528 posts #irishdermotkennedyfanpage
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
Dermot chatting to @jowhiley about seeing his idol @davidgray in Hampstead Heath is ALL of us upon seeing Dermot!!! "He is the greatest" 😁 @jowhiley put it best when she says "you never know what you say to your heroes, you just end up walking away going 'oh no' " .. I'm fairly certain that's accurate. Have you cringed after meeting Dermot or any of your idols?? #dermotkennedy #radiointerview (at Ireland, Europe)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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I immediately thought of this song when I watched @dermotkennedy appreciation post tonight. It’s a very unnerving time for artists right now BUT there’s no fear of us Outgrowing our man! To be fair Dermot has kept us well entertained during lockdown, so much so we’ve been spoilt… We’re a strong fanbase and we’re definitely here for the long haul 💚💚💚 (at Ireland, Europe)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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#dktestimonialthursday So here is the first post for Testimonial Thursday, sharing our stories as to why we love Dermot Kennedy and his music. I hope you enjoy sharing in each other's joy and lifting each other through any pain. Thank you hugely to everyone who has sent me your testimonials , I'm so grateful that you shared your story. To anyone that wants to send one, you can DM me anytime. Thank you @clollis03 for starting us off with your hugely touching testimonial. (Swipe to read the rest) If you read this please show her ALL THE LOVE in the comments. Many Thanks 🙏 💚 #dermotkennedy @dermotkennedy (at USA)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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#dktestimonialthursday The first testimonial featured is from @clollis03. So grateful to her for sharing her beautiful story with us as to why @dermotkennedy music means so much to her. Please show your support in the comments 💚💚 Hi, my name is Charly Lollis and I am from Virginia, USA [maybe just USA or the Keys, not sure] and this is my Dermot Kennedy testimonial. For me, time is now broken down by B.D.K. (Before Dermot Kennedy) and A.D.K. (After Dermot Kennedy), yes my inner nerd (archaeologist) is coming out. Dermot’s music has made such an impact in my life that I am now in A.D.K. I have to thank my twin sister, Shelby, for introducing me to Dermot’s music in 2016, my life has been forever changed. I was visiting her as she had recently returned home from studying abroad in Dublin. “Glory” was the first song we listened to together. I remember thinking “Wow, who is this”? We continued to listen to the rest of Dermot’s songs on Spotify. After my trip with her, I wanted to listen to him again but couldn’t remember his name. I know what you all must be thinking, “How could she”? But after that, there was no forgetting. A.D.K time took on a whole new meaning the past few years, especially in 2017. It was the start of a year filled with immeasurable loss compounded with moving to a new city to start my MA, leaving the comfort of home and my support system. Dermot’s music was the one constant during this tumultuous time where I was struggling mentally and emotionally. Loss is a part of life and I am no stranger to it, but the loss I suffered that February has been the hardest to overcome and Dermot’s music played a huge part in getting me through. It still is! I identify so personally with Dermot’s music that it is hard to find the words that articulate what it means to me. Simply put, Dermot’s music has served as a reminder for me to keep living and to do better. So I try to live everyday as best as I can, to be more in the moment because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Time is precious! His music has reminded me to keep living and strive to do and be better. (at USA)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
Dermots cover of Bruce Springsteens 'Atlantic City' from tonight's Acoustic sofa Sessions on @bbcradio1 📷 @joaquin + music : (at BBC Radio 1)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
"I was in Toronto when I came up with this. It’s my favourite part of the song. I knew that as soon as I wrote it, and it’s my favourite part to play live now. It’s to highlight our limited time here, and the importance of love and spontaneity, in the face of passing time "- Dermot Kennedy No surprises here, as Rooted in many of Dermots songs, are reminders in different forms, of how we are here for a short time. I love to know that this is his favourite part to play live ❤ #dermotkennedy #dermotkennedylyrics #lyricsedit #lyricedit (at Ireland (country))
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
#dklyricsinirish Fellow Irish followers, Excuse the Culchie /Bogger accent 😅 Please leave your DK lyric requests fothat you'd like translated for next week, in the comments below 🙌 💚 #dermotkennedy #Irish #asgaeilge #irishlanguage #celtics #lyricsedit #songlyrics (at Ireland (country))
