Let's Keep it Casual
201 posts
[Indie RP blog for Rusk of Rune Factory 3. Will interact with other fandoms and OCS!]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
its-a-rusky-business-blog · 11 years ago
((I'm sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth. I lost my password for this blog and just couldn't keep up with much of anything at that point.
This blog is going to be put to use again, though. I strongly recommend unfollowing me, as it's going to become an independent RP blog. I'm so sorry to anyone I might have let down.))
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
[ It's great to see you back! I really hope you're doing well! ]
Aww thank you! :) I've missed the group a lot and can't wait to get back in the swing of things!
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
He crossed his arms, annoyed that she obviously saw through his faux nonchalance. Katie didn't strike him as the overly perceptive type, but maybe she just knew him too well.
"Either way, there's no way I'd want to have to deal with a dependent, incompetent creature for the rest of my life! Don't tell me your one of those people whose sole ambition is to pass on their genes to continue the family line?"
“Mmhmmmmm!” Katie replied, although it was obvious by the expression on her face that she didn’t believe him even a little bit. The way he was acting almost reminded her of Kurt, and it was hard not to giggle even more at that thought. 
“Aw, but a kitty isn’t as bad as a baby, I’m sure! They’re pretty self reliant, right?” but she did laugh at him all the more. “You don’t want to be a daddy some day? I guess it would be hard to bake all the time with little ones running around and making a racket all day, eh?” she giggled at the thought. She did want kids, but not for a LONGGGG time! If she ever could find someone to be the daddy, of course.
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Skipping over to Rusk, the red head presented him with a bouquet of irises, a cheerful grin on her face. "Happy Harmony Day, Rusk! These are for you!"
Rusk wasn't really up to speed with the local holidays and whatnot, but he appreciated the gesture. "Thanks, man," he said, cheerfully taking the bouquet. "What's Harmony Day?"
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
*Drops off a candy gram along with a small bouquet of roses at your dorm and knocks a few times to get your attention before running like crazy down the hallway.*
*Opens the door curiously, and looks down at the stuff on the ground* Is that candy?!
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
He watched her swallow an enormous mouthful of food, wondering if she would choke and what he should do if she did. She reminded him of his sister, a little bit; both with appetites as big as a buffamoo and they even looked a little similar, what with their blonde hair and big eyes.
He raised an eyebrow inquiringly at her assumption that he was looking for Allen and Felicia; did he hang out with them a lot? Now that he thought back on it, he kind of did. They, along with Katie and Anissa, had sort of unexpectedly grown to comprise his circle. That was weird. Rusk hadn't thought that the overly PDA-happy couple would become his friends.
"Nope, just sitting down to lunch." He dipped his head to indicate her tray of food. "You seem to be getting along pretty well."
Just Like Siblings || Maya and Rusk
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Rusk blew out a slightly exasperated breath as Katie petted his head, though he really didn't mind. "I don't care about him," he protested, knowing it was in vain. "I just...don't want to sit on him and have his death on my conscience."
He raised an eyebrow at her foolish naivety. "Believe me. You don't want this. The responsibilities, the's a nightmare. I'll never be a parent." He nearly shuddered at the thought.
Watching the entire spectacle, Katie blinked her baby blues at Rusk for a moment before bursting into stifled giggles. He was being so difficult, but he clearly cared about the cat or he wouldn’t have been hiding it. Besides, he had obviously been afraid he’d hurt the cat only moments before. What a goof!
Reaching up, she pet his hair the same way she’d been petting the cat’s moment prior. “There there. Your secret is safe with me.” she giggled again and smiled up at him in amusement. “Besides, it’s cute that you care so much about your kitty! I wish I could have a pet in my dorm!”
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
"Holy Buffamoo," Rusk swore under his breath, watching the girl in front of him--Maya, he was pretty sure, because who wore pigtails like that but her-- pile her plate with an amount of food that would put his sister Collette to shame. He had been saving room on his own tray for the pie, but she apparently had no such reserve.
Eyes wide, he discreetly followed her into the cafeteria, wondering if it was possible to balance so much on a flimsy plastic tray. When she sat down, he had to let out a sigh of relief. She'd made it to the table without incident--who would've thought?
