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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
August-Septemeber ideas
august goals
O cooking and baking O start preparing for school O cleaning the house and my area O taking care of my plants O making teas and teabags O write more stories and poetry O study japanese well O staying active and hydrated  O working on self-growth O sending letters to penpals  O continuing to explore side opportunities 
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
FatherHood [ch.2]
" This is happening so fast." 
[M/N] had wanted to go into the special child care courses they had at a college in Boulder or in Aspen and the possible idea of going all the way to Colorado Springs. They were costly, even with his two jobs, [M/N] knew a scholarship that he would get in the summer would pay everything from room and board to his parking lot badge. Though, only when he completed his hours working with kids and get a special letter from PC principal who would give it, after [M/N] helps a student in need for the whole summer: Babysitting, tutoring, cleaning, ect. Whatever the student in need was in need .
" It is happening fast." PC Principal said, he stood behind his desk as he talked to [M/N]. One of the good children at his school. " You're very fortunate that the student in need submitted a helper application this morning, and that it's barely the start of the brand new school year. So you have a long school year to work with them, they needed childcare so this should be easy as apple pie."
" Do I know them?"
PC Principal looked over the papers and nods his head, " Believe it or not, they are in your classes, same age and someone you have been with as a platonic friend." He said, reading over the chicken scratch and smiled a bit. " I have email their details and the meeting time, which is after school, and let me know through email if you accept the job. But remember, you're with them for the entire school year. If you chose to refuse then I have to wait for another application, and if only you can wait for that long. But then, you get your nice and juicy letter of recommendation."
" I got it, but I can assure you. I am more than willing to do this childcare, it's gonna be hard with my jobs but I'll do it." [M/N] said, smiling as PC Principal grins a bit, " Then you can go, have a nice day [L/N]." The teen stood up, he walked out his office and shut the door behind him and almost skips down the hallway, a bit bounce in his step. He didn't care who it was, but he literally got his ticket to the letter. Thank god for the stupid program.
He walked back in the door of his Chemistry class, the teacher practically sleeping at her desk as [M/N] took his seat in the middle table once more. " Did something happened with PC?" Stan asked, barely lifting his head up from the seat beside [M/N] they were table mates, the ravenette always cheated off him but [M/N] didn't care really. The poor thing always had a hangover headache during their second period. Plus, they were friends, why wouldn't he help him?
" I just got my first application." [M/N] said, as he looked at Stan who stared up at him. " Today after school, I'll be meeting with some adult or teen mom or something. I'll be working with them to take care of their kid." [M/N] felt giddy that he could have an opportunity like this. " Then I'll be far away from this fucking town."
" That's great, dude." Stan said, as he watched [M/N] practically sparkle as he spoke about his opportunity, the pure happiness made the ravenette feel some sort of envy. Not because he was able to work his way towards college and study whatever he wanted, no, it was just the pure emotion that Stan wished he could feel without the need for beer or weed. " Why do you want be a teacher again?" Stan asked, propping his head up with his hand. [M/N] glanced to Stan and opens his mouth only to jump a bit when he heard a loud bang ahead. They turn their gaze ahead and saw their teacher had fallen to the floor, dead asleep. She didn't even get up when she landed on the floor, instead she began to drool. 
" That." [M/N] gestures to the woman on the floor with a frown. " Is why I want to be a teacher, I can always fall back into daycare work if I need to. People are always plopping out kids." The bell rings and everyone stood up, hurrying out the door with their friends. [M/N] standing up and walked out the door with Stan, the other wobbling a bit and rubbing his temple. " what the hell did you drink this time around?"
" I can't remember, I think it was either bud light or cherry flavored vodka." Stan said as he looked at [M/N]. " You're not gonna tell Kyle, are you?"
" I'm not." [M/N] said as he glanced at the other, " He'll find out the second he smells your breath and your red puffy eyes." Stan groans, slouching a bit as he walked to their next class. Of course Kyle could smell the scent of alcohol a mile a way, and on Stan. He usually didn't drink this heavily but lately there had been reasons to drink. His dad for one, his mom ignoring everything around them, Shelly gone, Sparky getting old, his grades, pressure on the football team, everything seemed to be fucked up or going on to be fucked up.  The last thing he needed was to screw up his relationship with his friends. Wendy was gone and dating Token again, so that's a thing. Though, he wasn't really drinking because of that.
" I know, still, I hate it when he lectures me." Stan grumbled as they kept walking to their next class, kids bumping shoulders into his. He was even too tired to snap at them. " He acts more like my mom than my friend."
