isamukalimoew · 4 months
Cry Baby!!
The air hung thick with the scent of rain and sugar, a strange concoction that mirrored Melanie Martinez's own duality. She stood backstage, bathed in the soft glow of the stage lights, her crimson lips a stark contrast to the pale, porcelain skin. Her eyes, the color of storm clouds, scanned the swirling masses in the audience. It wasn't just the fans she saw, but a kaleidoscope of stories, each face a whispered secret waiting to be unveiled.
Tonight, she wasn't just Melanie. Tonight, she was a storyteller, a weaver of dreams and nightmares. Her stage, a canvas painted with shadows and light, was her playground. The music, her words, her every move, a symphony of emotions, raw and unfiltered.
The opening chords of 'Cry Baby' filled the air, sending a shiver down the spines of the audience. As she stepped onto the stage, the crowd erupted, a maelstrom of cheers and screams. It was a familiar feeling, yet a constant source of wonder. This was her kingdom, her haven, a space where she could be both vulnerable and powerful, both delicate and fierce.
Melanie poured her soul into each song. 'Dollhouse' was a hauntingly beautiful depiction of a broken family, its melody a melancholic lullaby. 'Sippy Cup' a playful yet sinister exploration of childish rebellion, a whimsical dance with darkness. 'Pity Party' a raw, cathartic release of sorrow, an anthem for the heartbroken.
With each song, she peeled back the layers of her own being, sharing stories of love and loss, of innocence and pain. The audience, hypnotized by her voice, her movements, her words, felt a connection, a kinship with the girl on stage, who dared to be vulnerable, who dared to be different.
The night culminated with 'Soap' a theatrical masterpiece. Melanie, adorned in a shimmering white dress, stood center stage, her voice echoing through the venue. As she sang, the stage transformed into a tableau of emotions, reflecting the tumultuous journey of a woman grappling with love, betrayal, and ultimately, self-discovery.
As the final notes faded, the crowd erupted in a thunderous applause. Melanie, bathed in the spotlight, looked out at the faces, brimming with awe and admiration. She had shared her heart, her soul, and in return, she had received a wave of love and acceptance.
She knew, as she took a final bow, that this was more than just a concert. This was a shared experience, a moment of connection between an artist and her audience, a testament to the power of vulnerability and the beauty of shared stories.
For Melanie Martinez, the stage wasn't just a platform, it was a mirror, reflecting the complexities of human emotions, the darkness and the light, the pain and the joy. And as she left the stage, she knew, with a certainty that warmed her soul, that the stories would continue, both on stage and off, echoing through the lives of those who had dared to listen.
Word count;487
I wrote this story like a month ago so I don't really know what what it's about. Like I wrote all these stories a long time ago and I'm just now posting them cuz I forgot to post them but now they're posted. So get to reading!!
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isamukalimoew · 4 months
This story contains; Sanegiyuu angst, some kanae X sanemi,(idk how to spell the ship in its smaller broken for idk what you call it)and sanegiyuu!
## Part One: The Wind and the Water
The scent of rain and lilies hung heavy in the air, the soft patter against the rooftop a lullaby for the two figures huddled together. Sanemi, his usual brashness tempered by the gentle light of a setting sun, held Giyuu close, the water pillar’s hand resting lightly on his back.
They'd been together for a year, a year of quiet understanding and stolen moments. Giyuu, always stoic and reserved, had found a comfort in Sanemi's boisterous energy, a warmth that melted the frost around his heart. Sanemi, in turn, had found a grounding peace in Giyuu's unwavering presence, a safe haven from the storms raging within him.
Their love wasn't flashy, it was a quiet symphony of shared silences, unspoken emotions, and rare, fiercely protective moments. They were two sides of a coin, the wind and the water, clashing and harmonizing in a dance of their own.
Then Kanae arrived, a breath of sunshine and gentle laughter, her warmth a stark contrast to Sanemi's usual fiery demeanor. She saw something in him, something that Giyuu, in his quiet intensity, couldn't quite reach. They were drawn to each other like moths to a flame, a forbidden dance fueled by stolen glances and whispered secrets.