Realizing that he didn't have anywhere to sit and that nobody was sitting by Maya, he decided to see if she was as good as her word at actually eating all of that. Placing his tray on the table and sliding into the seat across from her, he gave Maya a wave from over the mountain of food. "Hey, Maya."
Just Like Siblings || Maya and Rusk
The pressure was on. The stakes were high. This was quite possibly the most important decision Maya had had to make of her entire life so far. 
…At least until dinner time rolled around. 
“Hey, will you hurry up!” a voice called. Maya pouted as she glanced over her shoulder at the line behind her. Didn’t they understand the gravity of the situation here? Biting back a childish response in her defense, she turned back to the table… to her choice. 
Cherry or apple. Why did it have to be to hard? Apple, a classic favorite, sweet and warm and reminiscent of home. Then there was was cherry, tart and moist with a hint of fun, a reminder of summer picnics and barbecues.  She glanced down at her tray, already piled high with macaroni and cheese, chicken, garlic cooked vegetables, a bottle of water, and milk. Well, she already had enough food for two… So why not both?
Smiling brightly, Maya grabbed a slice of pie with each hand and placed them on the tray, balancing the food as she made her way to a table. She ignored the collective sighs of relief as she left the line, instead focusing on not dropping anything as she walked through the cafeteria. Fortunately, she found a seat without incident and plopped down, licking her lips with anticipation as she tried to decide what she wanted to dig into first. 
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Swiggity swag, what's in the bag?
Yo' face.
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Anissa took a deep breath and knocked on Rusk's dorm room door. She has made a terrible mistake. As soon as he opened the door she went straight into the dare. "IreallylikeJinbecasehe'sreallycharmingandfunnyandkindofsweetonceyougettoknowhim." She grabbed the hem of her shirt and ran away with a bright red face. She yelled "It's thursday!" After her.
“…Congratulations?” Rusk called uncertainly after Anissa, then awkwardly shut the door behind her and slunk back into his room.
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Rusk was dragged over and forcibly made to put his hand on Muffin's head, grumbling all the while. "Cute? He's not cute. And I don't need his forgiveness! I did nothing wrong, okay, Muffin? It's your own fault for--"
Eyes widening in horror, he turned to stare at Katie. "Oh no. I'm turning into one of those annoying people who talks to animals even though they know the animal can't understand them." He put his hands to his head, starting to panic. "How much lower could I sink?!"
Katie couldn’t help but giggle at Rusk, as it seemed like he was pouting at her almost, and normally she was the one doing the pouting. It was kind of cute. “Aw, he probably was just hiding under here because he was scared or something.” she explained, happily petting the little kitty. “Right, little guy? You’re such a cute kitty!”
Glancing back at Rusk, Katie bobbed her head at him, “Ya, just a bit startled. Cats like to hide in weird places, so you’ll have to watch out for that.” noticing that he was still not coming over to pet Muffin, Katie gently tugged on him, urging him closer. “Come on, give him some pets. I’m sure he’ll forgive you!”
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Rusk shrugged with seriously lacking modesty. "I used to be a pastry chef for my dad's restaurant," he boasted, flicking a long blonde hair out of his eyes. He grinned confidently. This was definitely his realm of expertise.
He nodded at the suggestion. "Sounds like plan enough to me. I'm starving." Not really familiar with the local lay of the land, he tapped his chin, thoughtfully asking "What kind of restaurants are there around here, anyway?"
A Rusky Encounter
“Ah, baking sounds like fun! Are you any good?” he joked. “I’d like to try something one time if you don’t mind.” Denny wasn’t the biggest fan of baked goods but he had faith that Rusk was good at what he did. His small smile turned into a huge grin once Rusk responded. “Awesome man! Uhhh…what do you wanna do? Lunch or something? I’m not really good at making plans.” 
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Adam sits backstage before the audition, looking through an old monologue he had from home. He took a deep breath and decided to practice it as nobody else was in the area. As he practiced, he was oblivious to the fact a MICROPHONE was right in front of him, which had been turned on by accident!
Adam spoke it, in a surprisingly accurate british-like accent.
"To be, or not to be, that is the question...."
"Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep..."
"No more; and by a sleep, to say we end"
"The heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die to sleep, To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil...."
