362 posts
Shea | 23 | She/her | Bi | Portland, OR | Animation Major | Professional Nerd  
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ispeakartsy · 3 years ago
So a friend of mine challenged me to try and recreate the fox lady from the Bad Guys in the style of Zootipia. Here was the result
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
I was talking to a friend about traveling to visit them, and I just accidentally said the sentence, “You’ll pick me up at the plane station, right?”
... I forgot the word for airport 
end me
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
You ever start watching something thinking “eh, this is ok”, but then one character shows up and you’re like “god damn it. I wasn’t that into this series but now I have to watch all of it because this one character just so happens to be that character type I immediately fall for every time”?
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
This gives me hope for the future of technology. 
Thanks to a pair of a bionic gloves, this 80-year-old classical pianist can finally play the piano again. The maestro, João Carlos Martins, had lost dexterity in his hands due to aging and health complications. His face at being able to play piano again says it all. 🎶
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
The funniest sword fight scene in the history of cinema. 
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
vibes of that experimental time in animated kids movies: alt indie, gay, STRONG aesthetic, weirdly dark, epic world-building, gay again, found family as fuck, demon ladies, cat ladies, father issues, SHIPS AND STUFF
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idk what was UP with this time period, but I want to embody whatever these vibes were into my very soul
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
A lot of people are talking about Sisu’s dragon design (myself included) but I feel like not enough people are talking about this design:
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This design is wonderful! The details on her clothing, her crooked smile and imperfect teeth. The fact that she’s very beautiful, but not by traditional American standards. The wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. The fact she looks a bit older and isn’t just a typical young Disney princess. Like...I kinda feel like all the effort went into this design. 
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
So here are my actual thoughts on Sisu’s design: 
It’s cute. Her face shape is very simple but doesn’t really bother me. I think it helps to make her look less intimidating and more gentle and sweet (like her character is established to be). 
I like that she’s fluffy. Eastern dragons usually have quite a bit of fur or hair on them, and I like that the designers stayed true to that. However I think a few scales would have helped to add more visual interest. She looks too flat with just fur. On a 3D model sometimes more is better. Adding scales, even just small, shiny fish-like scales in a few areas I think would have added a lot more dimension. 
I like that her design mostly follows the design of Eastern dragons, being long and slender with no wings, though many people have also commented that she looks like a Quilin, which I think is pretty cool.  
I am not a huge fan of her eyes and especially her eyebrows. I understand why she has human-like eyes. It’s because she has a human form at one point. I think they’re also probably meant to help make her look cute, expressive, and not scary. However, Toothless has amazing cat-like eyes that I think are very adorable and expressive. Something like that would have been much better in my personal opinion. Her eyebrows...I can’t be nice about this one. I just hate them. They’re too perfect and make literally no sense. On a 2D character, maybe. But on a 3D model it just doesn’t look right. If you want to give her eyebrows maybe make them furry, or scaly. Perfect penciled in eyebrows just don’t make sense.
SHE SHOULD HAVE WHISKERS! WHY ARE THEY GONE?! I know that they look a little like a mustache and she’s a female dragon but seriously! Pretty much all Eastern dragons have them! It’s like a staple! Her original design had them and she still looked very feminine. I have no idea why they took them away.
Some protruding teeth wouldn’t hurt, but eh...she looks ok without them
Something about her mouth bothers me. Not when she’s speaking. But like in some images of her smiling it’s too perfect. Like there should be a little more bend in it or something. 
Her colors or ok, but I like the colors of the original design a lot more. All blue seems very safe. 
WHERE DID ALL HER PRETTY PINK FINS GO?! They were so cool! She looked like a tropical fish! I loved them! 
I do like that they kept the patterns from the original design, like on her back and tail fins. 
I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing but...she looks like a furry. Like literally all I can think when I look at her final design is “this reminds me so much of furry art I’ve seen online”. She is very very anthropomorphic. And that’s ok. She’s supposed to be. But like...idk for some reason with the style and tone of the rest of the film it just doesn’t really work. She looks like she would fit into better into the world of Zootopia. 
Overall, C grade. It’s cute. It’s not bad. But it could be a lot better. 
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
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Just a quick Sisu edit, made her face and nose longer and also gave her whiskers and chin fluff, plus a bonus edit with her colour hue changed to a more teal shade
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
I was curious to see what Sisu would look like with her original design’s colors, as well as a few additions like whiskers and a few scales. I know it’s not the best but here was the result:
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
i hope the debate over whether or not it was misogynistic for bernie sanders to wear a coat continues for at least another three days
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
tumblr was funnier when the reylos were just outright lying all the time
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
This is actually I really good point. I hope you’re right. I love some of the concept art. If her final form looks like this at all I will be happy. 
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Raya and the Last Dragon prediction
So I just saw the new trailer, and I’ve seen some people commenting on how Sisu the Water Dragon isn’t as impressive or accurate to Southeast Asian dragon designs as some would like.
But here’s my prediction: This isn’t Sisu’s final form.
The trailer drops a line where Sisu admits she’s not the best dragon. She also seemingly uses her shapeshifting ( “shapechanging”?) abilities for the first time when she turns human.
So I think we’re getting an epic transformation somewhere near the end of the film when Sisu has some big moment with Raya or with saving the land or something as she becomes a “better dragon” in her words. Sisu gives me major teenager vibes, so perhaps she shifts to a more adult form as she matures on her journey with Raya.
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ispeakartsy · 4 years ago
So my friend and I have seen some posts talking about the design of the dragon from Raya and the Last Dragon. A lot of people have had opinions on her face being a bit too human like, the design being too simple in order to sell toys, or that she doesn’t look enough like an Eastern Dragon. This is the original design:
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Personally I like this design. We both agreed that it’s a unique dragon design and very cute, but that more could be done. (I’m going to college for animation BTW and my friend is  a big animation fan). After talking for a while we decided to add some things to the design just as a fun experiment. These additions are not meant to discredit the original design, but simply “what we would add if we were tasked with designing this dragon”. Here is what we came up with:
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We also did a version with slitted eyes to see if we could make her look a little more animal-like. Again, just for fun. (personally I think this one came out a little better)
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