" He cares for you Lee," [M/N] said as he nudged the other with a smile, " Somebody has to care for your dumbass, I love you and all but I won't be around long." Stan gives the other a small smile. " See, you should smile more."
" And you should get laid more." Stan retorts and they both share a laugh as they entered their history class only to see their teacher eating a pot brownie, another movie day it seems. [M/N] rolled his eyes as he sits down, Stan going to his assigned seat behind him. [M/N] pulled his phone out like others as the teacher kept plugging the tv in and out of the power port. He was to high and hopefully it won't be something stupid. He was focused on the phone that he didn't hear the chair scrap next to him. 
" Hey, [M/N]." 
[M/N] mentally groans as he heard the voice beside him, he should've sit in the back with Stan. Since the junior year summer break, Craig had been a thorn in his side. He was annoying him, clinging to his side like a needy animal wanting to be pet and be given kisses. Everything he did, annoyed him. Craig first began asking about his day or try to converse with him in the summer, Craig then offers him extra things he accidently bought from stores, usually food. Free food, then it began asking to hang out but [M/N] actually couldn't do it because of work and college visits. Craig didn't know why he was suddenly too friendly but it kind of disturbed him. 
" Hey Craig." [M/N] said as he glanced at the ravenette. He looked still the same since he did when they were younger. Short black hair that hid underneath the dark blue chullo hat with a yellow puff ball on top of the dark blue hat. He wore his dark blue jacket with a bit of his black shirt peeking up and dark jeans as well. He also had black boots on too that replaced the dark blue converse he had as a kid. Craig still had his emotionless face but his dark eyes had edges of light grey in the corners. " How are you?" [M/N] asked politely. 
" Good." Craig replied as [M/N] nods, his eyes glanced away to the teacher who played with his pen, the movie read to be started as kids came inside the classroom. 
" I heard you got your first application." Craig said after a few minutes of awkward silence. [M/N] stared at him, wondering how he knew. " I was outside the office, I was late and I needed a pass. The door is super thin so I heard everything." Craig's eyes glanced to [M/N] who caught his gaze. " Congratulations." He said. 
" Uh, oh, thanks." [M/N] thanked the other, and looked back at the tv. " Though, it Is a bit rude for eavesdropping on conversations." He joked and Craig shakes his head a bit, a low chuckle made [M/N] smile a bit. 
" Well, maybe I like being rude to you." Craig said with a smirk as the bell rings, [M/N]'s cheeks turn a bit pink. " It's fun being rude to you too, you and your color changing cheeks." [M/N] scoffed, eyes rolling at the statement as the lights turn off and the history movie started. [M/N] kept watching the movie, leaning against his metal chair a bit but he could feel Craig watching him, he caught him a bit from the corner of his [E/C] eyes. Why is he watching me? Werido..
The school day was boring, nothing really to learn from the teachers who were either crying, high or sleeping. That was High school for you in South Park. Another reason he wanted to be a teacher.
[M/N] walked down the sidewalk towards the meeting place at Tweek's coffeehouse. The person had said he would be late because their kid was having a fit. It must be a baby or toddler, [M/N]'s specialty. He kept walking down the street with a hum, seeing the coffee shop and hurried over. The smell of warm coffee and the sound of chatter was the first thing he had heard and smelled when [M/N] walked in. He can see Tweek twitching and taking orders, talking about the new specials and such. [M/N] sits his bookbag down as he sits down into a booth, he pulled out some math homework to do. 
He hated math but might as well get it over and done. He kept scribbling in the answers after figuring it out. His focus on the papers in front of him, his [E/C] eyes glancing up once in a while to see the possible parent and child but no one came towards him. He was getting a bit nervous and especially getting antsy. Maybe it was some rich socialite? Someone with too many kids and needed a lot of help? He didn't know and he wanted them to be there fas-
" [M/N]?" 
[M/N]'s head snapped up and smiled only for it to fall when he noticed who called him. His pencil falls and rolls off the table, Kenny noticed and a weak smile pulled on his pale lips. Yeah, I'm just as shock, Kenny thought as he  looked at his ex-boyfriend and opens his mouth but the baby who was sleeping in his make-shift sling began wailing when the door of the shop slammed closed with the jingle of a bell. People began sending Kenny dirty looks and teens gave them annoyed ones too.  [M/N] stood up once Kenny gently took the baby out, trying to calm him down and [M/N] grimaced. The baby was in clothes that was a couple months too big for him, he had Karen's smallest socks on his hands, probably to prevent himself from scratching at his face. 
