itsjineekaa · 4 years
(Module 4) Activity 1
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As I examined my selfies in this class, I came upon the realization that most of my selfies do not mirror who I truly was. I did those selfies to comply with the attendance check/requirement. So, I took those selfies with the knowledge that my Professors and my other classmates would see it and because of this I became conscious and because I was conscious I represented myself in a way that would make me look good and confident. In addition, to make my selfies more appealing/pleasing/attractive I rely on angles (I am not a fan of filters, so I rarely use them). Lastly, I do not consider my selfies as a fair representation of myself because pictures or photos can be easily manipulated. I mean, I can look good in a selfie if I want to with the use of filters, photo editors and the picture-perfect angle. I can fake a smile or a laugh even though deep-down inside I am a crying mess.
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