its-quinns-bread · 1 year
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its-quinns-bread · 1 year
What Did I Know? ~ S.H
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@its-quinns-bread asked:
Hello babe
Got an idea for angst😩 Steve and reader being together but he's cheating on her with Nancy. Eddie is Steve's best friend but has a huge crush on reader and just try to warn her abt them but she won't listen(she already knows). So one day Steve decides to tell her and break up while Nancy is there. As he's about to talk the reader interrupts him by grabbing Eddie's vest and kisses him all tongue and teeth. Steve immediately forgets about the break up and freezes. It takes him like minutes to understand what happened at the moment before the reader say "i dump you" and walk out with Eddie following behind like a lost puppy, smirking at his ex best friend.
That hurt him way too much than he thought and he can't accept the fact that the reader left him and his bestie betrayed him. Then he realizes that he actually loves the reader, he was just blind by excitement with Nancy.
Give him pain
@harringtons-cupid @haileighboi @pleasantlycrazyworld @clovermunson @moonchildquinn. @ceriseheaven @glamourpearlsandpolkadots @hawkins-high86 @cinemaquinn @woahlifehitsyahuh
You know it shouldn't bother you from the way he walks in the house smelling like her, the way he doesn't look at you the way he used, he would never talk to you the way you two used to, he would always leave a small peck on your cheek and give you one of those looks. Those looks don't work on you anymore. You know things have changed. You know he's acting different. You know he doesn't love you anymore. You know. You know he goes to see her. You know when he's not with you, he's with her.
Your heart aches knowing she was the one who got to kiss him the way you used to kiss him. You know she is the one who gets to be held in his arms. You know she is the one who he's fallen for, it was her all along.
You were never the option to him. Steve doesn't think about any of it. He throws you a guilty look when your not looking, and it hurts him that he has to do this to you. But he can't seem to have that feeling he seem to lost when he's around you.
The kisses don't feel the same anymore, the hugs aren't filled with warm as they used to. The looks aren't longing and there isn't any happiness between the two of you.
" Hey" he greets you, making his way over to you and wraps his arms around you. The hug is distance and unwanted. Your arm loosely wrap themselves around his neck as your nose picks up her scent on him. He's been with her while he told you he was at work. You bite your tongue already knowing where he was going. Robin didn't need to lie for him anymore.
You just knew.
" Hey" you greet him with a fake smile as he looks down at you once he pulls away from you from the hug. His hair is out of place than usual. She must of had ran her fingers through his hair. You used to love doing it and now you'd do only a strand if he laid his head in your lap or on your chest while he slept.
He steps back observing you. He takes notice the bags underneath your eyes and there is a hint of puffiness underneath there, there is a deep frown on your face too. It seems like he was looking at a different person.
Panic rises inside of him as he try to rack his brain if you had found out what's been doing. He doesn't want to keep hurting you like this anymore. You deserve better and he knew that. You knew that.
Things weren't good between the both of you and it was time to close the chapter.
You sat on the bleachers of the school, doodling into your notebook with one hand while the other supported your head as you tried to keep your mind occupied. Eddie has been staring at you a little bit ahead as he noticed you weren't in lunch today or the day before. He grew worried that something was going on.
" You're not cold up there?" a voice broke you out of your thoughts as you stopped drawing in your notebook and rose your head to look at who was talking. The edges of your lips lit up a little seeing your best friend making his way up the silver bleachers and settling down next to you.
" I'm fine, Eds" you tell him going back to doodling in your notebook. Eddie remained silent as he looks down at what you were sketching. You were quite an artist when you wanted to be. You'd sometimes help Eddie with his figurines for Hellfire.
There was something bothering Eddie that he couldn't just tell you out in the open. His mouth ran dry when his thoughts took over to what he saw this morning. He had saw Steve drop Robin off at the school but in the back, it wasn't you that came out of the car. It was Nancy Wheeler.
His mouth dropped opened at the sight he saw next. Steve had gotten out of his car and walked around the car as he pulled Nancy close to him and planted one on her. His lips were on hers. Eddie couldn't believe his best friend was cheating. His eyes rose to take a look at your face or whatever he could see, you thought you deserve better than Steve Harrington of all people.
Deep down, Eddie was into you more than he thought he would. He looked over at you seeing the way you were focusing on what you were trying to draw.
" Nothing is bothering you, are you sure your okay?" Eddie thought that maybe, just maybe you one what was going on and that he didn't need to tell you what he saw. He couldn't watch your heart break. He wanted nothing more than to throw Steve across the parking lot and kick him around.
" No, is something bothering you?" you closed your notebook in your lap and laid your pencil on top as you turned your head to focus on him. Eddie averted your gaze when you turned to look at him. It was like something was on his mind and he didn't really want to tell you. But his eyes, they held a different story.
" Eds" you placed your hand on top of his with your eyebrows scrunched together. " You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He nodded. He felt like his heart would explode any minute now with just your hand on top of his.
"I-I.." he couldn't form the words in his mouth. This was really hard to tell you. He didn't want to see the heart break in your face and in your eyes. It would break his. He can't stand you getting hurt. You didn't deserve it.
" Spit it out" you encouraged him, trying to meet his eyes as he looked down at his lap becoming more nervous as the words were just on the tip of the tongue. But yet, he couldn't tell you. His palm began to sweat and he kept brushing them against the leg of his pants.
This was unfair to you.
" If you-" you were cut off by Eddie forming the words and finally telling you what he saw this morning.
" This morning, I saw Steve drop Robin off like he usually does and I thought you were in the back seat of his car" he swallowed the lump on his throat, averting his gaze from you still as he continued, " and in the back came out Nancy. Nancy Wheeler" he says. " She was there for some reason" he shrugged.
There is a long silence between the two of you and it was killing Eddie every minute from not hearing a word coming out from you.
" I know" you finally spoke the words that caught his attention as he his head turned to you, wide eyed as he gasped. He shifts around that he's facing you as he takes a hold of both your hands.
" You know? What do you mean?" you shrugged averting your gaze from him as your eyes gloss over. " I have known for awhile, Eddie. He's different and I have picked up on the signs."
His heart breaks in two hearing the hurt in your voice. It kills him to see you like this. He wants nothing more than to hold you, which he does as he pulls you into his arms.
" I'm so sorry, sweetheart. You don't deserve any of that" you nodded into his shoulder. Eddie could feel the tears staining his shirt, but he doesn't care. He cares more that your hurting and he can't do anything about it.
" Do you want me to talk to him?" he asks as an offer. You pulled away wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeves of your long sleeve shirt. " No, it's okay."
" Do you want to go home?" he asks, " I can drive you" you nodded putting your notebook into your backpack as you grab the straps but Eddie beats you to it as he grabs it.
" You don't have to" Eddie shook his head, shrugging off his jacket placing it around your shoulder. His scent fills you with warmth causing you to stop crying as you walk with his help down the bleachers onto the ground.
" Thank you" you tell him. His eyebrows scrunch together underneath his bangs in confusion. " For what?"
" For being here for me, you know? Just being my friend" as more than those words hurt him, he wanted make sure you were okay getting home. You walked with him to the van as he helped you into the passenger seat.
You were just glad to have Eddie by your side to look after you.
Steve has been pacing his living room and running his hand through his hair as he tries to come with a way he was going to end things with you. Nancy sat on the couch in the living room, playing with her hands as she watched him pace back and forth. He could be drilling a hole in the floor from the way he was walking back and forth.
" Would you stop already?" Nancy speaks up as Steve halt in his steps. He turns to face her. " She's going to hate me, she's never going to want to see my face ever again" he says.
" Well, you did cheat on her with me" Nancy states like it's obvious thing. " I know, I just.. she's really is the sweetest thing" he says to her as she settles down on the couch next to her.
She sends him a soft smile, " I'm sure it will be okay" she reassures him. Deep down Steve doesn't know how you'll take it honestly, lately things between the two of you have been so stiff.
There is a knock on the door, three times. It was a way to tell Steve that it was you knocking on the door. His heart races and all the feeling in his fingers lose contact as his head snaps towards the door.
" She's here" he says, swallowing the lump in his throat as he stand up and wipes his hands on his pants. " Take a deep breathe" Nancy tells him as Steve takes a couple as he makes his way to the door. What he didn't expect was for you to show up with Eddie by your side.
Eddie casts him a looks that is unreadable following you inside. You don't even look at Steve feeling that something was off. As you turned. to the living room, you freeze in your spot spotting Nancy on the couch. You cast a look at Eddie as he gives you are you okay look as his hand falls to the small of your back as he rubs it in comfort.
Your head turns back to look towards Nancy as she waves to you with a small smile.
" Hi, Eddie. Y/N" she says. Steve walks back in the living room swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet with his hands behind his back as he tries to find the words to tell you. He doesn't mind that Eddie is there, but yet he the words are just on the tip of his tongue.
" I have something I want to talk to you about " Steve says. He doesn't look you in the eye and instead looks at the ground like he has never seen it before in his life.
" Okay" you nodded, waiting for him to speak. Eddie kinda has the feeling on what this conversation is about but doesn't leave your side as his hand still lingers on your back in comfort. You were glad he was there with you.
" I know things haven't been the best between us" he continues, he can't really put it all at once. You take notice of the way he is trying to say it out loud and in his own way.
" Hold on a moment" you tell him. Steve's head snaps up in confusion but he nods letting you know that he was waiting. You turned to face Eddie as he tilts his head in confusion.
" What are you-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as his eyes go wide feeling your mouth on him. It's not a gentle soft kiss either. It's more with teeth and tongue. It surprises not only Eddie who still in shock that you were on him like this. But Steve's mouth drops open at the sight of you kissing his best friend.
His heart feels like someone ran over it over and over again until it was no longer in a whole piece. His eyes brim with tears as they run down his cheeks. Eddie's eyes closes as he kisses you back with the intensity as his hands falls to your waist, pulling you into him.
Nancy is shocked herself what is going on but more importantly how it's affecting Steve. Steve couldn't form words as his mouth opened and closed like a fish. Eddie pulls away from you casting a look towards Steve to see the heart break look on his face.
You turn to look at your now ex boyfriend, Steve who's in shock and heart broken at what just happened. " I dump you" your words grab his attention as his eyes turn to you.
" Y-you c-cant" he mumbles through his tears but you weren't listening as you grabbed onto Eddie's wrist and pulling him out the front door leaving a heart broken Steve Harrington to be comforted by Nancy.
Eddie couldn't stop smirking at the sight of Steve as he left. He didn't really feel bad about his best friend. It was his fault he let a great girl like you slip through his fingers.
He hoped that Steve was happy with Nancy now. That's what he wanted after all.
Steve can't shake the fact that you broke up with him to be with his best friend. His best friend out of all the people. He could feel the sting in his heart from the betrayal from Eddie. But he now knows what real heart break feels like, the scene repeats in his head the way you grabbed onto Eddie and kissed him.
Had you knew all along that he was cheating on you with Nancy? Did you do that out or revenge? Did you like Eddie at all?
His answers are answered when Dustin informs him that you knew all long he was with Nancy. How much he tried to cover it up, it didn't matter. You knew. You didn't do out of revenge, maybe a little but you realized there was one person all along that was right in front of you that loved. you and adored you.
He made you more happier than Steve ever did. He was the one you wanted to be with and Eddie was more than happy to be yours.
You stood outside of Benny's just as a familiar BMW pulled up, Steve had taken noticed of you standing there with a bag of food in your hands. You are waiting for Eddie, he had to be back to help Wayne with something before he told you he would come back to get you.
He steps out of his car and his hair didn't look like it used to. It didn't have that Harrington hair anymore, it looked more greasy than usual. His eyes had bags underneath them and they were red from the looks of it. His lips were in a deep frown as he turned to face you with a wrinkled long sleeve on with a pair of sweats that looked to have stains on them.
" Steve?" you asked overlooking his appearance. He halt in front of you with the keys in his hands. " Did you ever love me?" he asks. You snorted out before answering him, " I used to love you Harrington, but I should be asking you that."
" I did love you, it took to realize that I always did after you ended things with me and since then I regret letting you walk out my door that day" he says.
You nod, " well if we didn't end things then I wouldn't of been the happiest I have ever been" those words hurt him with a slice to his heart.
He nods, " Happy for you."
" Thank you" there is silence between the two of you before a van pulls up. Eddie parks it right in the back of Steve with a few inches away and quickly get out of the car. His fist to his side and jaw set seeing Steve standing there.
" Hi Eds" you greet your boyfriend as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you to his side. He turns to look at Steve, " Harrington."
" Munson" Steve greets him with a nod. The two never returned as friends after you broke up with Steve. The betrayal hurt Steve more than ever. It was another slice to his heart.
" Is he bothering you, sweetheart?" Eddie asks. You can feel the stiffness coming from him. You put a hand on his chest to grab his attention. He turns to look down at you and all the anger vanishes from him.
" He's not, but let's go home?" you asked. Home you referred to his trailer as you spend most night there with him.
Eddie nodded, taking the bags of food from your hands as he bumps shoulders with Steve.
" See you around, Harrington" He says as he makes his way to the van. You cast one look at Steve, " Take care of yourself" you tell him, sending him a soft smile.
" Thanks, and you too. I hope he treats you better than I ever did" Steve says as he motions to Eddie.
" He does" those were the last words you said to Steve as you walk past him to the van and getting into the passenger seat. Steve watches as Eddie leans over to kiss you and looks back at him with a smirk.
Steve hangs his head as he felt his heart crash to the floor. You were happy without him. You didn't need him. You didn't want him.
He was going to regret what he did to you for the rest of his life.
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its-quinns-bread · 1 year
"she loves my big cock"
"can't believe you're taking all of me"
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hands on you | steve harrington x fem!reader
Pairing | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content 18+ minors dni, unprotected piv sex, vaginal fingering, mutual masturbation, size kink, dirty talk. big dick harrington making his return.
Word Count | 2.3k
A/N | nobody say a damn word. not a damn word. dedicated to @loveshotzz <3
“That… Jesus, Steve,” You’re looking at him — or moreso, it — with a morbid curiosity and wide eyes.
His cock hangs heavy over his tummy, weighed down by its own sheer size, flushed a needy dark pink at the tip and curved ever so slightly to the right, “Babe, how has any girl ever taken that?” 
And it’s really a genuine, valid question to ask. He’s so big it makes your mouth water and your pussy clench, though it niggles in the back of your head that he’s guaranteed to be such a stretch. Your hand lays on his thigh, caressing the tan, toned flesh under your biting nails, and you choose to ignore the way he’s hissing from such a simple touch.
“Nobody has, honey,” Steve answers honestly, looking down with blown out eyes as your hand inches closer, backs of your knuckles brushing over his heavy sack, “I mean, I've — I've obviously had sex before, that’s a given. Just that I've had to stop halfway, ‘cause it hurts them.”
“Fuck,” You mutter to yourself, ghosting your fingertips up the length of his shaft until it’s kicking up under your touch, a blurt of precum spilling from his slit, pooling into the dip of his bellybutton, “You’re real sensitive.” 
Your voice is breathy, strangled in your throat and Steve whimpers, hips canting up when you wrap your hand loosely around the tip, thumb smearing through the mess he’s making. Your touch is gone as fast as it’s there, pressing your thumb into your mouth like it’s nothing — he tastes nice, almost. Like he clearly drinks water, which is more than you could say for most men.
“Please, honey,” Steve begs, watching you with lust blown eyes as you smack your lips together, savouring him in your mouth, “Y’gonna let me fuck you? I'll be so gentle, promise.” 
You think it over — you don’t want him to be gentle. You want him to pin you down and make you take it, fill you up until he’s nestled in your fucking guts and spilling his load so deep you can almost taste it in the back of your throat. But you’re not stupid, you’re clearly not ready for that. Not yet.
He’s disheveled looking as he leans back on his mountain of pillows, lazily sat with you between his spread thighs. He lost all of his clothes long ago, and you’re only sitting in your underwear, the state you’re both in is a clear expectation that you were anticipating sitting on his cock and riding him til the cows came home. 
“Gentle or not, Harrington,” You start, maneuvering yourself so you can tuck your legs under his thighs, spreading yourself wide and showing off the obvious wet patch on your silky underwear, “M’gonna need to prepare for taking that monster.”
Steve's not even looking at you, fully focused on the way you’re sliding your panties to the side and exposing your needy cunt to the warm air in his room — you’re soaked, folds glistening under the light as you spread them with your fingers.
He makes a noise, large hand coming out to grip at the base of his cock and squeeze, relieving an ache — he’s barely covering half of his length, your gut churns at that knowledge —, “‘M I not gonna get to touch you at least?” He asks, jerking himself slowly as he watches you in an almost trance-like state, the tips of your middle and ring fingers dipping into your slick entrance and breaching.
