HW6 Case Q3
Facts of the case: There is a discussion about the morality of building a robot designed specifically for morals. However, Microsoft mentioned the difficulty of creating moral robots. As such, they had a Chatbot called Tay that was designed to speak like a teenage girl but the robot went wrong and turned into a Nazi-lover. Later in the discussion, it mentioned about the approaches into creating an ethical robot. First is to make a specific ethical law for example to make maximize someone happiness, write the code for the law, and make a robot to strictly follow the law. Second is to create a machine-learning robot and teach it how to respond to various situations to get at the satisfying ethical outcome. An example of an ethical robot built and its difficulty. Susan Anderson, philosophy professor at the University of Connecticut, and her husband Micheal Anderson, a computer science professor at the University of Hartford worked together to create robots that provide ethical care for elderly. Anderson points out that in some ways, robots are superior ethical decision-makers to humans since humans are prone to making mistakes. She points out that the history ethics shows a steadily building agreement and work on robot ethics can contribute to refining moral reasoning
In terms of consequentialist, because of Microsoft’s Chatbot, Tay, turning into a Nazi-lover and making racist remarks made this discussion to be ethically wrong. In regards of the deontological ethics, As long as the ethical robots follow the Three Laws of Robotics, The ethical robots is considered to be ethically good such as the Anderson’s Moral Robot taking care of the patients.
Overall, the concept of having a ethical based robot is deontologically ethically good. However without the appropriate research, it could end up to be another Tay Chatbot.
Future Environment:
As the Technology continues to grow and new inventions of robots enhancing their evolution, There will become a time where robots won’t be able to hacked and they will be able to learn by themselves thus understanding morals.
Future Scenario:
Due to this growth and evolution of robots, Moral robots will be able to become a reality and won’t have any defects making it ethically good. This will be due to the less likely chance for people to be able to hack into them. Thus, the chances for them to get undesirable data is unlikely
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HW6 Case Q2
Case Summary: There is a discussion about the morality of building a robot designed specifically for morals. However, Microsoft mentioned the difficulty of creating moral robots. As such, they had a Chatbot called Tay that was designed to speak like a teenage girl but the robot went wrong and turned into a Nazi-lover. Later in the discussion, it mentioned about the approaches into creating an ethical robot. First is to make a specific ethical law for example to make maximize someone happiness, write the code for the law, and make a robot to strictly follow the law. Second is to create a machine-learning robot and teach it how to respond to various situations to get at the satisfying ethical outcome. An example of an ethical robot built and its difficulty. Susan Anderson, philosophy professor at the University of Connecticut, and her husband Micheal Anderson, a computer science professor at the University of Hartford worked together to create robots that provide ethical care for elderly. Anderson points out that in some ways, robots are superior ethical decision-makers to humans since humans are prone to making mistakes. She points out that the history ethics shows a steadily building agreement and work on robot ethics can contribute to refining moral reasoning
What part of chatbot caused it become a Nazi-lover?
It was no real part. The information that the robot acquired by either workers or maybe hackers caused it to learn differently than projected.
What are the disadvantages to the first method of creating ethical robots?
The difficulty is deciding on the appropriate ethical rule. As every moral law has many types of exceptions and counter examples.
How long did it take the Andersons to finalize the “blueprint” of the creation of the ethical robot?
In 2005, they made a book on machine ehtics that was published by Cambride University Press. Which motivated their research on the creation of their ethical robot.
What challenges did they have with the creation?
Because it was made for healthcare patients, they had to made ethical law in order the robot to respect for the autonomy of the patient, possible harm to the patient
As technology continues to grow, and robots to become able to make their own decisions, will it still be difficult to create ethical robots that won’t hack into computers?
I believe as time continues robots will constantly to evolve and there will be a time that it will be hard for humans to hack into the machines
How can you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
As long as the ethical robots follow the Three Laws of Robotics, The ethical robots is considered to be ethically good.
How can you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?
As it will constantly need to be check, as long it doesn’t cause any harm to humans, it is ethically good. Overwise, in the case of the chatbot is not ethically good
How can you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
Overall, the ethical robots have potential in being completely ethically good
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Notes on Robotic Lecure 4/21/2020
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRuBZLe8vfs
BBC Documentary - Hyper Evolution : Rise Of The Robots (Part 1)
Labs around the world are creating robots to create opportunity in the future
We already share the world with 9 million robots and its going to double
Where it took generations of evolution to get where humans are right now. it took extremely less time for robots to evolve known as hyper evolution.
