hot pink
19 posts
no final fantasy but can we end these games though? troose rights.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
“after all this time,” antonio laughs, shaking his head a little at her. he knew she wouldn’t have gotten the reference, not because he thought she was dumb but she hardly ever seemed to know what the fuck he was talking about. it was this pattern in all of their interactions that made him stop mid-quote. “you still can’t decipher the things i say? i expect more from you bri.” he jokes, although he doesn’t expect anymore than what he gets all the time. but it’s still fun to tease her. when she doesn’t shrink away from the hug, he’s relieved, happy to let himself enjoy the moment of closeness. it’s when she kisses his cheek that he finds himself a little confused, although smile bright still. he hadn’t known they were there, but he was content to follow her lead on this. no need to make it a big deal. “are you jealous that you’re not the only one now?” he smiles. when they first met Antonio had struggled to find anyone to care enough to read his work, and now, well. he’d published a book and people were actually buying it. the success of it didn’t matter much to him, it was just the ability to have his heart heard and felt by others. sharing his innermost thoughts with strangers wasn’t the easiest but it was still freeing in a way. “or are you thrilled you don’t have to pretend to be one anymore?” antonio looks around, making sure there aren’t any more stray fans he has to sign for. once satisfied that it’s all clear, he gestured for bri to follow him over to the cafe in the bookstore. “can i get you something?” he asks, he personally wants tea and knows if he said that out loud she’d probably make fun of him for being so painfully British.
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antonio always feels slightly out of place interacting with fans. it’s not a matter of being ungrateful for the support, it’s the idea of coming to terms with the fact that he even has it to begin with. his entire life had been clawing for even a crumb of praise from his family, that having it so shamelessly thrust at him now from absolute strangers is dizzying in the worst way. as he waves goodbye to the group of girls he’d signed books for, antonio finds himself approached by someone else. and unfortunately for him, her presence provides him with as much unease and confusion as his last companions. “a truth that’s told with bad intent,” he begins, rattling off a literary quote he’s sure will go over her head. he never finishes it, because his point has been made. as much as he wants to tell her the honest truth, that almost all of his recent poems were about her, he won’t because then his honesty would hurt her, and that’s almost as bad as lying to her. plus, he thinks it best to not scare her off from whatever it is they’re doing now, not when it’s been nice having her back as briefly as he has. “i’m surprised, and pleased of course, that you decided to drop by.” he smiles, tentatively closing the space between them to hug her. is that the appropriate greeting for where they are now? kissing her is out of the question, no matter how much the desire to tears at him. but staying apart, in any sense of the word, seems silly when it comes to a woman who’s seen every side of him.
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she almost lets out a loud sigh when he throws out a literary quote, but she’s not sure if that’s her place anymore. she might have forfeited her permission to be loud and annoying about his interests when she broke up with him. “i’m gonna keep it real with you, i have no idea what the means,” bri admits with a shrug, giving him a sheepish smile. their entire relationship consisted of antonio making literary references and bri nodding along, pretending she had any idea what he was saying. before she met him she never would have considered herself to be stupid, but one conversation with him was enough to make her realize that oh, she’s really stupid. at least when it comes to literature, which happens to be his whole deal. she wants to ask him if that’s a no, but figures he would have come right out and said it if he actually wanted her to know the truth. so instead she shrugs it off, doomed to forever wonder if those bitter feelings were directed toward her. she doesn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around him in a hug as he closes the distance between them, leaning up on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. that might have been pushing it a little, especially since she was the one that ended their relationship, but it’s too late to take it back now. “so you’ve got a lot of fans, that’s new,” she chuckles, trying to think of something else to say to him. she hadn’t exactly thought it through, coming here.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
“steve.” essy frowns, arms crossed in front of her chest as raf claims he cares. it’s lost on her that fighting over a helium seahorse might be a little ridiculous to anyone that walked in on this conversation, and the chances of someone overhearing them are high. but it’s about more than a balloon. raf almost always does this. he rains on her parade with his bad mood and all his no’s to her animal friends. it’s no fun. he’s no fun sometimes. “no i don’t!” she protests immediately, but the second the words leaves her lips she knows it’s not true. essy might not always forget, and she knows better than to call him on a technicality with his word choice, but she forgets more than she likes to acknowledge. “i just get really excited and sometimes you’re not here and it slips my mind.” she explains, words coming out quickly as she tries to absolve herself of any wrong in the situation. essy has never really learned how to take accountability for her actions, the most guidance she received from her parents being to just take a second and come back chiller. and she’s perfectly chill now so she doesn’t see what the problem is. “we can do that any day, we literally live together.” she shrugs, not taking his words with the weight she should be. essy just doesn’t get what the big problem is. they can hang out just the two of them tomorrow. there’s no need to dwell on the ruined night. she’s always been too enjoy-every-second by nature, unable to really dwell on anything that she can’t change or fix. “tomorrow, ok. we can hang out just us tomorrow. I’ll even pop Steve if it makes you feel better.” that last part is a lie. she’s not popping Steve.
