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to @irredeemabletrcsh // @dudebroreg
♡ happy birthday to the man who gave me motivation to even make katherine in the first place; and who has been my friend ever since. you make my day every day; and spending time with you has made me really happy, and even given me comfort some days. you make me laugh – and without getting too mushy, i care about you a lot. thank you for the time you always spend with me and for allowing me to click with someone again without fear of opening up. ♡ i love writing with you; we have such amazing and incomparable writing chemistry. you’re the best & i hope you are enjoying your birthday. you deserve it xo 
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Caroline Forbes
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She would not be scared. She would not LET HERSELF be scared of him. He was a leech. A dead one. One that they’d gotten rid of what, twice now? They could do it again. Hell, she was pretty sure that at this point, Damon would just be itching to redo it. It was too quick last time. No time to savor the moment. The pain. Especially now that he was sans-Elena and mostly sans-Bonnie — all she needed to do was get out a text. Or a phone call. Long enough to tell him that Kai was back.
But she couldn’t make herself move.
It was like her body was glued to the seat, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as she listened to him prattle on. He talked a lot. And as much as SHE KNEW she shouldn’t let it get to her. She did. Because she could picture it. Every grotesque thing he talked about, she could picture it in her head.
Happening to Alaric. To her. To…no. No she wouldn’t let it happen to the girls. She’d kill him before he ever got close enough to touch one hair on their heads. Caroline flinched away from his grasp, eyes meeting his in the rear-view mirror. Her expression was nothing but blatant hatred. If there was every anything beyond hatred, it would be that. But still, she didn’t dare move. Not until he was finished talking.
She’d been there for his grand finale. Granted, she’d suffered a neck snap early on in the festivities, rendering her unconscious for the best bits. But waking up to that kind of carnage, to have to hear about Alaric clutching Jo’s dead body, knowing that he’d lost everything he’d ever wanted. It made her stomach churn. The twins had been a loop hole. A witchy interference to ensure that one of the most powerful coven in the witch community went on.
The girls were a miracle. And she wouldn’t let him touch them.
“So you want to be uncle of the year?” Distaste dripped from every word, her eyes regarding him coldly as she moved her hand painfully slowly to grab her phone from her pocket. If she could just speed dial Alaric, if he could just hear Kai’s voice — he’d know to get out of town. He’d know to call Damon. This whole thing could be over before nightfall, if she could just keep him occupied for the next thirty seconds.
“Come back from the dad and bring presents? Teach them to use their powers? Pretend that you’re not the reason they’ll never know their mom? Or their grandpa?” Or any of their other family members. Pretend that he wasn’t the reason that they were even made to fear for their lives in the first place. “You know they’re actually good on the caring family member bit.” Her fingers brushed against the top of her phone, desperately trying to grab a hold of it as she held his gaze in the mirror.
Her heart was lodged somewhere in her throat, making it near impossible to breathe properly. He was a monster. Bonnie had said that from the beginning. They all had. But she hadn’t ever believed it until now. No one was completely a monster. But he was. Even with that minuscule shred of humanity. Thankfully though, there was a line a mile long of people that wanted revenge on him. “So you can probably just go back to the phantom zone, or wherever you’re from. Thanks though.”
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"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you..."
His tone was relaxed as ever when he admonished Caroline for reaching for her phone, sounding more like a friend giving another friend a bit of advice than an enemy making an immediate threat. But despite his sunny disposition, the blonde had to know how quickly this could go from (Kai's idea of) pleasant conversation to her heart splattered on the passenger's seat, unless she was as stupid as her season one trope suggested.
He nodded while she so astutely -- and sarcastically -- pointed out the logical fallacies of his plan; how utterly inane it was to think that Kai Parker could be a positive influence in the twins' lives after what he had done and the semblance of normalcy that he had torn from them. Kai had thought about all of this, but he had decided, as always, that what he wanted and needed took precedence over anything else.
The hatred that she had for him was palpable through the look of revulsion he had a clear view of through the rearview mirror; so was the terror that Caroline Forbes was trying so hard to disguise, but Kai was quite adept at picking up on these things, and for the most part he loved provoking those feelings in people... especially the fear.
More than that, though, was the way she looked at him like he was in fact a complete monster. Based on the stories of home that he had blackmailed Damon into telling him in the prison world, Caroline was supposed to be the girl who saw the good in everyone, including a savage thing like Klaus Mikaelson. The fact that she failed to see anything in Kai was... Well, he wasn't sure how he felt about that yet.
