What's up kids
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its-lizkathleen · 2 years ago
What daily things do you find your gods in? For example, finding Freyr in the sound of a bird's song or Loki in the flames of a fire. It'd be cool to see a list of your associations for them. c:
Personal day-to-day associations with the Gods
Óðinn: the traditional Scandinavian music I listen to, reading books, hearing or telling stories, darkness in general (like after having closed all the lights in the house), red wine and strong alcohols such as spirits, local woodland berries such as currants, gooseberries, blackcurrant (etc). 
Yngvi-Freyr: cooking/baking (especially traditional food), windy days, hikes in the woods, fall colors, sunsets, road trips, picking flowers, light rain, gardening, the countryside, cold tea, the moment when spring becomes summer.
Thórr: doing manual work, beer, dusk, taking well deserved breaks from work, cloudy days, evergreen trees, disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with the open air, eating or cooking red meats, weather events ranging from light snow to strong rains, singing at the top of my lungs, joking around with friends, going to the bar after a hard week’s work, celebrations in general.
Freyja: showering and taking baths, perfumes and anything fragrant, eating fruit, doing a skincare routine or buying a new skincare product, collecting fallen tree leaves, visiting a pagan shop, practicing magic, warm colors and especially red, petting cats, having funny exchanges with friends and sharing current concerns with them. 
Frigg: learning traditional crafts, attending local events, speaking with elders, enjoying a moment of harmony with family, feeling at home, cooking or baking, browsing through farmers’ markets, telling a loved one I love them, doing nostalgic stuff to reconnect with my childhood (such as watching children’s movies!) and doing divination, especially tarot.
Baldr: the color blue, cloudless skies, very cold days, whenever I see springs or waterfalls (which doesn’t happen that often but still!), seeing children play, birds’ song, listening to soft music such as flute, harp or lyre, whenever I willfully build up self confidence (I always feel like He’s the one encouraging me).
Loki: listening to classic rock or power metal, starting bonfires or woodstoves, fire in general like playing around with a lighter or matches, playing pranks, making spontaneous decisions, puzzles and riddles, masks though I’m not certain why.
TĂœr: seeing fur garments such as fur coats or winter clothing, traveling by boat, camping in thick and isolated woods, browsing medieval shops, wolf imagery, cuddling up by a fire after a cold day spent outside, whenever a battle scene comes up in a movie or show, celtic music but I’m not sure why I make that association honestly!
Hel: gothic-style clothes, incense, skull imagery, practicing magic and divination, spirit work, ancestor work, visiting loved one’s graves and leaving flowers, graveyards in general (especially those in small villages), learning about different spiritualities and the way they each envision the afterlife.
Heimdallr: caring for animals, spending alone time outside, climbing trees or rocks, high places in general, reading through the Völuspå, making the effort to listen instead of speaking, making a kind gesture randomly, helping people in general.
SkaĂ°i: hiking in the mountains, stays at cabins, exploring woods, staying at very unpopulated areas, evergreen trees and especially spruce, watching snowstorms, meditation, hearing/reading mythological stories, winter comfort foods such as soups and meats, stargazing.
Eir: herbalism, learning about local plants and trees, brewing potions, caring for a sick loved one, kitchen witchcraft, and something we call “grandma recipes” over here, that consist of dubiously scientific medicine (lying on your left side to heal an upset stomach quicker, using potato peels against warts, etc). I’d have to make a whole post to list those out. These types of medicine tricks that seem mysteriously effective ahaha!
These are only a few of my deities, but they’re the ones I feel closest to these days.
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its-lizkathleen · 2 years ago
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mutuals this winter we are all doing this
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
Sometimes the gods will seem like they aren't there, but they are.
Sometimes you will feel like a small child learning how to ride a bike. You can feel the hands on your shoulders, you can hear their voice close by. Then, suddenly, you don't feel their hands and their voice is farther away.
They didn't abandon you in your time of need. They're watching you take everything they've taught you to apply it. They've got the band-aids if you need them, and they're standing at the top of the driveway watching.
They cannot pedal that bike for you. They cannot hold onto the bike so you never fall.
They're watching you and they are proud. They are proud even if you fall down or crash.
Don't panic. Now's your time to show them what you've learned! Go as far as you can. You're not alone.
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
Get to know the norse Goddesses:
A quick run down!
