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Let’s discuss Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease also known as idiopathic or primary Parkinsonism, hypokinetic, rigid syndrome or paralysis agitans. Parkinson is the “degenerative” disorder of the central nervous system. And the phrase “degenerative” indicates Gradually loss of structure or...
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Parkinson’s Disease
Let’s discuss Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease also known as idiopathic or primary Parkinsonism, hypokinetic, rigid syndrome or paralysis agitans. Parkinson is the "degenerative" disorder of the central nervous system. And the phrase “degenerative” indicates Gradually loss of structure or function of neurons or we can say progressive death of neurons" And what are the neurons? Neuron also known as nerve cells are electrically excitable cell that carry information and send it to other cells via chemical and electrical signals. Neurons are the dedicated parts of a nervous system. Nervous system with the brain and spinal cord comprise Central Nervous System (CNS). That means PD frequently induces central nervous system and so affect our nerve cells our brain and our spinal cord.
Parkinson's disease causes the death of Dopamine."Dopamine", is a hormone or a chemical released by nerve cells that help to send signals from one cell to other. Dopamine hormone also plays an important role in our brain; it increases one's reward-motivated behaviour. Most types of rewards increase the level of dopamine in the brain and a variety of addictive drugs increase dopamine neuronal activity. Parkinson's disease is related to the loss of Dopamine-"secreting neurons in the midbrain area called the substantia nigra" Altered level of dopamine hormones include the evidence of common symptoms like false beliefs (delusion), uncertain or confused thinking, auditory hallucinations, condensed (Reduced) public engagement and emotional expression and inactivity. Other most common symptoms are movement-related that includes vibration (shaking), inflexibility (rigidity), slowness of movement and difficulty with walking whereas depression is the most common psychiatric symptom. Parkinson diseases are the more common problem in the people after the age of 50.
Causes of Parkinson's:-
In most of the people, Parkinson's disease is idiopathic (that have no specific known cause). However, in a small proportion of cases it is a genetic problem.
Environmental Factors: - Some of the environmental factors includes a pesticide experience (exposure), head injuries, "Rural surroundings and drinking of well water may be risks as they are indirect measures of exposure to pesticides."
Genetics Factor :- Parkinson's disease generally considered as a non-genetic disorder, around 15% of people with Parkinson's disease who have a first-degree relative who has the disease. At least 5% of people are now known to have forms of the disease that occur because of a transformation of one of the several specific genes.
A physician will diagnose Parkinson's disease from the medical history and a neurological examination. There is no lab examination that will clearly recognize the disease, but head scans are sometimes used to rule out disorders that could give rise to similar symptoms. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans of people with PD usually emerge common. These techniques are yet useful to rule out other diseases that can be secondary causes of Parkinsonism, such as basal ganglia tumours, vascular pathology and hydrocephalus.
Caffeine consumption appears protective against Parkinson's disease with a greater decrease in risk occurring with a larger intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee. Even though tobacco smoke causes unfavourable health effects, decreases life expectation and excellence of life, it may decrease the danger of Parkinson’s disease by a third when compared to non-smokers. The origin of this result is not known, but circumstance includes an effect of nicotine as a dopamine energizer. Tobacco smoke contains compounds that act as MAO inhibitors that also might contribute to this effect.
Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D, have been suggested to protect against the disease but results of studies have been contradictory and no positive effect has been proven. The results consider fat and fatty acids have been conflicting, with various studies reporting shielding effects, risk-increasing effects or no effects. Also, there have been introductory implications of a possible protective role of estrogens and anti-inflammatory drugs.
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There are pathogens all around us and they can be spread from one person to another by many different ways. Your body needs that much of immunity to stop these pathogens from gaining entry. Immune system associated to this part is called non-specific immunity because it is present all the time and not activated in reply to a individual pathogen.

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Some Superheroes don’t wear Capes; they are called “Doctors”.
The term Charak is a label said to apply to "Dawdle Scholars" or " Dawdle Physicians". According to Charak's metaphrase, health and disease are not programmed and life may be protracted by human attempt and concentration to lifestyle. As per Indian tradition and science of Ayurvedic system, avoidance of all types of diseases have a more outstanding place than treatment,(Precautions are better than Cure.) as well as reformation of lifestyle to make parallel with the route of nature and four seasons, which will promise complete wellness.