Robots are being made to reflect human image
In Japan, there’s an autonomous robot called Erica made by a profession, Hiroshi Ishiguro, based on his concept of beauty combined with images of 30 women by computer graphics
With every conversion, its interaction more sophisticated and more human as it gets more data
Though its unable to express an emotion, slowly it creates its own personality
It was created by Ishiguro because he thought it was essential for human enhancement
Many Japanese people believe that man-made objects can have the spirit of humans which is known as animism. Which is deeply rooted in their religion
In the west, people are afraid of robots thinking they will take over humanity
Eric, the first British robot, made in 1928. Which a replica is displayed in a London Museum.
Robots are made to replicate humans due to humans obsession to replicate themselves.
The fear of robots were rooted by a novel in the 1920s. which embeds in our culture.
People are most worried about the potential of robots taking over human jobs
The movement of robots is what powers the robot. The first movable robot is salesman robot.
In 1937, Westinghouse Electric created a robot called electro in ordered demonstrate their robotic abilities
In Mansfield Memorial Museum electro is still on show
Though it was unsure how electro was display during tours.
Electro moving sequence was operated by voice commend using single syllable words
Though he was able to perform simple tricks, which enabled human imagination
In Wes humanoid University at Tokyo, they created a wabbot two, a keyboard player, in 1984. Which has its fingers has its own degree of freedom that total fifty degree of freedoms.
The microcomputers mimics the nervous system of the fingers. The robot apparently moves faster than a personal pianist
This is surprising because the human hand is complex
Robots follow their own evolutionary path which developed their hand unique to them.
In minis car plant on the outskirts of Oxford which has a land of robots more than 900 of them filled the bodies of 1000 of cars without a human in sight
Robot arms replaced humans in factories as the robot hands work in perfect harmony
Robots are used due to predictability but they are not perfect.
Worldwide factories are filled in 3 million robots
For humans walking is effortless, but for robots its the hardest first step
WHL 2 built 1985 is the first autonomous walking robot. Dr. Fuji built a robot that replicated our biological Anatomy with mechanical anatomy.
its legs is under a meters tall which the same as humans. to move are legs move with muscles. robots use actuators
to walk independently Dr. Fuji worked helped engineer a small lightweight hydraulic motor that can be mounted in WHL 2 waist
Which can walk 60 kilometers though in a slow speed
Though we had the same problem. A robot solved this evolution hurdle
Built just 20 years later a robot with a pelvis. which made it walk faster and smooth by Konishi.
Because of the pelvis robot part. the knees are able to fully extend.
It was millions of years for humans to walk on two legs. the robots mastered bipedal motion in decades.
on the outskirts on Boston. There is an robot maker trying to liberating machines from the constraints of human form. Robot walking diverge from our evolutionary path.
The robot Atlas was built to walk in the toughest terrian by Boston Dynamics. They made high-tech robots that can walk in the snow and mud which are robust.
Atlas walk in the human world as it was dynamically its balance is guided by dozen of sensors. Which is always sensing where its falling.
To be able to walk, the engineers focused on the strength to weight ratio
Robots had their evolutionary path to get their own hands and to be able to walk tough terrains
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HW6 Case Q1
Link: https://qz.com/653575/can-we-trust-robots-to-make-moral-decisions/
1) There was revelation by Microsoft about the difficulty of creating moral robots.
2) There was a Chatbot called Tay that was designed to speak like a teenage girl but the robot went wrong and turned into a Nazi-lover
3)There are two main approaches into creating an ethical robot
4) First is to make a specific ethical law for example to make maximize someone happiness, write the code for the law, and make a robot to strickly follow the law.
5) Second is to create a machine-learnign robot and teach it how to respond to various situations to get at the satisfying ethical outcome.
6) Susan Anderson, philosophy professor at the University of Connecticut, and her husband Micheal Anderson, a computer science professor at the University of Hartford worked together to create robots that provide ethical care for elderly.
7) Anderson points out that in some ways, robots are superior ethical decision-makers to humans since humans are prone to making mistakes
8) She points out that the history ethics shows a steadily building agreement and work on robot ethics can contribute to refining moral reasoning.
What part of chatbot caused it become a Nazi-lover?
What are the disadvantages to the first method of creating ethical robots?
