ironpawn · 3 years
Hi everyone,
Today is day three of my chess study and quest. I am only three days and it already feels like it's a mountain that I cannot climb. The information and practice that's need is intense. From opening to end games and everything in between it just feels like a never ending roller couster. This was also exacerbated by reality of a normal 9-5. That's a whole lot of negatives until I found myself captivated by this wonderful game.
Whilst practicing I found an old game and I will spare you the whole intro but I found an amazing game. Which made my day and left me thinking how many other gems are there to be found. I have a whole new way of looking at this game and it's only day three. The game made it all the way to a "YouTube Shorts" I just had to and I felt it needed to be shared https://youtube.com/shorts/vCCfRrsr0aI?feature=share
The checkmate was an en-passant mate and the first time I observed something like this in fact the first time I even gave it a thought. I left the board position here for you.
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Black blunders and plays e5 which allows white to mate by en-passant. The part that grabbed my attention besides the visual impact of a pawn mate or the super move en-passant mate I think the best part is how black is up material but still blunders the game. Lastly since the channel and blog post is called Iron Pawn how crazy is it find this.
Hey don't have too much to say but will check in again
Awesome day.
From the Iron Pawn
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ironpawn · 3 years
Good day boys and girls it's Jojo the Iron again.
In my quest to have an ELO rating of 2500 I had to start with some sort of base-line. Well after playing a few games I now have some sort of idea as to where I am.
I played five x 10 minute rapid games and a rating of 1318, ten x 5 minute blitz games and a rating of 1281 and ten x 1 minute bullet games with a grandmaster rating of 943. In sort I suck!
I started my studies yesterday, looking at all the topics and materials I need to master I'm kind of second guessing my goals, but it's going to be worth it. I jumped straight into opening principles and the first thing was "The centre" and the fight for it. To be honest I always thought that everything happens in the centre why would I want to fight for the centre. (now you know why my rating is what it is).
After some hours of reading and watching and practicing I'm employing these principles now knights before Bishops, try to control centre e4 and e5 if my opponent allows it, I also know now Queens, bishops and knights control more squares I the centre and lastly work on piece activity in the opening.
Honestly I spent one day studying and I already feel like a better player and definitely sound better as well.
I posted a principle video yesterday check it out I use these vids as post-its and for memorization. Check it out
I will post some games in the next one.
Awesome day
Remember to like and SUBSCRIBE!!!!
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ironpawn · 3 years
Training day Hi, my name is Johnniel Du Toit also known as Jojo the Iron Pawn. Since the age of 6  I played chess and enjoyed it for the basic game it was to me. I remember playing at schools and at the library everyday because it was fun. Well then came high school and chess was out the door.Many years later I started watching chess on youtube and followed channels like Gotham chess, the chesswebsite and loads more like that. I also started playing online and again just enjoyed playing the game.Well until something happened the channel Gothamchess launched a video "I'm going to become a Grandmaster" and it sparked something inside me. What if... What if I could attempt something similar? So as from the 24th August 2021 I decided to reach a goal of an ELO rating from 800 to 2500. I registered on chess.com with user 👤 ironpawnsgame and will use it as the platform to reach 2500 rating points. I started a youtube channel to document it as well you can check out here
So if you do subscribe and hit the notification bell (ting ding).
Hope to see you daily
Awesome stuff
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