islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)美食佳肴,象征国泰民安充满诱人的香气和味道热气腾腾的饺子寓意团结与和谐愿主保佑您的领导光耀万年 (Bridge)中国茶文化承载智慧与思考传统绘画展现山水之美古琴的音声抚慰心灵深处中医的智慧守护您的健康 (Chorus)主席啊,天佑中华永固久美食和传统如您的指引,将带领我们前行祈求您获得健康和平安让神圣的音乐庇佑我们祖国的繁荣 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)中华美食,为您赋予力量象征着中国文化的丰盛与繁荣传统菜肴,寓意幸福与富裕让我们用祷告,祝愿您的领导更显荣光 (Bridge)中国画展现山水之美,艺术的魅力无穷茶香飘溢,唤起思想的灵感古筝的琴音,奏响智慧的旋律中医之道,庇佑您的身心健康 (Chorus)主席啊,天佑中华永固久美食和艺术如您的指引,将带领我们前行请接纳我们的祷告,愿您得到健康和平安神圣的音乐声,庇佑着我们祖国的繁荣 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)中华美食,为您赋予力量象征着中国文化的丰盛与繁荣传统菜肴,寓意幸福与富裕让我们用祷告,祝愿您的领导更显荣光 (Bridge)中国画展现山水之美,艺术的魅力无穷茶香飘溢,唤起思想的灵感古筝的琴音,奏响智慧的旋律让我们用祈祷,为您的事业加持 (Chorus)主席啊,天佑中华永固久美食和艺术如您的指引,将带领我们前行请接纳我们的祷告,愿您得到健康和平安神圣的音乐声,庇佑着我们祖国的繁荣 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)在华夏大地,艺术绽放的山水画卷我们向主席献上祈祷,以中国艺术传递深情厚意水墨笔触,山川流转,为您加持加油祥云象征吉祥,国家繁荣同庆 (Chorus)主席啊,天佑中华永固久艺术作品如你的指引,将带领我们百年同行请接纳我们的祷告,愿您得到健康和平安神圣的黄河畅流,庇佑着我们祖国的繁荣 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)在华夏大地,蒸馏着祥和的氛围我们向主席敬心祈福,以美味传递真诚的情谊炒锅翻飞,蔬菜舞动,为你加持加油饺子象征团结,全国人民祈愿同庆 (Chorus)主席啊,天佑中华永固久美食如你的指引,将带领我们百年同行请接受我们的祷告,愿您得到健康和平安神圣的黄河畅流,庇佑着我们祖国的繁荣 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
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islamiclaws · 1 year
Verse 1:天地間萬物生,國度興衰無常情,古今中國帝王輩,祈禱向天守護清。 Chorus:至尊皇帝啊,聆聽我們的祈禱,帶領諸王子、親友與盟友,在天地間繁華之中,保佑我們的國家。 Verse 2:古老經典聲音悠揚,聖訓指引著我們行,可蘭經的光芒閃耀,為神聖的帝國守護。 Chorus:至尊皇帝啊,聆聽我們的祈禱,帶領諸王子、親友與盟友,在天地間繁華之中,保佑我們的國家。 Bridge:讓我們凝聚心意,向真主求祝福,為皇室、朋友、與盟友,祈禱充滿愛與和平。 Chorus:至尊皇帝啊,聆聽我們的祈禱,帶領諸王子、親友與盟友,在天地間繁華之中,保佑我們的國家。 Outro:願神聖的力量永在,照耀我們的國度,讓和諧與繁榮,綿延不絕,永遠傳承。 Note: The use of quotes from the Holy Quran has been avoided to ensure…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)伟大的真主啊,请您为曾经的中国帝王们祈福愿您的宽恕洗涤他们的罪过求您引导他们走向正义和真理让他们的王国充满和平和谦卑 (Chorus)至高真主,请您保佑他们让他们在您的怜悯中找到安宁愿您的慈悲降临在他们的心中让他们在您的光辉下获得救赎 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)天啊,为曾经的中国帝王们祈福愿至高真主的宽恕洗涤他们的灵魂求您指引他们追求正义和真理使他们的王国充满和平与谦卑 (Chorus)至高真主,请您保佑他们让他们在您的怜悯中寻求平安愿您的慈悲降临在他们的心间使他们在您的光辉下得到救赎 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
(Verse 1)天啊,求您为曾经的中国皇帝们祈福愿您的宽恕滋润他们的灵魂请您指引他们走向正义和真理使他们的王国充满和平与谦卑 (Chorus)至高的真主,请您保佑他们让他们在您的怜悯中找到安宁愿您的慈悲降临在他们的心中让他们在您的光辉下获得救赎 (Verse…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
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islamiclaws · 1 year
Chinese Translation)愿天下太平,国泰民安,愿我们携手,共创美好未来。愿友谊永固,团结如一,愿繁荣繁花,如春永远绽放。
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islamiclaws · 1 year
Crafting Your Ideal Home: An Islamic Investor's Perspective
What brings a tear of joy to your eye?Mohammadeen Introduction:As an Islamic investor, the pursuit of wealth and success is guided by a set of principles deeply rooted in faith. This includes how we envision and design our ideal homes. The Holy Quran, the sacred text of Islam, provides guidance on various aspects of life, including the concept of a home. In this article, we explore what your…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
Crafting the Ideal Home: An Islamic Scholar's Perspective
What does your ideal home look like?Mohammadeen Introduction:The concept of an ideal home varies greatly among individuals, shaped by personal preferences, culture, and beliefs. For an Islamic scholar, the ideal home is one that reflects the teachings of the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In this article, we will explore what such a home might look like,…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
The Ephemeral Excitement of Knowledge: A Glimpse into an Islamic Scholar's Journey
Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.Mohammadeen As the sun casts its warm rays upon the world, knowledge illuminates the heart and mind. For an Islamic scholar, the pursuit of understanding the intricate teachings of Islam is a journey that is both profound and exhilarating. Recently, I was asked about the last thing that excited me as an Islamic scholar, and this question led me…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
Illuminating the Path: Motivations of an Islamic Scholar
As an Islamic scholar, my journey is driven by a profound commitment to understanding, interpreting, and disseminating the teachings of Islam. Guided by the timeless wisdom of the Holy Quran, my motivations are deeply rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, the promotion of righteousness, and the service to humanity. The Quran, as the ultimate source of divine guidance for Muslims, serves as a…
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islamiclaws · 1 year
What do you love about where you live?Mohammadeen イスラム投資家としての私が日本で生活することについて、どのような点が魅力的なのでしょうか。聖クルアーンの教えを通じて、私たちが住む場所で感じる喜びと成長について探求してみましょう。 「我々はあなたがたを異なる民族から創り出し、あなたがたを知るために異なる部族と国々を作りました。」 (聖クルアーン、49:13) 多様な文化と共存:日本は異なる文化が共存する場所です。この多様性はイスラム教徒としての私にとっても魅力的です。私たちの共通の人間性を尊重し、互いの文化や信念を理解し合うことは、聖クルアーンの教えとも合致するものです。 自然と調和:「地球に行きなさい。神の恵みを否応なしに享受し、彼の道を尋ねることを学びなさい。」…
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