its-renleonhart · 2 years
Sounds like something similar to what just happened at the theatre a few hours ago.
We sell Pepperoni and Cheese pizzas from our little pizza hut thing. We used to sell Jalapeño and Pepperoni pizza but that stopped for some reason.
I heard a guest ask for a freshly made Pepperoni Pizza, and when our pizza person hands it to them after they paid, we all watched this dude open the box and just start picking away the pepperoni, as he walked away.
Like...come on. All of our pizzas are the same price. Just say you wanted a cheese pizza.
Dear Customer,
I need you to understand that when you order a Vegetarian Pizza, but you say remove all the vegetables from it, you just ordered a really expensive cheese pizza
Sincerely, the delivery driver who just got an order for Vegetarian Pizza with no tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers or onions, aka the only toppings on that pizza
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its-renleonhart · 2 years
This is a picture taken from work today.
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Guys...our cupholders are not as clean as y'all may think. Even when you add a paper towel in them.
While we do clean the cupholders, you need to understand that there is still a fuck ton of bacteria in them that even the wipes can't get to. (Plus, it's a pain in the ass to clean buttery popcorn/kettle corn out of them.)
This is a easy way to get sick guys. And as a movie theatre employee, I'm asking you to not do this if you don't want to get sick.
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its-renleonhart · 3 years
Ushers and Auditoriums 1
I think this story will be relatable to those who have also worked in the Movie Theatre Industry.
So, I work at a pretty well-known movie theatre in Arizona, that's located inside of a mall. I'm positive a lot of you know which one that I'm going to be talking about, but for those who don't, I'm gonnna be calling this place "Millennium Theatres".
I have been currently working there for about almost an entire year now, and I first started off as a concessionist. But that's a story for another post.
I had been "promoted" from concessions to what my managers call Floor, which is just a fancy term for Ushering. Usually there is about four or six of us on floor depending on how busy it gets.
So last month, on December 17th, we had been given the honor of showing Spider-Man: No Way Home. I am not a big marvel fan, having lost my interest in the fandom after I learned just how damn toxic it can get, all because I had mentioned how I had said a few movies no longer made any sense to me, and one Anon had started calling me a hater, and blah, blah blah. (I understand that you have to watch the movies AND the series that are coming out in a specific order, but nobody got time for that.)
Anyways, as you can expect; it got busy very fast. Now, I'm not complaining about it getting busy, since I'd rather be moving than standing on one spot for nearly 30 minutes waiting for people to get out of an auditorium.
What I AM going to be complaining about you will see in a second.
For context, it was me and about four other ushers, including our manager. Sometimes, he will have us split up to cover both A side and B side of the theatre in case we fall behind. Sometimes we will have guests come out when the movie is over and they will say "Thank you for working today!", and while we appreciate the gesture...we also get That Feeling™️.
Like we were going to walk into something really horrible.
So, I go in there and switch on the lights. And I swear to the Heavens, I almost FREAKED the FUCK OUT over what I was staring at.
Now, it wasn't as bad as that one TikTok from that one employee where the auditorium was destroyed by guests. But imagine seeing nachos smothered in cheese and jalapenos(did I spell that right?), and overly buttered popcorn crushed into the seats and the carpet; soda and beer/wine/etc. INSIDE of the cupholders, and popcorn tubs and those cardboard carriers being stuffed into the bottom of the recliners.
It was that bad.
My manager comes in, sees the fucking mess everyone had left behind and said "Those disgusting motherfuckers."
Look. We understand when things spill. We get that. It's hard to not spill anything because you are trying to balance to snacks and drink in your arms while also trying to climb up the stairs and get to your seat. BUT! It's another when someone is sitting down and just allows for their popcorn to get crushed into the seats and not even bother to at least lift the cushion up to dust it off the seats. A lot of guests that we get seem to have that "Not My Job; Not my Problem" Mentality. Especially when they do Private Watch Parties.
Guys, listen. A lot of us working in movie theatres don't get paid enough to clean up after guests who leave half-eaten nachos, hot foods, and hell, even their babies DIRTY DIAPERS lodged into the seats. Even with gloves on, we can still get sick from all that. AND BEFORE I get people commenting on this all like "Hey! Fuck you, Ren! We're vaccinated! We don't have Covid!" I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT JUST COVID! I AM TALKING ABOUT EVERY SICKNESS OUT THERE! NOROVIRUS, THE COMMON COLD, ALL THAT!
While cleaning, we also get guests who come in and try to sit down when we're not even remotely finished. We appreciate those of you who understand and are happy to wait on the benches for like five to ten minutes while we finish. But please don't try to argue with us. We clean and sanitize the auditoriums before every show so that you guys don't get sick. We don't want you guys coming in, and sitting down only to sit in someone else's mess. Because no one wants that.
So what can you take away from this? Please make sure you clean up after yourself to make it easy for your theatre employees, who are just trying to survive and afford their next meals, so that way we can do our best to provide the best movie experience for you guys. :)
Thank you guys for reading; This is Ren Leonhart, Signing Out.
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