How long did it take the Andersons to finalize the “blueprint” of the creation of the ethical robot?
What challenges did they have with the creation?
As technology continues to grow, and robots to become able to make their own decisions, will it still be difficult to create ethical robots that won’t hack into computers?
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HW6 Proj
There is still the question that is there any doubt whether facial recognition should be used for criminal cases. And, is the research to enhance facial recognition software considered to be ethically good? To be specific, in this case whether police officers should use this technology to track down potential criminals. In the Tombul Fatih and Cakar Bekir Scientific Journal, “Police Use of Technology To Fight Against Crime”, it calls attention to the importances of technology in law enforcement such as facial recognition. It makes known the increase of criminal usage of state of the art technology and quantity of “technologically sophisticated types of crimes”. Criminals are taking advantage of the available computer technologies. If the law enforcement do not adapt to the new technology, they will become invulnerable to any upcoming criminal activities. Though this is a problem due to the lack of personnels that are able to utilize these technologies effectively. Among these technologies, facial recognition software is a form of technology they wish to become familiar with. The awareness of the software being used in law enforcement agencies is important for criminal investigation. Without the research, law enforcement will constantly be behind the barrier of being unable to use new technology. Does this mean that research on facial recognition software is essential? Due to being able to analyze multiple photographic and media profiles of individuals is essential to be able to fight against crime. They allude that being able to use facial recognition may allow “police forces to verify drivers’ licenses and mug shots over fingerprint readers.” They reckoned that law enforcement can no longer “ignore… resist the adoption of new technologies any longer”. The increase of technology related criminals is steadily increasing and will continue to increase, with the increased knowledge of “technological advancements… will be helpful in combating crimes” . Thus the importance for the ability to be able to use state of the art computer software is grand. In terms of consequentialist ethics, facial recognition can lead to a decrease of criminal activity and have the potential of tracking twice the amount of crimes which makes the research of the software ethically good. Consequently, the reality of the need for researchers to continue to research facial recognition in order to enhance the software is essential for criminal cases and investigation.
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Notes on Robotics Lecture Recording 4/15/2020
Robot Ethics:
Three Laws of Robotics: Order is important
~The robot cannot harm the human is any way or form: robots have not to be harmful to people.
Which may cause conflicts with the military
~The robot must obey the orders from the humans. Except the orders that conflict with the first law.
Which means you can’t buy a robot to perform any crimes. The wording of the phase suggest that any human being can give the order
~The robot must protect its own existence as long it doesn’t conflict with the first or second law
Are they utilitarian, deontological, or virtue ethics based?
These set of rules are deontological based because they are dry rules.
Some kinds of robots that currently exists:
Driverless cars, 3D printers, VEX Robotics, chatbots.
As such, the driverless cars follow these rules since its meant to be a better and safer way of transporting. Follow the instructions of the passenger and protecting any crashes.
The three laws first came up due the book “I, Robot” by Isaac Asimov The themes of the stories is the three laws conflicting with each other causing problems Story: “Robbie” - a nannybot. neighbors were upset about the robot which causes the parents to sent it away. Which makes the Little Gloria upset that ends up making the robot Robbie confused. He ends up being sent to a factory. At later time, the girl visits the factory due to the parents and ends up reuniting with the girl.
The Robot should have not left due to causing problems for the little girl. But he couldn’t disobey the orders
Story: “Runaround”
Mining on Mercury. Speedy is the robot. Lake of liquid selenium which held value materials. They sent Speedy to the lake. Unfortunately, doesn’t return which conflicts with the second law. He’s circling the lake acting “drunk”. They found out that the Selenium is dangerous to him.
3rd law is strong, because he was protecting itself
2nd law is weak because the order was so casual. He must get the Selenium
Ethically the ethical rules could be stronger by having a more specific order.
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HW5 Case Q3
Facts of the case:
The Computer Security Act was established by the United States Congress in 1987 as a way to create standards for the security of the new generation of computers owned by the national government. It has four areas that are enforced. First, they created a level of security classification: "sensitive," which was given to information that should be safeguarded but didn’t rise to the level of “secret. Second, it made federal computer systems to develop uniform security policies and practices since it held sensitive material. Third, the act made a standard that required training for personnel assigned to operate these systems. The National Bureau of Standards were assigned to develop acceptable standards for the security of all federal computers and computer systems, with the assistance of the NSA. Due to multiple revisions, the Computer Security Act of 1987 was finally replaced by the Federal Information Management Act of 2002.