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she gets the distinct feeling that raf, as much as she wants him to be excited about this, doesn’t really care. okay, it’s not a distinct feeling, she knows. it doesn’t stop her from talking though, intent to show him everything she’s done because she’s proud of herself. it’s when he dismisses steve the seahorse that she gets upset. “can you at least pretend to care?” she sighs, trying her best not to roll her eyes and simply walk away. sometimes raf gets in these moods, and as much as she loves him she simply can’t be bothered to put up with his mr. grumpy act. “oh.” essy pauses, trying to think back and recall if she had in fact told him. she could have sworn she did. but if his face was any indication it must have slipped her mind, again. “oh, sorry. i must’ve forgot.” she shrugs, smile touching her face again because at least now she knows why he’s upset and to her, it’s not that big of a deal. “but surprise!” she cheers, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she says it. “we’re having a party, and i did all the work already so you can just sit back and chill.”
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“come on, es, you know i care,” raf protests, feeling a little bit bad when she sighs. “i love the seahorse, he’s super fucking cute. does he have a name?” he finds himself asking against his better judgement. even when he’s annoyed, it’s hard to stay mad when she’s this excited. he doesn’t want to crush her dreams or ruin her night, just make her a little more aware that she needs to let him in on what’s happening in the house too. “that’s the thing babe, you always forget,” he sighs, trying to maker he see his point of view. it’s not that he wants to be the stick in the mud, the one that always comes in and ruins the fun, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. it’s happened more times than he can count, and for once he’d like a chance to at least prepare to socialize. what’s the point of living in the middle of the woods if you’re always surprised by company? he’d prefer booboo the bear at this point. ��yeah, i can see that,” he chuckles, trying to match her energy but he just can’t do it. not that he’s ever been able to match her energy, but he falls particularly short tonight. “i guess i just thought we could chill tonight. just the two of us. is that so bad?” he shrugs, knowing it’s far too late now but not wanting to just brush off his feelings like she usually does.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
antonio always feels slightly out of place interacting with fans. it’s not a matter of being ungrateful for the support, it’s the idea of coming to terms with the fact that he even has it to begin with. his entire life had been clawing for even a crumb of praise from his family, that having it so shamelessly thrust at him now from absolute strangers is dizzying in the worst way. as he waves goodbye to the group of girls he’d signed books for, antonio finds himself approached by someone else. and unfortunately for him, her presence provides him with as much unease and confusion as his last companions. “a truth that’s told with bad intent,” he begins, rattling off a literary quote he’s sure will go over her head. he never finishes it, because his point has been made. as much as he wants to tell her the honest truth, that almost all of his recent poems were about her, he won’t because then his honesty would hurt her, and that’s almost as bad as lying to her. plus, he thinks it best to not scare her off from whatever it is they’re doing now, not when it’s been nice having her back as briefly as he has. “i’m surprised, and pleased of course, that you decided to drop by.” he smiles, tentatively closing the space between them to hug her. is that the appropriate greeting for where they are now? kissing her is out of the question, no matter how much the desire to tears at him. but staying apart, in any sense of the word, seems silly when it comes to a woman who’s seen every side of him.
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in the back of her mind, brianna knows this isn’t fair. she broke up with antonio for a reason — even if it was a terrible reason that she can’t even begin to start justifying now. there’s no reason for her to be showing up at his poetry readings now, standing at the back to listen with a wide grin on her lips. especially when she has a boyfriend that she hasn’t found a way to mention yet. but she finds herself here anyway, pride swelling in her chest as she listens to him read. while she’s extremely stupid when she comes to poetry, there’s no missing the anger in some of his stories, and while she wants to hope it isn’t anger directed at her, she wouldn’t be surprised if it was. holding back until the crowd of fangirls dissipates, all of them clutching their books of poetry in excitement, bri approaches him as the sound of their giggles disappear out the door. “any chance those angry poems were about someone else?” she asks with a tentative smile, trying to keep it light. // @isleyschaos​
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
she gets the distinct feeling that raf, as much as she wants him to be excited about this, doesn’t really care. okay, it’s not a distinct feeling, she knows. it doesn’t stop her from talking though, intent to show him everything she’s done because she’s proud of herself. it’s when he dismisses steve the seahorse that she gets upset. “can you at least pretend to care?” she sighs, trying her best not to roll her eyes and simply walk away. sometimes raf gets in these moods, and as much as she loves him she simply can’t be bothered to put up with his mr. grumpy act. “oh.” essy pauses, trying to think back and recall if she had in fact told him. she could have sworn she did. but if his face was any indication it must have slipped her mind, again. “oh, sorry. i must’ve forgot.” she shrugs, smile touching her face again because at least now she knows why he’s upset and to her, it’s not that big of a deal. “but surprise!” she cheers, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she says it. “we’re having a party, and i did all the work already so you can just sit back and chill.”
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essy really outdid herself on this one. transforming their home to fit the theme of whatever party she had her heart set on was nothing new to her. with the resources and drive that she had on her side, she could put together anything in a matter of hours. but looking around at the assorted marine themed snacks and sea green balloons and decorations, she couldn’t help but be a little proud at how well this one had turned out. essy had spent the majority of her time making sure everyone was okay and having a good time, and trying the clam shaped cookies she made (so, maybe she’s the most proud about those). bouncing from group to group and chatting people up is natural to her, and people seemed to gravitate towards her for as long as she’s lived. so she’s not at all shocked when she finds herself in the center of a conversation, retelling a story about something funny that had happened to her and her friends while on tour. her story gets cut short, however, when she sees her boyfriend approach. “raf!” she exclaims, unable to hide her excitement. him pulling her away from the crowd isn’t lost on her, and she doesn’t blame him for being confused, she’s sure she got swept up in everything and forgot to tell him. “it’s an under the sea party!” she smiles, gesturing around time the decorations. “look, i found this really cute recipe for clam cookies. they’re just wafers with frosting in between them.” she picks up one of the cookies to show him. “and i got these little seashell tiaras — oh, oh!” she grabs his hand, giving it a small squeeze as she pulls him with her, they stop in the living room where a giant coral colored seahorse balloon bobs and weaves with the clear circular ‘bubble’ balloons. “look at how cute that guy is!”