" Hand the baby over, Ken." [M/N] ordered as he moved from the table and made grabby hands towards the blond who slowly hands his son over. [M/N] carefully took the baby, support his head and body. He cradles the baby against his chest and cooed over him, the baby kept crying as he stared up at the new person. His chubby arms moving around, the sock-gloves lightly graving [M/N]'s chin. " Hey, baby McCormick, don't hit me." [M/N] cooed as he looked at the baby, gently rocking him. " When was the last time you fed him?" [M/N] asked as he kept his gaze down on the baby. 
" Two hours ago." Kenny answered, as he watched [M/N] gently handle his son with wide eyes, he wasn't shock really, a bit that [M/N] went right to mother hen mode. Though, [M/N] was just natural with kids of all ages. " I need to get more formula." Kenny added, he had ran to the gas station this morning after dropping Karen off at her school. They had one can, but his son drank it all. 
" Go to Tweek, tell him you need baby formula." [M/N] said, " The one without meth too." Kenny checked his pockets and [M/N] sighs, using one arm to gently cradle the baby and Kenny watched anxiously as [M/N] used his now free hand, and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. " Here. Get me an ice vanilla coffee too." [M/N] throws the wallet and Kenny almost didn't catch it. [M/N] held the baby with both hands and arms just as Kenny hurried in line just as the last person left with their coffee. 
The baby kept crying, not as loud but it was still annoying people next to him. [M/N] smiled down at the baby and cooed, " Okay, Okay, get it out of your system." He smiled and the baby hand raised up, and grazed [M/N]'s chin with his gloved hands again. " You keep trying that, but you can't hit me little McCormick." [M/N] chuckled as he resumed his rocking, humming a bit.
"I'd heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? Well, it goes like this The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah"
[M/N] began singing sweetly, almost in a childish tone to the baby. He still moved his arms around but his crying is slowly reduced to whimpers. His bright teal eyes staring up into [M/N]'s soft [E/C] eyes. Small tears ran down his pale cheeks from his small crying fit, but seemed to slowly calm down to [M/N]'s singing.
"Well, your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya She tied you to the kitchen chair She broke your throne and she cut your hair And from your lips, she drew the Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah"
Soon the whimpers stop and the baby's arms stopped moving around, but his full attention was solely on the new person who smelled nice unlike the blond who held him. The stranger smelled way better than the woman too. His teal eyes watching him, and [M/N] smiled down at the baby. The smile made the baby smile back.
"Well baby, I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor I used to live alone before I knew ya And I've seen your flag on the marble arch And love is not a victory march It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah"
" Your voice has never lost it's pitch." Kenny said as he walked back from the counter, bottle in one hand and ice coffee in the other. He had heard the final verse of [M/N]'s singing and sat the coffee down. [M/N] sat down, using one arm again to hold the baby and used the other to grasp the bottle from Kenny's hand. He tested it against his arm before slowly feeding the tiny McCormick. [M/N] watched the baby drink the formula, holding him carefully. He was hungry, and probably startled when the door closed. " I didn't think they would send you for help, if you're the one I'm looking for." Kenny said, standing and watching his son eat. 
" Me either, nor did I think you'll have a son so soon." [M/N] said, not looking up as he fed the baby. " What's his name?"
" Uh, I..haven't give him one." Kenny said, watching his son eat. Smile on his lips, as his son ate instead of crying. He had been crying all day, used his diaper and ate. It was nice to see him eat and calm down. 
" Sit down Ken," [M/N] said as he placed the bottle down on the table once the baby finished eating half of his milk. [M/N] fixed the baby in the burping position and gently pats the baby's back and a large burp came out the baby boy.  " Good boy." [M/N] praised as he fixed the baby in his arms, he laid in his arms and kept watching [M/N] with bright teal eyes. [M/N] lifts his head up and looked at Kenny who pulled a chair from a random table. " I'm free in the mornings before school and I am willing to stay until 12 am at nights. Though, I can take him to my job at the daycare on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Friday." [M/N] explained, as he raised an eyebrow. " If you need me to watch him over the weekend then call or text me before hand. Because I may be hanging out with friends or-"
" We have the same friends." Kenny pointed out, and [M/N] narrowed his eyes at him which make the blond cringe. " Uh, you don't have to be formal with me either, I mean, I know you take child care seriously but jesus."
" Kenny, I have to." [M/N] said as he looked down at the baby, who immidealty gives him a toothless smile. [M/N] smiles back at the baby, " I want to keep us professional. Plus everything is paid for by the program at school which you would know, if you came." Kenny dropped out junior year after their broke up. He was surprise but then he heard rumors he dropped out for some hooker, [M/N] could be holding the hooker's son. 