"Look, I'm going to see my nieces whether any of you want me to or not. I'm all jazzed up on magic right now and, like, not to sound all toxic male on you, but nobody can stop me and I can do whatever I want? I am next stop with the twins after taking you out of the picture if this doesn't go the way I prefer it would. So your options are either your girls meet Uncle Kai alone, or with you there as a buffer to make things less awkward, put in the intro, make sure I don't kidnap them and start a siphoner circus or whatever..."
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Katherine Pierce
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❛ okay, news flash? calling a woman a prostitute – or a whore, is a strong no. ❜ she bit back without hesitation and before kai was able to finish his sentence. ❛ call me a bitch all you’d like, but that’s about where i draw the line. got it ? ❜ as they walked down the hall and up the stairs, katherine turned her head over her shoulder to flash him a snide glare; completely ignoring his pointless rambling. she was starting to catch on that that was one of his annoying quirks, she’d just need to get used to.
as they reached the older of the salvatore brother’s rooms, katherine pushed open the doors and confidently strut inside. his comment was actually pretty accurate, so she couldn’t help but to snicker in response. ❛ that’s just damon. well, after he met elena. he wasn’t always such a disappointment. shame. ❜ and towards his wardrobe she strolled, evidently bitter by the brother’s obsession over her boring and bland doppelganger.
shuffling through the clothes, she managed to find a dark grey tee; one with no juvenile prints across the front, and tossed it at him without a second glance. ❛ no more superhero shirts. or whatever the hell it is. ❜ she then pulled out a skinnier pair of dark jeans and grinned, admiring the material before throwing them back at him as well. ❛ and lose the hoodie. if i see it on you again, i’ll rip it off in your sleep – and burn it.  ❜ katherine threatened as she reached up to pull off a thin, black, leather jacket; one typical for the decade. though instead of throwing it, she turned around and carried herself over to the witch; a flashy smile tugging at the corner of her lips.  ❛ ready to look like an actual man? get dressed. ❜
"Yeah, you seem to not... like those people," Kai stated flatly in neutral observation, far more informed on Katherine's feelings on various characters in her life than he should have been from his dutiful stalking-research. He watched her rummage through Damon Salvatore's clothing, and as she did he began forming a mental image in his head of what Damon probably looked like, based on the mystery vampire's style and even the scent of cologne. A tall, dark and handsome picture formed the more consideration he gave the matter, but more than the Salvatore brother himself, Kai was thinking about Katherine and what kind of men she was attracted to.
The idea that she was infinitely out of his league finally truly occurred to him, and it was.. more bothersome than he thought something like that could be. Kai believed himself to be far past the point of caring what any other person thought about anything, but for whatever it was worth, he wanted to be pleasing to Katherine's eyes. He was a power-starved little narcissist, and at least for the moment, Katherine Pierce was literally the entire world.
".. No more superhero shirts??" he repeated like a petulant child deprived of something he cherished by mother. He caught the clothes she threw at him, wrinkling his face in distaste at the pungent manly smell. Kai usually smelled like Mountain Dew and Doritos, blended with whatever shampoo his actual mother purchased for him. He yanked the leather jacket out of her grasp more forcefully than necessary to illustrate his irritation at all of these demands.
"Ready to look like an actual man?" Mimicking her words in that distinctive teasing voice that small children did, doing his best impression of whatever he thought a retarded person would sound like.
Lacking any semblance of shame, he stripped in front of her until his lean figure was only covered by a pair of black boxers, and perhaps Kai Parker was a little more toned and equipped with biceps than the clothes he usually wore gave any justice to. He whistled Pretty Woman to himself while getting re-dressed to be ironic, ultimately standing before Katherine Pierce a new (but still annoying) man. His reflection in the mirror behind her made him smile instinctively, unlike the hollow smiles that he had trained himself to flash so that other people thought he was normal. This one was genuine.
"Wow, you really don’t need a Brad Pitt hologram. I’m, like, a stud.”
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Katherine Pierce
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❛ mm — yeah, not a fan of him. a little old and bland for my taste.  ❜ was she really entertaining his stupid suggestions? katherine was quick to realize her regretful response and swiftly redirected the juvenile ‘sleepover’ talk to her main focus and point. which in this moment, was kai’s choice of attire and even mannerisms. the way he chose to carry himself would just not do for the shallow and frankly spoiled vampire. admittedly, behind those god-awful t-shirts and lazy hoodies, she saw potential; and what better way to spend the already boring morning, than giving him a makeover? ❛ forget illusions. i can make you hot. well – at least, a little easier to look at…. maybe. ❜ at first, she was confident. though as he continued to trail off on a meaningless tangent, and dip food that was just on the floor – her expression became overwhelmed with doubt.
