itreference · 7 hours
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250 posts!
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itreference · 7 hours
Eddie def had a habit of biting his fingernails but he wouldn't admit it
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itreference · 8 hours
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i made one of my friends watch the movies a while ago and every time stan was on screen they said he looked like the🧍‍♂️emoji
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itreference · 8 hours
Stephen King really gave us some of the first ever COCSA representation and some of y'all only managed to turn it into a joke or shipping material....
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itreference · 8 hours
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Jawbreaker Ch. 4: What do you want Eddie?
The dark gnarly scar that ran on the one side of his stomach was a glaring imperfection he couldn't miss. A reminder of what he had been through and survived. Something to push him to live his life right this time. To be who he truly is, embrace what he was hiding from everyone and himself especially.
Be Proud.
Read it here!!
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itreference · 16 hours
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tfw you were tall but then you stopped growing first
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itreference · 4 days
I feel like when Stan and Richie were first going out, he never saw Stan in any casual or comfy clothes. So one day when he sees him wearing a plain grey shirt and black short pants, he was absolutely flabbergasted
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itreference · 5 days
do u think richie has to sit in the front of the class cos he has bad eyesight even with his glasses. so the other losers have to throw shit at his head to get his attention
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itreference · 5 days
i have a feeling that stanley is an extremely good flirt with people he is attracted to, but he is completely dense when it comes to people he actually likes. he will not flirt, even if the other person keep dropping hints, he will simply not reciprocate. it's not that he is icked out or something, he simply just can't.
like you will be seeing him at the bar with a person, sharing drinks and laughs and he will have that half grin as he sways with his words and reaches out to the other with light touches and intense eye contact. because he doesn't even know them, he doesn't like them - he is just attracted to them.
but, the time stanley realized he liked patty, he couldn't for the life of him do any of that. he would catch himself staring at her longer than he should've, smiling at the things she did, feeling fingers squeeze his heart every time he saw her, but he couldn't do anything other than treat her how he did before. casual conversation, some jokes, assisting help, only touching when it was to greet or say goodbye or to pull her back from the road. he wouldn't hold that much eye contact, keep his face neutral most of the time, and treat her normally. sarcastic comments, kind gestures and other typical friend stuff.
at that point patty also liked stanley, and was dropping hints for weeks, from some teasing to even throwing flirty comments here and there but she was met with such dense responses every time that she thought she was gonna lose her mind.
she would touch stanley's arm to ask him something and keep her hand there until it felt too long, or she would find excuses to see him, and stanley wouldn't refuse any of that, but he wouldn't fucking do more of anything either.
she once asked stanley to join her for a dinner in a restaurant and stanley responded with, "wouldn't that be expensive? don't you have rent coming up?" and patty nearly teared off her face.
it took a very frustrated patty to grab the man's cheeks and smash their lips together for a kiss for stanley to finally understand, that, in fact, patty liked him.
patty learned stanley could actually knew how to flirt after they started dating.
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itreference · 5 days
cw // animal death
bev probably got into the habit of feeding the cats of the neighborhood, and as the result of that she got attached to nearly all the cats in the area and named every single one of them. she would purchase tons of cat food, pet and play with them until afternoon. she loved the feeling when cats meowed or ran to her the moment she got in their vision, and it gave her the warm feeling of love she couldn't het in her own home. they became her escape other than her friends, and she had the time of her life caring for the stray cats just like they did for her need of love and warmth.
but that didn't always mean good. she would worry if even one cat got sick, or had an accident, and she would run around looking for ways to heal them. all the vets knew her by name and she would often have small talk with them outside of the office when they came across in the street.
but if a cat died, whether by natural causes, an accident, or an illness, bev would be inconsolable.
losers knew every single cat had a very important part in bev's life, so they would do everything they could. they dug holes for every cat that had died on the corner of a cemetery by themselves, mike bringing the shovel and pickaxe, they would take turns digging up the hole. bev would hug the cat's body and cry silently into its fur, and the boys would just wait for her, since they knew to let bev take her own time and gather herself.
bev would place the cat in the hole elegantly, handling its body with so much care, and pet its head, cheek and body lightly with the back of her finger awhile before covering the body with dirt, using her own hands. boys would soon join after, stanley and eddie would be last and they would be using either gloves or the shovel. bev didn't mind. the uncontrollable tears would fall down her face to the dirt, and her nails would fill up with dirt, but she wouldn't mind.
she would put a stone above the grave, carve the cat's name and write a sentence. the boys would wait for her silently. even richie's jokes would come after a few days later, when bev would be able to actually laugh.
they dug up a fair amount of graves for bev's cats. bev didn't know to thank them, even if she did it wouldn't feel enough. so she would get them gifts. handmade clothes, a book they expressed interest in, a cd, anything.
bev loved her cats. and she was so grateful that her friends loved her enough to love her cats, too.
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itreference · 5 days
richie has so low pain tolerance that every time he gets his blood drawn he starts crying
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itreference · 6 days
Is it just me or did Andy Muschietti really down play the Loser's personalities and problems
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itreference · 8 days
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i saw this tweet about bev's mental process to figuring out ben wrote the poem and i had to draw it
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itreference · 8 days
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Native Miku🩷😆😆😆
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itreference · 8 days
I'm in that reddie mood, but I don't have any reddie thoughts right now
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itreference · 9 days
in middle school Richie and Stanley were definitely assigned to the egg baby thing
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itreference · 9 days
so do you kin richie or eddie
Personally I'd say Stan, but between those two it'd have to be Eddie, I think Richie is funny but I just connect more with Eddie (also thank you for the ask! I really appreciate them)
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