" Low-blow, huh?" Kenny mutters to himself as he looked at [M/N]. He looked the same, Kenny had avoided the other for a bit after their break-up. He had his own things too, work, watching Karen, smoking, sex, and girls. [M/N] looked the same, minus the fact that he was bitter towards Kenny which made sense. " Uh, what's a good name for him?" Kenny asked, drawing circles with his fingers on the table top. Hoping [M/N] wouldn't be so cold when it went in the baby direction.
" I have no idea." [M/N] said, as he looked down, a smile still on his lips and the baby gurgled once the attention was on him again by the stranger. " He looks just like you."
" That's what Karen said. I think so too." Kenny said as he smiled, hearing his son gurgled happily. " I was thinking of Kenny Junior." [M/N] gave Kenny a bitch face and Kenny chuckled nervously. " Or not, if you think you can come up with a better name, then say it." So much for Kenny's idea of names. 
" I like Georgie." [M/N] said, as he waved his finger in front of the baby's face. The baby tried to take the finger but his gloved hands prevented him. " Georgie McCormick. I mean-" [M/N] glanced at Kenny and stared. "Like whatever, name him.." [M/N] didn't mean to say that out loud, the baby could have a name that the mom gave it but he didn't want to know the mother at all. She must've left Kenny after the birth since Kenny got him for help.
" No way," Kenny grins seeing [M/N] trying to keep his professional  tone and atmosphere. Kenny actually liked the name, it had a nice ring to it like [M/N] said with his surname. Georgie McCormick. " That's his name, it's cute." [M/N] nods his head as he sips his ice coffee, Georgie gently batting it with his gloved hand and [M/N] placed it down. He tried to ignore the buzzing and warm feeling of Kenny's approval, it has almost been a year and the feeling in him felt the same as it did when he was together with the blond.
" Anyway, do you agree with my terms?" [M/N] asked, as Kenny stared at the other than the look on Georgie's face. Peaceful, calm, safe. " Kenny?"
" Yeah," Kenny nods, a smile coming to his face. Safe, his son will be safe with [M/N]. " I agree. You're a life saver." 
" I know I am." [M/N] replied as he looked at the baby, another happy noise escaped from his mouth. Georgie moved, against [M/N]'s chest, a yawn escaping his lips and [M/N] smiled down at him. Even if he came from a hooker, [M/N] was kind of glad the baby looked more like Kenny than the mystery woman.
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Fatherhood [South Park] Prologue
Kenny isn't a complicated man, no way, he was raised in poverty and expected a lot less as a kid as he did as an adult. He expected himself to finally move from the shitty home into another shitty place away from his house with Karen in tow. He wouldn't dare leave his sister in the same shitty house he had been raised in, and end up at some dirty part time job to make ends meet and so he could help put Karen through college or a home of her own, whatever floats her boat. Then he'll meet some super hot chick, slide into her dms and somehow get her pregnant then marry her out of guilt she since was stuck with him and their kid. Just like his mom and dad, but he wouldn't abuse her or anything else, he wanted to be a better father than his was. 
He wanted to be the best and never let his kids go through everything he went through as a child. Kenny expected his life to be like that until he met [M/N] at least.
The guy turn his head around and made his chest hurt, he actually died. [M/N] actually gave him a heart attack, which was funny and the next day, he asked [M/N] for his name and number. The rest was history actually. They started dating at a young age, they never really fought either which was different from most relationships in South Park, they always had a date every Sunday and Thursday night since [M/N] and Kenny's schedules were terribly busy with their own lives and families. Usually it was at [M/N]'s home too, both relaxing and they watched movies. As they grow older though, they had more dates and worked their own jobs. [M/N] saving up for college and maybe somewhere nice to stay in while Kenny saved up for himself and Karen's own needs. Though, slowly, their relationship began to slowly break. Like the chain that kept them together was slowly rotting and cracking.
They knew it, everyone else did too but mind their own business. Kenny's eyes began to wonder and [M/N] began throwing himself into his studies and work when he noticed Kenny's eyes did wonder to the female population like he did in their younger years. Oh how it hurt him, how it made [M/N] question himself too. Was he right for Kenny? Was he neglecting him badly that Kenny wanted more compony with someone that had a perky set of breast? Was he a horrible boyfriend? [M/N] must be if he was holding back the only man he loved. He was horrible.
That's why he had to let him go, If you love something then you have to let him go right?