It’s not that you don’t want him to touch you, of course you fucking do. but watching him touch himself over you touching yourself is making your tummy quiver, “Patience, baby.”
“Fuck, okay,” Steve’s lazy with it, jerking his cock at a slow pace as you finally sink your fingers into yourself, a quiet moan pulling from your chest as you do it. You can’t stop watching him touching himself, clearly going slow with it so that he doesn’t blow his load before he gets to fuck you.
You’re so close together that the back of your wrist is brushing Steve's heavy balls with every slick glide of your fingers in and out of your gushing pussy, and it’s eliciting the prettiest noises from him. a flush of heat washes over you, tummy muscles clenching when the pad of your middle finger just barely catches on that sweet sensitive spot inside. 
“Feel good?” Steve's voice is breathy, almost desperate as his eyes finally flitter up to yours, ripped away from the sight of your cunt pulsing and gushing around your fingers. He's squeezing the base of his cock again, in a desperate attempt to stop working himself up too quickly.
“It —,” You start, gasping when Steve adjusts his leg on top of yours and you’re suddenly hyper aware of his skin on yours, “My fingers are just a little short.” 
You don’t even need to ask, Steve's up on his knees and pushing into your space before you can even comprehend it. His cock merely brushes the inside of your thigh and you both moan, the head catching on your flushed skin and smearing wet in its wake. 
“Let me?” Steve's voice is barely above a whisper, hand coming up to brush his unruly hair out of his face. It’s hotter than you’d care to admit to, with his pretty pink lips hung open, watching you intently as you slip your fingers out of yourself fully, the sickening squelch making you both shudder.
You lean back on both hands, Steve's hovering so close over the top of you that his breath is hitting your face, fingers grazing up the inside of your thigh until he’s hitting your hot, wet folds. Two fingers swirl just barely over your clit, enough to punch a moan out of you, fingertips grappling on his comforter, before he’s sinking the same two fingers into your cunt, all the way to the hilt.
“Oh fuck,” You gasp, steve’s expert fingers crooking up into that spot you couldn’t quite catch and past it, rubbing at the spongyness until your hips are canting up. The leaky tip of his cock presses into the meat of your leg, a reminder it’s there, and it only makes you moan louder, hips rocking into Steve's hand.
“You’re so tight around my fingers, fuck,” Steve comments, watching between both of your bodies as your pussy swallows his fingers, clenching and fluttering on them — the slick slide is deafening in your ears, winding you up further.
His thumb swipes at your clit and it makes your eyes roll, the assault on your g-spot becoming almost too much, the heat in your tummy blooming quickly. 
“You gonna cum for me?” Steve's grinning, leaning his forehead on yours, fingers speeding up ever so slightly, pads running in circles until you’re panting and crying out, “Can feel you gripping me, honey. C’mon, let me feel you cum.” 
Your eyes squeeze tight as the blooming heat bursts into flames, a cry of his name leaving your lips as euphoria spreads through your entire body. You feel your cunt pulsing sporadically around Steve’s fingers, gushing wet and soaking the sheets as he fucks you through it, fingers slowing down until they’re almost at a stop. 
Suddenly, the overwhelming desire to have Steve fill you up with his cock is clouding your brain, blurring your eyes at the edges. You can feel him, hot and heavy, brushing so close to your cunt it’s dizzying, “Need you to fuck me, steve. please?”
Steve's brows pull together, he’d clearly forgotten about his own needs and desires in favor of yours and that only makes you want him all the more, “You sure, honey? You’re gonna be so sensitive, can you handle me?” 
His words shouldn’t affect you the way they do, but you moan, all high pitched and needy, “C’mon, Steve. Fuck me like you mean it.”
And who would Steve be to refuse you that? He gently nudges you down onto your back until you’re laid flat, pulling your shaking legs up until your knees are bent up.
You can feel the head of his cock snagging ever so slightly on your puffy cunt, still sopping wet and no doubt drenching him in your release. Your tummy quivers in anticipation.
He sighs, shaky, as he grips at the base of his cock blindly, unable to take his eyes off of yours, like he’s searching for a definite answer. You nod, another go ahead, and his cock properly presses at your entrance, knocking the breath from your lungs. 
He’s. Well, he’s fucking big. The first few inches slip into you and punch a ragged moan from you, eyes squeezing shut as you beg your body to relax for him.
“Hey, hey,” Steve’s voice catches you off guard, his other hand grabbing for yours and lacing your fingers together at the side of your head, “If it doesn’t feel good, tell me to stop.”
“Don’t fucking stop,” You gasp, squeezing his hand. It’s not a bad burn, it feels fucking good. Teeters on the edge of too much, but the right edge. 
“Oh thank god,” Steve chuckles a little, pushing in another inch and your pussy clenches instinctively, choking his cock, “Honey, I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to.” 
You giggle, the movement causing your cunt to flutter around him and he moans properly this time, rutting into you another inch or two, filling you out. 
Steve’s hand that was on his cock suddenly grips at your hip, as he bottoms out with a low growl, you feel it rumble up his chest, “You’re so — so fucking tight, warm,” Steve grits his teeth, pushing his hips forward to make it obvious that he’s fully sheathed in you, his heavy balls pressing tight to your ass.
You feel. Full. Ridiculously full. He’s hitting everywhere inside of you, the curve of his cock pressing into all the right spots, thatch of dark pubes brushing against your sensitive clit. 
His hand laced with yours grounds you, helps you relax and settle into it quickly, his chest flush to yours and pressing you down helps, too. 
Your eyelids flutter when he ruts into you again, reminding you of the size of him, “Move, Steve, need you to fuck me, yeah?” 
Steve grunts, pulling out just a few inches and pushing back in, eyes rolling as the wet heat of your cunt invites him back in, “Think your pussy likes me being here, honey.” 
You cry out at that, pussy spasming. You’re at a loss for words, the only thing on your mind is how Steve invades all of your senses. He leans down, kisses at the expanse of your neck as he sets a good rhythm. You feel every ridge of him, pushing so deep you swear you feel him in your guts.
“Hear that?” He mutters against your flushed, damp skin as he fucks you properly now, knocking the breath from you with every harsh thrust, “She loves me, baby. Loves my big cock, fuck.” 
Of course you can fucking hear it, the way your cunt is gushing, sloppy and soaking for him, more and more leaking around his shaft as he assaults your frontal wall. You whine, loud and beggy, fingernails digging into Steve’s hand where they’re still interlaced at the side of your head.
“Taking me so good, honey. Can’t believe you’re taking all of me,” Steve groans, pace quickening as he chases his high — you’re not far behind, the constant press to your spongey spot and the occasional catch of your clit against his pubic bone is getting you there fast.
It’s so fucking hot, the way he speaks to you. Your body is alight with need and want, “Keep talking, Steve. G’nna cum,” You breathe, leg tightening around the base of his back, heel of your foot pushing into his ass.
“Yeah?” Steve grins into your collarbone, you feel it against your flushed skin, “Cumming when you’re full on my big cock? Fuck, c’mon, show me how much she loves me. She’s so greedy, honey.”
Your cunt grips him like a vice, that same blooming feeling from earlier back with a vengeance as you reach the end — it’s so hard to think, with him pressing so deep and rough. You nod, whining and crying out, “Fuckfuckfuck, ohmygod —!” 
Your vision blurs at the edges, knocked dizzy and sick with it when your orgasm washes over you like tidal waves, fingertips digging into the back of Steve’s hand until he’s hissing and groaning, fucking you through it with a harsh snap of his hips.
“That’s it, so fucking tight,” Steve grunts, picking up speed and rutting into you until you’re practically screaming, “Gonna cum in you, fill you up with it, oh fuck —”
His hips still suddenly as he pushes his face into your neck and cums with a low grunt of your name. You feel every bit of his release shooting deep inside you, every pulse of his cock. Your walls flutter around him and he hisses in retaliation, smacking your hip gently. 
He collapses on top of you after that, entire body spent. You can’t find it in you to care, as his cock softens slowly — you feel his cum spilling out of you, though you’re half asleep and struggling to comprehend it.
Your attention only piques when you feel fingertips at your puffy, used entrance, pushing the liquid back into your weeping hole.
It’s disturbing how ready you are for Steve, when he fucks himself back into you not long after.
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its-quinns-bread · 1 year
Bullet To The Heart~ J.Q
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@its-quinns-bread asked:
Hey princess✨
First of all, i really love your work. You're my favorite writer tbh, your angsts are craazy😩
Got a request, if u still writing stories.
I know it's a bit weird and out of the usual actor vibe but i really want to read something like that. It's okay if u don't want to write it
Joseph Quinn, as the smartest shooter in the world, working for the most famous Gang in London. All he get is just the name of the victims(bad guys) and he find informations himself in a second, using only a bullet (right on the head) to kill em. The reader is the next victim as she's blamed for something she didn't do. That's till he sees her. Feeling like "love at first sight" Joseph refuses to kill the reader, trying to find a way to hide her so his boss won't search for her. They get closer.
You can add Jamie as his best friend and helper. When he finds out the reader is his boss' biggest enemy's sister(Dacre Montgomerys) everything make sense. His boss just want to hurt Dacre by killing his sister bc of past misunderstandings.
Having a characters death (maybe Jamie's?) Would make it sad also.
You can make the story as how u want and end it also as how u want. Just gave an idea for a fic~
Mention of Death, Angst
@harringtons-cupid @haileighboi @pleasantlycrazyworld @clovermunson @moonchildquinn. @ceriseheaven @glamourpearlsandpolkadots @hawkins-high86 @cinemaquinn @woahlifehitsyahuh
Author's Note : Thank you so much lovely. Not me crying over here as I start this. I really like this ideas and I am going to roll with it.
" Asshole" he pulled his arms to swing his knife at him.
As the blade came towards him, he stepped closer to his body, so when he turned his right shoulder brushed against his chest. Using his opened hands, he strucked him upper and lower arm. The combination of his strike and the swing made the knife his hand, clutter to the ground.
Grabbing his arm, twisting until the heel of his hand pointed towards the ceiling. Then he put his right shoulder under his elbow and yank his hand down. With a crack, his arm broke causing him to hiss in pain.
" You're fucking dead!" he creamed.
Spinning around to face him, he chuckled bringing his fist back and colliding twice with his face, mainly his nose. Blood began to gush. While he tried to grip his nose and look at the blood, he kicked him in the knee caps. Mason tumbled to the ground.
Joe chuckled as he stared down at Mason, helpless.
" Funny, I'm not." Joe kicked him in the ribs. He knelt down to feel a pulse on Mason's wrist. He was meant by a strong pulse.
Mason winced, clutching his arm, " You little-"
Joe sighed to himself, colliding his fist against Mason's face, standing up taking a handkerchief from the pocket of his pants as he wiped his hands of any blood. Joe would usually bring a gun to handle guys like Mason Dye but he knew better, he didn't want to start a war with his enemy.
That could wait. Everyone knew who he was by one glance in his direction. He was dangerous and he's the smartest shooters in London. His assignments are simply to kill the victims that are assigned to him, no messes left behind, and no remorse to any of those that even beg him.
He makes his way out of the building leaving that mess for the Montgomery gang to find. It was a message to the leader of the Montgomery gang, that he was watching them and he was ready if Dacre, would strike.
He left Mason Dye alive, broken but alive.
Heads turn when he walks through the familiar bar of London, one he knows his best friend runs and spots him in a blink of an eye. Jamie is serving customers behind the bar like usually but he's also known best for selling guns and the bullets you need. Jamie was chatting with a nice couple with Joe walked up to him with one elbow on the bar.
" Well, Well, Well look who the wind brought, the smartest shooter in London and the best" Joe rolled his eyes, with a small smile on his face. He knew Jamie was only boosting his ego and playing with him like that. " If it isn't my best friend, what can I do for you?"
Joe took out the gun from behind his back placing it on top of the bar. Jamie's hands falls on top of it sliding it below and out of vision as he eyes it.
" Not too bad, where did you get it?" Joe snorted remembering how he left Mason lying with his nose broken in the building. " Don't tell me you took it off one of those nobody's off the street that look at you with one glance and they are a goner."
Joe smirked, " Mason Dye."
Jamie's eyes got wide as he leaned closer to Joe's ear, " Are you kidding me?" Joe shook his head with a serious look on his face. " He was sent to hunt, hunt for me... I know it.."
Jamie sighed pulling back as he turns around putting the gun in of the cabinets.
" You have to be more careful around like that, who knows what or who Montgomery will send out next?" Joe's hand balled into a fist.
" He can send as many as he likes, you know they will be dead the moment they stepped foot in my sight" Jamie smirked knowing fully what Joe was capable. Joe could end someone's life with just one bullet to the head.
Joe didn't care for his victims, nor he cared for their names or their families. He did the job as he was told and went on his day. The only people he cared about was Jamie, Keery and Maya that were part of his gang. Anyone else was not in his books.
A hand places on top of Joe's shoulder catching him off guard. Joe senses picked up as he grabbed the arm twisting it around and slamming the person's head on top of the bar with his other hand on it. The person winced harshly, " It's me, Joe."
Joe's eyes turned from blaze of fury to softer shade of brown as he released Keery from his old. Keery stood up, rubbing his head while Joe adjust his jacket tapping it with his open hand as he apologized. Maya couldn't help but snickered at what just happened.
" Yeah, Yeah, laughs it up" Keery waved her off as he turned to Joe, " Geez you could of pulled all my hair off, thanks" Joe shrugged as he took the drink that Jamie had slide over to him.
" You'll live" Joe turns his head to Maya.
" You have something for me?" She nodded, taking out an envelope from her back pocket and handing it over to him. He grabs the yellow envelope that holds a picture of his next victim.
" Did you hear that Joe happened to bump into our dear old pal Mason?" Jamie folded his arms and places on top of the bar as he leans in a hush tone, looking around that no one would hear him. This side of the town wasn't Montgomery's territory. They weren't allowed on this side of town.
Keery and Maya both looked at Joe with worry, " you want us to scout around and see if we find anyone else that doesn't belong here?" Joe shook his head taking a cigarette from his pocket with a lighter. He places the envelop in between his armpit raising one hand to cover the flame as he lights the cigarette.
" There's no need, I've handled it" Keery nods.
" How about a drink before dear Joseph runs to do his job?"
" Sounds good" Maya says. " Do you need us to come?" She asks.
" I've got it, Maya. You stay here and enjoy yourself with Keery" he pats Keery on the shoulder with the edge of the cigarette hanging from his lips.
" But what-" Joe put his hand up as he shakes his head.
" If I needed your help, I would of asked " Jamie pursed his lips taking one of the guns that Joe likes, with two boxes of bullets just to be safe as he slide them over.
" A gift" Jamie smirks. Joe looks around to see if anyone was watching him and takes the items off the bar putting them into his pocket shielding them with his jacket. He feels the crips of the envelope in between his fingers as he eyes it.
He felt this one was special.
Joe eyes the picture in his hands as he stands across the street, leaning against the brick wall and looks up in time to see you walking across the street with a bag in your hands. You had gone shopping in the opposite side of town, it was forbidden for you to walk those streets but you weren't going to be cooped up in that home.
" It's not a good idea for you to walk those streets" Liv reminded you as she places a hand on top of your arm. Her face shown with worry while you huffed the piece of hair in front of your face.
" Don't tell me you want me to be copped up in here like some chicken or something" she chuckled for a bit but shook her head.
" You deserve to do what you want, but you know those street aren't safe. What would he say?" you rolled your eyes at the mention of your brother. Dacre. Dacre Montgomery. He was the second biggest gang leaders in London, killing anyone that do his family harm and betrayed him.
Both Joseph and Dacre had higher ups to speak for and the higher ups disposed each other to the bone. There was once where the Montgomery gang and the Quinn gang were at peace, it was one misunderstanding between one another that led to the downfall.
" He would say nothing, I'm a grown woman that can handle herself" the door opened and your brother stepped in with following by Chester, one of his right hand man.
" My love" Liv stands up from her seat as she makes her way over to him. The two share a small kiss as he turns to you, with Liv's arm wrapped around his elbow. You scoff at the sight of your brother fully aware what he was going to say. You looked away not bothering to hear his nonsense this time.
" You can't be mad at me for a long time" he says stepping closer releasing from Liv's hold as he rounds to the seat in front of you and sits down. He takes a hold of your hand in his and places his other hand on top of yours. His rings shine in the light as well as his necklaces hanging around his neck in between the open shirt he has on.