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it’s not that raf has a problem with the parties essy throws, or the construction projects she comes up with to make their house more exciting. he’s not nearly as much of a stick in the mud as he feels like now, but he at the very least wants to be kept in the loop. and somehow essy continually forgets to tell him whenever a new idea pops into her mind. as annoyed as raf is, it’s hard not to let some of the anger melt away as soon as essy’s face lights up when she sees him. she’s so happy, clearly having the best time with this underwater themed party she’s somehow managed to cook up in hours, and it’s hard not to let it be infectious. it’s the same way they almost ended up with booboo the bear living in their house full time — how can you not be happy when essy’s happy? “yeah, i can see that,” he nods as she points out the theme, continuing to lead her away from the group. the last thing he wants is to make a scene. taking a cookie as she holds it out to him, he takes a bite, reluctantly having to admit that they really are good. she knows how to throw a good party, he’ll give her that. a smile on his lips — one anyone could tell is forced if they look close enough — raf allows her to show him the rest of the decorations she has set up, not wanting to burst her bubble quite yet. but eventually he sighs, not wanting to go about the evening like it’s completely normal. “yeah, sure, he’s really cute,” he nods absentmindedly as essy points out the balloon. he refrains from asking if the balloon has a name, because while he’s almost certain every decoration in here has a name, essy could distract him with this forever if he let her. “but were you ever gonna tell me you were throwing a party, es?”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
from the moment ian asked josie out on their first date, he knew she was far out of his league. she was driven and intelligent, passionate and talented, all things that he never associated with himself. but for some reason she seemed to care about him anyway, the two of them becoming what he thought of as the perfect couple. of course there were some small hints that should have been some indication that they weren’t meant to be, especially considering he went years without ever meeting her family. whether she was ashamed of him or afraid of how her family might react to meeting him, ian was never quite sure and for the longest time he wasn’t particularly bothered. they were still young, there was plenty of time for her to introduce him into her world. or so he thought. but as her response time to his texts became slower, the invitations to her shows came fewer and farther between, ian slowly started to realize that their differences were more serious than he thought. it wasn’t a surprise to him when she finally ended things — it’s how she decided to end it that still fills him with rage. as much as anything can anger him, at the very least. “you weren’t hiding?” ian repeats with a laugh, amusement and disbelief both clear in his voice. “do you usually make a habit of hiding behind johnny here?” he claps his friend on the shoulder, unwilling to let josie get away with it that easily even as he keeps his tone light. he shrugs at her question, almost certain she’s making polite conversation and doesn’t actually care about how he’s doing. “oh, you know me,” he says with a small shrug. “i’m always great.” it’s how he’s known after all; always calm, cool, and collected, never letting anything bother him. he’s not about to let that change now, to give off any hint that being around josie is harder than he originally anticipated. “but what about you? i didn’t expect to see you slumming it with us tonight.”
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something heavy and uneasy spreads through her when he laughs. it makes her cheeks warm and suddenly it’s hard to look at his face, and as unaccustomed as she is to embarrassment she refuses to let it shake her. “i was just trying to get by,” get away, she spares a glance in johnny’s direction, offering him a small apologetic smile. “but if it seems like i was hiding then, oh well, it’s not that serious” she finishes, a hint of finality in her tone because she personally is done with this conversation, and like everything else in her life when she decides something that’s all that matters. josie, if she was a little more self aware, could attribute her inability to see anything outside of what she wants as part of their downfall. when she decided their relationship wasn’t worth it anymore she called it off instead of talking about it. selfish, that’s the word she’s looking for. and she’s doing it again, trying to shut ian up even though he has every right to want to give her a hard time. but instead of admitting her fault and letting him be hurt, she pushes and she lies and it’s feeling like their breakup all over again. “that’s good, i’m glad to hear it.” a part of her means it, the part of her that loves him and wanted what was best for him feels joy knowing he’s good. but there’s something a little bitter and vicious that is a little disappointed. it’s selfish and egoic of her, wanting him to be miserable, to admit it, because she’s miserable and lonely without him. she’s awake in bed at night missing his laugh and he’s apparently at parties and having a good time. it’s fair, she wished him the best when she ended things but she didn’t mean it and he wasn’t supposed to be ok. “i wouldn’t call this slumming it,” she’s quick to shrug away his words. “but guess it’s nice to know what you think of your own friends.” she cocks her head to the side, still smiling because yeah she’s that petty. ian is right to assume their breakup was a result of their difference in lifestyle, but she never said it, never implied it was. and maybe it’s wrong to pretend like his feelings about it are completely self fabricated, but she’s not going to admit fault here. her pride is what broke them up the way they did and her pride will be what gets her out of this conversation. “I’ve been great though. lots of auditions, lots of practices, the usual.”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
closing the file and setting it on the dashboard of aaliyah’s car, bash sits in silence for another moment as he digests everything he just read. coming on these work excursions with her, he always has some idea of what he’s getting himself into, but seeing the photos and reading witness statements is always a bit worse than what he expects. it takes him a moment to wrap his head around exactly what they’re doing, knowing that if this goes wrong, they’ll without a doubt have an angry crime boss on their hands. but after a moment he nods at aaliyah’s question, his usual smile back on his face. “are you kidding, baby?” bash laughs, leaning over to press a quick kiss against her lips. “let’s do this.” he’s always up for any adventure, and while he might prefer cliff diving to potentially pissing off a crime boss, there isn’t anything he won’t do for aaliyah. it still surprises him sometimes, just how willing he is to do absolutely anything for her, but maybe that’s just what love really is. he can’t say he felt it in his last relationship. getting out of the car, he’s careful to shut the door quietly behind him, not wanting to give away their presence right away. he indicates for aaliyah to go first, ready to follow her lead.