He appears to have been an early advocate of “prevention is better than cure” course of action. The following statement is accredited to Acharya Charak:
“A best physician who fails to enter the patient’s body with the light of knowledge and sympathetic can never treat sickness. He should first study all the facts, as well as surroundings, which manipulate a patient's sickness, and then recommend a treatment. It is most important to stop the occurrence of sickness than to look for a cure.”
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Keep Calm Your Physio is Here
Physiotherapy is concerned to treat pain by using different methods that perform a role of a pain reliever. Some of them are interferential therapy, short wave diathermy, wax therapy, ultrasonic and muscle strengthening exercises.
Interferential therapy: - Also called electrotherapy. That uses a mid frequency current for treatment.
Useful in: - Pain, muscle spasm (pain and tightness), swelling, muscles strain.
Where it should not be used:- skin infection, unhealed scar, Recent cuts, Localized wounds.
Short wave diathermy: - Means electrically induced heat. Commonly used for muscle relaxation. Operationally, the great heat that can be formed by diathermy perhaps used to obliterate (destroy) neoplasm (abnormal growth of tissues in a part of the body), warts (a small, hard, benign growth on the skin that caused by virus) and infected tissues, and to cauterize (flesh of a wound) blood vessels to prevent unnecessary bleeding. The technique is particularly important in neurosurgery and surgery of the eye.

Wax therapy:- Wax therapy can be used to apply moist heat to your hands and feet to ease the stiffness of osteoarthritis.
If you are looking for a best physiotherapist in Dehradun then will provide you the best selection with email, address, contact number, consultation fee, and consultation charges. And Doctors you can also register yourselves we will need only your email and contact number.
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Psychiatry & Psychiatrist
The medical specialty dedicated to the study, analysis, action and avoidance of mental disorders. The Psychiatry consists various emotional, behavioral, intellectual and perceptual anomalies. Psychiatric evaluation usually starts with a mind status test and the assemblage of a case history. Mental tests and physical tests may be organized, including on occasion the use of "Neuroimaging" (The Process of producing images of the brain or other part of the nervous system or other body parts), neurophysiology (The physiology of the nervous system) techniques. Mental disorders diagnosed according to criteria scheduled in analytic manuals. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) edited and used by World Health Organization are widely used diagnostic manuals.
If you are looking for a best psychiatrist in Dehradun then visit and find a good psychiatrist in Dehradun, best psychiatrist in Dehradun, with email, contact numbers, address, consultation fees and consultation charges. And Doctors, you can register yourselves for one of the top ranked portals making patients find you easily.
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Dentists and Dentistry

A dentist, also recognized as a “Dental Surgeon”, is a health care expert who is trained in the diagnosis, avoidance, and actions taken in diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's helping team aids in providing oral infirmary. The dental team consists dental assistants, sanitarians, Denturist, and in some states, dental surgeon. Dentistry is the branch of medicine that is involved in the study, diagnosis, avoidance, and treatment of diseases, disorders and circumstances of the oral cavity, generally in the dentition, but also the oral mucosa, and of neighboring and related structures and tissues, particularly in the maxilla-o-facial (jaw and face) area. Although mainly associated with teeth amongst the general public, the field of dentistry or holistic dentistry is thus not limited to Dentistry – the study of the organization, growth, and abnormalities of the teeth. Because of their considerable overlap in perception, dentistry is frequently also understood to include the now mainly defunct medical specialty of oral pathology (the study of the mouth and its disorders and diseases) for which reason the two terms are used interchangeably in certain regions. If you are looking for a best dentist in Dehradun then you can find your best search in health column.And Doctors, if you want to register yourself so that users or we can say people can find you easily then register yourselves in health column.
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Dentists in Dehradun
Affected bybad breath? Do not worry then, you are not alone. Bad breath also called “Halitosis”, can be completely embarrassing. Before realizing it at its worst the best solution will be visiting and fixing an appointment with best dentist in Dehradun. Dry mouth, tooth decay, oral cancer, mouth sores are other critical and most embarrassing dental diseases.