"Must give us pause. There's the respect"
"That makes Calamity of so long life..." "For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time, The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely... The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay, The insolence of Office, and the Spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes...."
"When he himself might his Quietus make..."
He gulped a bit, taking a breath before continuing
"With a bare... Bodkin....? Who would Fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death."
"The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn No Traveller returns, Puzzles the will"
"And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of"
"Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all, And thus the Native hue of Resolution Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment...."
"With this regard their Currents turn awry, And lose the name of Action. Soft you now, The fair Ophelia? Nymph, in thy Orisons Be all my sins remembered"
Adam took a deep breath as he finished, caught up in the moment before realizing that all the chatter outside the backstage area and on the stage had gone quiet, and that the microphone in front of him was on.
Everyone in the auditorium had heard the practice, and Adam's cheeks turned a deep red as he simply let out "Oh, FUCK ME!"
Rusk was less that pleased that that stupid blonde chick had gone and turned all the responsibilities over to him for this dumb school play ("Say, you look like the director type!") Oh gosh, directing talentless losers for no pay. What could be better!
He'd shown up for the auditions with less than an enthusiastic attitude. So far, everyone he'd seen had either auditioned as a joke or just shouldn't have auditioned, and it would have been funny if it wasn't so painful.
When he heard some guy's voice emanating from some unsourced location, he thought that he had died and the voice was beckoning him to the promised land. But it grew apparent that it was actually some kid backstage, speaking in a highly passable accent and reciting some complicated monologue. Feeling a little dazed, Rusk sat up in his seat, drawn to the beacon of talent like it was a slice of chocolate cake. 
He was about to call out a congratulatory "Decent, man!" before the monologue was closed with what seemed to be quite the non-sequiter. "...Ah."
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
"Don't act like it's my fault! He's the one trying to blend in with the comforter." Rusk sighed, annoyed, as Katie petted Muffin's ears. "Don't encourage him, he'll only strive to be more annoying."
Still a little concerned, in spite of his bluster, Rusk peered over Katie's reddish curls at the dark gray cat. "He is okay, though, right?" As irritating as the creature was, he wouldn't want to crush the life out of the guy.
“Maybe he’s sleeping?” Katie had offered, flashing him a smile he hoped would seem encouraging. She stood up to walk over to him, only for him to flop on his bed. 
Hearing the screech, Katie had to put her hands to her mouth to keep from squealing out loud in surprise. “A-Are you both okay?!” she rushed over to Rusk, looking from the blonde to the kitty and then finally crawling onto Rusk’s bed and over to Muffin.
“Aw, I think you just scared him. Are you okay, Muffin?” Katie reached out to stroke the poor kitty behind the ears. 
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
"Well, I don't really do much besides bake." He shrugged, considering Denny's semi-offer. It might be cool to hang out with the guy, in spite of Rusk's earlier misgivings. "Why not. Everyone else I've met is crazy, anyway, so it couldn't hurt, right?
A Rusky Encounter
Denny was relieved that Rusk wasn’t annoyed with him any more. He allowed a light smile to fall on his face before tossing his rod into the trash can. “This things a piece of junk, time I got rid of it.” He thought about Rusk’s question for a second before realizing all the truth behind it. “Actually, I don’t really do much now that I think about it. I mean if you’d like to hang out with me now or some other time that would be great.”
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its-a-rusky-business-blog · 12 years ago
Rusk could have made some scathing remark and left with a flounce, but he couldn't muster up the enthusiasm. The guy seemed genuinely sorry and chill. There was no reason to ram the point home any further.
"Pardon me while I dismount my moral high horse," he said, turning back to Denny. He kicked a foot in the grass, glancing up at the sky. "You just gonna sit here all day with a fishing rod, then, or do you do something besides that?"
A Rusky Encounter
Denny stared at the boy again, this time in shock rather than awe. He didn’t have any problems with Rusk at all, he actually liked him quite a bit. In trying to “defend” his sexuality, which he knew deep down what it really was, he had pissed off another person and lost another potential friend. “I don’t have a problem with you Rusk.” he called to him gathering his fishing supplies before catching up. “I’m a bit weird and slightly annoying but I am not homophobic and I certainly do not have any problems with you.”
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