits is the most criminally underrated of the American wig companies because most of their stock photos suck. They really, really, really suck. The photos are somehow incredibly color accurate but represent the wigs as pulled directly from bag and plopped onto someone’s head or a mannequin without even combing them in a flattering way. I wrote them off until I got to see their booth at a con and realized quickly that these wigs are wonderfully made with beautiful fiber that typically photographs like a dream (how do they get such bad stock photos?!) and is so easy to style! Five Wits mostly stocks character wigs, but many of them are versatile enough to use for tons of other things and they offer wefts for some of their colors. The owners are friendly, the service is great, the actual wigs are beautiful, the price for what you get is wonderful, but those dang stock photos keep people from noticing why Five Wits is one of my favorite suppliers! Price is great for what you’re getting, especially for an American brand. The fit is larger end of medium (very few people find it too big or too small). They don’t carry swatch books but every single stock photo, despite being terrible, is an incredibly accurate depiction of the color so feel free to judge colors accordingly.
I almost hesitate to put Kasou on here considering that one of the problems with them is that their shipping when it’s from their Chinese warehouse is occasionally “good luck getting your wig”, and I disqualified another past favorite of mine for this, but Kasou squeaked onto this list for two reasons: 1) their fiber and wigs really are spectacular and 2) they have the ONLY Jolyne Kujo pre made wig that I don’t hate. Order from them with confidence that whatever you get will be nice, but keep in mind that there are enough people who’ve had issues with wigs from their Chinese warehouse that you want to give yourself months of lead time if you go that route. They have a decent if slightly expensive price range, medium cap fit, and they do offer swatches. I NO LONGER RECOMMEND KASOU. I still stand by their products being nice, but there have been too many extremely expensive packages lost in the mail with them refusing to refund/replace among cosplayers I know for me to put them as a recommendation. If you order from here, do it with caution.
L-Email / wig-supplier
Not everyone needs premium wigs for heavy styling all the time, and that’s where L-Email comes in. This Chinese-based seller that ships internationally will sell you decent character wigs and decent base wigs for an incredibly affordable price. Nothing from here is going to be spectacular, but if your budget is low and you’re willing to put in a bunch of effort to make up for that, what you need is just a plain wig without tons of styling, or you want a character wig that’s a bit easier to upgrade with extra styling work than other brands because the hardest parts are typically done for you, L-Email is a great option for you. They’re just all around decent, and sometimes that’s what you need. Fit is medium, prices are pretty affordable especially if you go in with friends for shipping, and there aren’t swatches but the photos are typically pretty color accurate.
One of the absolute oldest wig companies based in America; every cosplayer active before 2007 has bought at least one Sepia wig. They’re still here though, and now they have some heat resist lace fronts! Their range of fantasy colors is pretty atrocious but if you want some beautiful natural colors, you could do worse than shop here, especially considering there’s at least one more expensive brand (that I’m not putting in this list) that sources lace fronts from Sepia and resells! Fit is medium, price is medium, I haven’t bothered to see if they have swatches because I’m an ancient cosplayer and have the typical Sepia color codes memorized.
If you’ve heard of this Japanese (shopping service required) wig brand before, it’s probably because the canon wigs in My Dress-Up Darling all come from Swallowtail. There’s more reasons than flexing about how you have the canon Shizuku-tan wig to consider Swallowtail, though! They have a massive color range with a lot of colors I’ve seen nowhere else in the world, and while the fiber isn’t the world’s most durable and is a bit shiny for my tastes in some colors, they’re affordable enough to be a competitive option even if you have to use a shopping service from outside Japan. They offer a full range of wefts and lace pieces and clip ons and a wide variety of base styles. The fit seems to be pretty true medium, and they definitely offer swatches (in the most chaotic ring setup I’ve ever seen. You’ll want to resort that one fast.)
You can get a lot of decent lace fronts perfect for minimal styling on AliExpress, but Sylvia is my hands down favorite. If you need a natural looking lace front and you don’t want to spend tons of money, this seller is where you should be looking first. There aren’t any swatches or wefts, true, but the wigs have so much more lace than any of the American or Japanese cosplay wig brands, the caps run much larger than most taobao/aliexpress brands (comparable to Kasou or Five Wits), and there’s still plenty of hair to do more basic styles. The fiber is a bit thin and shiny, but it still photographs like a dream, and dollar for dollar you won’t find a better balance between quality lace front and budget friendliness than here. The hairlines are so natural that I have a few from here that haven’t required a single hair plucked to just… melt into my skin. There’s a reason this is my go to first source if I want a lace front and it’s not going to be heavily anime styled (like JoJo or Dragon Ball or whatever). Color stock photos are incredibly accurate; you can trust that what you see is what you’ll get!
since people have sent me asks about this: I do not recommend Epic Cosplay at all anymore. Their construction quality has drastically decreased in recent years to the point I keep getting people asking me to help fix Epic wigs that are literally falling apart, which is enough reason to not want to order from them, but they’ve also had a decade plus pattern of labor rights abuse and employee mistreatment including racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and pregnancy discrimination.
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
genuinely i really admire people who can set aside some time and go Okay I'm Writing Now and then get some writing done, i'm just out here fighting for my fucking life
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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Just twenty gold...
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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a satisfied hunter uwu
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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wriothesley ♢ to the stars shining in the depths (trailer)
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itsjustleto · 1 year ago
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To a world without pain
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