itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Today, I've been trying really hard to not publish 3 pieces of news.
They're all amazing very recent developments and I really want to talk about them...but I shan't.  I shan't. 
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Yesterday, unfortunately I had to try using an Icy Hot patch.
Weirdest. Feeling.  I'm pretty sure it stops pain by just confusing the hell out of your body.  I'm all tingly.
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Want to join the movement?
Try new things today and JOIN!  http://www.tumblr.com/join/oxHiOoaPSH
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Today I tried watching Campus PD
There was nothing else on so I put on this G4 show, expecting a bad ripoff of COPS.  Boy was I right, but also boy am I glad I put it on.  Essentially, it's just COPS for campus police.  It's like when I used to ride along with my friends who drove the safety escort vans at BSU, only better.  Silly drunk people, being silly (and also drunk).
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Let me know!
What have you tried today?
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Today I tried...
Today I made a chocolate stout float.  It is exactly what it sounds like.  It's also just as good as it sounds.
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itriedsomethingnew · 11 years
Life is too short!
So my new project for an indeterminate amount of time is to try something new every day.  Most days, it will probably be something small, like a new food or going to a place I've never been, but whenever possible I'm going to take that initiative to push myself way out of my comfort zone.  I want every day to be a new experience, so that on the day I die I can say I did something new.  If I were to, say, get hit by a car tomorrow, the last thing I want to think is, "well, today was a boring day."
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