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Cardiologists in Dehradun

If you are suffering from chest pain, high cholesterol, heart attack and fainting and you are searching for a cardiologist in Dehradun then online searching is the best option. Just visit most popular website and fix an appointment with best doctors in Dehradun. one of those most popular websites which avail us best cardiologist in dehradun
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Ayurvedic Doctors in Dehradun
If you want an ayurvedic doctor intended for any kind of disease like ayurvedic doctors for hair loss problem, ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases and etc. Then there are lots of websites online which will provide you the list of Ayurvedic Doctors in Dehradun so that you can get a best doctor with all the details like consultation time, location, consultation charges and yes you can also book an appointment with the doctor you prefer. is one of them.
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Stay Healthy With Health Column
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Doctors in Dehradun

People of Dehradun generally want to know how to find best doctors in Dehradun because some of them are new in the city, or some aren't happy with the treatment they are getting from their present physician in Dehradun. Every so often, people search because they do not have enough money to give their doctors. The doctor you select has an effect on your wallet and your health, so it will best for you to take the time to find doctors online. You will save a lot of money and time if you search for a doctor online.
If searching doctors is one part of the equation, receiving fast access to them is another. Generally you will wait weeks, even months to get in to see a best specialist in Dehradun. Health Column comes up with a promise that we will provide you each and every type of specialist on one place. You can get all the details about the doctor you need, you can check at what time the doctor can give you his time or the availability of doctors and most important you can book appointment by just visit
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Doctors in Dehadun –
People of Dehradun generally want to know how to find best doctorsin Dehradun because some of them are new in the city, or some aren't happy with the treatment they are getting from their present physician in Dehradun. Every so often, people search because they do not have enough money to give their doctors. The doctor you select has an effect on your wallet and your health, so it will best for you to take the time to find doctors online. You will save a lot of money and time if you search for a doctor online.
If searching doctors is one part of the equation, receiving fast access to them is another. Generally you will wait weeks, even months to get in to see a best specialist in Dehradun. Health Column comes up with a promise that we will provide you each and every type of specialist on one place. You can get all the details about the doctor you need, you can check at what time the doctor can give you his time or the availability of doctors and most important you can book appointment by just visit
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Doctors in Dehradun, Clinic in Dehradun and the health centres in Dehradun
The most widely accepted definition of health is the one given by World Health Organization Constitution. It states: "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. But in the recent years the definition of health have been changed and now it includes the ability to lead a socially and economically productive life.
Well whatever might be the mindset over health, it is still important and will always be on top of the priorities. When someone gets sick, it needs a doctor or a specialist who can understand and diagnose, who can come up with exact problem and than suggest the way to get fit and healthy. is one of the most popular local search engine for doctors in Dehradun, clinics in Dehradun and Health centres in Dehradun. Here visitors can find detailed information about all the Doctors in Dehradun, clinics in Dehradun and health centres in Dehradun. There are a large number of Doctors and Clinic in Dehradun. Here, at, we try to bring information about all the Doctors in Dehradun, Clinic in Dehradun and the health centres in Dehradun.
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Clinic in Dehradun – Doctors in Dehradun
Anyone may never recognize while you or your relatives member may drop sick, gather with a mishap or be in some additional condition that stress appointment a doctor or hospital. Selecting a dependable and capable doctor and a reasonable and excellence hospital is very critical in receiving correct action for any variety of sickness. Constant in era of crisis, you be supposed to construct it a top to recognize concerning the hospital and doctor whom are choose for judgment and dealing. Present Scenario, there are several fake hospital and doctors as glowing. It is forever an improved thought to go through rumor recommendation.
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Doctors in Dehradun - is the initiative of i-Lap Software®, an organization registered to the Government of Uttarakhand, India. This ( is a web application developed to encourage and promote the e-governance in Health Care, Well-being and Medical Services.
Using one can search the Doctors in Dehradun, India. The search could be performed on certain filters like the specialties of doctors and any particular location of the doctor. On a lot of filters list Doctors in Dehradun could be generated. After the required Doctor is found, visitor/patient can ask for an appointment through the portal. After the appointment is confirmed by the Doctor, Patients visits the clinic/doctor on the doctor’s location at the time confirmed.
So, in some simple words, provides patients with the facility of searching, locating and finding doctors in Dehradun for any specific specialty or location, and ask for an appointment online.
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Visit Health Column now to get complete information about the Doctors in Dehradun.
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