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Skaði; the Avenger. Daughter of the giant Thiazi, a strong and fearless figure who didn’t hesitate to face the Gods looking for retribution after her father’s death. Associated with winter, hunting, snow and wolves.
Sif; the Golden-Haired. Fair wife of Thor, renowned among the Gods for her beautiful locks of gold hair. It is believed she was associated with harvest and fertility.
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Hel; Queen of the Dead. Daughter of Loki, one half of her body decays like a corpse while the other is fresh and young. She reigns over Helheim, realm of the dead, with her hound Garm. Associated with death but most of all, the acceptance of it.
IĂ°unn; the Eternally Young. Fair, generous and luminous, keeper of the golden apples which grant the Gods their immortality. Associated with purity, youth and innocence.
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Frigg; the Prophetess. Wife of Odin and blessed with the gift of foresight, though she is said to keep all knowledge of the future to herself. Allmother associated with childbirth, motherhood and family matters as well as divination.
Jörð; the Fertile Earth. Giantess and mother of Thor, embodying the spirit of the earth. Associated with nature, wildlife and the prosperity of land.
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RĂĄn; the Restless Sea. Embodying the dangers of voyage at sea, she was said to sink ships who ventured on her waters. She dwells in an underwater palace where she pulls her victims to stay with her for eternity. Associated with the ocean and death at sea.
Freyja; the Sorceress. Sister of Freyr, she masters the art of seidr (magic) and is known as the most beautiful of the Goddesses. Associated with love and sexuality, but also battle and death: along with Oðinn, she chooses the fallen warriors who will fight alongside the Gods during Ragnarök.
Hail the Vanir, hail the Ásynjur ^^
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
Get to know the Norse Gods
A quick rundown!
(Following that one other post I made about the Norse Goddesses)
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Þórr, the Terrible. Son of the Earth Goddess Jörd and the God of Gods Óðinn, a fierce and powerful figure who’s known for his short temper and for being the strongest of the Æsir. Despite this, he is the protector of mankind and a great drinker, as he enjoys having a good time. He is associated with thunder and lightning.
Freyr, the Fair. The kind and generous son of the sea God Njördr, he lives in the world of the elves. He is most known for the story in which he gives up his treasured sword to please Gerðr, the woman he loved, dooming himself to die in Ragnarök due to his lack of weapon. He is associated with harvests, welcome rains and fertility.
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TĂœr, the One-Handed. A poised and coolheaded figure, known to have sacrificed a hand in order to bind the wolf Fenrir. He accompanies Thor in a lot of his travels and often voices wise advice for the Gods. Though he is also associated with negotiation and justice, he is generally considered a God of war strategy, battle and sacrifice.
Loki, the Trickster. A troublemaker in Asgard, often causing conflict which he is always forced to solve himself. He notably accomplished the feat of causing the death of Óðinn’s beloved son Baldr. However in most cases, his legendary wit manages to avoid him the consequences of his actions. He is associated with trickery, mischief and cunning.
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Óðinn, the Wanderer. One of the most important figures in norse mythology and the wise leader of the Æsir Gods. He is constantly in search for knowledge, having namely discovered the runes. He often disguises himself as an old traveler to wander the lands, and is known to bring deceased warriors to his hall of Valhalla. He is associated with wisdom, knowledge and death.
Baldr, the Good. Son of Óðinn and Frigg, the most beloved of the Gods who all revered his innocence and generosity. He was said to be gracious, cheerful and so beautiful he appeared luminous, though early sources make him out to be as fierce as a son of Óðinn would be. As the story goes, he foresaw his own death through a dream. He is associated with light, purity and beauty.
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Heimdallr, the Watcher. The important figure who watches over the Bifrost, the bridge which leads to Asgard. He lives in a high fortress to properly utilize his keen senses: legendary eyesight and hearing. He is said to be able to hear grass growing and see as much by day or by night. As the Gods’ watcher, he stays vigilant at all times until Ragnarök, when he will blow the Gjallarhorn to inform Asgard of the enemy’s approach.
Forseti, the Lawspeaker. The obscure justice-maker of the Gods, who presides over their legal assemblies as divine judge. According to Snorri’s Prose Edda, he is the son of Baldr and Nanna. His hall is Glitnir, golden and bright, and there he settles conflicts and exacts fair judgment. For this reason, he is associated with the law, peacemaking and justice.
