its-artsy-author · 5 years
DanPlan doing a Face Reveal is bad and here’s why:
Hey! What’s up? Got your attention? I have to add a disclaimer because I know someone’s going to get their panties in a twist about how they’re different so.
Disclaimer: This is only aimed at 75%-90% of the fandom. Do not tag as any other fandom, I don’t want someone from whatever blasting in my ear about how I’m too evil or some shit. While what I’m about to say can apply to others, I’m using it here specifically as I’ve dealt with and witnessed a lot of this bullshit.
With that out of the way, here’s an extremely harsh ramble about why people need to shut up about face reveals.
Keep reading
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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I drew the crew because I got bored lol.
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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okay so uhhhh runaway danplan au
i finally finished the character sheets for this au and im soo happy
basically, it’s the 1850s and dan has convinced hosuh and stephen to run away from home with him and they agree. along the way, they find ann, jay, and jo. they travel the lands trying to explore and survive on their own without their families for the first time in their life (save for jay). there’s soooo much more but that’s a basic summary, enjoy 💕
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
Rusame or Amephil?
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
f r e e h i m
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
Nico 2020: you dumb gay bitch lmao
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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happy birthday to a very extraordinary series
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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One gif from every video that was made the first year of the Sanders Sides. I made them all today. This day of the anniversary of when Thomas said it was weird to talk to himself so much and then proceeded to make an entire series where all he does is talk to himself.
Also I’m using colors for subtitles now. That’s happening.
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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One gif from every video that was made the first year of the Sanders Sides. I made them all today. This day of the anniversary of when Thomas said it was weird to talk to himself so much and then proceeded to make an entire series where all he does is talk to himself.
Also I’m using colors for subtitles now. That’s happening.
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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One gif from every video that was made the first year of the Sanders Sides. I made them all today. This day of the anniversary of when Thomas said it was weird to talk to himself so much and then proceeded to make an entire series where all he does is talk to himself.
Also I’m using colors for subtitles now. That’s happening.
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
soft boys…… reblog if u agree
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
11 or 12 and wattpad
hey reblog/reply with how old u were when u discovered fanfic, what year it was, and what site
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
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Support autistic aromantics.
Support autistic asexuals.
Support autistic demisexuals.
Support autistic demiromantics
Support autistic bisexuals. .
Support autistic gay people.
Support autistic lesbians.
Support autistic omnisexuals.
Support autistic pansexuals.
Support autistic polysexuals.
Support autistic queer people.
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
i have a fic in the works that is literally this i wanna see this too hun
I had this thought of Roman with a country accent and now it won't go away
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
allow me to drop these here
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its-artsy-author · 5 years
Please help a trans guy out!!
     Hey guys! I don’t know if you remember me or not, I was kind of popular back in the days when Undertale still was, I roleplayed with SwapDancePapyrus a lot, and some of my fan art if him and naturetale got a lot of notes, and I made the “the perfect guy doesn’t exist” meme about papyrus which really got me a lot of love from people all around the world! 
     Nowadays i’m not doing as good, though. I’ve been super inactive because me and my mom have kind of a stressful living situation, and we haven’t been able to afford a whole lot of food and clothes- not that i’m doing terribly! I get fed well enough, and that’s not the problem, I just really need some help to pay for my transition, as well as help mom out with some bills that are getting too much for her to handle. We’re behind on our car payments, and she needs her car to drive to work, and I would really appreciate if you commissioned me or donated to my mom’s paypal! I’m under eighteen, so I won’t do any nsfw stuff, but i’m old enough to have a job, at least, so I would really appreciate if you spread the word so I can pay for binders and testosterone!! 
     You don’t really have to, and you’re not obligated to donate or give me a commission- but I would really appreciate if you reblogged this post to show people who can help me!
 My commissions post is here, mom’s Paypal is here, and thank you so much for reading this!!
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