Presentation video/Animation - Sunrise
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Presentation video/animation sunrise
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Presentation slideshow
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Final Poster, Layout print for final presentation.
Originally were planning on presenting our design from a poster format but this changed as we looked at our presentation space we decided it would be better to have this on the way in when people entered our presentation so people could become familiar and get a closer look at our design.
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Video of preparation for week 7 presentation. We decided on focusing on creating the lower floor of our bus as a part of the experience we want the class and Puhora group to experience before we begin introducing our design
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Photos of experience sunrise
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Book Pages, Design as a group we all worked towards the final booklet helping each other to layout and share information with each other to create the pages for the book. These are the final pages of our book which I focused on putting together.
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Week 6 presentation
Overall our presentation went quite well, we had some good feedback and also got some recommendations on what we could do moving forward.
Some comments were having a diagram to show the Tamas movement through the sky as this is a key part of the narrative our design follows.
Looking into creating a more poetic feel to our presentation.
Our title, there was a little talk about about changing our title from Then kitchen of Tama, to the Gift of Tama, as what we are focusing on is more related and comes across in a more meaningful way as a gift from Tama, rather than a kitchen.
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Perspectives for Final
As a group we thought a good way of communicating our design was through perspectives, as we had been previously talking about these ideas for our bus, but hadn’t had much in a way of visualizing these. 
The first two perspectives are of the lower level of the bus showing off the difference between Summer, and Winter and the position of Tama, in relationg to Hine Raumati and Hine Takurua.
The 3rd perspective is the upper level looking from the back of the bus towards the front of the bus, giving a feel of the surrounding vines on the roof, and the Kumara and Kawakawa growing at the rear of the bus.
The 4th perspective is also our hero image, looking from the front of the bus to the rear of the bus, showing how the light interacts with the kenitec walls/roof, and gives a feel of the depth of the space and showing off the herb garden where individuals will be able to harvest flavours for their Kumara and Kawakawa from. 
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Design developments, focusing on upper level layout, trying to maximise the amount of space we have to cater for all activities to be carried out in upper level.
Design development of kenitec wall, looking into how each panel works and how we can reproduce this into our design, and controlling it to create a shimmering effect as a celebration of completing tasks and the knowledge gained from this part of the experience.
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Kawakawa Lip Balm recipe
Topically, kawakawa has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s a natural pain reliever, increases circulation to the skin’s surface, acts as a counter-irritant, and purifies the blood. It also contains compounds that exert an insecticide effect.
Therefore, it is an excellent herb for;
Cuts and boils
Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis
Pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints, tendons, ligaments, bones and muscles
Neuralgia, shingles
Keeping insects away
Kawakawa is prolific in New Zealand, growing in coastal and lowland forests throughout the North Island and upper South Island. It’s a shrub/small tree packed with glossy heart-shaped leaves, often full of holes thanks to its sole predator – the looper moth.
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Before we make a balm, we need to infuse a base oil with our kawakawa. There are several ways to do this.
Traditionally, the fresh, whole leaves are used, rather than dried.
They are simply added to a carrier oil (like olive) and either left to infuse on a warm shelf for several weeks, in the oven set to a low temperature of 50˚C (122˚F) for 6 hours, or, placed in a double boiler and left to infuse over simmering water for 3 hours.
I’ve used the oven method today. Place a packed cup of kawakawa leaves (about 20) to a cup of sweet almond oil, straight into a saucepan.
Don't worry if some of the leaves protrude, they'll gradually soften and become engulfed by the oil as it heats up.
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Pour one cup’s worth of your gorgeous infused oil into a pyrex jug or small saucepan, reserving the remaining oil to use to adjust the consistency of the balm later if you need to.
Add beeswax.
Wait! Take a moment to smell that sweet floral scent - I just love it! Thank you bees.
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Now stand in a saucepan over gently simmering water. Using a double boiler is another option.
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Keep the heat nice and low, and let the beeswax fully dissolve.
Remove the mixture from the heat, and test to see if the consistency is to your liking.
Do this by dipping a teaspoon into the mixture then popping into the fridge or freezer to set, at which point you can test the firmness. If it’s too soft, pop the mixture back over the heat and add more wax, if it’s too hard, add more of the infused oil.
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Once you’re happy, add essential oils if using – lavender, German chamomile and helichrysum are great choices for a skin-soothing effect
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Work quickly and pour the oil into several small, pre-sterilised jars. If you need the surface to be perfectly smooth and it sets less than, you can melt the top layer using a heat gun.
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Cupra kentic wall 2018 - Precedent
Cupra’s kinetic wall is a magical, hypnotic installationthat charms visitors and encourages them to interact. People walking by can’t help saying “Wow!” and taking a photo of the wall with their smartphone.