❛ wow. never thought i’d be the one to say it, but yeah. you talk way too much. ❜ a snarky response from katherine – as always. ❛ and god, manners much? ❜ the woman’s eyes then caught sight of what she hadn’t noticed until that very second – kai set up two glasses and a variety of drinks to choose from. she arched a brow in intrigue, then reached forward to begin pouring herself a glass. ❛ – that bonnie, is a real bitch. anything i did to piss her off, was well deserved. elena had it coming, too. honestly, all of them are just so self righteous and –  ❜ she stopped mid sentence upon realizing just how much she was telling him, ( her irritating jealousy briefly shining through ) then brought the alcohol to her lips; taking a hefty sip instead of continuing with her story. ❛ forget this little date you set up. we’re going to go upstairs, and make you look like an actual grown man. ❜ maybe that way, she could better tolerate his other aggravating qualities.
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Kai could be hot? The thought hadn't seriously occurred to him before. He knew he could be cute, if not altogether obnoxious and vexing. Hearing it from Katherine's mouth most definitely gave the theory some much needed credibility, because if there was one word he would have used to describe his blood-sucking cellmate, it was hot. Scorching, even.
Albeit, he was aware that her motives in helping him reach that potential were wholly selfish, but the megalomaniac could only respect that in a lady.
Dimly, Kai nodded his head with the most tellingly blank expression when she went on about a Bonnie and Elena, very evidently not giving a crap about any of that. While typical wasn't a word often used to describe Malachai Parker, in that moment he seemed like he could be almost any other guy, going through the motions while a woman went on about bitches she hated.
For whatever reason, though, Katherine dropped the subject, and he didn't think it was because she was in any way bashful or was bothered by his apathy. He quirked a brow when Kat sipped from the glass and referred to his presentation as a date, only briefly baffled by it.
"Oh, this? I actually forgot that I already had a glass out when I went and got a second one, so technically they're both for me..."
Okay, maybe that wasn't important, either. Kai rose from his seat at her behest with a sense of adventure emanating from his smile. Getting a makeover from a sexy vampire was if nothing else intriguing, and while making himself more aesthetically pleasing didn't rank that highly on his wish list, there was simply nothing else to do in the prison world. It was the same reason that Katherine was bothering with him at all.
"Ooo, is this going to be like Pretty Woman? Am I Julia Roberts?" he asked enthusiastically. “Dibsies on Julia Roberts. Although if one of us was going to be a sassy but classy whore, it would probably be y.. never mind, let's do this."
Letting her guide him to a room that belonged to Damon Salvatore (because apparently she thought their styles would align well), Kai took a couple of sniffs and wrinkled his nose in displeasure.
"It smells like... mall cologne and disappointment in here."
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Katherine Pierce
it was a mere twenty four hours after their first meeting before katherine would see kai parker, yet again. this time, unsheathed and perched in the living room of the salvatore home. she was dressed, thankfully – but still remained unimpressed by his uninvited visit.
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❛ – okay. when i said no voyeurism, that wasn’t an invitation to continue popping in whenever you want. it’s still gross, whether i can see you or not. ❜ she said in sheer annoyance as she briefly rubbed her temple. it wasn’t long before katherine hastily approached and ripped whatever he was eating out of his hand only to carelessly toss it aside. ❛ you know what? if i’m going to be stuck with you until we figure our way out – you’re going to at least need give me some eye candy. seriously – there’s free clothing everywhere in this place. why do you choose to dress like that? ❜
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"Hey!" Kai whined petulantly when Katherine tore the bag of nachos from his grasp, right next to the display of liquor bottles and two wine glasses he'd put out for them. He hurriedly reached for a wayward nacho that had fallen to the floor from the force of the vampire pulling away that bag, mumbling to five in his head for the unspoken rule of how long it was okay to wait, before dipping it into the salsa plate and shoveling it into his mouth. How could he have possibly stayed this skinny all this time?
"Oh, sorry. I'd like to say I'm going to listen, but I'm probably definitely going to keep peeping on you. I’m very partial to how you look naked and wet.”