" It's not safe for you to go out today" he says. " I know how much you enjoy the weather and hear the laughter of children running around in the streets. I know you want to go out like you used to, but things have changed and you must stay here. For your safety" you slipped your hand from under his as you stood up.
" I'm capable of handling myself, I'm a Montgomery for crying out loud" you shouted waving your hands around. " It's not fair that Liv gets to go out and I have to sit here and wait for your orders" Dacre sighed as he stood up.
" You will stay here and that's an order. I'm only doing this to protect you" the door swung open again and bruised and broken arm Mason stumbles in with his front teeth missing, his nose looks broken and bloodied. He looks like he's in a lot of pain as he stumbles into Chester.
Chester takes a hold of him as he looks worried at his friend. Dacre's jaw clenched at the sight of his friend, " Who did this?" he asked. Mason winced grabbing his side. You hurried towards Mason other's side as you helped Chester bring him to the couch. Mason settles down with a wince and a hiss as he slouches on the couch.
Dacre looks up at Chester, nodding his head to get Myles and Clayton as an order to go out looking for whoever did this to Mason.
" I will end anyone that did this to you" Dacre swore and points to you, " Stay inside, listen for once" he hisses storming out leaving a groaning Mason the couch while Liv stands off to the side.
" He's going to be really angry, but I can deal with him. You should go. You've been in this room for three days" you nodded and mouthed a thank you. Mason was about to protest but Liv smacked the back of his head in silence.
You ran out the door getting the things you needed and headed out the door. Sunshine was calling your name.
Joe continues to watch you walk down the streets and one of his hands is on the gun on the side of his pants, beneath his coat as he follows you down the street. You were his next victim and he was going to finish the job no matter the circumstances. You stopped for a moment and looked at your surroundings as if feeling something was off. Joe had stopped and hide behind one of the cars parked on the side walk. Just in case you turned around and spotted him.
You continued to walk hearing children run past you with a plane in their hands. As your boots hits the pavement, another pair of shoes hit the pavement and you have been hearing it for quite some time. You turn the corner into an alleyway when you turned around to face who had the audacity to follow you.
You thought your brother sent one of his goons to follow you but you face to face with another face. A face that the part of town you were in knew very well. His curls were messier than ever, his brown eyes stared down hard at you and he didn't have nor a smile or a frown on his face.
His hand itched for a gun but he stopped in his tracks as his eyes grew wide at the sight of you. You were beautiful. He watched your face turned from shock to surprise as you stood in front of him. His mouth was a jar.
" What?" you asked, suddenly breaking him out of his thoughts. " I'm sorry, what?" He scrunched up his eyebrows as he took sight of you. The way your hair was flowing in the wind, the way your eyes held surprise in them and amusement, the way you had that small smile on your face and the way you were waiting for him.
" Well..." you titled your head to the side. He swallows the lump in his throat at the sudden stop. He never stopped to kill his victims. But this, you.. this was different. His heart raced at the thought of having you in his arms and feeling what you were like against him.
" Your not afraid?" he asked. You snorted, shaking your head. You weren't going to tell him who you were, it's less information he needed to know.
" I don't have anything to be afraid of, certainly not of a man that has a gun ready to point at me" Joe pulled his hands away from his gun as he stood up straighter.
" Do you know who I am?" he asked, it came to him sudden surprise that you were not afraid of him. He knew it meant two things either you were ready to die as you came to face to face with your chances or that you came from a family, a family that was familiar with these type of situations.
" I do, the famous most smartest ruthless shooters on this side of town" He nods.
" What's my name, darling?" he licks his lips. His heart begged you to call his name out. He wanted to know how it sounded out of you.
" Joseph Quinn" he had to hold himself back on how good his name falls from your mouth. If he could show you how he felt, his eyes were rolling to the back of his head and his heart melted on the spot.
But, he can't. He can't care. Not for you.
" You did have a job to do, no?" you asked. " To kill me?" his lips grow in a thin line as he nods taking out the photo of your from the back pocket of his pants and unfolding it. It was a picture of you, outside on the balcony having tea.
" Huh? What is stopping you?" you took the chance and stepping closer to him. You can smell the hint of cigarettes, gun powder and mint off of him.
Suddenly you heard the familiar voices and grab the lapel of his jacket pulling him to the side of the building as a car drives past. Joe's breath hitches seeing how close you were to him. His eyes grow wide as your lips were inches away from him. Your head was peeking out to see if anyone had spotted you two and when you saw that no one did, your head turned just in time your own breath to hitch.
Joe couldn't help it. He had to keep you safe and have you to himself. When you turned to grab your bag from the floor, a hand wraps around your mouth while he pulls you back, whispering into your ear to be quiet. The next thing you knew, things grew black as you went limp in Joe's arms. He lowers you onto the ground into his lap looking over your features.
God, you were beautiful.
He had called two people he trusted besides Jamie to help.
" Are you out of your mind?" Keery asks waving his hands over at your laying body on the ground. " We can't bring her back to the house"
" Why not?" Maya gasped as he flicked him in the forehead. He scrunched up his nose rubbing on the spot. " You were suppose to kill her, our boss will kill us first then you."
Joe shook his head, " He won't and I will not let that happen"
" It's your funeral' Keery says as he helps him carry you to the car while Maya was on the look out.
Dacre rubbed a hand down his face as he angrily stared at his men, his jaw twitched as there was fire in his eyes. How could you be missing?
" I specifically told her not to go, and now she's gone..." he eyes Liv who scurries away behind Chester. " Liv, did you tell my sister that she was allowed to go? At a time like this? Have you seen the state of Mason?" she nods and mumbles she's sorry.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and lowers his hand.
" You find her and you bring her here, do you understand me?' Chester nods as he begs the rest of follow him. Mason stood up as he was about to follow Chester out the door when Dacre puts his hand on his chest to stop him.
" Not you, Mason. You're still healing" Mason huffed.
" I want to help" he says. " I need my gun and bullets, I'll be okay. This" he motions to himself, " It's only a scratch"
Dacre chuckled, " you can barley walk. Take another day off and that's an order" Mason huffed as he looked towards Liv who looked away. She knew better than to go against her boyfriend right now.
He walked away with one more glance at Dacre to see if he would change his mind. He didn't.
" Babe" Liv called out to her boyfriend who had his hands in his pockets of his pants as he stared at the flowers on the table. " I'm sorry, I've only wanted the best for her."
" And look where that's got her" he says, looking at her. It was a cold and distant look. He didn't meant to be cold towards his girlfriend but right now you were more concern on his mind. His baby sister.
He made a promise to always look out for you.
" How can I make you feel better?" she asks, making her way to him running her hands up his arms, squeezing at his shoulders massaging them in hopes he would relax more. He was stiff as a stick on the ground.
He shrugged off her touch and walked out the room leaving Liv in brim of her tears as she walked to the window, looking out in hopes you were okay.
Your fingers dragged over the books on the bookshelf brushing over the titles with golden lettering. Joe was pouring a drink in two glasses, peeking on the side spying the poison he had just in case he needed. He glanced at you and a sudden feeling of calmness passes over him at the sight of your back.
You can feel his stare on your back as you walked through his apartment stopping on a picture.
" Who's this?" you asked, turning to point a finger at the photo and look at Joe for answers. He picked up both glasses with his hands making his way towards you, handing one to you.
" Thank you" you took one from his hand while looking back at the picture. It was Joe one arm wrapped around the person's shoulders. The other had his arm wrapped around Joe, he had blonde dirty hair, short, had pretty eyes, smile on his face as he looked at the camera.
" That's Jamie" Joe felt like he could only tell you Jamie's name. He didn't know you all to well for all he knew you could be playing him and this was all a game to you. But again, he felt that calm passing through him when you look at him.
" What does he do?"
" He's a bartender" Joe says, " the best in town" he adds. You nod, tapping one finger against the glass.
" Have you known him long?" Joe nods.
" We're very good friends and one of the few that I trust" he says, downing his glass. Your eyes move next to the next photo he has on the wall. It was Joe with two others, one was a guy and the other was a girl. She was really pretty.
" Who are they?" He scrunched up his nose, chuckling.
" You're very nosey" he says.
" Oh sorry, just trying to figure you out" he hummed as he took his glass back to his kitchen and poured himself another drink. You watched his hands hold the bottle with one hand while the other held onto the glass. You wondered how his fingers would feel on your skin.
" Those two are my friends too, Joe Keery. But we call him Keery, because then whoever calls us will get us confused and the other is Maya. They handle things when I need some help" he turns to look at you while you continue to pace his apartment stopping to sit on his couch.
" Do you have anymore?" He arches his eyebrows in questions, " you know. People you trust" you motion with your hand. He leans his back against the kitchen counters with the glass in his hands.
" Not many" he decided to answer, as a safe answer for now.
" Do you?" he asks turning the tables on you. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh. " You can say that" you weren't telling him half the truth, Liv and some of the other girls around the other side of town were some of your friends. There was also your brother's men who were you friends too.
" So what's your name mysterious pretty girl?" he set his glass down near the kitchen sink as he cautiously approaches you. There is a part of him that wants to know you but yet it's holding back because he doesn't trust anyone really. He's a man that can kill anyone with one bullet in the head.
You eyed him, " You're going to hate me once I tell you who I am and who my brother is.." he tilts his head in confusion not really understanding where you were going yet.
" I'm sure we can get pass it" he says standing a few feet away from you. You sighed and wrapped your arms around yourself, ready to walk out the door if needed as you stood up.
" Look, I don't think you want to know" you move your way towards the door when a hand reached out to grip your wrist turning you around as you come face to face with Joe.
Your breath hitches once you realize how close he is to you.
" What's your name?" the grip on your wrist was a little tighter as his eyes darken to almost the shade of the color black. If you were hiding your name from him and trying to avoid this, he was going to find one way or another. It was part of his job.
" My name is not important" he sighs, jaw locked tight as he brought you closer to him. His other hand gripped your chin making you look at him.
" You don't want to play any games with my, you understand me? Do you know who I am?" at these words you rolled your eyes and pushed away from him. He released you with a little push as you stumbled back getting your footing.
" I know who you are" you mumbled, rubbing your wrist from his grip that he had on you. " My name is Y/N Montgomery" at the sound of your last name slipping through his ears, he took his gun out from the back and pointed at you.
Your eyes grew wide at the sight of it raising your hands up.
" I'm not here to kill you, my brother doesn't know you found me" Joe blinks once as he eyes you, then another as he eyes your outfit and eyes the purse on your shoulder.
" Show me your purse" he says motioning it with his gun. " What do you have inside?" he asks.
You took the purse off your shoulder and opening to reveal what you had inside. Lipstick, your wallet, a pocket knife and small bottle of your perfume with chapstick.
" The knife, give it to me" he held one of his hands out for you to place it on his hand. You didn't hesitate to give it to him, there was a feeling you felt that you could trust him. He was surprised from the way you just handed it over to him without a word.
" Montgomery, huh?" he asked, turning the knife in his hands. He can see your initials on it shining in the light.
" Yeah, Montgomery. A name I'm not very fond of" you mumbled looking at your painted nails.
" Being a sister to the second best shooter man in London isn't enough? You're a Montgomery, you have everything handed to you" you couldn't help but laugh.
" Handed to me? I have worked for every single thing in my life. You think it's so easy being a sister of Dacre Montgomery? You have no idea what it's like, always being said oh watch this Y/N, you can't handle this Y/N, you can't be trust with a gun Y/N, you should stand behind me Y/N, you should go with one of my men, you should go there, you should do this and that" you spatted with anger, " I am tired of him."
Your eyes brim with tears turning away from him.
" He's never given me my moment. He's controlling and he's never letting me do what I want. I always have to have someone with me"
" Then how did you need up alone on the other side of town? hm?" he asks.
" His girlfriend, she's such a doll. She told me to make a run for it, to capture some sunlight. I needed to get out of that house. I felt like a caged animal.." you can feel his presence get closer.
Joe still had his gun out in case you tried anything. He could hear the pain in your voice as you spoke on how your brother treated you. It was unfair and he wanted nothing but to protect you.
" You won't be anymore.." he says. You turned around with your eyebrows knitted tougher looking at him in confusion. " What are you talking about?" you wiped your nose with the back of your hand.
" Stay here, you'll be safe here" you eyed the gun in his hand and looked back up at him. " Safe? When you have that on me?" you motioned with your hands towards the gun.
He lifted up showing you that the safety was on and that he wasn't going to really use it on you unless he had a reason.
" Why do you sense to trust me?" you asked.
" Because you're different, even as a Montgomery. You seem different, I like different. You're too beautiful to be locked in a house, your bother will get what's coming to him"
" What are you going to do?"
He sent you a small smile with a shook of his head, " Don't worry about that."
The door the bar opened, the noise has stopped as all eyes fell on who stood there. Chester stood there with the other men behind him as he looked around with a gun in his hands. Jamie stood behind the bar, with one hand on the gun he had hidden underneath the bar.
" Now can anyone tell me if they seen a pretty girl that came in that didn't look like she belonged here?" Chester asked stepping down a few steps as he looked around.
" Pretty busy in here, what is everyone drinking tonight?" he walked up to a couple and took a glass, downing it in on go and threw the glass somewhere where it crashed. Jamie growled at the action, gripping the gun tight.
" Have you seen the girl? Maybe she came through here?" Chester asks describing you to the woman he wrapped an arm around and pointed the gun to her chest. " I need a yes or no" the woman only whimpered reaching for her husband in fear. Chester tsk as he pointed the gun at her husband.
" I asked you a question" he says, " I will start shooting if I don't get answers!" he yelled in anger. Jamie had enough of this as he spoke up.
" You aren't welcomed here" he says bringing the attention of Chester who turned his head at the sound of Jamie's voice. " Ah, you must be the bartender that everyone talks so highly of.. John right? Or what is Josh?" Chester asked scratching the side of his head with the gun in thought.
Jamie suppressed a fake smile, " It's Jamie."
" Potato, tomato" Chester waved the gun around as he came towards the bar. " Boys" he called to the rest as they scurried up to him. He pursed his lips looking around.
" Search every inch, I don't care what needs to be done. Find her" Jamie jaw clenched as he gripped the gun underneath a bit tighter. From the corner of his eyes he can see that Maya and Keery are in the back looking out. He shake his head no to them. He doesn't need any blood in the bar.
While they searched for you, Keery and Maya rushed to find Joe.
" Are you going to keep the gun on the table all the time that I'm here?" you asked noticing it was still there. Joe walked out of the bedroom, most likely his as he looked at the gun on the table.
" Does it bother you?" he asks. You nodded.
" Good, don't need you to try anything on me"
" I told you that I am not like my brother" he hummed as he put on his jacket. " You might be like your brother but your a Montgomery. You never trust a Montgomery."
" But you haven't killed me yet, what's stopping you?"
" You're too pretty to be a corpse" Joe says, but you rolled your eyes at his lack of flirting. " Gee, thank you."
" There is something about you that's different, I like it" he says with a shrug. Suddenly there is a knock on the door causing your sense to be alert.
" Expecting anyone?" he shook his head as he took the gun off the table and slowly made his way to the door. Banging against the door was hard and shouting of voices.
" It's us, Joe! Red Alert!" Joe put the gun down as he opened the door as two people rushed inside, almost falling on top of each other. You noticed them from the photos hanging on the walls.
" What is it?" Joe asked. The other two have yet to notice that you were in the room with them. The both of them started to talk on top of one another shouting what was going on.
" Hey!" Joe shouted. " I don't understand what you both said, speak slower and one at a time" Kerry began to tell Joe about how Chester with his men walked into the bar demanding where a girl was and no one had any idea of who she was.
That's when Maya noticed your presence in the room, " Joe tell me you didn't" she says making her way over to you and circles around you. " She's the girl they are looking for.." Keery turned his attention towards you that was standing playing with your fingers.
" Joe! Chester has his gun down there pointing at everyone including Jamie.."
" Jamie can take care of himself, he's a big boy" Joe says, there was price of fear inside of him. " We need to tell them she's here"
" I am not going back" you said, " over my dead body they will take me back to my brother."
" Who's your brother?" Keery asked. Joe put a hand to stop you from talking when you uttered out who your brother was. Maya and Keery's eyes got wide at his name.
" Joe!" they both yelled.
" Let me handle this" Joe says as he walks into his kitchen, getting another gun out as he steps out. " You're going to stay here" he says, putting the gun in your hand that previously laid on the table.
You were about to protest when he sent you a glare. If he thought you were staying here and being in the room like you were when you were living with your brother, then he had another thing coming.
"Stay. Here." Joe said those words one more time as he headed out with Maya and Keery hot on his trails.
Chester and the rest of the boys were flipping tables, throwing glasses and moving people around.
