10 Commandments
I: I will love myself, as well as respect my wants and needs.
It is very important to love yourself before you can love others.
“Whoever gets sense loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding will discover good” (Proverbs 19:8).
II: I will honor my mother and father.
I think it is important to recognize how much we owe our parents. They have looked out for us from the moment we were born on this earth so I think they deserve to be treated with honor and respect.
“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord” (Colossians 3:20).
III: I will be loyal to all those that I surround myself with.
Being loyal to friends, family, and significant others, is an important trait in my opinion. It gives an individual credibility and reliability.
“Peter answered him, ‘Though they all fall away because of you, I will not fall away.’” (Matthew 26:33).
IV: I will stand up for those who are too weak to stand up for themselves.
When someone is not strong enough to fend for themselves, I think that standing up for someone who truly needs it is a very kind deed.
“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9).
V: I will work to achieve what I want in life.
I think that everyone in life has the potential to be someone great or do something great as long as they believe in themselves. I promise to achieve my dreams and goals because I believe I can have a big impact on the world.
“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (2 Chronicles 15:7).
VI: I will strive to have only positive impacts on the people I associate with as well as the world.
Personally, I hate drama and any uncomfortable or negative relationships with others, so I hope that for the most part I only have a positive effect on people.
“The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil” (Matthew 12:35).
VII: I will show thanks and appreciation for all of the opportunities I have been given.
I think showing that you are grateful for the things people do for you makes you much more of a happy person. Being appreciative demonstrates to people that you care about the things they do for you.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).
VIII: I will sacrifice my happiness for the people I really love and care for.
If/when I get married or partner with someone for the rest of my life and have kids, I know that I will sacrifice much of my time, energy, money, and overall happiness to make sure my family is happy.
“And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2).
IX: I will allow myself to trust people, but at the same time will not be destroyed if these individuals happen to let me down.
Trusting others can be hard but in order to survive and thrive, we must let people in. Even if we end up getting hurt, it is important to remember that you are not alone and there are always more people in the world to meet. I promise to try not to let trust get in the way of any relationships I form.
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Psalm 56:3)
X: I will love.
Of all things, it is most important to love everything. I will love myself, my friends, my family, people, animals, the world, etc. Love is what makes the world go round so why not continue the cycle?
“Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10).
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Bio: Melinda Bryan was born in Hartford, Connecticut, 1965. She grew up in a small town called Wethersfield until she moved to Philadelphia for college. After she graduated in 1987, she moved to California to begin her career as a physical therapist. She is now a wife and a mother of three and continues her physical therapy and Pilates business in the heart of LA, while in pursuit of her doctorate degree.
1. How do you define happiness and how would you relate it to success?
“Happiness is being on vacation with my family. It’s reading a good book and having no cares in the world. It is being in my business doing what I love to do and what I’m passionate about doing and that’s helping people. Happiness is being with my family…at home. Success and happiness come together as my family is successful and productive in their accomplishments.”
2. How has your attitude toward happiness/success evolved?
“If I relate it to my business, early on I was always happy doing what I was doing and talking to people about what I did and I was excited about that, so I think that excitement turned into a successful business practice. I think businesses and careers are always evolving. Sometimes they plateau, but overall you’re progressive in some ways so that you’re developing and changing and growing and you’re learning more…It’s the same in family. We evolve in our family relationships and family and happiness and relationships all tie in together.”
3. What was one of the most notable conflicts that inhibited you from attaining your happiness?
My mom said that one of the most notable conflicts that inhibited her happiness was a business experience when she was forced to move to a new location after 16 years. It was a challenging experience and really concerned her about the future of the business and her family’s well-being as well as the care of her patients. “The uncertainty affected my happiness.”
4. Was there ever anything that you mistook for happiness?
Melinda talked about a big house that she lived in that was overshadowed by all of its responsibilities. But soon, it became a burden and the happiness for the house faded.
5. How do you balance your time? How do you juggle family and/or career?
My mom claims that she does not balance her time. That is a difficult task for her. She is constantly attempting to improve the balance in her life between her family responsibility and her business responsibilities, and also make time for herself.
6. What plays the biggest role in your happiness and why?
“I would say that my children’s accomplishments are one of the greatest roles in defining my happiness because their success is my success and I appreciate the happiness that they experience. I’m happy when my husband is successful in his accomplishments and also when I’m successful in making my patients feel better.”
7. What was important to you when you were my age? Were you motivated? Did you have direction?
“I was extremely motivated to go to college and be a dancer. I felt that I was clear in the direction of study that I was pursuing and confident that if I left home to go to college, I would be happy being more independent and starting an individual life with less dependence on my parents.”
8. Around what age or phase in your life would you describe as your defining decade?
“Ages 30-40. I got married, had kids, and had a thriving business. I was an energetic mom, I had more people and relationships in my life, and somehow had more time to take vacations and visit family.”