Sanemi, torn between the calming presence of Giyuu and the exhilarating pull of Kanae, made a choice. A choice born from a desire for something new, for a spark to rekindle the fading embers within him. He fell, not for Kanae's gentle kindness, but for the fleeting thrill of the forbidden, a betrayal of his love for Giyuu.
The first hint of their affair was a crimson rose left on Giyuu's doorstep, a silent declaration of a love that was no more. Giyuu, always attuned to subtle nuances, recognized the scent, the scent of Kanae's garden. His heart, usually a still pond, churned with a bitter tide of betrayal.
The storm came in the form of a furious Sanemi, his voice choked with guilt and rage, his words a whirlwind of apologies and accusations. He tried to explain, to justify, but his words were lost in the tempest of Giyuu's quiet fury.
Giyuu, the water pillar, who could hold back the raging torrent of a demon's blood, found himself unable to stem the tide of emotions that threatened to drown him. He told Sanemi to leave, his voice a whisper that echoed in the silent room, the weight of unspoken words heavier than any demon's curse.
The wind blew out, leaving behind a cold, desolate emptiness.
## Part Two: Echoes of a Broken Vow
Days bled into weeks, weeks into months. Giyuu, a ghost in his own life, moved through the world with a numb detachment. He avoided Sanemi, the pain of their fractured love a constant ache in his chest.
One day, he ran into Kanae at a butterfly estate, her smile as bright as ever, but it flickered when she saw the emptiness in his eyes. The memory of Sanemi's betrayal hung heavy between them, a silent accusation in the air.
'I’m sorry,' Kanae offered, her voice laced with an unspoken guilt. 'He’s…not himself. He’s lost.”
Giyuu's heart, numbed by the pain, felt a flicker of recognition. He knew the turmoil that Sanemi carried within, he knew the desperation to find a spark in the darkness.
'He's made his choice,' Giyuu stated, his voice raspy with disuse. 'Let him go.'
But Kanae, her eyes filled with a strange mix of regret and a calculated hope, insisted, 'He needs you, Giyuu. He's hurting. He still loves you.”
A part of Giyuu, the part that still held the embers of their love, wanted to believe her. But the memory of the crimson rose, the betrayal etched on Sanemi's face, held him back.
He left Kanae, the silence between them a stark contrast to their usual chatter. As he walked away, he knew that their relationship, like the flower in their garden, had withered and died. He had to accept that their love, like the wind, was fickle, unpredictable, and ultimately, fleeting.
But Kanae, driven by a possessive love and a naive hope, continued to weave her web. She showered Sanemi with attention and kindness, the warmth of her affection a tempting antidote to the cold loneliness he carried within.
She told him about their encounter with Giyuu, portraying herself as the wounded party, the one who had tried to bridge the gap between them. The seeds of guilt and regret she sowed in his heart started to sprout, growing into a desire to mend what he had broken.
The wind, always restless and prone to change, had found a new direction. But the water, once a placid lake, now flowed with a current of bitterness, a silent reminder of the betrayal that had stained their love.
The story of the wind and the water wasn't over. Their paths were intertwined, their lives forever marked by the echoes of a love that had blossomed into a storm, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and a bittersweet longing for a past that could never be reclaimed.
Word count;843
This was kinda a remake of the other sanegiyuu angst thing I made but a bit better!
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isamukalimoew · 4 months
The wind whipped through the bamboo forest, carrying the scent of rain and the soft murmur of a nearby stream. Sanemi and Giyuu, their backs against a towering bamboo stalk, were silent, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The gentle breeze carried the weight of unspoken words between them, the silence heavy with unspoken love.