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he’s silent for a moment, and for a second she worries that maybe he won’t to come along on this one. she’s fine with it, understands that what they’re doing is dangerous and maybe to him helping her career isn’t exactly worth almost dying. but the idea of doing something like this, doing anything, without him is a little less exciting. aaliyah isn’t sure when exactly she started feeling like that, but knows it was pretty recently and that her newfound co-dependency is just a tad lame. she prepares to tell him they can go home because she can do this some other day without him, but then he smiles and whatever concerns she has dissipate. bash laughs and kisses her, agreeing to be a part of this as if she were asking him to bring cupcakes to her office or something dumb and simple like that. he’s willing to dive head first into whatever craziness she comes up with and something about that makes her heart flutter. i love you, is what she wants to say when she kisses him one more time as a silent thank you, but instead, “cool, let’s go” comes out. they get out the car and aaliyah busies herself with turning on her camera and switching the flash off to avoid admitting that she has no real plan here. she hardly ever does, but that, she thinks is the fun of the job. she leads him down the path to the old warehouse she was told is where falcone operates out of. “doesn’t seem like there’s anyone here.” she admits quietly, once they approach the building. the lack of guarded presence makes her anxiety spark back up because what if this is the wrong place? but she shakes it off, deciding that there’s time to be disappointed later, now they have to look around. “we’re not gonna be able to get the gated doors open but there should be a receiving door around here somewhere...” she trails off, mostly thinking out loud as they walk.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
aaliyah feels most in her element here: tip toeing around private property in the middle of the night. she thinks for a moment that something could be said about her willingness and comfort with breaking the law, but if it’s for a good cause it cancels each other out. or at least she likes to think so. “so,” she begins, looking at where bash sits in the passenger seat of her car. “you ready?” it’s a question with a bit of double intent. on one end, she’s kind of rushing him so they can get this over with and on the other she’s gauging his reaction to see if he actually really does still want to help her. she’d given him a folder with all her current information for her story; grainy distant photos of scary men in suits, clippings of jane doe obituaries and excerpts of quotes from people she’d spoken to about the terrifying crime boss she was targeting this time. as comfortable as she was with exposing wealthy men for being selfish criminals, it didn’t mean she would let bash come into this completely blind. “you can always tell me no, and i won’t be mad.” she adds, even though she knows he probably would never.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
belinda has spent her entire life being watched. she grows up with an overprotective brother who’s never too far, finds that when she runs off course just a bit he’s got the eyes of his friends on her too. and, more frustratingly, she’s acutely aware that men who don’t know her have eyes that stare and wander too. she’s used to it, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t still hate it no matter how unbothered she tries to seem by it. she hates it right now too. walking through towards bar she keeps her head held high and resists the urge to let her shoulders slump with discomfort. belinda can feel people looking at her as she walks past them, and she hopes for once that it’s for the usual reasons. coming to this side of town was a risky move, and maybe even a bit of a mistake. but it was decided that blood was owed to her brother for all they had lost, and infiltrating was the only way to ensure that debt would be paid without getting them all killed. enter belinda; young and pretty, capable and tough and so sheltered from her brother’s criminal world that no one really knows her face yet alone who she is. so belinda slips into mini skirts and curls her hair and plays the role of bait, and as much as she hates it, it’s worked pretty well for her thus far. but she can’t help but fear that every time she comes down here someone might somehow recognize her, or worse, she’d blow her own cover. “consider yourself lucky,.” belinda smiles, usually dull voice brightening as she comes up behind blue. “i decided to bless you with my presence again.” @bitchmunk1x1
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
Eyes glancing over the crowd as Ian makes his way through the party, nodding hello to his friends as he passes, his gaze almost immediately settles on one person in particular. He’s surprised to see her here, has to do a double take just to make sure he’s not imaging her, sure that she has much better things to do with her time than to spend a Friday night with them. His first instinct is to avoid her to make this easier on both of them, but as he notices her sneak through the crowd, clearing trying to hide from him, he can’t help himself. An amused smile on his lips, Ian almost lets out a laugh as he watches her, making a beeline directly towards her. “You might not want to put ‘good at hiding’ on that impressively long resume of yours,“ he teases as he finally gets within her earshot, surprising himself with just how casual he sounds. There was always a part of him that assumed wheneve he saw her next he would be consumed with anger or bitterness, but it’s not quite there. At least not for now. Perhaps it’s the way she seems so determined to avoid him that makes it easier, somehow giving him the upper hand he never seemed to have when they were dating.