He nodded resolutely to emphasize the point, like it was just a little quirk of his that she would have to become accustomed to and not an impossibly egregious invasion of her privacy. A small shrug was given to the demand that he provide eye candy, not even getting that she was referring to him.
"Uh, I can probably conjure an illusion of Brad Pitt? Is Brad Pitt still considered hot... you know, in the fuuuuutuuuuure?" He sing-song'd in the future like it was the beginning scroll of a sci-fi flick, giggling at his own lameness thereafter.
"I happen to think that I'm cute as a button the way I dress. Isn't that a weird expression, though? Like, have you ever looked at a button and thought, 'oh my God, that's so cute'? Hey can I have my nachos back? What’d you do to get here, anyway? Did you piss off that Bonnie person I’ve heard you swearing at? Did you steal her nachos too? Am I talking too much? Is that a thing I’m doing right now? Sorry, I haven’t been around a person in 20 years...”
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Katherine Pierce
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❛ what the hell kind of witchy shit was that? ❜ she had been around witches far too long, but never had she encountered the type of magic kai showed to possess. she watched as he he laughed at a completely inappropriate time – an eyebrow arching in response to his bizarre behaviour. every word he spoke just poked and prodded at her nerves. this man – he was getting under her skin with every mention of his stalking. the facts, her name, even her fear of klaus. it angered her to the core, and all she could do was picture ripping his throat apart. if not for the fact that he was her only source of blood, she would have. so instead, she just replied with her same snarky commentary. ❛ well, congratulations. judging by the fact that you dress like a twelve year old boy, watching me has been the most action you’ve gotten in your life. so you’re welcome. ❜ still, she felt enraged at the fact that she was already this open and vulnerable to someone she barely knows – and can’t even kill.  
again with her swift movements, katherine picked up her clothing from the floor and slipped them over her previously revealed silhouette. knowing he had already had a good look at her body, and was clearly eyeing her curves without shame, she decided to cover up. mostly to gain control once more. ❛ listen here, kai. ❜ she rushed forward and wrapped her hand securely around his throat; her grip tightening slowly, resulting in the blood from his neck wound to seep through clenched fingers. her voice lowered as she began to threaten him. ❛ clearly, you have some mental problems. don’t we all? don’t care. i’m not here to be your friend.  but if we’re going to be stuck in this hell together, we’re going to have ground rules. RULE ONE – drop the creepy voyeur act. it’s gross. RULE TWO. your blood is mine, when and where i want it – until we find a way out. got it ?  ❜
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"That's not true," he would retort with a definitive shaking of the head at Katherine's assertion that watching her was the most action he'd ever gotten. "I've totally kissed a girl before. Plus, my brother Joey coaxed me into going to the strip club for my 21st, and..."
Before he could continue with the rest of that unnecessary story, she was clutching at his throat, adding more pressure to the neck wound she'd inflicted and causing Kai to squint his boyish features in silent anguish.
"M.. Motus!" he choked out with an open palm, causing Katherine to go flying across the aisle like a ragdoll. "Actually..."
He slowly rose to his feet, backing away cautiously and maintaining his smarmy demeanor in spite of having to massage his throat and cough a few times from her assault.
"That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works, Kit-Kat. My blood is yours only because you'd be a boring old mummy without it, but we play this game my way. I'll make up the rules as I go along. See you at the crib, boo. Bye-eeee."
He waved adieu by wiggling all of the fingers of his right hand... before fading from her vision completely.
Kai never once stopped smiling.
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❛ i'm bored. entertain me. ❜
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“Here we are now. Entertain us. Ha, like the Nirvana song, get it?
Sorry, Kitty, you know how this works. I don’t give you what you want without getting something in return. A little tit for tat. Maybe even without the tat.”
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Katherine Pierce
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   She’s actually questioning who is disturbing her world. Her new world. As the reigning Queen of Hell, Katherine is built for anything. As she properly sits on her throne, with everything she could ever want – she hears something – a noise. Katherine rolled her eyes. a dramatic entrance to hell. The brunette squinted, as she drummed her fingers on the arm rest of her actual throne. “Well, well.” For some strange reason, Katherine knew his name and every BAD thing he did that obviously printed off his own ticket to hell. “Malachai,” she purred. “Malachai Parker. What an honor. An absolute – pleasure,” she gets up from her seat and curtsies. 