So, that's exactly what he did with a heavy heart and soft sobs, " I'm sorry," He had began to Kenny's horror and as horrible as it sounded, to his relief. " I don't think I can do this anymore, keeping you with me when you want something else. I've seen your eyes wonder to girls and I knew you don't have to gull or balls to cheat on me. So instead of making you suffer any longer, I'm breaking up with you." Before Kenny could console his Ex-boyfriend, [M/N] walked away from him and down the street. Kenny's eyes watching his figure get smaller and smaller until he was out of sight.
Kenny began chasing girls after that, he was a free man now. He was free from being the best boyfriend, free from his expectations, free. Maybe he wasn't someone who liked being in a relationship that lasted long as theirs's? Of course, he glanced at the occasional man but his focus was on women with the largest tits and the softest [H/C].
[M/N] never seemed to taken interest in the same sex, as far as Kenny knew, Craig was pushing it at times but nothing serious between [M/N] and him or any other guy, not like Kenny was paying attention either. It just bothered him but Kenny pushed it away.
He wasn't jealous, no way. He should be busy with the current girl around him, they kissed, screwed and everything else but Goldie Anderson never was one for labels. The short black-haired girl had two dull brown eyes and usually had cheap and dented glasses. She had a medium set of breast and a slightly curvy waist, but god, her lips were thick and usually wore ruby red lipstick. Her outfits were dirty or were tight on her which she used it to her advantage when she seduced Kenny to her bed.
Goldie Anderson's situation was like Kenny's, poor family and drunks but the only difference was that Goldie was an only child and often seduced others who had money. How she ended up with Kenny was a strange situation but no one said anything. They were almost adults, they'll handle their messes.
Except this was a mess they couldn't exactly clean up, or Kenny couldn't. Nine months ago, Goldie had slept with Kenny, no condom and claimed she was on the pill which was good enough for Kenny at the moment. After that, Goldie avoided Kenny like the plague which confused the other but shrugs it off. More girls were waiting for him anyway.
[M/N] gotten his student job thanks to the school, which would look great on his college application, he would help at the local daycare on the weekdays after school. Only Monday through Thursday, paid twelve dollars and hour. He was good. As long as he works through until he graduates, PC Principal would send a letter of reccomdation at a college in Boulder or Aspen for his teaching degree. He was busy with focusing on school to know of Kenny's sexcapades. He would start officially in October. He had his own expectations on himself, work hard enough so he could teach kids, don't get caught up with drama then marry some guy and have his own kids.
Two different men and their expectations through the roof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenny groans as he woke up to his parents fighting in their bedroom, they were fighting since he could hear his dad say over and over, " Fuckin' bitch, FUCK YOU!" Like a broken record, then the sound of glass breaking against the wall. The blonde sighs as he combes his fingers through his blonde hair and slowly get off the bed. It was early as far as he knew, the sun was poking out from under blanket that he covered the window with. He shuffled his boxers back up and covered himself the bottom half of himself with them, then a pair of sweat pants then his orange Parka. He pulled the hoodie up before walking out the door.
He was sure there was some bagels for him and Karen for breakfast, not to mention Tweek as given them a few days old coffee to warm up. Nice breakfast for the first day of the month, the blonde entered the kitchen and ignored the squeaks of mice and rats who breaks away from their groups and hid away. Kenny pulled the bag of bagels out the fridge and open up, his teal eyes peering in to see the first bagel was turning green and fluffy, he throws it away and takes the other one that had yet to turn gross. At least Karen would be able to eat today, he placed the bread into the toaster and switched it on. Kenny takes what's left of their cream cheese and placed it on the counter. 
The fighting hasn't stop but he didn't move to stop it, they always fought and always threw things and today Kenny didn't want to be apart of it. Kenny placed the coffee he had left in the cup and began warming it up in the dirty microwave, he watched it spin around slowly and the machine humming as it warmed his drink. Probably the only thing he would be eating at all. Not that he minded, his sister before himself. Kevin finally booked it when he turned seventeen with Stan's sister, Shelly. Last he heard, she was large and about to pop out Kenny's first niece or nephew. 
