I never seem to be able to fully commit to anything, I never finished school, I dropped out of college, I've lost so many friendships , I've quit jobs , But yet...... When it comes to you, You're different. I want nothing more than to be with you for as long as possible, till then end of time and then some. You are the one thing I am committed to. I love you with every fibre of my being
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Legit feel like a potato 🥔
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I got my heart broken and I survived, I failed 3 courses in university and graduated, I got rejected in the very first job I applied for and got promoted yesterday, I went through hard times with my family but then two years later, we laughed our hearts out over lunch, The closest friends disappointed me several times but I made new friends and loved them with all my heart. I did it once, I can do it again.
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Loneliness is the pain you feel when you are surrounded by the people you love most but you are suffocated by your deepest demons.. you are caressed by their sickly voices, enchanted by their evil smiles. 'They won't listen to you." They chant sweetly in your ear over and over again like a lullaby putting you in a trance
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I wonder when did I move on? Was it when you broke my heart? Was it when I cried myself to sleep? Was it when I hated my reflection? Was it when I drank until I couldn’t feel? Was it when I hurt others like you hurt me? Was it when I met his eyes? Was it when I heard his voice? Was it when I laughed again? Was it when he said my name? Was it when I felt his touch? Was it when he held me close? Was it when I felt my happiness grow? Was it when I loved again? I do not know when it happened, but boy do I know that I will never be the same again.
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In honor of national dog day, here’s a vid of my sister’s dog Buddy struggling to get inside. Hahahaha.
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Reblog and you might save someone’s life, especially with all our Black Girls going missing #ProtectBlackGirls #SaveLife
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did I ever mention that I know someone whose family owned a zombie dog because that’s some real shit that I get to delight with at parties
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hope your pets stay healthy in 2017
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Date someone who meets you half way. Date someone who brings you a glass a water when they get themselves one. Date someone who makes sure you don’t spend money on ridiculous things. Date someone your ex hates and your mom loves. Date someone who’d rather spend a Friday night watching movies, than out with 50 people they barely even talk to. Date someone who sleeps on your chest and leaves a little puddle of drool. Don’t date someone who makes you leave oceans of tears.
At the end of the day it’s the little things. (via offtheocean)
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Beach vibes!!! Surfers paradise, you never fail to impress ❤
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It’s easy to love someone when they’re happy. What’s hard is loving someone when they’re crying on the bathroom floor at 2am because everything came crashing down at once.
Midnight thoughts (sometimes I’m a mess)
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someone: “omg you’re so pretty!”
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