Their relationship was a strange symphony of contrasts. Sanemi, the boisterous, fiery Wind Hashira, and Giyuu, the stoic, calm Water Hashira, were an unlikely pair. Yet, their differences seemed to draw them closer. Sanemi found solace in Giyuu's tranquility, a balm to his own fiery spirit, while Giyuu discovered a warmth in Sanemi's boisterous nature, a spark in his otherwise muted life.
Their love was a quiet, unspoken understanding, a connection forged in shared battles and sleepless nights. Over time, their affection evolved into something deeper, a silent acknowledgment of a love that blossomed in the face of death and despair.
But their sanctuary was fragile. The Demon Slayer Corps was a relentless battlefield, and the constant threat of demons fueled Sanemi's recklessness. He sought solace in fleeting moments of pleasure, seeking a release from the weight of his life. It was a dangerous dance, a path he walked with a blind faith in his own control.
Then came Kanae Kocho, the gentle and radiant Flower Hashira, a radiant beacon in the grim world of demon slaying. Her warmth and kindness were a siren call, a tempting escape from the silent intensity of his love for Giyuu. One night, under the watchful gaze of the moon, he crossed the line, a momentary lapse in judgement that shattered the fragile peace of their relationship.
Giyuu, ever perceptive, felt the shift in Sanemi. He noticed the subtle changes in his lover's demeanor, the lingering scent of cherry blossoms on his skin, the stolen glances at Kanae that spoke of a betrayal he couldn't comprehend. The truth, when it finally revealed itself, hit him like a physical blow.
The world around them blurred, the sounds of the forest replaced by the deafening roar of his own broken heart. The silent understanding, the unspoken promise, shattered into a thousand pieces. The pain of betrayal was a jagged shard in his chest, a constant reminder of the love he'd lost.
Sanemi, consumed by the guilt of his actions, tried to salvage what remained. But the damage was irreparable. The trust, the fragile bond, had been broken beyond repair. Giyuu, with his stoic heart, retreated into himself, his silence echoing the emptiness he felt.
The remaining years were a stark contrast to the love they’d shared. The warmth of their relationship, the silent understanding, now echoed in the hollow silence of their shared existence. They fought side by side, but the distance between them grew even wider with each passing day, a stark reminder of the love they’d lost, a silent tragedy etched in the hearts of two Demon Slayers. The fight against demons continued, but the battle they fought within themselves was far more devastating, a constant reminder of the love lost and the scars it left behind.
Word count:518
And I kind of got lazy for this one so expect to be bad for some!
And if you have hate comments, I have words for you; waste of time!
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isamukalimoew · 4 months
I'm back y'all... But I saw this meme and wanted to do it and my brother forced me to anyways....
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Ur tittle is so real. Big booty latinas 4ever🗣️🗣️
Omg nobody's ever understood me and so real!!
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
I drew Misturi!! AND IM NOT GONNA COLOR BC I SUCK AT IT. I suck bc I just don't like it and bc I never really put effort into it.
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And it's old art that's why it's a bit smudge and etc! Bc I mostly draw on Roblox now so...
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
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Here's another Fundamental paper education drawing it's ZIP!!
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
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I wasn't sure if I was gonna post my art "ART" but I did it I drew Oliver
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Short story about sanegiyuu or giyusane it's mostly just the ship because it's... Idk how to explain just read l.
Title: "Unspoken Bonds"
In the quiet moments between battles, Sanemi and Giyuu found solace in each other's company. Their bond, forged through shared experiences and mutual respect, grew stronger with each passing day.
Though they rarely spoke of their feelings, there was an unspoken understanding between them. It was in the way Sanemi would stand protectively beside Giyuu, his gaze fierce yet tender. And in the way Giyuu would offer a small, barely perceptible smile in response, his eyes reflecting gratitude and affection.
As they traveled together, facing demons and overcoming trials, their connection deepened. In the stillness of the night, beneath a canopy of stars, they would find themselves drawn together, seeking comfort and warmth in each other's arms.
It was a love that dared not speak its name, whispered only in the quiet moments when the world faded away and all that mattered was the beating of their hearts in sync.
And though their journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the silent strength of their love.
