basketball king
15 posts
call me bo. sophomore at princeton university. varsity basketball. 
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
. Bo watched him, and saw the striped ball land in the pocket, nodding his head. “Not too bad.” He watched him go again, and Bo smiled as it was his turn. He looked down at the solids, and shot at it, having two solids land in a pocket at once.. but one of the balls was black. “Bitch!’ Bo sighed heavily. “Of course..”
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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“You’re welcome.” Bay gave him a smile, reached up and tucked a stray curl behind her ear as her eyes scanned around the area once more. Just another check, making sure everyone appeared to be having a good time, the decorations were still where she had to meticulously helped them. An almost sort of relief falling over her as she realized everything was as it should be. Her gaze returned to Bo, couldn’t help the small smile that was tugging at her features as he spoke. “Damn right you couldn’t.” Bay returned the wink before taking a breath, shrugging her shoulders somewhat. “I mean it though, thanks for coming.” She reached out then, gave his arm a light squeeze before her fingers moved to adjust his tie slightly. “Oh of course Bo. I could ball you out anywhere, this is a fact.” Okay, maybe it wasn’t exactly a fact, more so of an over estimation, but she wouldn’t let him know that. “But who would be our king? And bring us those state championships?” She tilted her head, looked at him expectantly. “Plus the dress and heels dont follow the uniform at all. I’m quite, quite fine reigning over kappa.“ Playfully gestured to the area around them for emphasis, Bay grinned.
She took his arm with ease, looping hers around his before setting her own empty glass down. “Only if you can handle it, I’m not sure if those moves on the court translate into anything on the dance floor.”
 Bo watched as she adjusted his tie, nodding his head. “Really, it’s not a problem. I dig these kinds of things.” He told her, rolling his eyes and smirking again. “Uhuh, you couldn’t even make a shot in your sneaks, what makes you think you can in heels?” Bo loved to tease her about her lacking basketball skills. But she did rule the dancing world, that was certain. Though Bo could dance really well if he was feeling the music. 
“Geez, I don’t know. Definitely not Archibald, but you didn’t hear that from me.” He grinned, and walked with her on the dance floor, eyes scanning the room as he saw college kids laughing, drinking and just having a good time in general. He let go of her arm and heard The Weeknd come on, which made him grin. “I love this damn song.” He told her, starting to sing off key along with the lyrics to Can’t Feel My Face, busting a dance move. 
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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aesthetic/ mood board @gogreekpoints
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
He arrived at the formal and spotted Bay from a distance, grinning softly as they approached each other. “Hey. Oh, thanks.” He nodded and took a drink, the champagne tasting really refreshing. “No problem, Bay. I couldn’t say no to you.” Bo winked and looked down at her, a playful grin gracing his lips as he looked at her. “You think? If you could out ball me in heels, I might as well quit the basketball team.”
Bo finished his drink and grabbed another one, offering his arm to her. “How about we dance a bit before we decided to dip, huh?”
There was something about the night. Maybe it was the fact that they had managed to find a great DJ or their pre-formal dinner was most certainly worth every dollar they paid. Or maybe it was something else entirely, the company she had found herself having for the formal. Not exactly what she had so meticulously planned, but realized maybe things had worked out for the best, the thought of asking Bo having occurred to her after their basketball shenanigans in Starbucks, was somewhat surprised when he actually said yes. 
All of her planning had come to this, hair carefully straightened, makeup meticulously placed on her face, snug black dress looked at from every angle imaginable. Her eyes shifted somewhat, found the figure of Bo not too far away, a small smile gracing her features at the sight. The basketball king did in fact clean up quite nicely. 
“Here you go, one glass of champagne for my lovely date.” Her tone light, playful, she held out the glass to him with a smile before moving her gaze to the area around them. It had all come together nicely. Her duties as vice president including seeing to the set up, appropriate decorations, over all schedule of events for the night. While stressful, it was something she thrived on, having that control, that sense of responsibility and accomplishment. “And I just wanted to say thank you, again, for agreeing to come.” And she meant it. “I mean, I know it can be a bit of a hassle, with the suit and the people and the whole… well everything it is, but it’s been a great evening so far.” Her voice earnest, eyes meeting his, lacking the usual sass and attitude. For a moment anyway. She grinned once more, playfully dusted off her shoulders. “And if it gets boring, I could still go get some shots on you even in the dress and heels.” @gogreekpoints @itsfcknbo
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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bo hamada and his date bay daniels attending the kappa omega pi formal. @gogreekpoints @bcydaniels
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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。✧*゚。  F O R M A L  A T T I R E 
Event : K A P P A  O M E G A  P I   F O R M A L @itsfcknbo @gogreekpoints
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
@lijahmorris: forrealz tho i need someone to come give me a massage cause my back hurts so much it feels like i'm dying
@bohamada2: i can dribble a basketball on your back if you want @lijahmorris
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
"Sit down, pretty boy. You need to remember I'm the basketball king around here." He gave his team mate a look, then focused on the white ball to break, breaking it and watching them go in separate directions. "Damn straight. Winner gets 100$, loser has to clean the winners basketball shoes. All of them. And trust me when I say, I own lots of them. Deal?" Bo held his hand out, waiting for the other to shake.