" No one moves or leaves until we find the girl" Chester says.
" You can't keep us here!" a man shouted as he rose to stand up, but Chester knocked him back down with a clog of his gun. " Sit down, grandpa."
The group that was with him, held him back as he fell into one of their laps. " These are my customers, you can't keep doing this" Jamie spatted as he sent a glare towards Chester.
" And who's going to stop us? Hm? You?" he snickered. " There is one of you and 5 of us"
" You forgot to count us" Maya's voice spoke out as she stepped out with Keery and Joe by her side. Chester clasped a hand over his mouth dramatically as he gasped, " Oh look it's the three musketeers. What am I going to do?" he wined.
Joe growled, " Leave them out of it."
Chester pointed his gun towards Joe, " Well look here-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as Joe shot him in the shoulder, bullet went straight through. Chester screamed as he gripped his shoulder and cursed to himself. All the noise stopped and the focus was on him.
" Why you little-" Chester didn't finish his sentence because Joe shot his other shoulder. Chest screamed again as he gripped both his shoulders on the ground in pain.
" You're going to regret this!" he shouted through the pain. " Help me up! We gotta tell Dacre" he says as the boys help him off of his feet and carry him out of the bar.
" This isn't over" Jamie shouted.
" Not by a long shot" Joe says lowering his gun.
You were startled when the door opened and slammed shut as Joe stormed into the apartment.
" Did anyone get hurt?" was the first thing you asked. Joe stopped in his tracks as he turns to face you. " I told you I would handle it, no. No one did. But they were so close, you have to tell your brother to stop snooping for you otherwise someone will die and it won't be pretty."
" I am not going to call my brother, I have nothing to say to him" you shook your head with your arms across your chest with a huff.
" Call him" he says through his gritted teeth. " This side of town is my home, and I am not going to let anyone get hurt because of someone-"
" Someone like what? Huh? A Montgomery?"
" Someone like a pretty thing like you" he finishes catching you off guard. Your cheeks turned pink as you looked away from him.
" Don't hide from me" he brings your face back that he could see you, " You'e even prettier like this" He pokes one of your cheeks, the blush that you had darken. " Look at you, so pretty"
" You're pretty too, you know" you mumble out, loud enough for him to hear. He pauses at what you had told him and his own cheeks hint with redness.
" Thanks" he says pulling his hand away. He was about to walk away to his bedroom when your hand shoot up and stops him. He glances down at you in silence. " Stay with me for a bit" Joe was about to protest when something in your eyes caught him off guard as he sat down on the couch with you.
He ended up staying the whole night, falling asleep in your lap. In the middle of night he woke up and carried you to his bed where he thought you were more comfier. He took off your shoes for you and set them by the bed while he changed into something more comfortable as he settled in bed right next to you on his side.
When morning came, you rolled on your side to meet with the face of sleeping Joe. He looked so peaceful, sleeping with his chest rising up and down. Some strand of curls fell onto his forehead, his eyelashes were kissing his cheeks as he slept, and his lips looked so soft and kissable. They were right there for your taking.
" Stop looking at me" you heard the sound of his voice bring you out of your thoughts. A hint of red appears on your cheeks as you looked away and turning on your back to stare at the ceiling. Joe opened his eyes watching you look at his ceiling rather than his face.
" The ceiling isn't much interesting either"
" Then what am I suppose to look at?" you asked. When he didn't answer you, you turned to look at him him noticing he was already looking at you. " What?" his hand reached out to brush away a strand of your hair behind your cheek causing a hint of red appear on your cheeks.
" You're beautiful" he says.
" So are you" you tell him. He rolls his eyes as he sits up in bed rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms out. He stood up from the bed and you noticed he was only in a pair of boxers, eyeing the happy trail that you wanted to brush your fingers through, he caught you red handed as he spoke up.
" You like what you see?" you looked away, covering your face with the covers while Joe laughed as he walked into the bathroom. Today was going to be long day.
Joe was busy in conversation with Jamie when the door to the bar opened and everyone's eyes got wide who stood there. He wore a nice suit with his hair done nicely. His blue eyes were darker than they usually wore. Accompanying his side was Liv as she hung on his arms looking around for any sign of you. Her heart raced knowing what was about to happen.
" You shouldn't be here" a voice spoke out catching Dacre' attention as he came face to face with his enemy. " Joseph Quinn" he says like the name tasted bitter on his tongue.
" Dacre Montgomery" Joe reponse back to him, " Like I said, you shouldn't be here. You don't belong here.." he adds.
" I don't, but it came to my attention that my sister was spotted on this side of town. Care to share where and with whom?" Dacre asked. He took a few steps down.
" She's not here" Joe says.
" She never was" Jamie says as he walks around the bar. He stood next to Joe. " I suggest you get out of my bar" Jamie spats, pointing to the door.
Dacre laughs, " You are so funny, bartender. I don't believe I was talking to you."
" My name is Jamie and you best be on your way" Dacre titled his head to the side. You were peeking behind the bar counter at your brother. He looked really angry and very displeased to be here.
" I don't care what your name is, you don't answer to me. I asked Quinn over here.." Joe shook his head.
" She was never here like Jamie said" Dacre tsked as he reached his hand out for one of his men. One of his men handed him a gun.
" I am going to count to three, and if I don't get the answer I am looking for then I will start shooting. Do I make myself clear?" Keery and Maya got their guns ready if anything and Joe had his hand reach for his gun.
"One..." Dacre started as he eyed the room wanting to spot you himself. You were in big trouble and he knows you know it.
When no one said anything he went to count to two.
" You're not making things easier on you, Quinn"
" She's not here" Joe says through gritted teeth, " Leave!" he adds.
" Three" Dacre counted pointing a gun at Jamie, Joe couldn't eve react as a bullet went straight for Jamie and shooting him in the heart. Jamie stumbled back as gripped his chest. Joe catches him as Jamie falls to the ground. Everyone in the bar is screaming and running out while Dacre says, " I warned you!."
Joe doesn't pay attention to anything that Dacre is saying as he holds Jamie. Blood is oozing from Jamie's wound. Jamie is trying to say words out but blood is spluttering from his mouth. Joe's eyes brim with tears as he shakes his head.
" Don't leave me, you can't do this" he tells Jamie. Jamie only could weakly smile at him and raise his hand towards Joe but before he could touch Joe's cheek, the hand falls and Jamie eyes stare straight ahead. Joe grips Jamie, sobbing at him.
Keery and Maya started to shoot Dacre's crew while Dacre shield himself with Liv while looking for you. He see's the back of your head and grins.
" There you are trouble maker" he raises from his hiding spot as he shouts your name over the gun fire that is going on. Your head turns at the sound of his voice locking eyes with him. He found you.
Before Dacre can reach out to you, there is another scream and this scream alerts you and Dacre. Both your head turns at the sound of the scream watching as Liv is stumbling back gripping her chest as blood oozes her dress.
" NO!" Dacre screams as he rushes to her. He catches her as she falls into his arms. Joe takes Jamie's body and puts it over his shoulder as he rushes out of the bar while both Keery and Maya grab you and rush out of the bar hot on Joe's tail.
Joe stands looking down at his friends' grave with dried up tears on his cheeks. He had no idea if he had anymore tears left to shed but this was unfair. He was going to have to live his life without his best friend by his side. He never thought anything could break his heart, but this, this was more harder than heart break. You weren't sure if you should come up to him or give him space. A nudge on your shoulder sends you making your way to him.
You stood by his side glancing down at the grave stone.
" I'm so sorry Joe" you tell him, your fingers brushing against his own. He lets you lace your fingers through his as his body turns towards you with his head falling on your shoulder. Your other hand comes up to run your fingers through his curls. " I'm so sorry" you mumble, " he was great-" Joe cuts you off raising his head to meet your eyes.
" He was my best friend, the first person I trusted in the whole town. How am I suppose to go on like this?" your own heart broke at the sight of Joe.
Your hands reached up to cup his face with both your hands, " You can get through this. I know you can. I'll be here if you want my help" he nods turning his head to kiss the palm of your hands. He wants you here. He really does.
" He would of loved you" Joe tells you. You softly smiled.
" I'm sure he would" Joe takes both your hands off his cheeks as he sniffles, " Will you stay?" his brown eyes stare into your eyes with hope and want.
" I will, Joe" He wraps his arms around your waist as he tugs you to him.
The both of you stayed like that for a while not knowing your brother was watching not too far ahead with a scowl on his face.
" What are we going to do about them?" Mason asked.
" Leave it" Dacre says.
Dacre took someone that Joe cared about deeply and Joe took someone that Dacre cared about deeply. An eye for an eye.
But Joe took you from Dacre too. As much as it pained Dacre to see you with his enemy, he knew you were happy and if you wanted to talk with him.
You knew where to find him.
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
Sup sweets? how are you?
I have an angst/ smut with Steve Harrington.
the reader and Steve being a powerful couple, madly in love with each other. After everything in the upside down, the reader dies and Steve goes insane. He's loosing it. He never realizes that the most important person in his life is dead. He's talking alone, pretending like they're there with him, laughing with em, crying with em, telling them how much he loves em and planning a future with em.
The smut part, a scene in the shower where Steve imagine the reader joins him and they have a passionate love making.
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(re-create this Riverdale scene with Steve and the reader pleaseee)
You can use: Fluff/ 20, "I'm so proud of you" and angst/ 34, “You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me!” if you want to.
Thank you love~
⚠️ character death. This shit is sad
I've never seen Riverdale so I winged the smut
Never proofread, I'll edit later
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"you can't have a blue tux Steve. It's a wedding" Y/N scoffed as she crossed off Steve's idea.
"well that's just rude" Steve joked, crossing his arms in a fake glare
"baby you can have a blue tie" she compromised with a smile
Steve agreed to the idea. Smiling as he watched her scramble to put their wedding together.
Steve wasn't sure how he got so lucky. After Nancy he was truly afraid he wasn't going to find anyone. Steve didn't have his shit together, his parents hated him and all he had was Dustin. He wasn't exactly the hottest bachelor. But for some reason she picked him.
They fell in love more and more every day. And Steve couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life by her side. He couldn't wait to wake up next to her every morning, kiss her all day long, and fall asleep with their hearts beating together. He couldn't wait to have a family. Watch her stomach grow as she created their child. The best qualities of them mixed together to make a smaller version of them both. Having a family was all that Steve dreamed of, and he was finally getting his happy ending.
They had a routine, every morning they'd wake up, soft kisses and good mornings shared. Head to the kitchen to share their pot of coffee. Sitting at the counter, shoulder to shoulder, as Y/N took out their wedding planner. Sitting down and discussing their ideas.
After a few hours, they'd make lunch together. Laughing as Steve burned something new every time and she had to rush to save their meal. They'd sit on the front porch, eating together and feeling the warm air. Steve loved to watch the neighborhood kids on their bikes, but he loved the way she watched the kids. She was meant to be a mom and he couldn't wait to make her one.
Once the sun started to set and the kids went inside, the couple would head back inside. She'd clean the dishes, and he'd dry the plates. Singing off key to whatever song was on the radio.
Anytime they got lucky enough and their song played, he'd grab her hand and twirl her in the kitchen. Always saying, "I need to practice for our first dance," he'd close his eyes and imagine her wearing her white dress. Dancing in front of their family and friends. Both dressed in black and white.
This was the girl Steve has been waiting for.
Steve never questioned why he never saw his friends anymore. But he didn't care, he was spending his life with the girl of his dreams. He spent every second, minute, and hour with her. He never got enough of her. Their wedding was months away, and Steve counted down the days. She was going to be a Harrington. Steve finally was being loved by someone and he wanted to be smothered in that love for life.
Steve was humming in the shower, feeling the heat of the water running down his skin. He cleaned the soap off of his arms when he heard the curtain move. Turning his head to see Y/N with a smug smile on her face. Her eyes ranking down his body.
"without me? How rude of you Steve" she teased, a smirk on her face as she reached behind her. Steve's eyes followed as she unzipped her dress. Feeling his cock start to twitch as the dress fell, she was naked underneath. Her perfect skin inches away from him.
"come on in, gorgeous" he smiled, grabbing her hand and allowing her to step in under the water. Her back to him as she put her face under the hot water. Sighing as the water ran over her body. Steve's arms reached around her, trapping her body against his. Moaning instantly when his hard cock rested against her ass.
"Steve please" she whimpered, throwing her head back against his shoulder.
"I got you, baby" he whispered in her ear, his right hand sliding down to her cunt. Two fingers slipping between her lips, and running up and down her clit.
He clenched his eyes as his fingers slipped inside of her, the way she gasped and moaned against him. Her arms reached behind her to tangle her fingers in his hair. Her hips moving against his fingers.
Steve loved being inside of her. It didn't matter if it was his fingers, tongue or his cock. He loved being so close to her, skin on skin, and breathing into each other.
"Steve please, want you to fuck me" she whined into his neck, lips pressing against the skin softly.
Steve slipped out his fingers, sucking them clean. He grabbed her hip and turned her around. Shoving her back against the shower wall. She moaned as she threw her arms over his shoulders.
Steve held her jaw as he kissed her slowly, taking his time to taste her lips and tongue. Groaning as her hands trialed down his stomach, softly tracing the length of his cock.
Steve shivered as her ring scraped slightly against his tip, she slowly jerked the pre cum out of his cock. Smearing it on his tip.
Steve pulled away from the kiss, grabbing her left leg and wrapping it around his waist. Softly pushing his cock inside of her.
It always felt as amazing as the first time. He loved how she took him in, warm, wet and tight. The way she clenched around him and gasped.
"fuck, you always feel so good" he moaned grabbing her left hand and holding it with his against the wall. Loving the way her ring sparkled against the wall.
"oh Steve. Fill me up so fucking good" she whined, her head falling forward, resting against his hairy chest. With his right hand, he grabbed her jaw, forcing her head up
"nah uh. Look at me when I fuck you. Gonna fuck a baby into you. Gonna make us a family" he moaned, eyes staring into hers as she tried to keep them open.
She moaned at his words, nodding as he fucked her faster into the wall.
"fuck yes, make me a mommy Steve. Wanna make you a daddy" she whined out, her right hand running through his hairy chest. Steve wanted to feel every inch of her.
Removing his hand from her jaw to grab her other leg, wrapping it around him. She locked her ankles around him instantly. Both love how it sunk him deeper into her.
"fuck I love you" he moaned, trapping her breath into a heated kiss.
"Y/N! STAY AWAKE" Eddie screamed, cradling the bleeding girl in his arms.
Pressing the dirty cloth against her stomach. Dustin searching for a belt in Eddie's bedroom.
"IS STEVE BACK YET?" Dustin screamed, frankly digging through Eddie's closet as fast as he could
"NO. HE HASN'T DROPPED IN YET" Eddie screamed back. Watching the open portal, praying Steve will make it in time to say goodbye.
Y/N coughed up blood underneath him, her eyes closing and taking longer to open.
"Eddie" she coughed out, her lips trembling.
"I know, he's coming. I swear. He's going to be here" Eddie reassured her, he refused to let this girl die without Steve seeing her one last time.
"I..can't" she moaned out in pain
Dustin raced into the room, throwing Eddie the belt. Crying silently as he looked at her bleeding out
"Y/N please, stay awake okay? Steve is going to be here and make everything better. Stay awake for Steve okay?" Dustin pleaded. Clenching her hand against his. Not caring that she was drenched in blood.
"NANCY NOW" Dustin perked up when he heard Steve's scream.
The boy rushing through the portal, in seconds knocking Eddie out of the way.
Steve's heart stopped, she was barely awake, her breathing was shallow.
"baby?" He choked out. Her face was covered in cuts. Her neck was scratched and her stomach was sliced open. She was covered in dirt and blood from head to toe.
Steve held her left hand against his chest, fear in his body when her hand couldn't grip his back the way it always did does.
"Steve...I'm sorry" she cried, trying her hardest to reach her right hand to his cheek
"shh nothing to be sorry for. It's okay. We are going to go home okay? I'm gonna pick you up and drive you to the hospital" Steve instructed, moving to lift her up until she screamed out in pain.
"Steve! She can't move" Eddie panicked.
"Steve, listen to me. This is it. She has to stay here" Robin choked out, her own eyes clouded with tears.
Everyone in the room knew Y/N wasn't going to make it, but Steve refused to listen.
"Dustin. Please. Help me please" Steve cried, looking at the boy
Dustin sobbed as Steve started to break down. Steve's body began to shake as he sobbed.