“This is fantastic, I have literally seen the GLORIOUS MALACHAI PARKER IN FLESH.” The brunette laughs softly and claps her hand. “So you are the one who put poor little Elena in her little sleepy spell,” Katherine giggled as her hands clasped together. “So, you must have a million questions for me. Maybe. I mean – I’m quite the popular figure. 540 years of surviving and this is where it gets me. A throne,, sending people to their own doom. Tsk, tsk.”
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If it was possible to feel sorry for a mass-murdering maniac who irrevocably damaged the lives of everyone he came into contact with, right then might have been the occasion. Kai hadn't had any time to cope with the fact that Damon Salvatore had karate-chopped his head off and that the heretic was dead. Immediately upon his sudden and untimely demise, Mystic Falls's harbinger of chaos found himself surrounded by gargantuan horned beasts enclosing on him like the most apropos welcoming party ever. On instinct, he twisted his wrists to magic-snap their necks two by two until they were all on the ground and he stood dazed, confused but still triumphant in a bloodied wedding suit.
Before he could get acclimated to his new hellish surroundings, he found himself in a much cozier setting; some kind of palace wherein Elena Gilbert (or so he thought) sat upon a throne looking down at him like she was proud... and honored. It was really freaking weird.
"Uh, so am I, like, stuck inside your head now, Gilbert? Is this my hell?"
The more she spoke, though, the more it became abundantly clear that this doppelganger was the legend he'd heard of only in Damon's stories. Kai smirked through bloodstained lips. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Katherine? Katherine Pierce? Are you... the devil?"
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Said you left him for good this time. Still, if he knew I was here, he’d wanna kill me. But it’s time you met the real me, filthy…
I let you see my dark side, but like a mic check, you got 1, 2…
(promo credit to super talented @girllorn. Share me/love me.)
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Katherine Pierce
at the mention of klaus’ name, she allowed her arms to gracefully fall to her sides and she began to slowly approach him; eyes becoming fixated on his soft blues – eyes that displayed innocence, and yet his aura alone told her otherwise. ❛ first of all, your: chewing like a cow, thing, needs to stop. like, now. ❜ not being able to focus past the irritating crunching was admittedly getting under her skin – not that it was hard to pester katherine, but if it was one thing that annoyed her to the core, it was lack of manners. ❛ second of all, watching me while i sleep? creep much.  ❜ observing the man’s odd mannerisms, she analyzed each and every movement from his lips to his hands, to the way he leaned back in his once cloaked chair with an eerie casualty. while he trailed off on the topic of ‘santa’, she began to smirk. her lips curled as her thoughts became distracted by the sound of his heartbeat. the blood pumping through the veins of his neck was enticing – teasing. it had been days since she had eaten, so even the smell gradually lingering in the air was enough to set the woman’s spark.
his voice could now barely be heard and her desire became too much to control. in turn, katherine jolted forward with one swift movement and ripped the bag out of his hand, only to whip it across the room. then with both hands, she lifted him by the front of his juvenile printed shirt and threw his back against the nearest wall, only to dive her bared fangs into his neck without warning. it all happened so fast – the blood shot so generously into her mouth and her favourite taste in the world hit her tongue. her much needed meal sent shivers down her spine. to feed her hunger after days was almost euphoric. she could barely stop herself.
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and yet — she managed to. katherine pulled back; remnants of his blood dripped messily down her lower lip and temporarily stained her chin. she gasped for air after falling into her own blood lust, then fluttered lashes to peer into his eyes. ❛ hello, kai. i’m katherine. and i’m going to have fun with you. ❜
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Having his existence acknowledged by a person (even if Katherine wasn't completely a person) was kind of surreal for Kai, who hadn't been in contact with another living being for two decades. With every biting remark the vampire delivered -- pun intended -- his delightfully wicked grin intensified. He didn't know who or what decided that she would be his companion in this hell, but he was grateful for it. It had been so long since he really had any fun, and if there was one thing he'd learned from his diligent stalking of Katherine Pierce, it was that she was fun.
"Rude!" he complained when Kat became a speedy blur, lifting him from his seat and pressing Kai against the wall. A pained wince escaped the deranged manchild when she bit into him, beginning to see the world in little red dots as everything turned numb... until he grabbed onto her right shoulder and began siphoning back some of the energy she was draining. This might have been part of the reason that Katherine eventually released him, causing Kai to slump into a sitting position against the wall and massage the open gash on the side of his neck.
Judging by the way he was cackling like a madman, he wasn't in anywhere near the amount of pain he should have been in. He bit his lower lip wantonly, undressing the rest of her with those icey blues.