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Sorry the sound is bad it's due to the copy right and etc!
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Paragraph 1:
In the bustling world of demon slayers, Sanemi Shinazugawa was renowned for his fiery temperament and fierce dedication to his duty. Despite his rough exterior, no one could deny his skill in combat, and he was respected by many. However, everything changed when he met Giyuu, a quiet and stoic boy who seemed unaffected by the chaos around him. As they worked together as Hashira for the corp, Sanemi found himself drawn to Giyuu's calm demeanor and quiet strength. Over time, their bond grew into something deeper, igniting a passionate love that neither had expected. Amidst their dangerous missions and battles against demons, their love blossomed, showing them both that even in a world filled with darkness, there could be a glimmer of light and hope.
Paragraph 2:
As their relationship deepened, Sanemi and Giyuu faced new challenges and obstacles that tested their love and dedication to each other. Their contrasting personalities often clashed, with Sanemi's hot-headedness contrasting with Giyuu's calm demeanor. However, they learned to complement each other's strengths in battle and in their personal lives. Their bond with their fellow Hashira grew stronger as they continued to fight side by side, earning them both the respect and admiration of their peers. Through it all, their love remained unwavering, a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness and danger. And as they faced each new day together, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything that stood in their way.
Paragraph 3:
As the sun began to set over the horizon after a long and grueling battle, Sanemi and Giyuu found themselves alone amidst the quiet of the forest. The tension between them was palpable, the air heavy with unsaid words and unspoken desires. Finally, unable to resist any longer, Sanemi closed the distance between them and gently cupped Giyuu's face in his hands. With a mixture of hesitation and longing, their lips met in a soft and tender kiss, a silent promise of their love and devotion to each other. In that moment, surrounded by the whispers of the wind and the rustling of the leaves, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, their love eternal. And as they pulled away, their eyes met, conveying a world of emotions that needed no words to be understood. With a smile, they embraced each other, their hearts beating as one, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in love and unbreakable in spirit.
Paragraph 4:
The two men decided to take their relationship to the next level by getting married. Surrounded by their families and friends, they exchanged vows and rings, celebrating their love and commitment to each other. The wedding was a beautiful and joyous occasion, as they embraced their identities as a happily married gay couple, paving the way for a future filled with love and acceptance.
Paragraph 5:
Filled with happiness and love, the two men shared countless kisses, each one more passionate and meaningful than the last. Their hearts overflowing with joy, they couldn't help but express onover, expressing their deep connection and appreciation for each other. With every kiss, they affirmed their love and commitment, revel blissfully in the beauty of their relationship.
Paragraph 6:
The two men snuggled up on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling content and at peace. They shared whispered words of affection, tracing gentle fingers along each other's skin, basking in the warmth of their love. With soft kisses and playful smiles, they enjoyed the simple yet profound intimacy of being together, finding solace in the comfort of their bond. Their playful banter and shared laughter filled the room, a reminder of the deep connection that only grew stronger with each passing moment.
Paragraph 7:
They awoke entangled in each other's embrace, the soft morning light illuminating their peaceful faces. As they stretched and yawned, their fingers intertwined and they exchanged knowing smiles, feeling a sense of contentment wash over them. The night spent together had deepened their connection even further, and they knew that their bond was something special. With a shared glance of love and gratitude, they embraced the new day and the promise it held for their relationship.
Paragraph 8:
As the sun set on the last page of their story, the two men sat on a cozy porch swing, watching the world go by in peaceful solitude. With a shared laugh and a knowing glance, they marveled at the simple beauty of their love, knowing that they had found a home and safe haven in each other's arms. As they leaned in for a tender kiss, the world faded away, leaving only the gentle sound of their laughter and the unbreakable bond that held them together, forever and always. And in that moment, they knew that happiness had found them in each other, and that their love story would never truly end.
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Here's an clip of my motion thingy whatever you wanna call it....
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isamukalimoew · 5 months
Here's the clip!
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