As long as Kevin doesn't turn out like their father, than Kenny had no problem of them having a kid together in some other none fuckish place like South Park. Plus not another mouth to feed. I hope they're okay though, knowing Kevin isn't one for reasonability, Kenny thought as he placed the bagel on the plastic plate. He used the butter knife and spread the cream cheese over the bagel as he heard footsteps come towards the kitchen. He turns to see Karen, she was rubbing sleep from her eyes and smiled drowsly at her brother. For now, karen is my only responsibility. " Morning Ken." Karen greeted with a yawn, " How are you?" " I'm good princess, you?" Kenny asked as Karen smiled but both winced when another bottle hit the wall and then there was knocking on the door. " Get the door?" Karen smiled and walked towards the door just as the microwave beeps, the blonde turns around and opens the tiny door and picks up his lukewarm coffee cup. He inhales it for a moment before drinking it. He heard the door open and closed within minutes, " You okay-woah-baby." Kenny said all in once when karen came back into the kitchen with a baby in her arms. It didn't move but he could see it breathing. " Just because we live in a shitty neighborhood, doesn't mean were a dumping ground for bastards." Kenny said, annoyance growing. " It's from Goldie's mom." Karen answered softly, looking down at the sleeping baby. " It's a boy..." " Okay, so Goldie got pregnant from some other dude and her mom wants it gone-" " Ken, he looks like you from the pictures mom has." Karen stops her brother from ranting away at Goldie being a bad mother. " She said Goldie went away and she didn't want him." Kenny stared at the bundle in Karen's arms for a moment and blinked, he could see blonde hair poking out from under the blanket a bit. He had a son, a baby boy. Another McCormick, he had made another McCormick. Kenny made a baby with a girl who didn't want anything to do with him other than sex. Oh how screwed he was, the grip on the mug falters and it falls to the floor which startled the baby and began crying loudly in a distressed Karen's arms. He wails and raised his chubby arms in the air as he sobbed for comfort. That's how it all began.
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
uuuuh any whump prompts/tropes for a parent trying to comfort/rescue their child?
Oooo, there’s nothing more intense than the desperation of a parent!
- “Where are they? Where are they?! Where is my son/daughter? Do not test me, tell me where they are!”
- “I’m only going to tell you this once: get your hands off my son/daughter. Now!”
- “No, no, no, sweetie, it’s me! It’s Mom/Dad! They aren’t going to hurt you anymore, I’m taking you home!”
- “Shhh, shh. It’s okay. I’m here.”
- If they’re both in captivity, Parent sacrificing to Child the greater portion of food to comfort them because they know they’re starving
- Parent doing something that they haven’t done since Child was younger, something they know has always comforted them – singing, combing fingers through their hair, rocking them, etc. 
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Have you got anything for parent-child comfort prompts?? Xx
Parent comforting child:
Cradling child close to their chest
Wrapping child in old blankets like a little burrito
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
Assuring child that the pain isn’t their fault
Distracting child with their favorite things (toys, comfort items, ect.)
“Nobody’s going to hurt you as long as I’m around.”
Watching child’s favorite childhood movie with them (bonus points if child is all grown up)
Wiping child’s tears away, cupping their entire face with their hand because child is so small
“It gets better, I promise.”
Child comforting parent:
Knowing parent is hurting, even when they hide it
Crawling into parent’s lap quietly
Gently patting their parent’s hands/head
“Even though you’re big, it’s okay to cry.”
Wiping parent’s tears away, using their entire hand to do so because parent is so big
Writing parent a note in crayon to cheer them up (bonus points if they include a messy drawing of their parent smiling)
Doing chores if they are a bit older, knowing that taking care of other tasks will help parent relax
Pretending they’re the one who needs comforting, because they know parent will try to hide weakness in front of them
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
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I blame the Discord ppl for this dfghjk
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Holy hell this is all cute
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Did a little Aggie session yesterday with @mushy-madness​, here be our haul :D 
It was hella fun! Hope it can happen again soon <3. Sum extras down below:
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
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I thought some of you would like to hear the news
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
dialogue prompt #9
A: “So… Ever had a boyfriend?” B: “We are literally in the middle of a life or death situation and you’re asking me if I’ve ever been in a relationship?” A: “Yeah?”
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Zim’s memory loss is a form of coping, and it’s something he’s not even entirely aware of. 
Zim has shown to be very selective with what he remembers, while it looks like he’s constantly fabricating the truth and justifying himself with lies (”I blew up more than any other invader!”) there’s a chance that he genuinely believes what he’s saying, because Zim tricks himself all the time to prevent himself from feeling bad about what happens to him/what he does. 
A really good example of this would be Zim’s reaction to seeing Sizz-lor. There was no recollection whatsoever, not until Sizz-lor put the hat on, and then everything came back. He genuinely forgot about his time on foodcourtia, it took one small trigger to break through his protective ignorance. 
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It goes even further than this though. We also get a glimpse at Zim’s re-encoding, another traumatic event that happened in Zim’s life that he refuses to remember clearly.
