rule number one, never be number two
34 posts
people killin, people dyin, children hurt and you hear em cryin. can you practice what you preach? and would you turn the other cheek? father, father, father, help us send some guidance from above. these people got me, got me questioning. where is the love?
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
CARTER: one glass of wine did that to u? CARTER: I don’t even start flexing in pix until I’m five drinks in, that’s restraint CARTER: ps wtf do u do for a living again handling that kind of $$
ISABELA: I don’t usually drink, obviously. I only do it socially when I need to for business. ISABELA: I’m a lightweight which is something my family will always tease me about. ISABELA: I’m the CEO of a company I founded.
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
Isabela: Someone please remind me to never drink and work again. I had one glass of wine and I accidentally put our profits at -156,000 instead 156,000.
Isabela: That’s the last time I listen to a coworker who says I need a break.
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
so i think i’m back from my hiatus ? i’m feeling slightly better abt things & one day at a time came back today so that definitely helped. anyway, i’m probably dropping my old threads so if you wanna start something new, just like this post & i’ll im you !
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
ISABELA: Do you know who lives in the apartment above me?
ISABELA: They're being so loud and I'm just trying to get work done.
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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isabela was going for her morning run -- even though she had workout sessions, she still felt the need to run almost every day. she had started it in college and it just stuck. she was thinking about all of the things she needed to do at her company today while she was running to music of maluma.
she was stopped a little short by a dog sniffing her leg. “it’s fine detective akua. i was just on my morning run.”
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It was a gloomy afternoon in Baltimore, but Emmett braced the overcast and light sprinkle of rain to take Rosco for his daily walk. It’s not like Emmett had much of a say in the matter, anyway. Rosco would whine and whine for the rest of the night if he didn’t go on his walk, which is something that Emmett learned the hard way.
Rosco was pretty strong, despite his short stature. The fifty pound English Bulldog had no issues dragging Emmett along to whatever patch of grass or tree trunk he desired. But this time around, Rosco found interest in somebody’s leg, prompting Emmett to intervene.
Emmett smiled apologetically as he gently tugged on Rosco’s leash. “I’m sorry about him. He tends to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
sent text 📨
callista: how tf do u spell owl as in lane
callista: like owl 9
isabela: Owl 9? What's owl 9?
isabela: Oh my god do you mean AISLE
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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isabela was walking fast because that’s how she always walked -- she walked with purpose & stamina because she always had something she had to get going to. her heels clicked as she power walked towards her next location only to collide with another person. at first, she was going to be apologetic, say she was sorry & that she was just in a rush. that was until the other girl opened her mouth. ‘ sorry but i have better things to do than worry about your cigarette. i have a company to run & a world to change. you can handle putting off the lung cancer. ’
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the sudden collision of human contact startled isadora, eroding the previous jubilance that once coated her distinct features & disturbed the slow burning of the cigarette that was once nestled between bruised knuckles. the other’s helter skelter of babble & scurried action mixed with the brunette’s lack of nicotine catalyzed a reaction that began with a pounding of her temples, a manicured finger quickly flitting towards the indentation on her forehead & the application of a slight pressure as she worked it in acircular motion, a huff of annoyance slipping past her chapped lips.  “ — can you just, ” she briefly began, inhaling & exhaling deeply before she continued, crushing the fallen cigarette beneath her shoe. “ just watch where you’re fucking going next time, that was my last cigarette. ”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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“a skirt. the word you’re looking for is skirt,” isabela said, in a deadpan voice. “a pant that is one big pant leg is a skirt.” she wasn’t sure how she ended up at a coffee table with cal, she assumed there weren’t any other open tables for him to sit at. “also, please refrain from talking about your junk.”
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“i used to think about how it’s weird they don’t make pants that are just one big pant leg for both your legs.” cal spoke to the person across the table from him at the local coffee shop. “like, it seems silly that they don’t just let your junk hang.” his tone was matter of fact, as he then shoved his cinnamon roll into his mouth.
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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isabela was usually never the type to go to a bar, especially on a weekday when she had work the next morning. but she honestly needed to let off some steam after a frustrating day at work with incompetent interns and a slew of paperwork that made her head want to explode. she sat down next and ordered a martini from the bartender. “yeah, mulberry, right? i live on the sixth floor.”
