itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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We Transform Your Vision into Creative Products  Website Design & Development and Customized Software products  
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
How to make your Content SEO friendly- Step-by-step.
SEO Content Writing usually takes a lot of time. No matter what you are writing. It takes the amount of time to collect the data and filter it again split it into various parts to use it later.
It's quite intimidating when it comes to writing an article or a blog post. It sounds easy to listen and seems pleasant to view. But, the work behind the writer do is enormous.
So, if you are the one who is clinching to write the blog post. No worries. You get the quick relief for your pain points. So, when you read this post completely. You can instantly take action.
Read on…
Let’s learn a bit about SEO
SEO is (Search Engine Optimization) it helps you to come under search results.
It increases the traffic on your website or on your blogs, articles, etc., When it comes to writing a blog or article SEO optimization required.
So, you can’t dump everything on a piece of paper. You need to allocate the information in a manner, you need to follow certain procedure when you are writing. Especially, blog post or articles with a view to rank on google.
It’s not that easy. It doesn’t mean that it is impossible.
If you are willing to do the work and apply the following methods you can easily impress the google.
 Here are the steps you need to follow:
Hunt for Keywords:
You are writing for SEO friendly content writing. So, it is obvious that you need to start with gathering the keywords. For this, You will have plenty of options on the internet, for free of cost. The more you collect the keywords and the more you have a chance to test them out. Keywords help you to get rank on the top. However, there are other factors that also matter in ranking your content.
Pro Tip:
You can also use the long-tail keywords in your content. To increase your chances to stand out.
 In-depth Research:
This part is time-consuming. But, without it, your blog post would not be strong or authentic. It could be boneless. Research helps you to understand the concept that you are writing. And which leads you to find a way to connect with your readers.
Showing the social proof of a survey or the case studies will help you to stand out from the other content on the internet.
 Use Optimizable Pictures:
You might have seen the other content on the net. Where you have seen the images which make the content interesting and attractive to the reader. Using the optimizable images will increase the speed of downloading the website. Again, you will find a lot of sources to minimize the volume of images.
 Have you ever observed any site which is taking too much time in loading? It will have a negative impact on the viewers. The cause for this is not using the correct file size. So, use the optimize images. By doing this you are cutting down the loading of a web page.
 Internally link to your blogs:
Suppose, you have written the ten posts. So, here you can build the internal link. You can link it to the previous blog links to your new blogs. Like this, you are introducing the reader to your previous blogs. They can easily click on the link to visit other blogs you wrote. Make sure it should be relevant to the blogs.
For example: “You freshly wrote a how-to make pizza.” Then you add a link of your previous blog which is “3 ways to know the right temperate for baking.”
See, it does make sense. Linking your previous blog into the new blogs.
 Answer the readers frequently asked questions:
This is a valid point and mostly you can have higher chances to rank on google.
Since you covered the keywords and all the above ones its time to get into the mind of the readers.
When the reader gets an answer for his/her question, it is likely to be he/she will come back to read all your other content. And moreover, he will be ready to share the content with the others. Generally, readers visits your or any other content to get solutions for the problems. By answering the questions you are clearly making your content high-quality content.
Keywords optimization is an important aspect of digital marketing and content marketing. SEO marketing skills are needed for the expansion of your business. And also to leverage the more organic traffic on your website. If you want to increase your web traffic and improve your content writing skills.
Reach out to us right now.
Appstanweb designing & development company. Where you can get responsive website for your business. You get all web development  services and endless designs options you get only at Appstan. So, build your website with us .https://appstan.com.
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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Custom Mobile apps are expected to generate $189 billion in revenue by 2022, says buildfire.com.  Around 64% came from the APAC region, 19% from EMEA, and 17% from AMER. But China accounted for nearly 50% of global Mobile app downloads says BusinessofApps . According to Statista, mobile apps are expected to generate $189 Billion US dollars in revenue by 2022. But, the cost & the time taken for Mobile Apps development  depends on building the infrastructure. You need to choose how your custom Mobile app can apply to the industry and it should enable revenue growth for your business for decades.
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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itsapstan2020 · 4 years
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