"Mm, that was fun. Let's do it again. Hi, kitty Kat. I already know your name, though. I also know the name of who you're in love with, his brother, the girl they love more than you, the Original vampire in your nightmares... I know what you sound like when you cry, all vulnerable and poor wittle unwanted schoolgirl, and I know every inch of that tight undead body. Ever felt a puff of air between your legs when you're touching yourself, begging for someone else to be there with you? The tip of someone’s tongue at your dewy center? That might have been me, cloaked and watching you. I've been here this whole time, Katerina. I figured we might as well be friends for real if we're condemned to the same jail cell."
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Lia’s head was pounding before she even opened her eyes. She groaned from the supposed-hangover and began rubbing at her forehead as she slowly sat up. Her eyes opened a little groggily as she looked around the room that she didn’t even recognize. “Okay, teach me for going home with a stranger.” It had been a while since she’d done something like that, but old habits died hard.
As she sat there, rubbing at her closed eyes as she tried to remember everything that happened last night. There was a handsome man … Kal? Kay?
No, Kai. Dark hair, gray-blue eyes, perfect smile. That was the one. She remembered having drink after drink. He had told her something … her eyes shot wide open as everything came back to her suddenly. He had told her she was a siphon, he managed to trick her into drinking vampire blood - it wasn’t a hangover that she had.
Anger surged through her - and even a bit of fear. Never before had she been in this position, and if she didn’t drink blood soon enough, she would die. Why the hell would Kai turn her? What did he want from her? Was she really a siphon? Did he just leave her to deal with this situation on her own? She was angry with herself for letting her guard down, but she needed to figure out where Kai was, and demand some answers.
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Kai hadn't met or heard of another like himself since he eliminated the Gemini coven and the heretic family had perished. He hadn't even thought such a thing to be possible until Lia walked into his life in some dive bar, becoming more forthcoming with every double shot of whiskey on the unending tab he had compelled for himself. It was a strange feeling when she admitted to being a magic user, and moreover when she displayed the abilities of a fellow siphon.
He couldn't have told you at what point he decided he was going to turn her. Even after snapping her neck, a sense of did I really just do that? consumed him. Kai thought for sure that the effects of Luke's essence were long gone after Bonnie left him in the 1903 prison world, but being presented with the opportunity to no longer be alone was apparently one that he couldn't pass up. Sociopath or not, he was still a social animal.
"Aw, don't..." he began casually when she made the remark about going home with a stranger, trying to find the expression on the tip of his tongue while pouring himself a glass of Bourbon. "... slut shame yourself, I think it's called. Yeah, don't slut shame yourself. There's no way you could've known what was gonna happen, and I'm pretty irresistible."
He shifted in his seat to face her fully, vibrant blues beaming in jubilance and curiosity.
"So, oh my God, how do you feel? I completed transition pretty much immediately... I'd just killed the whole fam and needed the new powers to fight my arch nemesis, but I kind of wish I'd gotten the chance to experience the whole thing more. What's it like for you?"
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Caroline Forbes
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She’d felt a sort of eerie chill all day. For almost four years now, things had been safe. They’d been happy, for the most part. Well, as happy as she could be without Stefan. Alaric had the girls, the girls had a somewhat stable family environment — safely rounded out with the date at the end of the month where she and Ric would…but that was beside the point. They were happy. They were whole. They were making the whole thing work despite the fact that the girls’ mother had been brutally murdered in front of their father, despite the fact that she hadn’t chosen this role in their lives and, if she’d had the option to run off with the guy she really wanted, she probably would have taken it. It worked. It felt good. And now today she couldn’t seem to shake the chill that ran down her spike whenever she turned a corner. For the most part, the coffee date with her producer distracted her. Took her mind of off it, but the second she stepped outside, it only got worse. Starting with the woman.
Borrowed time. Her heart thumped to the beat of it. Borrowed time. Borrowed time. Borrowed time. Moving fast and faster until she couldn’t hear anything but her own blood rushing to her ears, her feet moving quicker across the pavement in an attempt to get to her car, to her phone where she could call Ric. And then the kid, nearly hurtling into her, gleefully declaring that he was back. And if that hadn’t confirmed it, the little girls would have. The only threat they really had left. The one they’d naively thought they were rid of.
She only started breathing again when the car door shut behind her, and no sooner had she fumbled for her phone to call Alaric, than she jumped again at the sound of another voice. His voice.