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josie doesn’t normally find herself at these parties, not really by choice at least. every second of her day is meticulously planned, filled with rigorous work outs and practicing posture and form whenever she can. it hardly leaves time for her to breathe much less go to a party. but it’s the life she chose for herself, the only road to success and perfection; and she has to remind herself that as she tries to ignore how out of place she feels here surrounded by people she hasn’t spoken to in ages. another thing she’s trying to ignore? the nerves and tension building in her gut the second she sees ian butler. josie banks has never been one to run from anything, taking on catty dance partners and intense directors with grace and poise most would kill for her. so, it’s kind of a shame that the first thing she would ever run away from would be a potential run in with an exe. it’s only fitting that the exe in question would be the very boy she’s spent months secretly missing. but there’s no time to think of the unsent texts or almost late night calls or the quiet longing; there’s only getting away before he can see her. but apparently she’s already too late. josie curses herself silently, swallowing down the disappointed sigh that threatens to expose her. instead, she raises her head, rolls bavk her shoulders and turns on her heels to face ian with a smile so dazzling it belongs on a billboard. she exudes perfect showmanship on or off stage, it’s a skill — it’s exhausting. “i wasn’t hiding.” she starts, and it’s only half true, she was running and if she happened to duck behind some poor boy along the way that’s not her problem. “and even if i was it wouldn’t be fair because you can basically see the entire room from up there, so that’s not really my fault.” she wants to roll her eyes and walk away but that would only further his point. so, she decides to continue pretending. it’s what she’s good at. “ian,” she smiles sweetly. “it’s been a are you?”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
“what the fuck?” ralph mumbles sleepily, his eyes opening slowly as he feels something fall on his chest. groggily reaching for the light on his bedside table, he isn’t sure why he’s surprised to see the grinning face of his best friend sitting on his chest. ever since she’s been back it’s been like this, the petite brunette waking him up in the middle of the night whenever she’s bored and needs someone to keep her entertained. “what time is it?” he asks, though he knows in the back of his mind it’s a stupid question. the moonlight peeking through the curtains is enough of an indication that it’s late, and he’s never exactly known sav to wake him up at what he’d consider to be an appropriate hour. it’s not that he’s complaining — spending almost ten years without his best friend, he’s happy to spend absolutely any amount of time he can with her, no questions asked. but as a grumpy old man that has to work with children in the morning, he can’t help but be a bit skeptical. // @isleyschaos​ 
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sav should really be more considerate of the fact that ralph has a job and a life outside of her. she says this to herself each day, trying to work up the personal strength (and courage) to go back to her own apartment and leave him alone. she says it now, as she’s running into his room to bother him, thinks of how much he must regret letting her back into his life like this. but her boredom and desire to spend her free time with him outweighs all the concern and anxiety. climbing into his bed and sitting on top of him shouldn’t feel this comfortable, but somehow here with her legs on either side of him as she straddles him the fact that they have no sense of boundaries is completely lost on her. “raaalphie.” she sings, leaning down so that she can kiss his forehead. “it’s time for you to do something fun!” sav answers matter of factly, because she honestly doesn’t even know what time it actually is, just knows that she’s bored and her other friends are busy. “come on. i promise that whatever we do, it won’t be anything too illegal if you get up now...maybe just a misdemeanor.”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
while roxanne used to spend her breaks between classes working studiously in the library, she’s since found somewhere else she much prefers to spend her time. “what’s up, cutie,” roxanne grins, sticking her head into his lab. she can’t help but be impressed whenever she walks into hiro’s lab, between the impressive display of robotics spread across his workbench and the mere fact that he has this place all to his own. walking up behind him, she wraps her arms around his waist, leaning up on her toes to press a kiss against his cheek. “brought you some coffee,” she adds, unwrapping her arms from around the waist and setting the cup on one of the few empty spaces on his workbench. the coffee from the school cafeteria isn’t nearly as good as anything she could get from his aunt’s cafe, but it’s definitely better than nothing. “hey baymax,” she adds as she crossed the room to pull up a chair, now completely unfazed by the presence of the giant robot in the corner.  // @isleyschaos​
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hiro is known to often get caught up in his work. no stranger to going hours without taking a break if he’s in the zone, or (especially) if he’s stuck. it’s rare for him to ever find something that manages to stump him, breezing through things that challenge most as if it was as simple as solving for y. it’s why he likes his program at SFIT, there’s no shortage of obstacles and mental hedge mazes for him to comb his way through. doesn’t mean he likes being stuck though, no matter how exhilarating it is to finally feel like he has to work at something. head lifting up from his work bench and tools, he smiles a little when he hears roxanne’s voice. an oddly welcome distraction. hiro is known for pushing away anything or anyone who threatens to take his attention away from his work, getting grouchy when wasabi forces him out for some air or honey lemon insists he eats or aunt cass stresses that he needs to relax and come back to a problem. but he’s never annoyed or bothered when it’s roxanne. he likes to think it’s a special talent of hers, that she’s just skilled at being a calming presence always. but he knows it’s just impossible to be annoyed around someone who makes him this happy. “that’s why you’re the best, lovebug.” he smiles, turning his head to kiss the top of her head before she lets go of him and moves to sit. “hello roxanne.” baymax responds, offering the girl his patented circular wave. “you’re here early.” hiro laments, busying himself with unscrewing a panel. something could be said about how completely oblivious he is to how much time passes by as he works.