In terms of consequentialist, the design of the act meant to keep private information from being leaked, having workers work to keep sensitive information secret thus making the Act ethically right. In regards of the deontological ethics, As long the Act made the national government to follow their rules to create standards for security, then they are ethically right.
Overall, the main objective of the case was to attempt to increase computer security which was ethically good. However due to having some revisions, the Act was later replaced by the Federal Information Management Act of 2002.
Future Environment:
As the Technology continues to grow and new ways for thefts to scam and steal from other people, , there are going to be new ways where technology will be enhanced such as Artificial Intelligence which is going to make it easier to leak information.
Future Senerio:
Due to the growth of technology and the abilities of Artificial Intelligence, there will be policies that keep those technology from leaking private information.
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HW5 Case Q2
Case Summary: The Computer Security Act was established by the United States Congress in 1987 as a way to create standards for the security of the new generation of computers owned by the national government. It has four areas that are enforced. First, they created a level of security classification: "sensitive," which was given to information that should be safeguarded but didn’t rise to the level of “secret. Second, it made federal computer systems to develop uniform security policies and practices since it held sensitive material. Third, the act made a standard that required training for personnel assigned to operate these systems. The National Bureau of Standards were assigned to develop acceptable standards for the security of all federal computers and computer systems, with the assistance of the NSA. Due to multiple revisions, the Computer Security Act of 1987 was finally replaced by the Federal Information Management Act of 2002.
What type of vulnerabilities did they have that caused to think they needed an act?
As technology continued to grow, they came to realize that their current policy was not enough to reduce security thus they needed a new policy to cover them,
How did they decide with the four areas?
They believed they had to develop a way to enforce the protection of private information. So they trained personnel to make sure those secrets where kept private
How were the personnel trained?
They would have learn to operate the systems and keep track of all the information that is being run through and make sure that the sensitive information does not leak.
What kind of changes did they make that cause them to replace the act?
They were trying to make a better policy that produces a cost-effective reduction to information security risks to an acceptable risk which made the Federal Information Management Act of 2002.
As the Technology continues to grow and new ways for thefts to scam and steal from other people, will the another act come and replace the current security act?
Yes, because there are going to be new ways where technology will be enhanced such as Artificial Intelligence thus there will be policies that keep those technology from leaking private information
How can you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
I feel like the Computer Security Act was an ethically good case. As it was a step forward for computer security.
How can you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case? As it was replaced by another policy, it was an ethical however there was another Policy that was a step up
How can you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
Overall, the case was ethically good as it was an attempt for security of information
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HW5Case Q1
1) In the early 1980s, what were then called personal computers were acknowledged as powerful tools, and the world wide web was still in its beginning stages, but the potential vulnerabilities of computers had only been guessed at.
2) The Computer Security Act was established by the United States Congress in 1987 as a way to create standards for the security of the new generation of computers owned by the national government.
3)The computer Security Act has four areas that are enforced
4) First, they created a level of security classification: "sensitive," which was given to information that should be safeguarded but didn’t rise to the level of “secret.
5) Second, it made federal computer systems to develop uniform security policies and practices since it held sensitive material.
6) Third, the act made a standard that required training for personnel assigned to operate these systems.
7) The National Bureau of Standards were assigned to develop acceptable standards for the security of all federal computers and computer systems, with the assistance of the NSA.
8) Due to multiple revisions, the Computer Security Act of 1987 was finally replaced by the Federal Information Management Act of 2002.
What type of vulnerabilities did they have that caused to think they needed an act?
How did they decide with the four areas?
How were the personnel trained?
What kind of changes did they make that cause them to replace the act?
As the Technology continues to grow and new ways for thefts to scam and steal from other people, will the another act come and replace the current security act?
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Last Lecture
Your name: Carlos Ochoa
1. The video was intended as life advice to whom?
Its was for his kids: Dylan, Logan, and Chloe
2. List the advice items that you/your group can recall below. (Many, but not all, are related to ethics.) For each, note whether you agree or not.
When people give you feedback, cherish it and listen to it.
I agree with this advice due to the fact you can’t become the best of what you can be without knowing the improvements that could be made.
Work hard:
Simple but i agreed. There will be times that the only way to success is to work like you don’t have another chance to.