9. Are you able to give back through the career that you chose? How have you been able to serve others?
“I mentor physical therapy students and I offer advice and service to all my patients on a daily basis. So I am constantly teaching, healing, and motivating people to get well, stay fit, and to prevent illness. I spend a lot of time helping other people – my family, my patients.”
10. Do you have any regrets from your journey of trying to attain happiness and/or success? If so, what are they and how would you deal with them today if you had the chance to amend these mistakes?
“Any regrets? It’s hard to say. I don’t have any regrets I don’t think. You learn from all of your experiences because life is constantly evolving. Maybe if I had made another choice I would have gone down a different path but I think I wouldn’t have changed anything. Everything that happens is meant to happen. God guides us and protects us and we find our way.”
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What is Love ? by Isabelle Bryan
Love is something we should cherish;
We must remember not to ever let it perish.
Love is a risk worth taking,
And can often cause heartbreaking.
But it all begins with romance –
Where we might feel like we’re living in a trance.
But soon enough, dream meets reality,
And we see the flaws in our partner’s personality.
The next phase is reaction:
We might lash out at one another, becoming split by faction.
And of course there’s resistance,
When the only thing a couple can agree on is getting some distance.
But fortunately, we have the opportunity for reflection.
We can think about the past, present, and future phases of our affection.
Hopefully we reach the stage of renewal.
It guarantees the reconnection of any dual!
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They are aware of their role in building a more just and peaceful world:
They are able to follow an argument and understand another’s point of view as well as how to judge prudently, and to choose responsibly to create a better world.
The future is near. I cannot wait for what lies ahead. The long awaited day of graduation is forthcoming and I couldn’t be more scared and excited at the same time. It is crazy to think that after seven years, I am going to be starting a new chapter in my life as a college student. Nine more days of school sounds impossible! I look forward to throwing my cap in the air and spending these last days with the people I’ve been growing up with. It’s going to be great.
After graduating college – Boston University to be exact – I hope to begin my career as a filmmaker. While I know that I am interested in the making of movies and creative stories, I do not know if I want to go down the path of a traditional filmmaker. What excites me most is traveling the world capturing various cultures and people of different races, religions, and ethnicities. I think I would enjoy creating documentaries or helping promote charities and organizations through my films. I’m not quite sure, but I do know that I want to be famous and successful in whatever I do.
Because of this Christian Vocations class, I have decided that I will choose the vocation of the married life because I want my family line to continue. Sometimes I still question whether or not I want to be with one person for the rest of my life, but I think by the time I graduate and experience more things, I will realize that is exactly what I want to do. I hope to meet someone special that is the most ideal person and best friend a girl could ask for. I’m excited and scared to meet my future partner because the possibilities are endless. Nevertheless, married life is definitely something I hope to experience later on in life!
As mentioned briefly before, I really want to travel the world and go to as many places as I can to find out about the world I live in and the people I’m surrounded by. I think traveling is a beautiful thing and something that everyone should take advantage of if they are presented with the opportunity. Upon getting accepted to Boston University, I found out that I had been admitted to the Boston-London CGS Program which is essentially a program at BU that begins in January of 2018. Over the summer, I get to study abroad in London. Seems as though many of my dreams so far are coming true!
Lastly, while this isn’t necessarily a topic I’m ready to discuss, I can summarize it briefly. I would eventually like to have kids (I’m thinking about 4). I think having kids is the ultimate test of selflessness, care, and service. When someone gives birth to another being, they are responsible to take care of that little girl or boy and doing whatever it is the baby needs in order to insure that they are healthy and happy. I hope to be a selfless and kind mother for my kids one day!
All things considered, while it is a bit difficult to confront the future face to face, it is important to acknowledge that the future is happening now. We are all getting ready to go to college and find ourselves and our paths in life. It is a special time. I hope to be a successful and kind person that the whole world remembers. I plan to use my gifts and talents to make people happy. Lastly I hope to eventually form a family with someone I love and cherish. The future is going to be beautiful.
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Adaptation and Change – Develop critical thinking skills in the search for truths.
According to my timeline, the first event I recorded was my first day of senior year on August 10, 2016. This was a significant day for me because it was the beginning of a soon-to-come ending. I think so far, senior year has lived up to my expectations. I’ve undergone so many new experiences, both good and bad, and am happy with the new knowledge I have gained in just this year. It is actually pretty crazy how fast the year has gone. It’s almost over and I know, no doubt, that leaving Chaminade will be a bitter-sweet experience. I’ve grown up and developed as an individual with all of my classmates for the past 8 years at this school (since I attended the middle school as well) and I don’t think it has fully hit me yet. But I am also ready for college and what awaits me in the future…
My second event occurred over the span of a few months (September 2016 – January 2017). This event was the process of college applications. It was definitely the most time-consuming and challenging event of my senior year. It’s crazy to think that I will be choosing a place to be at for the next four years, studying my passion of filmmaking. I have so many doubts: What if I don’t want to do film anymore? What if I don’t like my college? What if I don’t make any new friends or networking connections? However, I also have many hopes about my awaiting college experience. I am ready and excited to embark on a new segment of my life. College is literally a new chapter in my life. It is what I have been preparing for, for the last several years. It is time to grow up, move on, and discover what I am going to do with my life. And I can’t wait!