At Leva we are proud to have been part of this project and to have helped Cupra reach its goals: impress the demanding Motor Show audience, stand out from the competition, and convey  brand’s values.
Working side by side with TODO’s creative team and Delfini Group for the production, we engineered a kinetic wall composed of 139 “petals”, which can move together in mesmerizing waves and open up dynamic “windows” for visitors to look through the wall.
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Vitamin D in Mushrooms
All mushrooms contain some vitamin D, but mushrooms have the unique ability to increase vitamin D amounts due to UV-light or sunlight exposure. Similar to humans, mushrooms naturally produce vitamin D following exposure to sunlight or a sunlamp: mushrooms’ plant sterol – ergosterol – converts to vitamin D when exposed to light.
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Looking into vitamin D sources, we found that Mushrooms are a good sorce if vitamin D in vegetables. Not many vegetables do obsorb vitamin D and can be eaten as a source of vitamin D. Mushrooms, left out in sunlight for around an hour will obsorb enough Vitamin D to obtain the recommended dietary balance of vitamin D according to the National Institutes recommended daily intake.
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Just taking one mushroom exposed to raw sunlight or UV light will allow us to get our daily intake from eating 1 of these mushrooms per day.
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Developing ideas, looking at focusing on design of upstairs space.
Stations for what people will be doing, during winter and summer convertible.
Our concept of the upper level needed some more refinement we all started looking at how that space would function and be able to cater for our tasks.
We started looking at having unique stations where, they would have storage for all their equipment and space to complete all their tasks. Each desk would have its own busen burner with pots and the required safety gear, to be able to be set up in the work space. Each desk space would be able to cater for two groups with around 3 memebers to each group.
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Kawakawa Herbal Preparations
Kawakawa might just be the most commonly used Native plant available to us here in Aotearoa (Unless you live way down South in the lower regions of Te Waka a Māui .
It is a very gentle working plant when used as a Ronga, that will help us detox our kidneys, liver, lungs, urinary system and through doing so, cleans our blood. It is very good for removing the build-up of uric acid from our joints, the acid that leads to arthritic complaints and gout. (too much Kai Moana in some cases – not enough Puha!!)
It is not uncommon for people to approach me and ask me how to prepare it. So the following recipes are a couple of easy ways to create for yourself 2 water based preparations that can support your health and well-being.
The first thing we must do is harvest some leaves.
Harvesting Kawakawa
Following traditional Protocol we Karakia before entering the Ngahere, This is to establish our clear intent and to leave behind any emotional concerns that might interfere with our task at hand – Rongoa.It is also to ask permission to the Atua of the Ngahere – Tane Mahuta, and the supreme Atua whatever name you might give it.
We then locate a nice healthy stand of Kawakawa trees. Make sure that you can see that the Mauri (Life force) of the Ngahere is vital and energetic, you will know by how the forest looks and feels around you.
When we locate our rakau we recite another Karakia to ask the Wairua of the plants for their permission and blessings to harvest them. And then after our harvesting we give thanks for what they have physically given to us and energetically imparted to us.
Make sure 100% that the plant you are having a korero with is Kawakawa (mistakes do happen!)
Always harvest Rongoa from the sunny side of the tree – The East (This is because the sap rises more strongly on this side and the plant will heal itself faster after our harvesting).
With Kawakawa always harvest the leaves with the holes in them, as it was explained to me that the little caterpillar that enjoys eating Kawakawa knows which leaves are the strongest, although Science might now tell us that when the leaves are being eaten that they release more medicine into the leaf in an attempt to discourage the caterpillars.
Never take all of your leaves from the one plant, Harvest from many trees to help with the sustainability of the medicinal plants within our Ngahere.
You might also like to bless your harvested leaves with another Karakia and also as you are actually preparing your Rongoa because harvesting and making Rongoa is a Tapu task, and by doing so we ensure that energy of the rakau is preserved and that we are ‘clear’ of unwanted emotional energies when we make our medicines so that we dont contaminate them with our personal ‘stuff’.
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Tikanga is a Māori concept incorporating practices and values from mātauranga Māori, Māori knowledge. Tikanga is translated into the English language with a wide range of meanings — culture, custom, ethic, etiquette, fashion, formality, lore, manner, meaning, mechanism, method, protocol, style, customary law. 
The concept of Tikanga is something we wish to explore and incorporate into our design. Aiming our ideas of sharing knowledge around harvest and planting crops, and taking it further into purposing these crops to be used in essential lotions from protection from the sun, and ways of gaining nutriets and vitamins when there is less sun around to provide these.
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