If you lead your life the right way, then every dream will come to you
I agreed with this. If you do the things cheapest, you won’t learn anything. and there may be a time to apply yourself but you won’t be able to
If you have someone bring you the best work you ever saw, tell them that you know that they could do better
People can grow tremendous skills by applying themselves. If you set the bar, they may stay at that bar without growing.
if you know your doing something badly and no one is telling why, you are a bad place
I agree because the critics are there to let you know that you can be better.
Find someone better than you to hand over your work
i agree because there will be a time you will have to just let go of what your doing. Whats better than leaving what you work so hard to do by handing over to someone who will do better than you
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HW5 Proj
When considering the application of facial recognition for criminal cases, a few questions come in mind. How are facial recognition used for these types of cases? What are some challenges that come with the application of facial recognition? And Does it seem ethical to use this technology in these criminal cases? In “Challenging Facial Recognition Software in Criminal Court” by Kaitlin Jackson, she mentions the methods on how the facial recognition software is used and the challenges that the criminal court has with it. She describes the method of facial recognition as the following: “[Facial Recognition Software] works by comparing faces in two photos and making a determination about whether it is the same person in each photo”. During these types of cases, the police would run photos whom they believe that are the perpetrator into a database of known photos. One statemate that she made concerns the ethics of the application in the criminal cases. She stated that there are “no rules govern what types of edit law enforcement is permitted to make to photos before running them through [facial recognition software]”. This causes disturbance about whether the application is ethical. The main concern that pops into mind is how far can these officers can edit the photos in order to achieve what they need. She mentioned that the edits can go as far as changing the facial features of the photo such as the way the mouth looks. However, if the court realizes there was an extreme change to the photo, the less reliable the results will be. It must be stated that she clarifies that there must be a recording of the face that is connected to the incident in order for the facial recognition software to be allowed to be used. It seems important for the officers to prosecute potential perpetrators with good forensics and reliable identifications or else the defendants have to go through the trouble of being wrongly accused. Jackson notes that the court mandates a limit of the admission of misidentification. If the court finds that the law enforcement submits an identification that seems suggestive that has a high chance of misidentification, they will deny the continuation of the identification in the trial. This means if the law enforcement presents evidence from the facial recognition software and they are deemed to be misidentifying multiple instances, then the defendant identification will no longer be used in the trial. The challenges that Jackson pointed out causes one to think whether the research for facial recognition is ethically good in the people’s eyes. Is it alright to have a chance for the defendant to be misidentified? Is the lack of rules of quantity of edits that the law enforcement can do on the recorded evidence? Something to keep aware of is that the facial recognition software is still brand new. As the research of facial recognition continues, scientists will be able to discover far better Artificial Intelligence for facial recognition. Therefore, as the research continues, in time whether facial recognition is ethical won’t be a problem to decide.
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HW4 Case Q3
Facts of the Case:
In the American Institute of Graphic Arts, there is a code of ethics for a professional designer. There are seven areas that the code empathizes in order to be a representative of AIGA. The following are the areas of the code. The designer’s responsibility to act in the client’s best interest with confidentiality of the production. The designer’s responsibility to other designers which means that the designer won’t partake in any assignment that another designer is working on. The designer may criticizing another designer’s work and will not denigrate the reputation of a fellow designer. The designer may only work for a fee and can not give hidden discounts or kickbacks of any kind from contractors. The designer can not claim sole credit for a design that another designer have collaborated in. The designer must avoid any projects that will present harm to the public. The designer must consider the environmental implications of their work and minimize any adverse impacts
In terms of consequentialist, if a designer participates in any projects that affects the environment, respects other designers work, and respects client’s best interest, then they will be ethically right. Otherwise, they will be ethically wrong. In regards of the deontological ethics, if the designer follows the code of ethics without any dishonesty, then they are ethically right. Otherwise, they are ethically wrong.
Overall, If a designer wants to be a representative in the American Institute of Graphic Arts, they will need to follow the seven areas of the code. Within this code, the only way to be ethically right is to follow the code or work on projects that does not harm anyone or anything.
Future Environment:
I feel like as technology continues to grow and more art continues to be published that artist may be tempted to “look” at past artist work. There will be sites where other artist post their work and visible to others. Anyone can post their work. But the machine will require you to reference any inspirations if you took any parts.
Future Scenario:
If this code were still to appear in the future environment as mentioned, graphic designers will have to be more aware of the projects they are working. They will need to make sure they are remembering where they took their ideas from. In order to still true to the code as best as they can. If the designer can respect other artist in this scenario, they will be ethically right.