"dusty. It's her! Please just help me" Steve pleaded. Dustin nodded, moving to grab Y/N's body
"steve. Listen" she croaked out. Steve stopped instantly, looking down at her
"it's okay. Please just kiss me" she whimpered. Steve nodded, moving his nose to be pressed against hers, softly kissing her lips. Their tears mixing together.
"please baby, just stay" he begged
"I can't, but listen to me. I'm so proud of you. The man you became and the man I fell in love with other these years. Thank you for loving me and making me happy until my last moment with you. I'll always love you. Okay? You are never alone Steve Harrington. I'll always be here" she sobbed out. Using every bit of strength to get her words out. Coughing hard as she spit out more blood.
Steve cried and sobbed into her neck.
"I love you so much, you'll always be here. Always" he whispered back.
Steve stayed with her body for hours. Screaming nonsense any time someone tried to move him off. He refused to move.
Hopper cried silently as he dragged Steve off of her, tightening his grip around the boys waist as he began to fight back
"NO. YOU CAN'T TAKE ME AWAY. NO" he sobbed, kicking his way out of Hopper's arms. But failed once his body gave up.
He collapsed to the floor. His body covered in her blood, his lips stained with her for one last time.
Robin cradled him in her arms, Dustin grabbed the engagement ring, and joined in. Handing Steve the ring.
"this way, she's always with you"
If you asked Robin who Y/N was she'd said she was her best friend. Steve's fiance that died tragically In the upside down. Sacrificing herself for Eddie Munson, allowing him the chance to clear his name.
But if you asked Steve, he'd tell you she is the love of his life. She is his fiance and they are planning their wedding together. He'd say she is hoping for a summer wedding with purple flowers. Steve would say she made it out of the upside down. She never died. And he was sick of people telling him that.
If she was dead, how can she be here? How can she be sleeping next to him every night? He can feel her. He can kiss her. He can make love to her. He couldn't do anything of that if she was dead.
After the upside down Steve's world faded in a blur. He doesn't remember much details of that event. It was like his mind deleted any memory of it. He never knew the woman he's been talking to everyday was gone. She was just in his head.
"is he still seeing her?" Robin asked the doctor.
Her sad eyes watching Steve through the glass window, his body chained down to a bed, dressed in white. A poor shell of a body locked down to reality.
"he still believes he's in that house with her. Whenever we talk to him he talks about their new wedding details, he's still very sick. " The doctor explained.
"she's been gone for six months, how long will he continue to believe she's real?" Dustin asked. His heart cracked seeing Steve living in his head. He couldn't grasp that Y/N was dead and wasn't ever coming back.
"I'm not sure. His brain blocks out her death, he doesn't remember the events of the accident. He goes through the same routine every day. He sits in the corner and points to things that aren't there. He dances alone. He talks to her for hours. We are doing the best we can." The doctor said sadly. Allowing the two alone.
Steve Harrington would never be the same.
But to him, he was never alone, because she was always there.
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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Joe Keery | Boston Calling, 2022
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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joseph quinn as eddie munson in stranger things 4 vol. 1 (2022)
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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Stranger Things 3 Chapter Two: The Mall Rats
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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You told her… the wave was 7 feet. You ran to her, on the beach. There were seagulls. She wore a hat with a blue ribbon. A long dress…  with a blue and red flower. Yellow sandals, covered in sand. She was pretty. She was really pretty. And you… you were happy.
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
Summoning a demon/devil Eddie and having a sexy contract with him?
Eddie would absolutely be teasing devil. Make you do anything he wants.
Pairing: Devil!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, clit stimulation, following orders, teasing, pheromones, blowjob, mating press, rough sex, degradation, name calling, contracts
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: I would risk eternal damnation for Eddie.
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You did it on a dare more then anything else, who knew that a devil summoning would actually work? Your seal was half-assed at best. Which might be why the devil you summoned looked... very ordinary. Except for the obvious two horns coming from his forehead, his fangs, claws and the tail he looked just like any man you'd meet.
"What the... what's happening?" He looked around a little confused, his jacket half-way down his body, his belt unbuckled, "Ah, a mortal! You have terrible timing you know that? I was getting dressed for a concert. What if I was naked huh?"
You blinked at him, confused, "Um, hi? I'm sorry, I didn't think this would actually work." You were as baffled as he was, actually probably more since you had a real, and insanely hot, devil man standing in your room.
"I can see that. Your work is sloppy, you didn't even bind me properly." He sighed ran his hand through his soft hair, "Normally I ain't going anywhere until the deal's complete. But... technically I'm not bound to you yet." His eyes flashed a dangerous yellow color. He let his jacket fall to the floor, "I was really pumped up for the concert you know. You'll make me miss it. There was bound to be some hot babes there to fuck too."
Your lungs filled with a sudden delicious scent, so sweet and potent you tasted it on your tongue, "Hot babes? What are you talking about... er, wait, what's your name again?"
"You don't even know the name of the devil you summoned? You've got so much to learn. Call me Eddie, you little cutie." Eddie winked at you, igniting your body on liquid fire from within, "Tell you what, I like to make things interesting so how about you and I have a little bet?"
"A bet?" You breathed out, heat pooling between your legs the longer you looked at how tight his shirt was on his body.
"A bet. Since I can't leave this... summoning circle, shabby as it is, until our contract is forged or broken, why don't you step in here with me. We'll have an endurance contest." He lifted his shirt above his head, your eyes watering at the sight of him, "I fuck you, and we see who comes first. You win and I'm all yours for our contract. I win and I drag you back into Hell with me as my little cocktoy. Sound fair?"
Not what you expected him to say, but every cell in your body burned with the desire for him. Your eyes locked on his throbbing cock, now free from it's confines, his pants and boxers on the floor.
"My pheromones are already getting to you. What do you say human? Wanna give my cock a try? It's already hard for you." He wrapped his hand around the base and squeezed, white drops of pre gathering at the tip, "Don't lick your lips, lick me cock instead."
You had no idea what prompted you, if it was your horniness alone, or if you were aided by his pheromones but you lost all your clothes on your way to him, rubbing your thighs together as you knelt before him. Your finger was already circling your clit, needing to be relieved, your pussy wet without even being touched.
Eddie smirked down at you, "I know you humans are famous for subcoming to your animalistic needs but I haven't seen a bitch as horny as you in a long time. Let see if your mouth works like one too." His claws dug into your scalp, the blunt head pushing past your lips and into your throat. He was hot, throbbing, pulsing and delicious on your tongue, "Not bad. You have some talent at least. Not as useless as you look. I'll make use of everything you have, little slut."
You sealed your lips tight around his cock, looking up at him expectedly.
"What? What do you want? Cum? No, not yet. Not until I see you come first. Look at you, rubbing that pretty little clit. Faster, go as fast as you can, don't hold back those pretty noises either, I want to hear you." Your clit throbbed under your finger, hips moving into your hand, "Don't be shy, I'm sure you look real pretty when you come. Go ahead, I'll allow it, come."
Eddie's growl sent you over the edge, your finger wandering from your clit to your pussyhole, pushing inside, clenching and spasming around it. He was right behind you, his smile toothy and wide, his forked tongue hanging from his mouth.
"Knew it. So pretty for me, a pretty little cumdump fucktoy, all for me." His heavy balls slapped against your chin so fast it was the only sound you could hear until it was interrupted by his loud grunt, and after that you gulping down his cum for as long as it kept coming down your throat.
Your head fell forward when he pulled out, his cock still spraying cum all over your tits. "So? Who wins?"
"Who wins?" Eddie laughed with a predatory smirk, "Does it look I'm done? The fun's just getting started. I still need to breed that little human pussy of yours." He wasn't rough when he pushed you to the floor, or spread your legs, he was very gentle in fact, his smile mischievous, "The bet's still going, and by the end, you're gonna be reduced to my new cocksleeve." He sheathed his cock inside of you in one smooth thrust, his tail happily swishing behind him.
"Oh my g-" His lips pressed against yours, hard, fangs biting, his long tongue wrapping and swirling around yours,
"Na-uh pretty girl. Don't say another man's name while I'm busy making you mine. It's rude. You know whose name to call." He began snapping his hips forward, hammering his cock in as deep as it could go.
"Eddie." You moaned, consumed by pleasure and firey heat, "Eddie!"
"Mine. You're gonna be all mine. I'll take such good care of you. You don't need to worry about a thing, you just need to be mine, mind, body and soul." You couldn't even begin to fathom what selling your soul to devil would be like but if it's anything like this it just might be worth it. With that in mind, and the promise of so much more your body reacted in the only way it knew how.
By coming all over his cock, stomach and balls, your body asking for more.
And he had no problem giving it to you. His cock balls deep and pulsing with every jet of his warm cum leaving and painting your insides white.
"I win." Eddie chuckled into your ear, "But, hm... by the looks of you I'd say you're under the impression that you did too. Look, your pussy likes me so much it just keeps clenching. You'll make for a perfect toy. Welcome, slut, to the first day of the rest of your life." He laughed, eyes glowing and tongue licking over his fangs as he began to thrust again, showing no signs of stopping any time soon.
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
Holy moly
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Summary: After a night of teasing your boyfriend Eddie Munson, you're ready to receive the consequences and the rewards.
TW: FemReader, Smutacular Smut, Spanking, Creampie, Dirty Talk, *18+ You Filthy Animals*
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"Did you have fun teasing me all night, baby?" Eddie asks, one hand squeezing your thigh over the rayon of your dress, the other holding the shaking steering wheel of the noisy van as it barrels down the dark road.
"I really did," you laugh, knowing you had him on edge all evening at Steve's house, "You're too much fun to mess with," unclicking your seatbelt, you lean across the van's interior to smack a wet kiss on his cheek. "Beside," you say softly with your lips lightly brushing the shell of his ear, "you're really fucking sexy," your hand brushes the half-hard bulge in his jeans before settling yourself back in your seat and buckling in.
He purses his lips and shakes his head, carnation pink blooming on his cheeks, "You're just looking for trouble tonight," his eyes never leaving the road. 
"I hope I found it," you pull down the visor and look into the cloudy mirror to remove your earrings. 
"I don't know," he moves his hand back to your thigh, "I hope you're not writing checks that beautiful ass can't cash."
His hand smooths its way under your dress, where one finger lightly traces your slit over rapidly damping panties. Covering his hand with both of yours, you start rocking your hips back and forth, grinding against him. 
"If you would have just fucked me before we left the apartment, I wouldn't have been thinking about your cock all night," your voice comes out breathlessly as his fingers dip under the seam of your panties into your wet heat, "Fuck," you moan out biting your lip as he circles your puffy clit. 
"Baby, we are late every single time they invite us over," he chuckles, adding a bit more pressure. 
"Yes, just like that," your eyes fall closed, already feeling the coil tighten.
"Just like what?" his hand disappears from in between your thighs.
"Eddieeee," you whine.
"Something the matter? You can dish it, but you can't take it?" a smug smile tugs at his lips.
"Oh, I'm gonna take it," you grab the hand that just left you and suck his fingers into your mouth. He groans and unintentionally jerks the wheel causing the van to fishtail into the dark parking lot of your apartment building.
He turns the key in the ignition, and other than the random ticking, the van descends into silence. He turns his head to look at you, "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."
Laughter bubbles out of your mouth, loving it when he's this worked up, you grab the door handle and make a run for it, but Eddie's right behind you. His hand cups your ass as you climb the stairs to your third-floor walk-up. When you reach the battered door with the gold metal number six that's come loose at the top and now hangs like a nine, you fumble in your purse for the keys as he braces his arms on the door jamb and grinds his hard dick against your backside. 
As soon as the lock tumbles open, he pushes you inside, taking your purse from your hands and dropping it to the floor before backing you against the rough wooden door. He pins your hands above your hands, and his lips are on you. There's not a lot of finesse to this kiss, just hungry mouths and wet tongues greedy for each other. 
"Where do you think you're going?" he breaks the kiss when you futilely push against his hands.
"I love you, Eddie," with a voice full of sugar, you make your eyes big and innocent.
"I love you too, but if you think sweet talking me is going to get you out of this, you're wrong," he transfers both of your wrists to one hand.  
"Can I suck your cock, just a little?" you flutter your eyelashes and squirm against him.
"As hot as you look on your knees," he roughly pulls down the front of your dress until both breasts are freed, "You don't get a choice tonight. I'm going to do whatever I want to you."
His words have your stomach tightening and your thighs squeezing together as a gush of moisture coats your folds.
"Don't think I didn't notice that you didn't wear a bra tonight," he dips down taking a nipple into his mouth, giving it a hard suck before letting it slip from his lips with a pop, "Maybe I should fuck your tits? Would you like that, baby?" he cups your breast, sucking as much into his mouth as he can.
"Shit," you pant as a line of electricity shoots from your breast straight to your core.
"Do you want my cock sliding between them?" he drops your wrists so he can use both hands to push your breasts together, kneading while he licks and sucks and bites.
"You can take me any way you want," your fingers dive into his hair. He doesn't stop until little bruises dot your flesh, and the ache in your pussy is unbearable. 
He pulls away, leaving you writhing and whimpering against the door. His shoulders rise and fall as he catches his breath and adjusts his hard cock straining in his tight black jeans. Taking your hand, he leads you down the narrow hallway to the bedroom, and you follow more than willingly in a haze of desire. He flips the light switch that turns on the yardsale lamp that you draped with a crimson scarf to soften the glow. There's not much furniture besides a dresser and your rumbled, unmade bed.
He one-handley unbuckles his belt and pulls his shirt over his head, exposing the smooth planes of his tattooed chest to your wanton gaze before motioning for you to raise your arms. He carefully lifts your dress over your head before discarding it somewhere on the floor. Tenderly he cups your jaw and tastes your mouth in a searing, slow kiss. One of his moves down your face and grips your chin when he pulls away.
"I'm going to turn you around, and you're going to take it, understand?"
His tone leaves no room for discussion, and you nod your head as you look into those big doe eyes more than ready to comply. He turns you toward the bed and presses his hand onto your back, bending you forward.
"Hold on to the bed, and do not let go until I say so."
Sliding your fingers across the cool sheets, you bend farther forward and grip as much of the mattress as possible. Behind you, Eddie rubs small circles on your back until you're positioned just how he wants you. He slowly works your panties down your hips, pressing a soft kiss on your ass as he bends, and you raise one foot at a time so he can take them off the rest of the way. 
Taking deep breaths, you wait in silent anticipation, so turned on that you're past rational thought. He's leaving you waiting on purpose. Wetness glazes your center and your clit throbs in time with your pulse. The air feels cool in contrast with the wet heat of your pussy. Shifting your hips from side to side, you wriggle and try to get some relief. His hand comes down on one side of your ass with a loud crack sending you forward until you brace your arms, a satisfied moan escaping your throat. He gently rubs your skin until the slight sting dissipates and then spanks your other cheek repeating the process.
"Fuuu, Eddie," you barely recognize the husky moans leaving your mouth. He starts spanking you in quick succession, alternating sides. The sharp stings leave you tensing for the next smack. His fingers are so close to where you want them, grazing your folds but still out of reach. Slick starts to drip out of you, coating your thighs as he spanks your ass into a rosy glow. He carefully applies the same force to every slap. Just a little burn mixing with pangs of arousal that have you clenching around your emptiness. With the last spank, he grabs a handful of your ass before his touch turns gentle again and only the sound of heavy breathing remains. 
"Now spread your legs like a good girl," he holds your hip and rubs his dick against the hot sensitive skin of your ass.
"Please fuck me. I need it so much," you widen your stance and arch your back, feeling like a cat in heat displaying your eager pussy.
"What's the matter, baby?" he drops to his knees, "Did it make you wet when I spanked your teasing ass?"
"Yes. God, I'm so wet," you push back against him, "Now, please, I need your cock inside me."
"Be patient," he gives you another spank, "I'm going to take care of you. You're so pretty down here," he uses his thumbs to spread you open, "I just want to give you a kiss."
His mouth closes over your center in a wet sloppy kiss before he licks you slowly, staring at your ass and moving lower, your legs shake when he finally reaches your clit, sucking the little bundle between his plush lips. Clawing at the bed, you drop your face to the mattress, letting it muffle your strangled cry.
"You always taste so good," he replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing you gently, "but I bet you're feeling empty. Let's see what we can do about that," he presses his whole face between your legs and spears his tongue in and out of your tight entrance. 
After all his teasing, it's almost too much, your hips buck wildly. He wraps his other arm tightly around you, holding you in place. Your orgasm builds so quickly that you're cumming around his tongue without warning, and to your astonishment, a second peak rises while you're still clenching from the first. He works you through you both, his strong arms taking most of your weight, so you don't collapse. Your throat feels tight and rough - you must have screamed. 