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
the lab around her quiet aside from the music blasting through the speakers, gogo focuses in on her project, the loud blast of the blowtorch in her hand oddly soothing. some might prefer the hustle and bustle of the busy robotics lab, but she much prefers the peace of working on her own, late at night after everyone else has gone home. deep in the zone, noticing movement out of the corner of her eye is enough to make her jump, not used to seeing anyone else here this late at night. turning to the figure that materialized beside her, her shoulders relax slightly as she notices the grinning figure of her best friend beside her. “what the fuck, fenton,” gogo snaps, setting aside her blowtorch and pushing her goggle on top of her head. always happy to see him, it doesn’t mean she likes anyone being able to get a reaction out of her. “has anyone ever told you that just because you can walk through walls doesn’t mean you should?” // @isleyschaos​
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danny has always had a strange relationship with labs, and more importantly, scientists. stark white floors and walls, beakers and test tubes, geniuses with thoughts running a mile a minute; all of it has always seemed so cold and uninviting. nevermind science is the very thing that destroyed his teenage life. he spends most of his adolescence avoiding his parents and their basement lab, runs away from a career he’s passionate about because it requires peak physical health and he can’t risk anyone seeing the way his DNA is altered, and he feels his body tense if he’s anywhere near the science wing of his former college. and yet, fate would deal him the unfortunate hand of having a scientist for a best friend. and, because it’s seemingly the will of whatever higher power there is that enjoys his suffering, his brief moments of free time would run into her time doing what she loved. in the beginning he hated this: coming to the lab to see her, having to hang back and try to mask the discomfort for her sake. but now, he’s so used to her and so comfortable in her space that he doesn’t even register that he risks exposing his powers anytime he decides to drop in. he also risks getting punched in the face whenever he sneaks up on her but that brings him more amusement than anxiety. “pretty sure you’ve said it a few times.” he shrugs in response to her question. it’s not the answer she wants but danny has never been anything less than grating. “is that anyway to greet your best friend, tomago? where’s the excitement, the hug, the occasional smile?”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
📱 bash & aaliyah
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[aaliyah]: apparently dean and katie slept with the same guy last week. they’re both being passive aggressive shits about it and i just want a muffin. 
[aaliyah]: mostly blackberry though
[aaliyah]: i mean i do too 
[aaliyah]: blackberry really misses his dad and wants him to come home. 
[aaliyah]: dean just said we’re couple hair goals and as much as i want to ram my foot down his fucking throat, i can’t deny that he’s right. but also...who just says that casually in conversation? fucking end me.
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[aaliyah]: the reason i scroll past the princess and the frog everytime we’re looking through disney plus is because i never want you to say you want to watch it solely because two minutes in you’d clock their accents and finally realize where i’m from
[aaliyah]: i’m such a shitty girlfriend. like truly, the absolute fucking worst. it’s not fair to you that every detail about my life is shrouded in such mystery and i can’t even tell you something as dumb as what city i was born in. but i swear it’s not because i don’t want to share things with you. i kind of want to share every moment in my life with you, but i just can’t talk about home. it’s too much. i’m sorry though. you deserve more. 
[aaliyah]: jokes aside, do you think i’m an unlikable person? the chief said it today and like i don’t really care what he thinks, he’s a fucking cop. i actually intolerable? 
[aaliyah]: i love you. there i said it. 
[aaliyah]: it’s embarassing how giddy you make me feel. stop that.
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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[aaliyah]: does wearing this stupid hat make up for the whole lakers thing yet?
What my muse saved your number as?
zaddy  👅  ���
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
honeywheat by vanjess
How many times my muse has called your this week?
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
pulling up to the house, raf shouldn’t be surprised to see a bunch of cars parked in their driveway. while part of the appeal of living in the mountains was that it made people less likely to visit their house, he knew essy didn’t see it that way. her spontaneity was without a doubt one of the things he loved the most about her, and most days he was on board. having their garage turned into a bright pink roller rink or the top floor of their house turned into a sanctuary for the woodland creatures she was constantly trying to save were sources of endless amusement for him, and he’s always down for a new adventure. but after a long day in the studio re-recording guitar tracks, a bunch of people in his house is the last thing he wants to see. pushing through the crowd of people in his home, seeing more faces he doesn’t recognize than ones he actually does, he finally finds his girlfriend surrounded by a crowd in the kitchen. “hey baby,” raf smiles softly, putting on a smile as he rests a hand on her hip, steering her away from the group. “so what the fuck is this?” // @isleyschaos​
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essy really outdid herself on this one. transforming their home to fit the theme of whatever party she had her heart set on was nothing new to her. with the resources and drive that she had on her side, she could put together anything in a matter of hours. but looking around at the assorted marine themed snacks and sea green balloons and decorations, she couldn’t help but be a little proud at how well this one had turned out. essy had spent the majority of her time making sure everyone was okay and having a good time, and trying the clam shaped cookies she made (so, maybe she’s the most proud about those). bouncing from group to group and chatting people up is natural to her, and people seemed to gravitate towards her for as long as she’s lived. so she’s not at all shocked when she finds herself in the center of a conversation, retelling a story about something funny that had happened to her and her friends while on tour. her story gets cut short, however, when she sees her boyfriend approach. “raf!” she exclaims, unable to hide her excitement. him pulling her away from the crowd isn’t lost on her, and she doesn’t blame him for being confused, she’s sure she got swept up in everything and forgot to tell him. “it’s an under the sea party!” she smiles, gesturing around time the decorations. “look, i found this really cute recipe for clam cookies. they’re just wafers with frosting in between them.” she picks up one of the cookies to show him. “and i got these little seashell tiaras — oh, oh!” she grabs his hand, giving it a small squeeze as she pulls him with her, they stop in the living room where a giant coral colored seahorse balloon bobs and weaves with the clear circular ‘bubble’ balloons. “look at how cute that guy is!”