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“You know you’re cute with that pool stick and everything but you’re challenging one of Princeton’s finest athletes. Are you sure you want to bet on this?”
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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Bay couldn’t help the exaggerated roll of her eyes. “Pfft. Please Bo,” Looked at him over her shoulders once more. “Surprised at how bad they are, sure.” Her eyes narrowed at the mention of gymnastics being dance. “There are dance like elements, yes” Bay clarified, her tone matter of fact, “But they’re totally different and I ‘ought to through this ball at you for thinking the cupid shuffle is anything like a front tuck-round off-back handspring. I cant even-” She stopped herself then, getting a little too passionate on the subject. “I don’t like surprises.” A truth, surprised couldn’t be planned for, analyzed. “But, I like you for now. So deal. Prepare to lose Boba.” Bay shot him a playful wink before turning to the hoop once more. She stilled, readied her hands, remembered what he mentioned about keeping your wrist loose, before shooting the ball wards the hoop. 
Bo nodded his head and watched as the ball went towards the hoop, it making it in, to his suprise. He smirked and clapped his hands, looking down at her. “Alright, congrats. Your reward is a Starbucks coffee. If you’re down anyway. I’m so drained from watching you try, I need something to keep me going.” He teased, and started walking out with her, only to get the ball, shoot it and swish it right in. “Let’s get going then? My car is parked up front.”
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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“really?” she let out a soft sigh, watching the ball bounce weakly down the court floor. “Bo, i’m really tired. how about we just try this again tomorrow and go out to eat instead?” the suggestion rolled off her tongue, sounding more like a demand than anything else as she smiled brightly his way. “i’ve got a twenty and that thai place down the street sent me coupons earlier. can’t think of a better way to spend time with ya, buddy!”
 Bo shook his head lightly with a grin, and nodded his head, shooting the hoop flawlessly once more then looking over at her. “Thai food sounds awesome, honestly. Let’s do that instead.”
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
“You know what,” Bay paused after swooping up the ball as it rolled on the ground. She turned to face him, basketball placed between her arm and cocked hip, and pointed a finger. “No one asked you.” Though there was a grin on her face. “And you have to remember I’m all of 5 fucking four and you’re damn near a giant. I say we hop on a beam and see what you can do instead of a basketball court.” Still had some of that old gymnast in her, that she knew. She shifted then, turned to face the hoop before her. “How about this,” Bay glanced back over her shoulder at him. “I miss this shot and I’ll make you some of my mom’ mac and cheese you’re such a fan of. But, if I make it. Hmmm…” 
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Bo couldn’t help but laugh at her attitude she was showing, a grin on his face as he looked at her, nodding his head eagerly, trying not to make a sarcastic comment. “You’d be surprised at my dance moves. Isn’t that what gymnastics is?” Bo winked, and listened to her proposition, eyebrow raised at the mentioning of her moms mac and cheese. Which was, by the way, nothing short of amazing. “If you make it, I’ll give you a surprise. How about that, Shorty?”
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
"y'know, you'd be much better off at actually making the hoop if you just.." bo swished the ball in, then looked at the other. "..loosen your wrist. try again. you got this." he shot the other a grin, and stood back. 
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
NAME: bo hamada. 
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AGE: twenty two. SEXUALITY: straight. GRADE: sophomore SIBLINGS: one younger sister. LIKES; smoking weed, playing basketball, soul food and wathcing cheesey 80s movies. DISLIKES; McDonalds, drinking alcohol, ramen noodles and fake friends. PERSONALITY;  bo is a down to eart guy with a heart of gold, and a very athletic nature. he is also an incredibly deep thinker, despite his rather loquacious ways. he’s a really good listener with boundless energy and is the most sincere, sweetest man alive
short bio; bo hamada was born and raised in hong kong, his mother raising him alone since his father left and took his younger sister. bo had a huge love for the sport basketball, watching it all the time as a kid. he knew one day he'd grow up to be an amazing basketball player, which he did. his love for the sport earned him a full ride to princeton university. everyone knows him as the basketball king, and he reps that name well. 
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itsfcknbo-blog · 7 years ago
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