"Eddie," his name floats out in a breathy rasp as he presses kisses up your skin as he moves to stand. You're still straddling the line of euphoria and consciousness when you feel the head of his cock sliding through your folds. With his hand holding the base of his swollen dick, he taps the head against your clit, causing you to jolt with overstimulation.
"I hope you're ready for me."
Pressure builds at your opening as he pushes his fat mushroom head inside you. He teases you, stopping with only a few inches of his long, veiny shaft inserted. Whining, you clench your inner muscles, trying to draw more of him inside. He spanks your already cherry-red ass cheek.
"You're going to forget your own name after I'm done fucking you tonight," he surges forward, filling you to the brim in one hard stroke.
 His fingers dig into your hips as he moves in a brutal rhythm. Withdrawing until just his tip remains and thrusting in completely, his sac slapping your lips, the bristle hairs at his base scraping against your sore skin. 
"So good." White hot sparks of pleasure burst as he pummels your g-spot - your gummy walls stretched and fluttering.
"Is that too hard, or do you want more?"
"More. Please fuck me harder," you moan as he lifts one of your knees onto the bed, opening you wider. Breathing hard, he goes even deeper. 
"You wanted me to fuck you like this, didn't you?" the sound of skin slapping skin gets louder and the bed frame creaks in protest as it's banged into the wall. 
"Yes, don't stop," you hold yourself up on one arm so you can rub circles around your clit, "I'm going to cum so hard."
"Jesus H…baby," he drives in and out of you fiercely, forcing you further onto the bed, "you always get so fucking tight."
His hands smooth their way to your lower back, pressing down, pushing your ass higher. Your walls cinch tighter around him as your climax builds. Trembling, your insides pulse and clench. He moans loudly as your muscles lock. Your lips part but no sound or air escapes, a tidal force wave of fire floods your body, and you lose all control. Leg muscles spasming madly, your insides milking his cock. He growls as he fucks you through it, trying not to cum until he coaxes every ounce of ecstasy from you. Breath finally bursts from your lungs as aftershocks rocket through you. 
"Still with me?" 
"Mmmhmm," floating on a cloud of bliss, you fight to keep yourself in position, craving his release knowing it will complete your fulfillment. 
"Where do you want me to cum?" his strokes are becoming erratic. He won't be far behind you. 
"My cunt."
"Ah, fuck," he buries himself as deep as he can get, your filthy mouth pushing him over the edge.
"I want you to fill me up until I'm dripping," warmth bursts inside you as he throbs and spurts fulfilling your request.
"Goddam, baby," he teases himself with a few shallow strokes.
The smell of sex and sweat hangs in the air. On shaky arms, you inch forward until his head pulls at your entrance and pops out with a flick. Carefully you lower yourself onto your side and sigh, as you feel his cum leaking out of you. He lies down, still catching his breath, and pulls you against his chest. He kisses your shoulder and slides a finger through your folds to push his cum back inside.
"Have you learned your lesson? Are you still going to tease me the next time we go out?"
"Absolutely," a grin pulls up the corners of your mouth. 
He kisses you again and chuckles.
"That's my girl."
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
Good job my babygirl ❤️ you're perfect
A Friend From Work pt. 5
Pairing: Older!Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson
Summary: You both physically moved on, but the thought of each other remained. It takes jealousy, anger, fear, love, and breakups to finally bring you back together. 7.2k words
Warnings: swearing, MINORS DNI 18+, oral fem receiving, drug use, drug mentions, p in v sex, unprotected sex, not proofread I'm very sorry
Idea from my queen @its-quinns-bread
//FULL STORY COMING SOON ON MY WATTPAD, boywiththedemonblood!!!
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You wandered into the dimly lit bar. The colorful lighting made you want to rip your eyes out. What kind of asshole trades his girlfriend for his job? You didn't want to think about him anymore. You had to move on. So, the only logical thing to do was drink. A lot.
"Vodka Cranberry, thank you," you ordered yourself a drink, fidgeting with your nails as you focused your eyes on the bar counter where you sat.
"I'll pay for her drink." a man says, taking a seat next to you. The scent of his earthy cologne was unfamiliar yet welcoming at the same time. "You okay? You look a little down." you scoff and look up at the man, who was smiling at you sympathetically. You were surprised to see a handsome older man with shaggy hair and a leather jacket with various pins, patches, and other accessories. "Thanks for the drink..." you ask for his name, admiring the way his brown eyes scanned over your face as you spoke. A simple, yet meaningfully warm gesture.
"Eddie. And you are?" he offers a hand to you, which was covered in rings and a few faded scars. His hands were much rougher than Steve's. "Y/n. I'm just a little upset. I don't want to bother you! It's a long story." you chuckled shyly. You were lying through your teeth. You didn't want to start sobbing in front of this generous, devilishly handsome stranger. 
"I'm a good listener, I promise. Just want to help you out. You're very beautiful, and I wanna know who broke your heart." he teased. He fully believed you were fired or something else devastating, but when he saw how you bit your lip, he stopped. Shit.
"Seriously? Oh, I'm sorry, I swear I had no idea." he felt terrible for bringing up the agonizing memory of whatever asshole decided to break your heart in two.
"No no, it's okay. I'm over him anyway." you lied again. He glanced at you for a moment, eyeing you to be sure no tears fell, then he takes a sip from his drink. You weren't quite sure why you trusted Eddie so much, whether it was his endearing eyes or kind nature, you were compelled to explain the whole situation.
"Shit, really? I don't know what decent man would give up his beautiful girlfriend for a stupid job. Don't feel sorry for him, he gave up the one good thing going for him." you chuckled. "Thank you, Eddie, but you hardly know me!" you reminded him, but he shrugged you off. Eddie thought he knew a good person when he saw one. He was confident you were the prettiest woman in the bar, though.
"Please, I'm a great judge of character. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't think you were a heartbroken woman with a heart of gold." he exaggerated, but you were flattered anyway. "Here's my number, you can call me and talk anytime you want. You look like you need it." he smiles brightly, his gaze never leaving your face. "Gee thanks." you roll your eyes.
"Fuck, it's getting late. You better get home, sweetheart, the bums like your boyfriend come out late at night." he helped you off the barstool, to which you almost fell off due to your drunkness. You laughed at his statement. "He really is a bum." you agreed, nodding drunkenly.
Eddie just laughs at you. "You're so drunk, Y/n. Call me if you ever need someone to talk to. I'll take you for some food, and we'll talk all about it. No conditions, no intentions. Just listening." it was unlike anything you've ever known. A man offering to talk while expecting nothing more than your presence. Was he an angel?
Eddie drove you home that night, leaving you at your doorstep. "Good luck with your ex-boyfriend/bum/asshole. Get some sleep." he laughs when you miss the doorknob as you try to open the door. You walked inside and glanced as he strode back to his car. 
"Great start to a long recovery after dating Steve Harrington," you said to yourself, completely sarcastic. It hadn't even been one day and you had tried to get wasted to forget him. You thought it was better than sitting in a dark room sulking all day, without a single thought forming inside your head except the empty feeling that replaced Steve's presence.
It had been one day since Steve sliced your heart in half with the words, "I don't need you anymore." It was etched into your brain, the way he looked at you with disgust as you attempted to piece together your relationship. It was already done. Your father convinced Steve to do it. Though, it was obvious that he enjoyed his job more than anything else he had going on. Or so you thought.
"Who the hell is that?" your dad crossed his arms, glancing across the busy office to a very petite woman standing way too close to Steve for your liking. "Probably some receptionist with a crush on him. He has like ten girls lining up to date him at any time. You said it yourself, he's a player." You tried your best not to feel dejected seeing some girl laughing at whatever shitty joke he muttered. It should be you on his arm right now. You shoved yourself down into your chair, huffing as you glanced at the pile of work that covered your desk completely. Your father recognized your unhappiness. 
"Calm down, Y/n. He is exactly what I warned you about. It's better that you've moved on anyway. Steve Harrington is an idiot and an asshole. He's simply not the man for you." your eyebrows furrowed upon hearing your father's words. It hurt to hear someone diss your ex, but it was funny to hear that your dad thought you had already moved on. Why couldn't Steve be yours? 
"He's a dick! Who flirts with a woman right after breaking up with another woman?!" Your father walked away, not entertaining this anymore. You ached for him, for his touch, his compliments. Who cares if he's a little older? You felt like your life had been altered permanently. Like he was a sickness you couldn't get rid of.
A pang of nausea hit you when he kissed the mystery woman, his hand wrapped around her with the same grip he had on you. How could he touch another woman and not think of the way you felt in his hands?
Tears threatened to fall, so you stopped watching the man of your dreams dote upon another girl. You grabbed the phone.
"Eddie? Do you think you could pick me up today for lunch?" Though you could barely hear yourself, you knew it was obvious to everyone that you were close to tears. When Eddie picked up the phone, he couldn't believe how fast you had decided to call him. He just met you yesterday! But nonetheless, he would never take up the chance to talk to a pretty girl.
"What's the address, sweets? I'll be right there and we'll talk about it over lunch. Did he make you cry?" he found himself unable to control his rage when he heard your poor attempt at hiding your sadness over the phone.
You didn't answer his last question, instead giving him the address and hanging up. After grabbing your coat and bag, you made your way outside. You didn't notice the way Steve's eyes followed you until you strolled out of the room. Oh, how he wanted to follow you. To run after you and apologize for being such a fool. He missed you as much as you did, but going after you and trying again would surely end in his termination. 
So he tried to forget you, to drown you out with sex, drinks, whatever he could think of. Part of him wondered how you were doing. He wondered if you’ve found someone else, or if you’re struggling just as much as he is. So he made his way to a window to watch you outside, to get a last small glimpse of the woman he used to adore. 
But then he saw it. Him
A man picking you up in a beat-up van, you getting in willingly. Who was this man who was picking up his woman for lunch? He couldn’t picture you with any other man, who else did you know?
His questions were driving him crazy as he made his way back to the brunette he picked up last night as he drove miles to keep his mind off of you. Nancy Wheeler.
Steve was fortunate that Nancy was still single and available. Somehow, he pictured her as a successful journalist with a husband and kids already. Either way, her presence comforted him to no end, as she was his first love. “Hey, Nance. How have you been?” he never thought he’d ever have a chance to talk to her, after a messy breakup, he was positive that she hated his guts. “Good, missing you a lot, though. I’m assuming you’ve got your dream? Six kids?” Nancy flashed him a small smile, one that melted his worried away just as he remembered from all those years ago.
He laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “No, not yet. Newly single, actually.” he looked down at his shoes, unsure if she would brush him off. But that never came. “That sucks.” she paused, putting the puzzle pieces together. “Ah, you need a rebound? Is that why you came here? You haven’t talked to me in years!” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well when you put it that way it sounds douchey!” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. Nancy recognized that move, he did it when he was nervous. “All I’m asking for is a second chance. Please?” Steve’s brown eyes were hard to resist, especially if you’ve been in a dry spell for the last six months like Nancy has.
“Fine, but if we’re gonna do this, I want to go all the way. No half-assing it. We’re dating, okay? Not friends with benefits.” she points a finger at him to emphasize that she never intended to have a sex-only relationship. “Absolutely. You know what? I’ll even let you visit my work for lunch, my boss doesn’t mind!” he smiled at her, reminding her of the old days when he’d climb up to her window and visit her late at night while her parents were downstairs. He truly did love her back then, but could he feel the same way now? Even after he’s met you?
“So what’s bothering you, sweetheart? You’re in tears!” Eddie reaches across to grab your hand. “Ex bothering you? I can have a chat with him if you want me to…” you knew he didn’t truly mean a chat. “No Eddie, it’s okay. I just want to rant it all out over a nice meal. Please?” you sounded a lot quieter and timider than you thought you would, and it broke his heart.
After sitting down at the small restaurant nearby, you almost broke down in front of him. Eddie frowns at you, feeling horrible for bringing up the touchy subject. 
“He did what!? What an asshole!” He shouted, making you jump. He blushed and looked around to see a few eyes on him, eager to see why he was yelling. “Who did he bring in?” Eddie tried his best not to sound too excited to find out what jerk was tossing you away like trash. “Some girl named Nancy? She’s around his age, maybe he doesn’t like younger girls after all..” you were deep in your thoughts, unable to silence the thought that maybe this was a mistake.
“Do you want my honest advice?” he smiles sadly at you. “Yes, please. I just want someone to be honest with me.”
He took a deep breath, knowing it might be hard to hear. “This Steve guy is an asshole, okay? No decent man would put anything above his girlfriend like that. Some men are glad to take his place, men who would treat you better than he did. You just need to distract yourself, maybe with someone else? It seems like he’s doing the same thing.” you squint your eyes.
“Are you implying that I start dating you to get over my ex…one day after we’ve split?” Eddie shrugs. He never really intended to date you when he first met you at the bar last night, but now that he was seeing you in this light, heartbroken and unable to forget about a stupid ex, he had the idea to help you forget. “Only if you want to, but I’d love to help you forget that dumbass, sweetheart.” The nickname made you feel butterflies in your stomach, you had to admit. You felt your face heat up under his gaze. The sight of his brown eyes and gentle smile had you melting inside, even though you still couldn’t stop thinking of Steve. “Are you sure? I’m still a little out of it, I just got out of a relationship!” The last thing you wanted was for Eddie to feel like you haven’t forgotten about Steve.
“Sweetheart, for the millionth time, I’m completely fine with it. Frankly, I don’t care about him, I think you’re cute. I want to get to know you, distract you a little bit.” It was true, you badly needed a distraction. Steve’s remarks kept repeating in your head. The phrase ‘this was a mistake’ had been the cause of many sobbing sessions in either your bed or shower.
You had no idea what you were getting into. Between his mellow, sweet voice and his caring brown eyes staring into your soul, all ration was out the window and across the street. “Fine, consider this our first date then! I have an hour lunch break so we better talk fast.” you laugh when he immediately switches to flirting with you.
That was 5 months ago. Eddie became your boyfriend after about a month of exciting dates and many invites to his band, Corroded Coffin. “Hey babe, please come to this club with me tonight! I need to scope out the place to see if it’ll be a good spot for the band to perform. Think you could do that for me?” Eddie’s front was pressed against your back as you lay in bed next to him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think of Steve from time to time, but Eddie was more than perfect, the right man.
“Mmm, I’ll make it worth your while..” he pressed kisses along your neck and on your bare shoulder. You felt sore from the long night you had with Eddie, so you melted into his affections. “Maybe, it all depends on if you’re buying me drinks..” you hum. You kept your eyes closed, not wanting to accept the morning or rather afternoon, as it shined through the curtains. “Oh sweetheart, we’ll be doing a little more than drinking. Just you wait.” he pressed more kisses onto your warm naked body, stirring you fully awake. “What does that mean?” you raise an eyebrow at his vagueness. If Eddie was ever defined in one word, it would be Blunt. Not vague.
“You’ll find out. I have an idea, why don’t you wear that little black dress that your ex bought you? You look so delicious in that, always makes me wanna stop the performance just to take you in the bathroom..” he chuckles, growling at the feeling of you pressing your ass against his crotch. “Naughty…”
After a nice, pleasurable shower, you found yourself watching Eddie as he stood over a hot stove, cooking breakfast for the both of you. This sight made your heart skip a beat, his hair still wet, sprawled across his unclothed back as the sound of sizzling food echoed in the room. “Y’know…I thought I was the freak, you’re the one staring at me while I cook.” he chuckles. 
Later that night, you managed to squeeze into the tight black dress. As you pulled up the straps, memories flooded back to you, his hands caressing you, touching you, holding you. It had been months, and you knew you were crazy to think that there was even a chance that Steve would come crawling back.
In the past few months, his arm candy had shown up less and less as each week came. You felt guilty for thinking of him, especially when you had a new man, Eddie. You couldn’t help it. Everything reminded you of him, each sweet gesture, each word from Eddie’s mouth had you wishing, praying that Steve would come back. 
But you also harbored so much rage for him and his actions. You’d glance over at him at work, his every movement reminding you of the heartbreaking sentence that ended your relationship in one fell swoop. “This was a mistake”.
It tormented you, to know that he thought the entire relationship was a mistake. Literally, you stayed up, staring at the dark ceiling imagining what your life would be like if Steve hadn’t chosen his job over you. It hurt, knowing you missed out on so much. Hell, you could have even been engaged by now! 
“Y/n? Hello? Earth to Y/n?” You snapped back into yourself when you heard Eddie’s several snaps and puzzled voice. “I’m fine.” you pushed him away as you slipped on your heels without a second thought. Eddie’s brow furrowed at your standoffish appearance. Hell, you had been all over him the entire day and now you’re completely ignoring him?