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HW4Case Q 2
Case Summary:
In the American Institute of Graphic Arts, there is a code of ethics for a professional designer. There are seven areas that the code empathizes in order to be a representative of AIGA. The following are the areas of the code. The designer’s responsibility to act in the client’s best interest with confidentiality of the production. The designer’s responsibility to other designers which means that the designer won’t partake in any assignment that another designer is working on. The designer may criticizing another designer’s work and will not denigrate the reputation of a fellow designer. The designer may only work for a fee and can not give hidden discounts or kickbacks of any kind from contractors. The designer can not claim sole credit for a design that another designer have collaborated in. The designer must avoid any projects that will present harm to the public. The designer must consider the environmental implications of their work and minimize any adverse impacts
How does the designer go about making a contract for the fees?
Designer’s usually consider what the value of their time is. If the clients realizes that they are able to charge less for a project that clearly takes time, they may take advantages of it
When collaborating, how do the designers’ split the work and fees?
Again, I believe designers look at the amount of time they are doing for the project. It depends on what the client is willing to compromise.
If the designers were to attempt to do hidden discounts, how would another person find out?
I believe if anyone find any accounts from a company or anyone having more than was agreed upon.
How does one know if the project is going to hurt the environment?
The designer has to figure out if the work they are involved in is going cause any danger in the environment by doing research about the project they are signing
As the technology grows and art continues to change, how does designers go about doing work that may relate to each other? Having previous artwork done in the same concepts.
It is know throughout history that art may resemble others. but it is important to give credit to ideas that inspired you. Cause you can take ideas, but you can always improve from it
How can you apply deontological ethics (rule-based) to this case?
If you follow the guidelines of the code of ethics in AIGA, you will be consider to have good ethics.
How can you apply utilitarian ethics (similar to consequentialist ethics) to this case?
As long as you don’t take part in projects that causes harm to the environment in the end, you will be consider to have good ethics
How can you apply virtue ethics (character-based) to this case?
A designers must always be considerate to other designers, clients, and the society they live in. Thus following and acting upon these codes, then you will have good character.
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HW4Case Q1
1) These are the code of ethics for a professional designer of an American Institute of Graphic Arts
2) The designer’s responsibility to act in the client’s best interest with confidentiality of the production
3) The designer’s responsibility to other designers which means that the designer won’t partake in any assignment that another designer is working on
4) The designer may criticizing another designer’s work and will not denigrate the reputation of a fellow designer
5)The designer may only work for a fee and can not give hidden discounts or kickbacks of any kind from contractors.
6) The designer can not claim sole credit for a design that another designer have collaborated in
7) The designer must avoid any projects that will present harm to the public
8) The designer must consider the environmental implications of their work and minimize any adverse impacts
Five questions to ask about the case are:
How does the designer go about making a contract for the fees?
When collaborating, how do the designers’ spilt the work and fees?
If the designers were to attempt to do hidden discounts, how would another person find out?
How does one know if the project is going to hurt the environment?
As the technology grows and art continues to change, how does designers go about doing work that may relate to each other? Having previous artwork done in the same concepts.
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Applying facial recognition technology in real world problems is part of the main reasons of why there is a heavy research towards facial recognition. One of these real world applications is in health care settings. In Nicole Martinez-Martin, PhD, abstract, “What Are Important Ethical Implications of Using Facial Recognition Technology in Health Care?”, she mentioned that development of facial recognition technology in a health care setting for identifying and monitoring patients by diagnosing genetics, medical, and behavioral conditions. She discusses how facial recognition can be used to assist in diagnosing a patient with a rare genetic disorder that may not be identified with just clinical efforts. One method she described was that machine learning can detect subtle correlations between facial morphology and genetic disorders. Another application that was mentioned in the abstract is patient identification and monitoring. Dr. Martinez-Martin described this application as “monitoring medication adherence through the use of sensors and facial recognition to confirm when patients take their medications”. The major points of her abstract describing the use of facial recognition within health care suggests that there is an importance of informed consent, the data about any incidental findings, and the influence on the patient-clinician relationships. The major ethical concern mentioned in this abstract is the privacy and data protection is believed to be a challenge for the use of facial recognition in health care settings. Though facial recognition seems to be an important technology to be used in future for health care, there is concern that the data that is being used by patients is completely anonymous. Therefore, informed consent is important since patients may not know that their images may be “used to generate additionally clinically relevant information”. Linked to this ethical concern is the patient's privacy. As mentioned before, in order for facial recognition to function, facial images or facial templates must be stored as data. But, in the Dr. Martinez-Martin states that facial templates are considered biometric data which means that it is personally identifiable information which simply means that these photos can reveal private information about the patients. Although these images and data are protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, clinicians are, again, expected to inform the patients the limits of the protections for data when using facial recognition. Therefore, as long as the clinic informs the patient about the risks of facial recognition, there is a step forward for the applications of facial recognition to be ethically right.