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He saw with his own eyes how his Invader status changed to that of a food service drone, but he doesn’t acknowledge this at all. He still thinks he’s an invader, in ETF he even fears re-encoding despite the fact that it already happened to him. 
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Zim is defective, and while it enables him to feel emotions that most Irkens wouldn’t, it’s likely Zim’s pak has been helping Zim deal with trauma by simply hiding it away, burying traumatic memories and terrible decisions he’s made so deep that it would take a lot of prodding to bring it back out into light. 
Zim probably shut out the memory of Miyuki’s demise, a majority of his time as a scientist on Vort is probably locked away, only to be remembered if he manages to remember one of his coworkers like Lard Nar. 
It’s not a healthy coping mechanism in the slightest, Zim is only preserving himself through denial and an inability to accept the bad things that have happened to him and the consequences to his actions. But it’s all he has, literally no one has his back, so he continues to live in denial. 
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
We've seen Dib show empathy for Zim, but has Zim ever shown empathy for Dib, or, you know, anyone at all?
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Strangely, yes.
GIR is definitely one of his weak spots and he gives in to his insane and childish demands way too often. 
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I do think that Zim has a higher capacity for empathy than most other irkens. Maybe even more then Dib. Actually, yeah, way more then Dib, because Zim has more moments of Empathy then Dib ever does. Dib maybe has maybe that one moment in the movie and maybe if you count the times Dib calls Zim stupid. (but that’s not empathy, that’s more small moments of pity.) 
Keep in mind this is Johnen Vasquez’s magical world of cruelty and dark comedy. A majority of his characters have really low empathy or sympathy in general. Because that’s how you make a dark comedy and that’s how you make the jokes work. 
Zim has left random aliens (in abducted and Hobo 13), other irkens and even Dib to die on multiple occasions. The way he treats Skoodge is a really good indicator. He sees him as someone to use to boost himself higher and acts extremely petty when Skoodge is the first to conquer his planet, even if Skoodge doesn’t brag about it at all. Not to mention the countless experiments and human children and adults alike locked up in his basement. 
Zim has been known to be cruel and isn’t above shoving others under the bus frantically to get what he wants and can be extremely selfish and self-serving because he scrambles for any single scrap of recognition he can get. 
But Zim usually has a good read on reading emotions and situations by facial recognition alone. (I remember a good older post from the fandom floating around about reading facial expressions in the show awhile back but I can’t find it) And places a lot of trust in Dib when they form alliances. 
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Which usually comes back to bite him in the butt sooner or later. Yet he’s willing to put that trust in Dib repeatedly. 
And he even has shown Empathy for Dib on two occasions.
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It’s noted that in Mopiness of Doom, Zim could easily attack Dib and bring them right back into their fight, or threaten Membrane Labs or something…and maybe he did have a plan for world conquest besides spying on the Dib… But he doesn’t do that. He respects Dib’s decision that he doesn’t want to chase him anymore. And he backs off when he actually sees how Happy Dib is without him! 
It hurts him, but seeing Dib happy makes him confused and scared and he doesn’t know what to do, and he leaves him alone. And I don’t doubt he can recognize the feeling of gaining approval from an authority figure.
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And Zim does listen in ETF when Dib tells him that his Dad just thinks he’s crazy and won’t respect him. Zim does understand that sentiment, and it’s Dib’s motivational speech that gets him out of his schmoop.
And I talked about this at great length before
He tends to be very empathetic to robots. Probably because he associates the first bit of “parental love” he experienced was from a robotic arm and tends to crave companionship through machines as opposed to people. Probably because other irkens and other aliens are more likely to betray him or leave him or judge him. But Robots rely on him, depend on him, and follow him obediently and are less likely to betray him.  
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The reason Mini Moose was created in the first place (in the unreleased episode: “Nubs of Doom” ) was that he found GIR was lacking as a minion and a companion. And he wanted a more obedient robot that served him that didn’t cause his plans to blow up in his face so frequently. 
I do think Zim is a very emotionally stunted little bean and has a large capacity for empathy if he lets love into his cold little heart. 
Don’t get me wrong, Zim is an asshole, and will always kinda be an asshole, but I really do think he has a higher capacity for empathy for things he cares about. Like his robots, GIR and to an extent even Dib.
But like if Zim doesn’t know you, and you’re crying in front of him, he will probably throw you in a rain puddle for him to cross over. 
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Don’t expect Zim to show empathy for strangers or people he doesn’t really care about. 