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VĂ­Ă°arr, the Silent. Son of Óðinn and renowned for his legendarily silence and cold-bloodedness, he was created for the sole purpose of avenging his father in Ragnarök. After Óðinn is swallowed by the wolf Fenrir, VĂ­Ă°arr will step down with one foot on the beast’s lower jaw and tear its mouth in half. He is the God of Revenge.
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
Simple devotional acts for the Æsir & the Vanir
A concept which I blatantly stole from Bunny and adapted to norse faith like I said I would (love u bun)
- learn a cool fun fact and tell Him about it
- change itineraries from time to time, explore your neighborhood and spots you’ve never seen before
- learn about the runes!
- watch a documentary on something that interests you
- read the HĂĄvamĂĄl
- list things that you love about yourself
- talk to Her about your problems of the day and thank Her for listening
- random acts of kindness
- Feel yourself!! Wear your favorite clothes and blast music that makes you feel powerful
- Take pictures of stuff you find beautiful and offer them to Her
- take a moment to appreciate Her motherly presence, as well as mother figures in your life
- admire the sky, Her weaving of the clouds
- learn about divination or astrology
- spend time with family or friends!
- tell Her good morning & good night
- step in for your ideals
- pour Him a glass of alcohol along with yours, share a drink!
- hold back comments which you know aren’t useful/are going to cause conflict
- listen to others’ opinions, try to see both sides of the coin
- put some stormy ambient noise during meditation/before sleep
- write a letter praising Him
- read His stories or listen to them from audio books
- thank Him for protecting humankind
- meat eaters share some of you steak with Him, like seriously
- burn stuff. For real do it /gen/srs BUT BE CAREFUL!! MIND FIRE HAZARD
- make that funny comment, don’t hold back!
- prioritize your mental health above all
- leave Him some of your morning coffee ^^
- tell that one a**hole what you actually think of them and cut them out of your life if need be
- enjoy a piece of calm music (I associate Him with classical a lot)
- light a bunch of candles and close your eyes, feel His presence and light fill you
- appreciate the world’s beauty in your everyday life
- get creative for Him with poems or art
- bath meditation >:)
- light a candle for Narfi and Vali
- speak your love for Her, give words to it and offer Her your sincere admiration and encouragement
- practice kindness on the daily
- work to improve your mental health little by little through affirmations, daily self care, etc
- small gestures to help your loved ones
- open a window and enjoy the outside air
- witches: collect dirt and whatever cool rocks you find, try to incorporate them in your craft!
- tend your plants/garden
- thank Her for the food She blesses us with before cooking something
- develop a new eco-friendly habit!
- the air’s getting colder? Take out the gloves, scarves and hats, try to welcome winter with a positive frame of mind!
- snowstorm asmr >:)
- close your eyes on windy days, feel Her presence
- drink a hot drink in Her honor (hot cocoa, chai tea, mulled wine...) they also make great offerings
- stand your ground and fight for yourself
- celebrate the end and beginning of the harvests (spring and autumn)
- thank Him when it rains: the ground will be fed
- care for your body, treat it well
- encourage local farmers and businesses
- learn how to bake!
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids
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its-lizkathleen · 3 years ago
In another life, I would've been a chiropractor
Bone snaps scratch the brain 🧠
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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Its absolutely insane how much confidence college puts in you. In high school I wouldn't have been caught dead in a crop top. Now this is my favorite sweatshirt 😁 #confidenceisbeauty #confidence #confidentwomen #happy #college
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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Match your mask again but this time I'm wearing matching shorts I'm also sad because my boy just left but let's not talk about that right now #montanastateuniversity #bobcats #blueandgold #mask
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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(Slightly) new hair, same bitch #hair #blonde
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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That's not even half of it đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž thanks for blowing up my insta you doofus @imspaid #relationshipthings #goofball
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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When in doubt, match your mask to your outfit. You'll look more "put together" #mask #masks #montanastateuniversity #bobcats
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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So who's the dummy that decided to wear lipstick even though she has to wear a mask? It's me. I'm the dummy. #masks #makeup #pink #pretty #confidenceisbeauty #dummy
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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Matchy-matchy #starbucks #pink
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its-lizkathleen · 5 years ago
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đŸ€« #college #freethenipple
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