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sitting down at the bar, oliver nursed his beer, as he always did, slowly. his day at the shop was typical, but the past week had worn him down. he truly was just tired, but he always had one beer at the bar before making his way home. normally he had just one, and he would drink it alone, but today someone sat down next to oliver. with a neutral expression, he turned to his new guest. “don’t you live in my building?”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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ISABELA: if you go anywhere near my hair i will not hesitate to crush your little skull ISABELA: but on the real, i think you could lose an inch or two in the hair department 
snap delivered to : all contacts
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PERSEUS: alright the next person to tell me i need a haircut is going to get this lollipop in their hair PERSEUS: guess who’s really gonna need a haircut?
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
𝐢𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 — open
NOOR: feels like it with the shit they have me doing
NOOR: no i'm in greece tbh
NOOR: if i don't get sand in every crevice by the time i leave i'm done
ISABELA: Greece is so beautiful! I went there for business a couple of months ago.
ISABELA: What part of Greece are you in?
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
VANA: god i know
VANA: we need some new content this 2019
ISABELA: I still don't know how trash like that brings in such good ratings. It blows my mind.
ISABELA: New show idea: We teach young girls how to build a business and become a CEO.
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
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         he sat back into the couch a little bit, making sure to keep the pressure off of his feet completely. there’s a nod that comes from him after the other had spoke. “ah yeah, really doesn’t run itself at all. i run a ballet school, so it’s probably close enough to the feeling… just, less intense.” he said with another nod. “i do! it’s really nice and really helps.”
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isabela was surprised to hear that the other also ran a business, although she really shouldn’t have been surprised because she too started her business at a very young age. “ballet school? that explains why you need a foot massager.”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
     ── “roses are always a safe bet. peonies, too. wreaths are good for that kinda thing, but they’re more expensive.” maybe he should have been more taken aback than he was— it was a harsh way for him to have opened a conversation if she was there for a grave, but ace saw mourners coming through so often that he’d built up a callus to it, not unfeeling but certainly numbed. “sorry about all that, by the way. didn’t mean to be a dick, before.” he assumed some sort of acknowledgement was still in order, so he tore through it quick as he could, chasing into his next sentence without giving her much time to react to avoid accidentally dwelling on it. “and that’s alright, no one really is. it’s all basically made up. i’ve just memorized a lot of stuff.” 
isabela nodded. she felt like roses were probably the best bet and she toyed with the idea of getting a wreath in her mind because money wasn’t necessarily something she was worried about when it came to honoring her brother. “i think i’ll get these roses and this wreath too,” she said, grabbing the two items off one of the shelves and putting away the carnations that ace had insulted earlier. “that’s okay, really. i don’t know anything about flowers so it’s a good thing you warned me about carnations,” isabela said with a dismissive wave of her hand. she was honestly glad she didn’t end up putting ‘garbage flowers’ as the other called them on her brother’s grave. “how much for the roses and the wreath?”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
“well, what’s a good flower for putting on someone’s grave?” isabela asked earnestly. she was going to her hometown to visit her parents soon & she was also going to visit the grave of her late older brother. it had been a while since she had gone to visit either her parents or her brother, which was something she felt guilty about. “i’m not usually good with this...FLOWERY stuff, you know?” she didn’t buy flowers unless it was absolutely necessary and she wasn’t someone who particularly cared that much about them, except for in this instance. 
     ── “you do know that carnations are like, kind of a garbage flower, right ?” ace half-draped himself over the counter, not exactly professional under the weight of the otherwise dull day, attentions tuned to the single customer with his chin caught in his hand. “like, if they’re not for an actual funeral, you’d just look cheap.” logically, he knew this deterring wasn’t exactly the best business practice, a drawl of distaste plain in his tone— but he’d spent the past hours wandering around an empty shop and watching the time pass painfully slowly, and wasn’t now in any mood for something so stale. “unless the message you’re looking to send is ‘i don’t mind you, i guess, but only really like you a filler-flower’s worth.’ which is an option.”
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
𝐢𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 — open
NOOR: guess where i am right now?
NOOR: i'll give you a hint
NOOR: i'm sweating like mad
ISABELA: are you at the gym?
ISABELA: because i just got back from a workout session
ISABELA: and i feel invigorated
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isabelasaez-blog · 6 years ago
Describe yourself in a movie quote
“the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
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