Thirdly, was a very significant event of senior year – KAIROS! Hands down, this was one of the most impactful times in my life. I learned more about myself and the people around me than I’ve ever known before. It was eye-opening to experience so many different emotions in just the span of 4 days. If I hadn’t gone on Kairos, I don’t think I would be the person I am today because before leaving for this experience, I wasn’t aware that I could feel as much love and connection as I did. I branched out, met new people, and became more closely bonded to people I didn’t ever really know. It made me realize how much I love life and living and people. I think Kairos is something everyone should go on if they have the opportunity. It will no doubt alter your way of thinking and enhance your life. I am happy that I went on this retreat.
The next phase is something that will be ending very soon, specifically on March 30th. It is the process of hearing back from colleges. This is so exciting and nerve-wracking and scary all at the same time. So far, I have gotten into the University of Colorado Denver, Boston University, San Diego State University, San Francisco State University, and Emerson College. I didn’t receive admission to LMU, or my dream school, USC. I was initially sad about it, but I quickly got over it because if it didn’t happen, it was for a reason. I am waiting to hear back from NYU, my second choice school on March 30th. I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Even if I don’t get in, I will be happy with the choices I have! I think I’ve done a great job with my applications and results. I can’t wait for whatever decision I choose.
The last big event that I am looking forward to is graduation on May 26th. While it is just a tradition and something that only lasts a few hours, these last few hours represent my past 8 years of education as a whole. I have worked for this moment and it is finally going to happen. I will be sad to leave this amazing school, but extremely excited for what the future holds. Before graduation, I am excited for the senior events like Prom (this Saturday!), Senior Grad Night, Senior Breakfast, Senior Sunset, and the Water Fight and the list goes on. I would just like to thank Chaminade for the experiences it has provided me with, the friends it has given me, the connections I have made, and the future that it has granted me with. This is my time and I know that I am going to be the successful and inspiring human that I want to be in this world.
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Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
According to my timeline, the first event I recorded was my day of birth: October 14, 1998. This was the day that I chose to become a part of the world. It was also the day my Grandma Pearl was born, and it even happened to be the same day that my parent’s chose to get married on a yacht (aka it is their anniversary)! This day is what makes me an 18 year-old individual today. I am beginning my journey to become a college student and study my passion of filmmaking. I am so excited for what awaits.
The second event on my timeline is my brother’s birthday on October 20 of the year 2002. While I was still pretty young and don’t remember all the details of this event. I remember the day being very significant because I became a big sister. It was no longer just my older sister, Briana, and me, but now we had a little baby brother to take care of. Sometimes I get annoyed with my brother when he messes with me and tries to get on my nerves, but I always think that without him, I wouldn’t be who I am today. My brother is a special human being and if he wasn’t born on October 20 of 2002, I don’t think I would be the same.
Thirdly on my timeline was when I moved houses from Encino to West Hills in May of 2013. I have moved multiple times so it wasn’t a new experience to me. However, it happened closely after my 8th Grade Graduation and it was still a big deal. I was kind of nervous about moving, but also excited! Plus I was going to be much closer to my high school for the next four years – Chaminade High School. Even better is the fact that I am literally one block away from one of my best friends since middle school. The move wasn’t so bad after all. Looking at the amount of times I’ve moved houses, I think I’ve decided that I actually enjoy moving. I don’t like to stay in one place for too long. In a sense, I guess I’m kind of like a nomad. As I continue on with my life, I look forward to travelling and visiting places I’ve never been to before, which is very similar to my experience with moving houses.
The next big event in my life occurred in May 2014 when I got my first job. While I was only working for my mom at her Pilates and Physical Therapy office, this experience was momentous and defining my personality. I used to be extremely shy, even scared to call the pizza guy to order a pizza. But after working for my mom at the front desk, I have become so much more outgoing and talkative. I am able to carry on a conversation with strangers and take checks and make someone feel comfortable even if they are in an uncomfortable situation. And so, this job has helped me in earning my latest job offer as a part-time sales associate at Fabletics at the Village. I am so excited to finally be making my own money and gaining more independence and freedom.
My last event on my timeline was getting my license in May of 2015. This was a big deal for me because I had failed my test two times prior to me getting my license (I’ve only told one of my friends this!) I was so eager when I accomplished this long-awaited goal. It was also a really funny event because I got my license the day it expired. If I hadn’t gotten it, I would have had to gone through all the tests all over again. Getting my license hasn’t just meant being able to drive a car and go wherever I want nonetheless. In a way, I have more duties as a licensed individual and sometimes that can get annoying. But I still love to drive and without getting my license, I would have been so much more limited and restricted because I wouldn’t be able to go out on my own.
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this year i decided to live by the motto “just do it” so that i could take advantage of every opportunity that came my way and not miss out on anything!
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