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
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aaliyah turner. through the music. 
mama who bore me; the middle child of pious and perfect pastor turner and his holier than thou wife. aaliyah had always found that she was hardly ever on the same book, yet alone same verse as her family. the turner name came with expectations in their small God fearing town in louisiana. and aaliyah felt the pressure of her mother’s sharp gaze and condescending tongue. life in that house was suffocating. yet still, aaliyah offered her heart and voice in the choir and scraped her knees every sunday praying to a power that clearly wasn’t hearing her. it was more than wanting the freedom of choice. it was looking for a mother who heard instead of screamed, a mother who protected instead of blamed. her uncle dean was lecherous stares and warm hands in unspeakable places, and at first aaliyah faulted no one but him for his touches in the dark of her bedroom. how could she blame her mother? it wasn’t like she was aware. until aaliyah finally opened up and told her, when she learned it was a pattern and feared the same would happen to her baby sister. well, mother for a woman who believed in forgiveness and what was right proved that all that appears pristine is anything but. somehow, it became aaliyah’s fault. all of it. she’d tempted her uncle, and like the tramp and harlot that she was she would be damned for it. never mind aaliyah was only a child, never mind this man was wrong. it was her blame, her cross to bear all on her own. aaliyah knows it’s silly now to think small acts of rebellion will make it all go away; but this is all she has. so the sharp tongue, the fishnet stockings and the pink hair is all she can do to reclaim some form of herself. a subtle fuck you to a woman who couldn’t care less while her daughter weeped. 
pretty bird; aaliyah was not in any way responsible for grace turner. yet, somehow, she found herself feeling as if her younger sister was her responsibility. hers to protect and guard where her mother and their older sister charity had failed aaliyah. she’d sleep in her little sister’s room whenever their uncle would stay for holidays, and was unafraid to threaten any man who came too close. grace was always oblivious to it, unaware and naive to the ways of the world and aaliyah hoped to God she could keep it that. hoped grace could know the innocence that had been robbed of her sister. hoped she knew aaliyah wouldn’t let her down the way the rest of the family would. except, aaliyah had failed grace. grace’s suicide sent aaliyah spiraling. grace was only sixteen, still a child with so much to live for -- and yet, she would never get to. suddenly, there was nothing left in louisiana for aaliyah. and so, she packed her bags and darted off to the furthest state she could think of, taking the full ride to USC and never once daring to look back. aaliyah doesn’t talk about anything in her life prior to the move, no one in her life now can even tell you what exact state she’s from just dubiously aware that she’s southern. but the one thing aaliyah is completely transparent about is grace. on her birthdays and on the anniversaries of her death aaliyah’s instagram becomes a memorial of the photos she’d taken of her sister before her passing. and even when those hard dates are far off there’s always peonies, her sister’s favorite flower, around the apartment. 
break up with your girlfriend; he was a boy and she was a girl. can i make it any more obvious? she walks into a sports bar crowded with lakers fans wearing a miami heat jersey. men stare, others grumble and mutter, a few yell. aaliyah just shrugs and revels in the chaos a simple shirt can make amongst a group of grown ass men. it’s laughable, they’re laughable. sebastian perez is one of those men, but somewhere in the night his annoyance dulls and morphs into amusement because he seems to see what she’s seeing. it’s the first step and the rest of the night is nothing but laughter and electricity. she’s not sure what possesses her to do it, but she gives him her number before she leaves and so their story begins. it’s not perfect and aaliyah doesn’t think anything worth while is, she’d spent her whole life chasing perfection. she was over it now. but when she finds out he has a girlfriend weeks into their infatuation, she tries to do the right thing. pulls back and gives bash an ultimatum. she doesn’t expect him to choose her, but she’s hopeful because God she really likes him. for once hoping works in her favor. they move in quiet silence for a while, aaliyah hyper aware that despite their own happiness another woman was hurt, and she doesn’t want to rub it in her face. that is, until she notices the same name popping up on her instagram comments. ariel is persistent, aaliyah will give her that. it’s been months since the initial start of their relationship, and the girl is still making a point to harass her online. aaliyah has tried to be the bigger person, biting her tongue and grinning through it. but aaliyah is not big, literally or figuratively. so now anytime she and her friends see ariel’s name in her comments aaliyah has no choice but to call her out on how pathetic she is. besides, aaliyah genuinely isn’t a man stealer. if bash was willing to leave ariel after three weeks of knowing someone new then aaliyah thinks bash was never that into ariel to begin with. 
pure love; aaliyah is more closed off than she probably should be; but for good reason. bash is not what she was expecting and she’s, honestly and kind of lamely, never been in love before. aaliyah runs at the first sign of affection and bash is nothing but soft kisses and reassuring squeezes. she doesn’t understand how one man can be so warm, so full of life and light and she hates every bit of how deeply she feels for him. six months is too soon to know you love someone, right? well, aaliyah knows. loving sebastian is like learning to skateboard; she’s excited and unsure of what she’s doing but so ready for anything that comes to her, even if it means maybe tumbling down a hill and scraping every inch of her body. it’s dumb. it’s disgusting how much she loves him, how much she trusts him. not that she’d ever been able to verbalize any of that. their relationship has been nothing but guessing in the dark and getting half credit on answers. she’s aware that bash deserves more than what he’s getting here, more than a girl who can’t say i love you unless it’s in a carefully curated playlist of songs. more than a girl who is too afraid of falling head first back into all her pain that she can’t even tell him a single thing about her family. but she’s trying and he’s patient, and maybe, just maybe she doesn’t deserve him. 
