isaacgishgish · 3 years
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i still have hella VHS tapes. no one even cares, i should just throw them in the trash. 
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isaacgishgish · 3 years
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harry potter headers
like or reblog if you save
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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Bare footprints in an abandoned nuclear reactor. 
The stride of the footprints just adds onto the already creepy factor
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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Men in Black (1997) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
This is what Vietnam Falshbacks feel like.
things u youngins will never understand
peter pan at disney land discourse
“reblog if you support gay marriage xDDDD” followed by 500 glee, spn, doctor who gifs and comments like “then john and sherlock could get married” and “if you don’t reblog this i’m unfollowing you”
y’all know about superwholock but you don’t know about superwholock there were petitions to each studio to get them to do a mashup urls like “johnlock-in-the-tardis-with-castiel-221b” shitty “edits” which were just stolen gifs mashed together with different dialogue over them
that one time someone reblogged a gif of the london eye from the sherlock opening and said “i don’t know why but this feels like home” and ended up deleting their blog bc there were so many comments the blockquotes ran off the screen of people calling them stupid and a shitton of spn gifs as always
gif memes aka “the x gif in your folder is your reaction when dean and cas kiss”
that fucking theme garden theme with the scrolls and banners. you know the one.
once-ler and subsequently shipping him with himself
rise of the guardians
“ew all these hannibal fans trying to get in on superwholock get away” 
the supreme hatred of all female characters
everyone shipping lestrade and mycroft bc idk they’re white men i guess
tom hiddleston and benedict cumberbatch were the sexiest men alive
“reblog ALL the memes” type posts you know the ones
gif wars
mutant and proud
the social network
ask blogs
always reblog david karp 
what is air?!
when you had to go to another page to reblog things
scrolling all the way back to the top to reblog a post
missing e.
“can you make that last ask rebloggable?”
2012 doomsday
+bonus of the above: posts like “it’ll be okay dean and sam are out there saving the world right now xD”
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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this will never not b funny every time i think about this i literally like , scream 
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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(via cottoncandaddy)
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
open RP
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
john green novels: The thing about a spiral, is that if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening infinitely.
john green videos: You don’t want peanut butter on your celery? What are you, a communist?
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isaacgishgish · 5 years
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this hit home
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