“Something’s wrong, I can see it in your face, sweetheart.” He said plainly as you felt the bed dip when he sat down. With a large, rough hand on your thigh, Eddie kissed your head. “We don’t have to go, you know that right? I put your well-being over any performance opportunity. Say the word and we’ll watch a couple movies and call it a night.” Eddie knew you were high-energy at times, but so was he, and even he knew how refreshing a night in feels.
“No! I’m fine, really. Just thinking about some things.” Eddie knew better than to press you. If you wanted something to stay private, he respected your wishes. “Well, sweetheart. We’re going to the club to get rid of our thoughts. Trust me, this will is exactly what you need to unwind. I know something else that could help with that too…” his hand dragged up your thigh, making your face heat up. 
“Uh uh! Save it until after the club, we’re gonna miss the prime time for you to decide whether it’s a good place to perform or not!” Whether you loved Eddie, was a question for another day. But either way, you fully supported him with his band, and you were proud of him. “Fine.” he huffed, shoving his leather jacket over his shoulders and helping you up. 
So here you were, in a busy, loud club, full of sweaty dancing people. It had been a couple hours now, and Eddie was nowhere to be seen, probably talking with the owner or stumbling over to the bar to buy you a drink. “Hey, sweetheart! Good news, it’s perfect. Corroded Coffin will be performing next Friday, and who knows? We might even become regular performers here!” It was clear that Eddie was extremely excited, and you were too. But something was telling you to take your attention away from him.
It was Steve, who sat across the room from you in the club. The opening between obnoxious dancing people allowed you to get a perfect view of the man you used to love. He was pissed. 
Steve had come to the club for the same reason you had, to clear your mind. With booze. After having a vicious argument with Nancy, she stormed out, unable to stay in that toxic relationship. Because Steve still had feelings for you, he couldn’t let go of the thought that you might be begging him to come back, so he kept his mind open. And in doing so, he let Nancy walk out of his life. Steve couldn’t let you go, no matter how many women he spent the night with, how much he drank, or how much he tried to ignore you. He’d see your face every day at work and die inside. Have you really moved on?
Steve didn’t know you were dating someone, let alone Eddie Munson. He came to the club to meet a lady and take her home, hoping it would be the one that finally helps him forget. When he saw Eddie’s hand in yours, the other inching up your thigh. He felt a sudden pang of sadness when he noticed that you were wearing the same dress he bought you months ago.
“C’mere, sweetheart.” Eddie pulls you onto his lap, humming at the sensation of your weight on him. “This guy won’t stop staring at me, what the hell is his deal?” Eddie mumbles onto your skin as he presses soft kisses against your jaw and neck. “He’s my ex,” you said bluntly. Eddie hums, almost enjoying the feeling of showing Steve exactly what he’s been missing.
“Wanna give him a show?” he smirked, his hands slowly moving down to grasp your ass, giving it a few squeezes. He chuckles to himself. “Let him see how good I’m treating his girl. I think he misses you, Y/n.” Eddie grinds his hips into yours, making you whimper in response. The mention of Steve, plus Eddie’s teasing was getting you more hot and bothered by the minute. 
Steve’s eyes watched the way Eddie grabbed you, his hands clenched into fists. He’d lay awake at night thinking of how other men were touching you, loving you, doing everything he should have been there to do. Job be damned, he was going to get you back. In Steve’s opinion, Eddie was a harsh downgrade.
“Wanna try some, sweetheart?” he pulls a tiny baggy out of the pocket of his black ripped jeans. “Eddie, I told you I don’t get into that kind of stuff!” you whine and push his hand away. You smoked a few times with Eddie, it was always therapeutic. And, you both got a little touchy-feely when you had some weed in your system. 
“C’mon baby, just a little? You’ll really get to enjoy yourself! You said you wanted to unwind, this is how we unwind! I’m doing it, so you do it too!” Eddie shook the white powder in the baggie, watching you grow more upset by the second. “Seriously? Don’t be like that babe, it’s not like you haven’t seen me do it!” You shove him off of you. “Yeah but I don’t want to, Eddie. I’m just trying to relax, but not like that! Why don’t we just go home and smoke a joint and watch a couple movies? I don’t like how you’re acting all of the sudden!” It was almost alarming how fast his demeanor had changed. “
“Then why did you even come? I literally fucking told you I was bringing something extra. Do you know what I think this is about? Your fucking ex. You’ve been thinking about him again, haven’t you?” Eddie interrogated you, drunkenly shaking the bag of powdery substance in your face. “You know I have the stuff, you’ve seen me with it. You haven’t ever wanted to try it?” He was very overwhelming.
You felt tears prick in your eyes. You were only tipsy from siping champagne the whole night, but it was obvious Eddie had no intention of holding out his true emotions. Did he really think you were rejecting him because of Steve? Eddie rolls his eyes. “Oh look, here he comes.” Eddie was slurring his words by now, his cup sitting on the table was spilled when he tried to grab it.
“Y/n, is this guy bothering you?” Steve asks sternly, his eyes wandering over your figure, mouth-watering with need. You glance between them, before nodding. “What?! Babe, you’re seriously so fucking lame right now, you’re gonna side with him? Your ex? It’s literally just a couple lines, sniff it and we’ll go home. I promise sweet-”
Steve grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall behind him. “Don’t you fucking call her that. You don’t deserve to call her that!” Steve’s hands clenched into fists, winding up to punch him. “Y/n, wait outside. We need to talk.” 
Steve felt rage course through his veins as he held Eddie against the wall, his breath quickening. “You’re gonna force her to do it? Are you fucking stupid? She didn’t want to do it, freak.” Steve heard Eddie laugh from under him, his hair messy and wild. “Don’t fucking touch her again, don’t call her, don’t come near her. I’ll fuck you up I swear to god, Eddie.” Steve had been in a couple brushes with Eddie in high school, they didn’t like each other.
“Don’t follow, don’t show up at her house. You’re an asshole, and I don’t want you coming near her again. Do you hear me?” Steve’s hands had found their way to Eddie’s throat, slowly squeezing, adding pressure to his neck. Eddie nodded frantically. “Jesus you’re fucking insane! I won’t come near her again I swear!” When Steve released Eddie’s neck from his hands, Eddie quickly moved away. He got the message.
Steve fixed his styled hair and walked outside, catching his breath from the incident inside. You stood outside as well, your arms folded over your chest as you shivered from the cold. “What did you do to him?” you asked coldly, worried about Eddie. Even though you were disgusted by his actions, you couldn’t help but feel worried for your boyfriend. “He’ll be fine, get in the car. I’m taking you home.” Steve was too mad to feel bad for you, too frustrated that you had moved on and found someone better. 
Sure, Eddie was no angel, but at least he didn’t give you up for a stupid job. But then again, you found someone the very next day so maybe both of you had messed up. Either way, Steve knew he had to come up with a glowing apology to have even a chance of getting you back. “Did you hurt him?” your stomach felt sick at the thought of Eddie being beaten up by Steve. You already knew the answer, but you wanted him to say it. “I said he’ll be fine. Get in the car so I can take you home.” Steve wasn’t asking you, he was telling you to get in. 
On the way to your house, Steve’s hands gripped the steering wheel so hard he thought it might snap in half. “Why couldn’t you just stay away? Why do you have to constantly shove it in my face that we’re split up?” you blurt out, anger coursing through your veins as each mile passed on the way home. Steve was silent. He knew he’d lose both his temper and his focus on the road. Even if he was pissed at you, he still cared for your safety. 
Arriving home, you invited Steve in for a chat. “We need to talk. You were avoiding me at work, you glance at me like I’m some kind of freak for dating Eddie, what the hell is wrong with you?” you slam the front door shut. 
“Well, when you’re dating the town freak it kinda taints that fake innocent reputation you’ve got there. Don’t act all high and mighty, sweetheart. You moved on just as fast as I did.” Steve pointed his finger in your face, his voice raised ever so slightly. “Not on the same night, Steve! Yeah, I dated Eddie very soon after our breakup, but you hooked up with Nancy, what like, 6 hours after we ended things!? You’re fucking sick in the head if you think that’s okay!”
“I’m sick in the head? Have you ever stopped and thought about why I broke up with you? Put yourself in someone else’s shoes for once you spoiled brat! Would you give up your well-paying job for your best friend’s annoying daughter who acts like she’s still 18 and fresh out of high school? Grow the fuck up, Y/n!” Steve made his way towards you, to which you backed away. “Stay away from me, asshole!” you threw whatever you could, books, couch pillows, the house phone, etc.
“God, you’re so frustrating! You said you were in love with me, you said you’d be there for me when things went south. Then you fucking left me without even talking to me about it! We could have managed and found something else! Who cares if you’re betraying your best friend?! He’s called you a manwhore for years, Steve! Grow the hell up and stop acting like you’re the only person that matters here!” You were both shouting at each other now. 
“You know why I stayed with Eddie? Because he’s not a fucking coward and he treats me with respect-”
“Respect? That’s what that little stunt was, respect? No, that man was using you, sweetheart. You’re too fucking naive to see it, not every man has your best interests in mind.” he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“Well, at least he doesn’t hook up with women he’s had feelings for since 1986! At least he doesn’t treat me like arm candy, like an object he can toss around and manipulate! He actually cares about what I have to say. And he’s better in bed, you wanna know why?-”
You were pushed against the wall, and your purse dropped on the floor along with whatever had been in your hand. “Is that really what you think? You think he can fuck you better than I can?” Steve’s hands gripped your hips as he held them against his own. You were positive you’d see bruising on them tomorrow morning. “You think he knows anything about pleasing you? Respecting you? Because I promise you, sweetheart. Nobody is better than me, not when it comes to knowing you. Inside and out.” one of his hands slid your dress strap down the length of your shoulder.
“God, you look so goddamn good in this dress. Does he know I fucked you in it? Does he know I paid for this, sweet thing?” He held your jaw, peppering soft kisses along your collarbone, you whimpered at the feeling. Familiar butterflies in your stomach, you rushed to get your hands on him. “Shh, it’s my turn to speak, Y/n. Tell you my side of the story, while I give you the good sex you’ve been missing for months.” he chuckled, unzipping the back of your dress.
“I love seeing you wear this. Can’t remember the last time I saw you with nothing on. Been missing you so much, sweetheart. You have no idea how much I longed for this…” Brushing his hands through his hair, he slid your dress off with haste. “Don’t wanna waste any time, baby. You love teasing me, I know. You wear those sexy stockings under your short little skirt and pretend you don’t want me to see your skimpy little panties underneath it, don’t you? You love showing everyone just how much you like Eddie because you know that it drives me crazy, god you’re such a little minx.”
He groans against your hot skin as his hands sprawled across your body, groping your tits in his hands before latching his mouth onto one of your nipples. He loved that you never wore a bra with this dress. “Missed these, baby. You have the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen.” he glanced up at you as you moaned lightly, your hands clearing the hair out of his face to get a good look at the man you missed so much.
He was taking what was his, and you were letting him. You’d be a fool not to remember how good he fucked you. He would make it his mission practically every night, to make you cum as many times as needed to where you wouldn’t be able to walk the next morning. It made it really difficult at work when you’d have a hard time walking in your heels and pencil skirt. But Steve enjoyed watching you struggle the morning after, knowing he’d do it all again the very next night.
“You just miss me for my body. I bet Eddie wouldn’t do that.” now you were purposefully making him angry. But if this was the punishment for his anger? You’d do it again and again. Steve stopped his attack on your smooth skin and looked at you. His honey-brown eyes met yours with the same fury and lust as the first night you spent with him. 
“Really? Do you think Eddie would care about you like I do? Did he buy things for you, let you stay at his house, and offer to help you with your issues with your father?” you scoffed and crossed your arms across your bare chest. “Eddie’s not a bad guy, Steve, he treats me like an equal. And he cares about me, unlike you.”
In a split second, your arms were out stretched along the wall as Steve kissed you. “He’s a scumbag, Y/n. Tell me, how many times has he made you cum?” Steve mumbled, his hands tracing your soft thighs as he places kisses down your chest to your stomach. No response.
“Shut up, Steve! You don’t understand, you never could. Eddie cared, and we didn’t have to have an orgasm to have a good relationship.” Steve raised an eyebrow. “You keep pushing me away, sweetheart, you’re making yourself look crazier every second.” he chuckles.
“Why don’t you just admit it? The reason you’re so mad is that you’re pent up. Poor baby, let me help you…” his hands grabbed your lace panties, pulling them down your legs inch by inch. His hungry eyes were glazed over as he looked at you in your full glory. “What if I don’t want your help? The last thing I need is some egotistical asshole trying to”
You were cut off by your own gasps as Steve’s finger circled your clit. “Oh sweetheart, you’ve been wet this whole time? No wonder you’re pissed at me..” he chuckles as you squirm from his actions. 
“No, you jerk! I’m pissed at you because you keep insulting Ed-” 
“If you say his name one more fucking time I’m gonna bend you over the table and fuck you so hard you can’t walk the next morning. If I hear his name coming from those pretty lips again I’m gonna have no choice but to make you scream my name. Teach you who really knows how to please you.” he pulled you over to the couch, and you were forever grateful that your father was on a short vacation. 
“Lay back and let me help you, sweetheart.” he practically tore off his clothes, throwing them as if they were worth nothing. He crawled on top of you, only left in his boxers as he ground his hips into yours. You felt his hard dick pressed against your wet pussy, soaking the fabric. “You’ll get over him, darling.” you roll your eyes. “What if I don’t want to? I love him, Steve.” you felt angry, offended, that he’d think you could just forget about him that quick.
“You’re here, aren’t you? You’re naked underneath me. You haven’t kicked me out. You do want this, right? Just say the word and I’ll leave.” Steve wanted you to be comfortable, he’d never want you to feel pressured or forced to do anything. Unlike Eddie.
“No, stay.” you grabbed his arm. He smiled and nodded at you. “Okay baby, now let me show you what you’ve been missing..” he lowered his head, pressing messy, wet kisses along your chest. He gave extra attention to your breasts and then moved down your stomach to your thighs. He kissed and sucked at your thighs, inching closer to where you wanted him. “Steve it’s been months without this…don’t be a fucking tease.” you spat out angrily, making him chuckle.
“Yeah but you’ve been giving me a hard time. And it’s been months without having you in my arms, I’m gonna take my time.” he laughs when you whine at his words. He kissed your inner thighs and then finally, he pressed kisses against your clit. You moaned out at the feeling of his mouth sucking your clit, groaning at the taste of your warm pussy. “I missed this so fucking much, you taste heavenly.” Steve spent many nights thinking about you, your body, to the point where he’d get off to the thought of you.
Steve flicked his tongue over your clit before licking a stripe up your pussy, leaving you exposed under his touch, his tongue. It had been forever since you had a man between your legs, let alone a man willing to eat you out like it was his last meal. You rut your hips against his face, his nose nudging your clit perfectly, making you cry out. “Steve, oh my god.” you moaned, your head falling back onto the couch as your hands found their way to his perfect hair, grabbing and tugging as he mercilessly lapped at your pussy.
Between your squirming and his urge to go deeper, Steve held your hips down with his arms, wrapping them around your legs. As you brought your head back up, your eyes met his. His sweet brown eyes were dark and lustful as a smirk crossed his face. He brought his hand from your hip to your heat, pushing a finger into you. He groaned at the feeling, humming into your pussy as your walls squeezed his finger. “Fuck, don’t stop!” you could barely tell how loud you were being, but you never wanted it to stop.
Steve fingered you as his tongue flicked at your clit. “Feel good, sweetheart? Better than that asshole?” Steve made it his mission to prove he was better than Eddie in every way.
“God yes I’m going to-” you were breathing heavily. “Cum for me baby, I need to feel you, taste you. Give it to me, sweetheart.” He groaned lowly into your pussy, his own hips rutting into the couch desperately. 
You could barely contain yourself. Months of no action had you practically drooling on the couch as he ate you out. “Oh fuck, Steve!” your orgasm hit you suddenly, making you squirm against Steve’s grip. Your legs shook as your orgasm washed over you, the euphoria was unlike you had felt in months. Steve rode out your orgasm, relishing in the feeling of you holding onto his hair for dear life.
Steve sat up from his position on the couch, his face wet from you. “I’d say I did pretty good, you look exhausted honey.” he laughs, crawling on top of you to kiss you. The kiss wasn’t angry and passionate. It was sweet, loving, longing, and caring.
“Mmm, we won’t know until we’re done. I might still be thinking about Eddie.” you knew you were in for it when he stood up. “Remember what I said, sweetheart? Get up.” he took your hand in his.