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Notes on Lecture of 11/03/2020 from a recording F 2019
A code of ethics is
set of Rules for ethical conduct
Code of ethics = ethical code
Codes of ethics are all around us
ACM, Association of Computing Machinery, has a code of ethics. IEEE has a code of ethics. how does it relate? Computing was a sublevel for electrical engineering. Section of IEEE, Computers Society is the biggest one.
Any professional organizations has a code of ethics.
The ACM code specifically states that it can be published without permission as long it is not changed and it carries the copyright notice.
Short Ethical Code: outdoor ethics: “This is your park. Removing, defacing, or destroying plants, fossils, animals, or rocks is harmful to everyone and illegal”
This code of Ethics seem to be utility ethics cause taking any thing from the park can be harmful to every living thing.
Deontological based because its a set of rules that the park made and its ethical to follow the rules. Because if you follow the rules, you have good ethics.
It may appeal to Virtue ethics because if you follow the rules, you keep nature in peace therefore you have good character
Percentages: 20% Virtue 60% Deon 20% Utility
How could we redesign this code to be more
utilitarian? Please don’t remove any interesting rocks or fossils in the park
deontological? use a quote of the rules into the statement
Virtue? Expand the first sentence. Your park treat it with respect.
Ethical codes can be influenced by humans
Virtue ethics-
universal admired values
ethical if beneficial, otherwise not
ethical if rule is followed regardless of results
include laws into the code of ethics even though not ethic based
In the ACM code of ethics, one part of it say to be ethical you must follow the law
Two major theories of law as it relates to ethics
legal codes is not the same as ethical codes
it may relate but legal codes may not be ethical
Two theories about how a law can be legitimate:
one ethically motivated
1) Legal Positivism theory
Legitimate if it reflects socially defined rules such as dress codes
2) Natural Law theory
Social beliefs are not enough
Laws should meet ethical standards
Kentucky University Code of Ethics
Applies to Students and Staff
States that computers are there for a purpose and computers users respect the resources. It may mean that playing games may break the code. Unless you are building a game.
Prohibits usage of resources for profit making
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HWCase3 Q3
The Facts of the case:
This cases took part in at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine where an Associate Professor in the department of Molecular Biology John G. Pastorino was charged in research misconduct by the ORI. The ORI found that Dr. Pastorino intentionally falsify his papers, fabricating data of the mitochondrial function related to cell/tissue injury that is reported in his papers, and duplicated images from unrelated sources to obscure their origin. There the Office of Research took the action of putting Dr. Pastorino into a Voluntary Exclusion Agreement and made him voluntarily agreed for a period of five years that started on April 27 2016. Which meant he was not permitted to use his name on any application to request funds.
In terms of consequentialist, during the case, Dr. Pastorino was ethically wrong because he falsified data Western blot data for mitochondrial function related to cell/tissue injury. Which in the end, Dr. Pastorino got caught by evidence of research misconduct. In regards of the deontological ethics, Pastorino messed up because he should know that being a researcher and getting funds he should keep everything accurate without taking work from other nor changing data.
Overall in the end of this case, I concluded that Dr. Pastorino does not have virtue ethics because he didn’t keep a good research character by performing research misconduct. Because of falsifying data concerning cell/tissue injury, he was put into a Voluntary Exclusion Agreement where he was not permitted to use his name for funds.
Future Environment:
I feel like technology continues to grow and more research will be published. New type of machines will be made to make it easier to perform more complicated research experiments. But these experiments will be recorded automatically without the person writing it down.
Future Scenario:
If this case happened in the future environment as mentioned, Dr. Pastorino won’t be able to falsify any data since they will be automatically recorded. But in the case he attempts to falsify data, it will catch and warn him before him. If he still goes along with it, he would be ethically wrong for doing research misconduct
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