God they’d been stupid. Thinking that one swipe of Damon’s hand was enough to rid them of this problem. Thinking that it somehow meant they were safe again. He’d probably been lying in wait the entire time, waiting for the proper moment to strike. And now… Caroline swallowed, looking up to meet his cold gaze through the rearview mirror. “What do you want?”
That was the question, right? And what was worse, she probably didn’t even need to ask it. Because she knew. The only reason he’d come after her was the girls. Currently safe at home with their dad, probably baking cookies and having tea parties. Blissfully unaware of the kind of family ties they had. Her hand squeezed her phone, wondering if she could shoot off a text to Ric before he’d notice. Though, that was unlikely. He was powerful. And she had no idea how long he’d been juice-boxing magic out of people before meeting her.
“If you want the girls,” Her voice shook, just slightly. Just enough to indicate the sheer vulnerability of the thought. “You’re not going to get anywhere near them.” They’d been naive, yes. But they hadn’t been stupid. Alaric was as paranoid as she was about something happening to them. They had precautions. They had spells and plans and if she said the right word he’d take the girls and they’d never hear from any of them again. “You’ll have to kill me first.”
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His cold blue eyes -- both childlike and irreverent -- reflected in the rearview mirror menacingly at the blonde vampire, cool as a cucumber dipped in virgin blood as he popped one Gummy bear into his mouth and made slow work of another, starting from the toe and slowly to the head.
"You know, a lot of people think that they're being sooo dark and cool by biting the heads off these things first, but it's really the most merciful way to do it, if you really think about it. Me, I like to start by biting off their little toesies, then their feet, their ankles, their legs... aaaaall the way up. That way they feel the whole journey of pain. Imagine it, how they would squeal, like children, hmmmm?"
He shivered lightly at the thought. There was something erotic to him about bringing hurt upon others, especially if they had wronged him. These days, that thrill was sadly coupled with inescapable guilt. Kai scooted up so his chest was pressed against the back of Caroline's seat, bringing his right hand to the respective side of her head to gently caress those golden locks. The gem in the daylight ring that he'd enchanted for himself was carved in the shape of the Gemini zodiac symbol; a reminder of his role as leader of the dead coven that her daughters descended from.
"Oh, Care Bear, you say that like killing you would be any kind of problem for me," he said tiredly through a heavy breath, stroking Caroline's hair like she was a doll for him to play with, finding that he liked the feeling of his fingers running through her.
"How much did Bonnie and Damon tell you about me? I'm sure you got the cliff notes about how I was evil incarnate, merged with my brother and had all these new feels until Bon-Bon left me in Momma Salvatore's prison world, and then obviously you were there for my big comeback at the wedding... Here's a little tidbit that none of you know, though: when I was trapped in the 1903 prison world with the heretics, they used their witchy-doo to turn off Lucas's essence to turn me back into my original totally sociopathic self, allowing me to turn your lives upside down with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Which was awesome, except..."
He retreated back into his seat and let out a huff, pouting at the rest of this story and popping another Gummy bear into his mouth.
"... eventually, those feelings came back. Is it because you guys killed the heretics? Are they dead? Thank God if they are, am I right? Like, their existence was kind of overkill to begin with and I feel like if this was a TV show, I would be the only vampire-warlock hybrid that anyone would really give a crap about. Anyway, I'm back to having the capacity for empathy, love, regret... Which really sucks because of those rude things I did to my family at Jo's wedding. I tried to turn it all off with my super cool vampire powers, but I don't think Luke's essence is letting me? I feel very strongly that I need to be there for my nieces as the only other living Gemini to make up for it, and if I were you I would let me..."
He scowled into the rearview to emphasize the next point, with every bit of malice and hate still living in him, of which there was plenty...
"... because if I were you, I would think about what happened the last time your friends wouldn't let me try to be a decent person. I’m literally two souls trapped in one body. Which one is back in your lives is something that’s entirely up to you. So what’ll it be, Care: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?”