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
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Strange Earth romance ~ 
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
2020 Academia Aesthetic 📚✏️💭
Deadlines met. Positive energy. Goodnight sleeps. Mental health together. Making connections. Coffee because you want it, not because you need it. Studying but not over studying. Good grades. Easy sailing. Building healthy relationships. Staying on top of things. Falling but getting back on track. Never giving up. Keeping your head up.
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Christmas writing prompts
Hey! So since it’s Christmas soon I’ll be taking requests from the list down below! Feeling free to use if you want but give credit!! 
1. “Merry Christmas bitch”
2. “How many Christmas lights does one person need?”
3. “Shut up! Santa is real”
4. “Why does the house smell like Santa threw up?”
5. “Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitch, I love you”
6. “Oh my god I haven’t got you a present!”
7. “It’s Christmas today?!”
8. “No seriously I swear I saw Santa”
9. “Omg it’s a fucking reindeer”
10. “This tree’s bigger than my future”
11. “Why do you have playlist with just ‘all I want for Christmas is you’ and ‘last Christmas I gave you my heart’?”
12. “No you don’t understand I need a picture with Santa!”
13. “I can’t reach the top of the tree to put the star on.”
14. “Oh how convenient, some mistletoe”
15. “Let’s binge watch Christmas movies!”
16. “I can’t believe we’re going to A&E on Christmas Eve”
17. “Do you wanna build a sno-“ “no don’t you dare finish that”
19. “You murdered my snowman”
20. “I don’t like hot chocolate”
21. “Christmas isn’t just about the presents”
22. “You look like this ginger bread man”
23. “Go to sleep, Santa isn’t real”
24. “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”
25. “Did you just put fake antlers on the dog?”
26. “I love Christmas more then anything” “what even more then me?”
27. “It’s official I hate Christmas shopping”
28. “I can’t ice skate I’ll break all my bones”
29. “Don’t you dare buy me that”
30. “Stop smashing my ornaments”
31. “That is the ugliest decoration I’ve ever seen”
32. “You’ve burnt the turkey?!”
33. “Thoughts on Brussels sprouts?”
34. “Fuck it let’s just get drunk”
35. “I don’t know how to wrap presents”
36. “This is the worse and best Christmas ever”
37. “Honey, where is my Santa suite?”
38. “I don’t think we can fight Santa”
39. “What no that’s not daddy, that’s Santa”
40. “Oh so we’re putting beer out for Santa now?”
41. “I can not believe our car broke down in the middle of nowhere 3 hours before it’s officially Christmas.”
42. “I hate work Christmas parties”
43. “What do you mean you’re working on Christmas?!”
44. “Babies can’t eat mince pies”
45. “You look like an elf”
46. “The babies crying, the foods burning, the dogs are fighting and your calling me to see what time my family’s coming at?”
47. “I don’t like spending time with your family at Christmas”
48. “I refuse to have a baby on Christmas”
49. “How many advent calendars does one person need?”
50. “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me”
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
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What happened to RecapKid is absolutely disgusting, mass reporting someone for simply liking a ship. And the funny thing about this whole mess, Recap never even harassed anyone for not liking the ship.
Recap drew for THEMSELVES, not for anyone else, they chose to share their wonderful art with us. They went through so much, I might not know them but I do know they were so strong, taking away such a strong person like them is sick.
Whoever reported them is not welcome anywhere near my blog.
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itsbeautifulhologram · 5 years ago
Your OTP + Kids
Who in your OTP carries them from the couch/car to the bed?
And who soothes the kids after a nightmare?
Who wants to throw out the car seat because the stupid thing won’t strap in?
Who cries on the first day of school?  
Gets the kids into the local sports team?
And who’s the parent that gets way too aggressive at these games?
Who in your OTP lets the kids stay up and watch movies and who sends them to bed?
Who sneaks candy to the kids before school, whilst the other pretends not to notice?
Who is the parent that yells at the kid for being called to the principal’s office and who is the parent who yells at the principal?
Who teaches their son to tie a tie and who
Explains periods to their daughter?
Who cries at graduation?
Who reads the book in silly voices?
Who’s the one against sweets before dinner and who lets it slide?
Who gets rid of the monster in the closet and under the bed?
Which parent sneaks veggies into the kids’ dinner and who doesn’t like veggies themselves?
Who in your OTP does the “hurt my baby and I’ll kill you” speech when their kid brings someone over?
Who goes on all the rides with the kids because their partner gets queasy on rides?
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itsbeautifulhologram · 6 years ago
*buying groceries*
Person a: hey do you have any bags?
Person b: the only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Person a:
Person a: a simple no would have sufficed
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