He bent you over the table. “He can never fuck you like I can. Has he ever cared enough to go down on you? Don’t you fucking mention him ever again. You know he could never make you feel like this…” his hands groped your ass, biting his lip as he pressed a light smack to your ass. 
Steve shoved his boxers down to his ankles, not bothering to take them off. “You ready, sweetheart?” he asked, the question filling your stomach with butterflies. Of course, he’d pause just before the moment to ask if you’re okay again. “I can’t wait much longer, Steve. Please fuck me!” you whined out, making him chuckle.
“Alright, sweetheart…” the tip of his dick nudged your entrance, rubbing against your wetness. You whimper and press your face further against the cold table. “Stop teasing.” you manage to mutter out, making him smirk. “We go at my speed, sweetheart.” he chuckles, pushing into your tight warm pussy. You go weak against the cold surface, your eyes rolling back at the feeling of him slowly bottoming out inside you, his cock stretching your walls farther than any man ever could.
Steve begins his thrusts, his hands holding your hips tightly. You felt secure like somehow everything was gonna be okay. Your hands gripped the table as his pace sped up. Soon he was pounding into you, the sound of his palm occasionally smacking your ass and skin slapping filled the room. You could focus on anything, your loud moaning drowned out any thought you had. Steve groaned as he spread your legs further to get deeper inside you. “Jesus it’s like you were fucking made for me.” he throws his head back, trying to stave off his orgasm. The way you were clenching him made it awfully difficult.
“Could he fuck you like this?” Steve mercilessly fucked you, and the table jerked a little with every harsh thrust into you. “So loud for me, maybe the neighbors will hear us, baby. God, could you imagine what he’d think? I’m so deep inside this sweet pussy, she’s so needy for me, huh?” he chuckles when you just moaned his name in response. You were too fucked out, in complete bliss from his cock pressing right into your sweet spot each time he pushed into you. You felt alight like you’d been waiting for this for years.
“Steve oh my god I’m so fucking close..” Steve managed to turn to see your face. “Oh sweetheart, you look so fucked out, so pretty like this. You make such gorgeous noises. Too bad that fucker couldn’t hear them, too much of a pussy to worship you like the goddess you are.” he thrusts hard into you, his thick cock pressed right into your sweet spot. “Give it to me baby, I can’t last much longer. Wanna feel you squeezing my dick, sweetheart. Give it to me, please princess.” he was mumbling now, trying to focus on something, anything other than your greedy little pussy taking him so well.
You were breathless as your orgasm washed over you. Your whole body shook as you rode it out. “Good girl, fuck you’re so good for me.” Steve came inside you, his hips pressed against your ass as he groaned your name softly, his eyes squeezed shut.
You both rode through your orgasms before Steve pulled out to clean you both up. Carrying you to the couch, he pulled your sweaty soft body onto his. “Y/n, I need you to know that I’m here to stay. I need you, and I’m truly sorry for everything I’ve done to hurt you. You didn’t deserve any of it. I’d like to make it up to you if you’ll give me another chance?” he looked up at you with puppy eyes. 
You laugh weakly. “Sure, what could go wrong?”. Having this night with him made you realize how different life was without Steve. Eddie cared, but not enough. Nancy was a rebound, nothing more. And your father was wrong.
His best friend wasn’t an asshole. He was a good man, the man you loved.
//FULL STORY COMING SOON ON MY WATTPAD, boywiththedemonblood!!!
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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“So the hair is amazing. Even in person.”
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
Miles Away~ E.M 
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@pleasantlycrazyworld asked:
I have an angst idea! Do it as angsty as you want!!!
But the idea is Eddie breaks up with you before the first tour him and the guys go on (it's for like 6 months or something) and he claims he wanted the full Rockstar experience and couldn't be in a relationship. The reader is like fine whatever but everyone can tell they're upset and miss him. Even though Eddie left the reader has been still taking care of Wayne like they did while being with Eddie. They still come over and drop food off and clean and stuff but they haven't really talked or spent time with him and he's mad at Eddie for what he did.
Tears run down cheeks watching him pack up. He was finally going on tour with the rest of the guys. Corroded Coffin is going to be big. Girls were going to be all over your ex boyfriend.
Gareth makes his way over to you as he pulls you into a hug.
" I'm so sorry" he whispers into your hair. " I wish there was more that I could do" he says. He hugs you tighter. Gareth was like a brother to you, always looking out to you and making sure you never stopped smiling. " You deserve better than him" he pulls away, brushing your tears away.
" I'll miss you Emerson" he chuckles and pokes your nose, " Here" he takes out his drumming sticks from the back pocket of his pants and hands them to you. " I want you to have these"
You gap at him in shock, " But these are your favorite"
" You're my favorite too" he says as he bounces on his feet with a shrug. " I'll miss you" you say it again as he pulls you into a hug. " Quit hogging her, man" Jeff says he tugs you from Gareth.
" I'm not going anywhere. Hugs for all of you guys" Jeff wraps his arms around you while the other member that you kept forgetting his name, hugged you from the other side like a sandwich while Gareth wrapped his arms around the other two and you.
" Guys! Your squishing me!" you screamed trying to get away from them. They laughed feeling you squirm in their arms. They pull away and you dramatically gasped for air.
" Jesus, grab some deodorant before you guys go" you coughed. The boys put their hands on their chest like an insult.
" We smell like men, thank you for your suggestion. We will take it into consideration" the member that you forgot his name said.
" I'll miss you guys. Don't forget me" your lip quiver in a small pout as you looked at the three. " We will never!" they shouted together, scaring you. " Jesus guys, warn a girl before you decide to give her a heart attack"
Gareth stuck his tongue out. Jeff and the other rolled their eyes. Your eyes lock with him as he stood by the doors. His mane of curls were pulled back in a messy bun. He sported on the leather jacket he always wore with a cigarette in his mouth.
His eyes locked with yours.
" So that's it? We're done just like that? You don't want me to wait for you when you come back?" you asked as Eddie paced the trailer getting his things into the bag he found underneath his bed. It was worn out with holes in it.
" There is no point of waiting for me Y/N" he says shoving his shirts in. " I'll have girls lined up on me, I'll be busy on tour and won't have much time for you" your mouth dropped hearing how he is just throwing the relationship away.
" Do I mean nothing to you?" you asked, tears spilling down your cheeks. Eddie stands up with his back to you, his eyes close hearing how broken you sound.
" You do, you're my best friend and my best girl. But I'm going to be gone for six months. Who know what might happen in those six months? You'll just be holding me back"
" Fuck you! Go on tour, fuck all the girls you want. If this is what you want, fine. I'm not going to stand in your way, be your girlfriend. You're an asshole, Edward. Good luck on your precious tour" you spatted. He sighs as he grabs a hold of you wrist but you turn around and slapped him. He stumbles back with his hand on his cheek as he stares at you in shock.
" Don't touch me! Fuck you" you walk out of the trailer making sure it slammed on your way out as you headed towards your car.
The reason that Corroded Coffin got signed and noticed was because of you. You had made a couple of calls and finally reached a producer that was willing to come to the Hide Out to see the guys. Once he saw them, how talented they were and how you talked about them, the producer met with them. They found out that it was you that got the producer to come.
Eddie made love to you that night, thanking you each time his lips placed any part of your skin.
He continue to stare at you, finishing off the cigarette as he threw it on the ground and stomped on it with his boots. The same boots that you got him for his birthday.
He didn't say a word as each of them got on the bus. He stood with his back to you as he thought to look at you one more time before he left. He didn't as he walked onto the bus.
Your back turned to your car as you leaned on it watching the bus but your eyes locked once more time with your ex as he stood by the window feeling his own heart sink to his stomach.
The bell jingles above Family Video as you entered. Steve turns around from the computer as he spots you first.
" Y/N!" he yells throwing his hands up in the air as he stands up. Robin peeks from the break room and walks over as she throws her arms around you.
" It's great to see you, how you've been doing?" Both Steve and Robin knew that Eddie broke up with you before he left one tour. Steve was ready to drive to the first spot of the tour to turn Eddie's insides into mush.
You shrugged, " I'm alright" you told them. That was the truth, you have been doing better than you expected. " I've been visiting Uncle Wayne more. Doing the little things that I can do to make sure he's not alone"
" I know you miss him" Steve says, Robin throws him a look and shake her head. " Robin, it's fine" you tell her noticing the look on her face. She sighs as she brings you into hug.
" He didn't deserve you. You're such a sweet, kind, caring and he let you go"
" Thank you but I'll be okay, I promise you" Steve eyes go wide as he remembers the movie you wanted to see the last time you stopped by. He takes it underneath the counter and hands it to you.
" This should put a smile on your pretty face" he says. Your eyes beam seeing the film you wanted to see in your hands and look at him.
" Thank you Stevie, you're the best" you lean up on your toes and kissed his cheek. His cheeks beet red as he looks away. Robin can't help but smirk.
" You're welcome" you giggle, poking his cheeks. " Harrington, your a little red" his cheeks redden as he puts hands over his face preventing you from looking at him. " Awe, Stevie's all shy" you teased.
Steve groans in his hands as he turns away.
" Thank you, I'll see you later!" you walk out of the store with Robin shaking her head at Steve, " You're such a dingus."
You knock on the trailer door three time letting Wayne know it was you that was on the other side of the door. In your hands you had a bag filled with food that you cooked and in the other you had a six pack of the beer he likes.
The door flew opened and Uncle Wayne stood there, his back to the door as he lets you in.
You step into the trailer looking at all the cups on the walls, and eyes fall on the couch seeing the blanket you always shared with Eddie on movie nights laid there neatly folded. Your eyes looked over to the cup by the sink. The same very cup that had " best boyfriend ever." It was Eddie's cup, unwashed and it sat there for god knows how long.
Your eyes drop down to the movies near the tv, the very once you watched with Eddie the last time you were here. You snap out your thoughts as you set the bag on the table along with the six pack.
Uncle Wayne stood on the side with his arms across his chest as he watched you unpack the food. The food had little tables on them, how long he should preheat them for and he sees the little desserts too added.
No words were spoken between the two of you but the look on Uncle Wayne's face had told you how much appreciated he was. You turn to look at him as you bite on your bottom lip preparing what you wanted to say to him but there were no words.
When he heard that Eddie broke your heart and ended things, he became angry and wanted to drive down himself and let the boy know how wrong he was to let you go. He hasn't spoken to Eddie when he called. He knew he should of picked up the phone, but he was upset and angry seeing the look on your face every time you stopped by.
You were about to walk past him when your arms wrap around him, he is surprised at fist but wraps his arms around you as he hugs you back. You look up at him with a small smile on your face. He can see the heart break look in your eyes. You can't hide it from him. He knew you all too well and loved every time you came over. Weather to bring him food or to clean the trailer.
You were raised right and he had hoped Eddie would marry you one day. He was beyond shocked when he heard how you made his nephews dream come true.
He watches as you walk out of the trailer without a word.
" Boy, you're an idiot" he mumbles to himself as he shakes his head making his way to one of the containers you left for him containing his favorite food.
The next time he sees you is when he's coming back from work, it was a long day at the plant and he stops in his track seeing how you've been cleaning around. There were no more dirty dishes in the sink, there wasn't a hint of smell in the air that used to be there, the counters look like they were sparkling from the light shine on them, the notices the floor isn't what it used to look like and everything looked more cleaner than he ever saw in his entire life.
He watches you as you emerge from the bathroom, removing gloves from your hands as you wipe the sweat from your forehead. You were about to make your way into the kitchen to set down the chemical you used when you caught him standing there.
You sent him a small smile as you motion to the fridge. He walks over to it and throws it open seeing it was stock with food. You had gone grocery shopping.
On the couch laid a fresh pair of clothes with bag next to it. You reach for a bag containing the clothes you had picked out for him since he never had the time to go out shopping. Eddie had told you at one point what his size in shirt was as well as the rest.
Uncle Wayne open the back as he peered inside. His eyes teared up as he takes out fresh socks, new pair of pants and two new flannels. He looks over to you and drops the back as his arms wrap around you.
Eddie was so stupid to let you go. You were taking care of his Uncle even though he broke your heart. He had no idea how much you cared for his family.
You hear a sniff coming from him. A frown replaces on your face when you look up at him. You hug him tighter and it's like that for a couple minutes before you let him go.
You sent him one more smile and grab your things as you head out. Your smile widen and beams with happiness when you catch Uncle Wayne gripping the new flannel. He has new clothes to wear when he goes to work.
The bus makes a stop as each member of Corroded Coffin steps off. All their hairs have grown out and they all have little scruffs on their faces.
" I'm beat" Gareth says as he stretches his arms above his head. He gets his back out of the bus as he waves to his bandmates. Jeff walks off and the other does leaving Eddie behind as he gets into his van. He grips the wheel missing how it felt underneath his hands, putting a cigarette in his mouth, he drives off to the trailer.
He hopes his uncle will be happy to see him.
He reaches the trailer parks and parks the van in front as he gets out. He stretches his hands out over his head as he looks around, spotting his neighbor watching him and he waves over to Max.
She scoffs as she heads inside. She was fully aware that he broke your heart, leaving you to pick up your own pieces of your heart and be back on your feet.
He frowns but shrugs as he head inside the trailer. His uncle comes out of the bathroom and stops in his tracks.
Eddie's beaming with a smile at the sight of his uncle. But he notices that his uncle isn't smiling nor coming up to hug him.
" What's wrong? Are you not happy to see me back?" his uncle takes a look at Eddie. Eddie's hair is a bit longer, a bit frizzer than usual. His arms are filled withe more tattoos and he has a scruff on his face that doesn't peak the interest of his uncle.
" Boy" he started to say, shaking his head. Eddie notices the new flannel on his uncle. " Did you get new clothes?"
His uncle chuckles, " I did. But you" he points to his nephew, " should be ashamed of yourself letting a pretty, smart, caring girl like Y/N go. She has been here every other day of the week making sure I was fed, taken care of, this trailer" he motions towards around, " has been cleaner in more years than I imagine. That girl has nothing but love you for the beginning."
Eddie looks down at the ground as he bites his bottom lip. But he's surprised that after he hurt you the way he did, you still came here and looked after his uncle. His family.
" You better fix this boy, you hear me?" Eddie rose his head as he nodded his head. " I don't care about this damn tour you did. That girl deserves more than what you did. You should be thankful she even took the time to look at you. Fix it boy"
Wayne grabs some food out of the fridge, " welcome home" he adds as he sits by the table. " You still here?" he asks seeing Eddie standing there. Eddie's eyes get wide as he scrambles out of the trailer into the van.
You giggle as Steve wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek. After Eddie has broken your heart, you had managed to repair your heart and give it to someone that was more than what Eddie had done to you.
Steve Harrington.
He had grown close to you, took you on dates, made sure you were happy and he promised he would not hurt you the way Eddie did.
It took you the whole six month to find someone like Steve and it's the best decision you have ever made.
A van rolled up to your house and your heart stops for a moment as you look at the driver sitting there. It's him. Eddie was home. You stopped laughing as you pull away from Steve's arms.
The door opened and he stepped out. His hair was longer, his arms were filled with a little more of ink, he had a scruff on his face and the way he looked at you the moment he stepped out, made your breath hitch.
" Eddie" you spoke his name. His face light up in a small smile.
" Y/N" he says. Steve comes up besides you as he takes your hand in his, interlacing his fingers with yours. Eddie's smile drops as he notices. You are with Steve now and he was too late.
" You're with Harrington?" he asks.
You nod as you wrap yourself in the hold of Steve's arm burying your face in his shoulder as your eyes peek out looking at your ex. He scoffs in disbelief.
" You went from me, to him?"
" You broke my heart. You left me, Eddie"
" I'm sorry for the way things ended between us. You didn't deserve that" He says.
" I didn't" you nod agreeing with him. Eddie lips are in a thin line.
" Thank you for taking care of my uncle. You didn't have to"
" I wanted to, he is like family to me"
Eddie nods as he looks at the ground, " will you ever forgive me?"
Steve chuckles causing Eddie to glare at him.
" I don't know, Eddie. I don't have an answer for you" Eddie nods.
" When you do, you know where I live. You know my number" he turns around and walks back to his van. Your hand releases from Steve as you run to Eddie.
" Eddie?" you call out to him. He turns around to face you as his eyes are filled with hope for a moment.
" Welcome home" you say.
For the first time Eddie clearly sees that you didn't need him to make you happy. He sees the way your face lit up, he understands now that Steve was there when he wasn't. He wanted to go back to the way they used to be.
But he was going to wait as long as he needs to.
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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#alexa play whatta man by salt-n-pepa
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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its-quinns-bread · 2 years
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Joe Keery - GQ Photo Shoot
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