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isasoumas · 5 years ago
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isasoumas · 5 years ago
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you can draw them with whatever hair you like! generally it gets longer the later in the series you are (thats my peter headcanon snuck in up there but you can draw him however you want lmao)
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isasoumas · 5 years ago
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isasoumas · 5 years ago
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isasoumas · 8 years ago
1.) Does your Five speak? If not, why not? nope! they cannot. they got in a car crash a year or two pre-apocalypse and (makes vague hand motions and mumbles something about smoke damage to vocal chords) no voice. im not a doctor. they know asl (bc theyre from america), they started learning it to entertain themselves while bedridden. sam picks it up after ‘a voice in the dark’ bc “were friends now, we should be able to talk!” idk how different asl and bsl are or if they’d be able to find resources on asl in england i haven’t thought that deeply about it but it’s probably fine. adrien gets by through a combination of signing to their close friends who have learned it, whispering, writing notes, and complicated games of charades, depending on the situation. its a whole system. 2.) Who are your Five’s best friends? (rolls out a mile long sheet of paper) ok so. sam, because duh, they support each other through everything. simon’s their partner in crime; the devil on their shoulder to sam’s angel. adrien’s really close to maxine, too, and paula increasingly after s3. they have a huge amount of respect for janine, but dont consider her a “friend” until s4 or so. sara’s a hugely important mentor and source of inspiration. they weren’t rly friends with jaimie bc he wasn’t around abel long, but they wanted to be. jody’s a good pal, too. and they really like tom and want to make up for, like, everything that happened to him in s4 and before. i could do this all fuckin day honestly but i don’t think i’m missing anyone major so i’ll stop. the actual Best Friends Tier is probably sam, simon, sara, maxine. 3.) Does your Five have any love interests? 5amon ride or fucking die. obvi their current relationship w simon is. complicated but i think it could be repaired. they def still care about him. and i don’t need to qualify 5am like Come On. 4.) Who does your Five not hang out with outside of work? there’s not many people they outright dislike. they’re a forgiving person to a fault lmao. like. sam does something to mess with them in d&d and adrien won’t speak to him for a week, but someone tries to kill them? i mean they had their reasons, i’m sure. actually the only big one i can think of is the major? not that they don’t respect her, but her mentality of treating people as soldiers and resources instead of people doesn’t sit right with them. they know its /necessary/ but that doesn’t mean they /like/ it. 5.) What kind of hairstyle does your Five sport? just kinda. short n’ layered. black, they’re a good portion native american. probably chippewa, mid-michigan. they let it grow out until it falls in their eyes too much or until they start putting it in tiny ugly ponytails and someone steps in. naga and i outlined a whole fiasco of them asking simon to cut it once and him giving them a bowl cut. it earns him the silent treatment for weeks and no one without a medical license is allowed to cut adrien’s hair ever again. 6.) What is your Five’s relationship to Abel D&D night? they’re super into it. they play an elven rouge who hates everything except money and his friends. this is also one of the situations where they unashamedly like. bang on the table or sth when they have an Idea that Must Be Heard. 7.) What’s one wacky headcanon about Abel? THIS IS REALLY HARD im kind of stealing nagas answer but i just have a bunch of little things about what they get up to as people trying to keep joy alive in the apocalypse. goofy holiday parties and meme wars on rofflenet. this is less wacky but i really like the idea that runners just Get each other in a way other people at abel don’t. like they have symbols and things they leave in the field, they have certain sensitive topics they never bring up, without discussion, they sit on each others bunks whispering their hopes and fears until they ‘accidentally’ fall asleep on each other. no one questions it or teases. sometimes you just don’t want to spend the night alone in the dark. that wasn’t wacky that was emo and gay. 8.) What’s one wacky headcanon about your Five? dang this is hard, too. um. they use signing to gossip a lot. for a while sam’s the only one who knows it and they can talk shit literally behind janine’s back. she she starts catching onto words like “hardass” and “strict” and they start making up codes until they’re signing shit like “the beaver jumped over the fence again, can you believe it?” simon only starts learning because he’s pretty sure they’re openly mocking him. (they are.) 9.) How did your Five end up at Mullins base? good question my dude. um. they’re american, they were taking their last semester of college abroad when the apocalypse hit. maybe their university advised them to do there? maybe they just ran for the nearest place that sounded defensible? don’t worry about it. 10.) What doesn’t your Five miss about the pre-apocalypse world? cars. their accident left them with a huge fear of them. they can’t drive, they can only really ride in a car if they’re reading or on their phone or somehow distracting themselves from ever looking out the window. walking everywhere being a necessity and not a weird quirk is a blessing. and just the volume of people? they have a Thing about being talked over or drowned out because they were a really passive kid, and just when they started finding their metaphorical voice as a person, they lost their literal voice. in the apocalypse there’s just less people to talk to at a time. its a lot easier to snap their fingers or sth and be like “hey, you interrupted me.”
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