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Katherine Pierce & Kai Parker parallels (requested by anon)
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Katherine Pierce
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figuring she was alone in what she labelled as her new hell, the newly trapped vampire spun her revealed silhouette in the vacant shop’s tall mirrors. she stared in lust over her own figure after slipping on the brand new lace set of undergarments. even in her most trivial and vulnerable moments, katherine could admire her beauty and worship her own strength. she was prideful in her shape and caressed her small curves while seductively humming along with the store’s timely playlist. it wasn’t until she slipped a silky robe over her lingerie that she sensed another’s presence. as if her hearing and sense of smell weren’t already strong – katherine was hungry, which like any other beast, only heightened her senses.
with grace, the woman’s head took a sharp curve over her shoulder so she could scan her surroundings. instinctively, katherine kept up her guard. she assumed that if she would be pulled into this torturous prison, the only thing missing to torment her would be the presence of who she feared most. klaus. nevertheless, her guard would not fall, and she acted upon her skepticism with dignity. fear would not be seen in her eyes, for if it were any other, she would only wish to show her confidence and power.   ❛ if you want a show, it won’t be free. ❜ katherine’s voice lingered with bold charm, and she began to walk down the clothing aisle, watching carefully for any sudden movements and listening for any unexpected sounds.  ❛ come on out, and maybe we can play. don’t worry, it won’t cost much. ❜
The way she came into the place, I knew right then and there
There was something different about this girl.
The way she moved, her face, her lines... Divinity in motion.
The lingerie shop in the mall played a fitting soundtrack for the girl who had claimed it as her own, practically describing Katherine Pierce at the height of her vanity and self admiration. Kai had visited this store in his prison world explorations a handful of times, mostly to borrow the mannequins and do stuff to them. Katherine may have noticed the decapitated heads and missing ligaments on the life-size girls... One head in particular lying on the floor in several pieces after he had beaten it to "death" with its own arm about a decade ago, imagining it was his own mother for never lifting a finger to help all those times his father beat him, using lipstick to brand the words "USELESS WHORE" on her breasts...
As she stalked the room I could feel the aura of her presence Every head turned feeling passion and lust The girl was persuasive The girl you could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous
Kai had been watching the new inmate in his own personal Hell for a few days now, managing to remain to himself by siphoning the vampire in her sleep and using that magic to cloak himself from her. This allowed him to watch her rage about some guy named Steven Salvatore and his brother Damon, destroying household items while screaming about Stephen's (whatever his name was) betrayal even though she'd taken refuge in the same person’s home. Being cloaked also allowed him to watch her in the shower, getting dressed, the things that she sometimes did to herself under the covers... Kai Parker's own living, breathing (weird how vampires actually breathe, am I right?) sex-ed in the form of a woman who seemed to be the embodiment of the expression hell hath no fury.
He thought he would show himself to her that day; not for any especially devious or cunning reason, but just because he was bored. Voyeurism was exciting, but there were so many more activities to do once the raven-haired girl knew that she wasn't alone. From his many suicide attempts, Kai knew that he could kill her several times over for funsies and she'd still be there for him. His undead Mona Lisa. The only girl in his world... literally.
I never knew but I was walking the line Come go with me, I said I have no time And don't you pretend we didn't talk on the phone My baby cried, she left me standing alone
"What does that even mean?" Kai asked in response to the last thing Katherine said out loud, casually sitting in a chair a few feet behind her that hadn't been there seconds ago. He stretched himself back comfortably and obnoxiously chewed on the pork rinds from the bag in his hand.
His appearance was boyish and unassuming. Lean, childlike in the way he smiled and the sarcastic tone of his voice, dressed in a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black "Merc with a Mouth" Deadpool T-Shirt in blood red letters. If Katherine had any ideas on what the monster who'd torn up various places she'd visited might have looked like, it probably wouldn't have been this. He was nothing like the bad boys she was accustomed to; the ones who were all leather and muscles and exuded sex. This boy seemed to be a playful but harmless cute little nerd, especially in 1994 when one had to be deeply invested in comic books to even know who Deadpool was. Ryan Reynolds wasn’t even a thing.
Dangerous. The girl is so dangerous. Take away my money, throw away my time, you can call me honey but you’re no damn good for me...
"‘It won’t cost much.’ Are you, like, a hooker? Because I thought you would've figured out by now that money isn't all that important here. Hey, so who did you think you were talking to just now?" He furrowed his brows contemplatively, the name of the monster of her nightmares on the tip of his tongue... "That Claus guy you talk about in your sleep? Are you afraid of Santa? I could see how the he sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake thing is kind of creepy..."
Kai snickered a ghastly, vicious snicker at the irony of that. The sound of it a stark contrast from his appearance and the apparent innocence of those baby blue eyes.
"And then the part where he's gonna find out who's n... Well, something tells me that you're always a naughty girl. Anyway, manners, I'm Kai. What brings you to this little slice of Hell?"
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