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
he has to bite his tongue, so tempted to ask “how are you gonna reach from all the way down there?” but he knows better. while he’s never been one to hold his tongue, blurting out every thought that comes to his mind with unabashed glee, he’s learning slowly. surely three short jokes in a row is a little too much. he laughs instead, unable to keep himself from smiling as he notices a simple kiss is enough to weaken her stony resolve. “come on, you’d love it,” he teases, knowing full well he doesn’t have the follow through to pursue comedy even if he was funny enough to have a shot. “you’d be front row at every show and might even laugh sometimes.” head cocked to the side, he looks down at her curiously, slightly concerned with who, exactly, they’ll be annoying. whoever it is, he’ll find out in a few short hours. ���of course i’m down,” bash grins, wrapping his arms around her to keep her close. “anything for you, baby.” she doesn’t necessarily need his help, perfectly capable of intimidating men twice her size all on her own, but he likes being by her side as the muscle. the regular calls from the hospital are a constant source of stress, her calm voice reassuring him that it’s no big deal doing little to quell his worries. a lousy fighter with a terrible right hook, his height is still enough to pose as some sort of intimidating presence. pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, bash raises an eyebrow as he notices a customer walking by, staring at them dubiously. “can i help you ma'am?” he calls in a loud voice as she stares, both his tone and gaze telling her to keep walking.
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“i don’t love anything, that’s one.” she corrects with a smile, pointing her index finger at him playfully. “and two, no i absolutely would not. i’d be in the back heckling you, that sounds more my style in this hypothetical scenario.” it’s hard to pretend like nothing can shake her resolve on that stance, when she’s fighting back the desire to laugh and she can’t mask the amusement in her words. but oh well, she never said she was a convincing liar when it came to him. aaliyah hums in approval at his answer, the sound enthusiastic and filled with more glee than she’s been known to showcase about pretty much anything. she doesn’t need bash to accompany her tonight, but she still kind of needs him to. the idea of him being the muscle is a bit of a joke to her, solely because she’d gotten along just fine without him all this time. she’d been yelling and punching her way though her problems for as long as she can remember, so no, she doesn’t need bash to protect her or assist her in any way. but she does desperately want his company, whether she cares to admit it or not. it’s embarrassing to want to spend so much of her time with one person, but she feels better with her hand in his and as much as she tries to fight it that hasn’t gone away. instinctively, she wraps her arms around his torso and smiles up at him when he kisses the top of her head. in the back of her mind, she’s aware this isn’t the setting for this -- it’s his place of work, the kisses and the adoring gazes can wait. but she can’t bring herself to care. not even when bash addresses some lady watching them as she shops. the correct response is to acknowledge that they’re kind of in the wrong, and apologize for distracting him and being inappropriate. the response she gives however? unsurprising and perhaps not the greatest. aaliyah rolls her eyes, taking his face in her hands and gently pulling his attention back to her. she stands up on her tip toes, reaching up so she can kiss him again, but instead of the chaste sweet kisses of before her lips move a little more fervently. 
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isleyschaos · 5 years ago
“you’re gonna fight me?” bash repeats, looking down at her with an amused grin. “i think we’ve got a stool around here for you somewhere,” he teases, pretending to look around the aisle before leaning in for one more quick kiss. she might actually fight him for that comment, but he can’t help himself. “i actually think i’m pretty funny,” bash shrugs, a hint of a smile still curled on his lips. “i was thinking of giving stand up a try. maybe a little improv?” he can’t help but push her buttons just a little, knowing her well enough by now to know both when he can test his limits and when to back off. an eyebrow raised, he looks between aaliyah and her camera bag dubiously. there’s no question that he’ll help her — she has him wrapped completely around her finger whether she knows it or not — but it doesn’t keep him from worrying. watching her stand up for what she believes in no matter who she angers is one of his favourite things about her, but it undoubtedly causes him a little stress. “we going to bug the police, or someone a little more dangerous?”
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aaliyah lets go of him, only so she can effectively glare at him, arms crossed and scowl in place. she’s not really mad, of course. and she’ll never ever admit it but she does think he’s funny, even if the jokes are at her height’s expense. “cute, don’t need a stool to kick your ass.” her stony expression softens when he kisses her again, the constant affection placating her for now. “i know as your girlfriend i’m obligated to support you, but i will not be in the audiences of these little comedy shows.” it’s a lie meant only to work in tandem with her initial annoyance with him. she does support him and would embarrassingly be his biggest fan if he misguidedly persued a career in comedy, solely because she does actually think he’s funny. never in her life has she laughed as much as she has since she met bash, and it’s both a talent of his and something that irks her sometimes because it’s hard to be irritated when all you wanna do is smile at the source of your irritation. “pfft, fuck the police.” she waves her hand dismissively. “there are more pressing and useful people for us to go bug tonight.” aaliyah can’t hide the glee in her voice as she says it, excited that he’s willing to accompany her again. strange for someone who likes to be alone as much as she does to always want bash close by, but she’s not complaining. “if you’re down that is.” she adds, because even though she knows he probably won’t say no she still has to make sure he knows he doesn’t have to come. she can piss off big scary gang dudes all on her own.
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