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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It felt really good to me [to be in a band] because I was falling in love with Bon Iver at the time, so we got to kind of be really gratuitous musically and do whatever we wanted,” Kennedy said. “It felt really nice to be part of a group instead of a solo thing. I really liked that. I love doing what I’m doing now, but I also liked to fade behind a name. … When you’re doing the solo thing … you busk by yourself, record by yourself, write by yourself. To do it as a collective really helped me as a musician, for sure.” - Dermot Kennedy Having been featuring and listening to Shadows and Dust material, I thought it might be nice to share how Dermot described feeling about being in the band. @shadowsanddustofficial 📷: @lucyfosterphoto #dermotkennedy (at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow Ireland)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
This intro deserves to be heard. And played & replayed. And turned up and shouted out in the car - (yes I do this, a lot) Its sitting on Spotify and I'd particularly love to hear it on a vinyl. I LOVE it. Thank you to @shadowsanddustofficial for this masterpiece. #dermotkennedy #dermotkennedylyrics #lyricsedit #lyricedit (at Ireland, Europe)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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"This second verse is just about a very perfect night I had at a place called Ashford Castle in Ireland. There’s this big, beautiful lake and it was just like this perfectly clear night, and we were the only ones around. That’s always just kind of stayed in my memory as this beautiful moment"... Dermot Kennedy Ashford Castle is in Cong in Co. Mayo. (Swipe for Pic) Also where one of Irelands most treasured movies "The Quiet Man" was filmed. A truly beautiful place. This line , that setting, just the two of them. So romantic ❤ #dermotkennedy ##dermotkennedylyrics (at Ashford Castle in Ireland)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
This has been on heavy rotation. I wanted to show you my 2 fav parts of the song so ive merged them here... • Love his nod to Guy Garvey (lead singer of 'Elbow') and his song 'The Night will always Win' • And "Be Strong, be strong, It wont be long".. is just sooo damn comforting! What do you love about Homely Ground? (at Ireland (country))
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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So ive been looking at these lyrics since he posted them this week... And suddenly it dawned on me.. These would fit right into Steady Rhythm Joy... right into where we currently have "Better savour every moment when it flies by".... and I was delighted with myself for finding where they fit. That is until I looked over old pictures tonight and discovered this post from Early August 🙈 (swipe) I burnt those brain cells for nothing. 😀 #dermotkennedy #newmusic #newlyrics (at Ireland, Europe)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
"There's a storm at your back my girl, And it follows you, follows you round, There's a storm at your back my girl, Won't you tell me when you're leaving town.." Please 😍.. that "Woo,hoohoo" is everything SO looking forward for what's to come from this visit. #dermotkennedy (at Jamaica)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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Dont you think he could also very easily slip into the modelling world? 📸This is another black and white stunner by @nicolenodland ... think from 2017 also. (at Ireland (country))
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
We ALL have a favourite part of this song... what's yours? I adore this line and when I hear it live it brings that lump in the throat. 🥺 I can make "You know that Feeling like your heart is going to come right out through your shirt" relate to so many life situations... What line does that for you? #dermotkennedy (at Ireland (country))
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
This version feels like a different song to me. Because its no frills and stripped back without the bells and whistles I feel it's more authentic, more believable. Im actually listening and passing attention to the lyrics, whereas with the original they kinda pass you by a bit with the fast pace.. Anyone else feeling this? 🎥:A Special lockdown session recorded for @virginradiouk 📸@nicolenodland #dermotkennedy (at Ireland, Europe)
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islandsmilesandcardigans · 4 years ago
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You're Welcome 💚 📸: for #interscoperecords By @DrewLevin (at Ireland, Europe)
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