Only Time Will Tell
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Just an ordinary girl.
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irongirl22 · 3 months ago
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Sanji study
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irongirl22 · 3 months ago
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Dumb idea i had
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irongirl22 · 3 months ago
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Zoro frowns, but doesn’t do anything to get away from Sanji’s grip. “I’m fine,” he says but it sounds slightly garbled with Sanji’s hands squeezing his cheeks. Sanji move his head so that they’re face to face and Zoro– Zoro blushes. Hard.
My piece for the zosan big bang!! 💚💛
This is an illustration for my writing partner, Gius’s adorable zosan fic “lovesick” 💘 Please check it out here on ao3
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irongirl22 · 3 months ago
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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irongirl22 · 6 months ago
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talking with you in the dark
Across-the-hall neighbors Bellamy and Clarke barely know each other, but both suffer from loneliness — Clarke, recently divorced; Bellamy, growing distant from his sister. So Clarke offers a simple solution: to share a bed, and talk to each other at night.
our souls at night AU | explicit | 12k
read it on ao3
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irongirl22 · 7 months ago
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You were my new dream.
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irongirl22 · 7 months ago
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Inside Look into the Disney Princess Castles
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irongirl22 · 7 months ago
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The Lion King was released 30 years ago on this day, June 24th, 1994. Happy Birthday, Simba!
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irongirl22 · 8 months ago
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House of the Dragon: Mean Girls Edition
+bonus: Helaena <3
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irongirl22 · 1 year ago
Scream Queen by AmazingAngie
Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Rated T | 2k | Complete | Tags: Religious Guilt, Alicent-centric, 5+1, Crack Treated Seriously | Prompt (x) + at end |
He despised Alicent, but still thought it sad that the closest she could get to pleasure was hearing someone else’s. 
Luckily for Alicent, she really did not know what she was missing. 
OR: Alicent doesn't understand why she is the only one concerned about the screams coming from the newlyweds chambers.
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By the date of Rhaenyra’s wrongdoing, Alicent herself had already been married for eight years and birthed three children. The years between them had never seemed more monumental than during that conversation — when she, as a wife and mother, questioned her step daughter about her maidenhood.
She believed that Rhaenyra still held her maidenhead. 
But she did not forgive her. 
Even going into such a place was a great sin. Alicent had not been sheltered from their existence as a child. She knew of them from her father and the Septon’s. Knew of the evils those buildings and businesses held, and how the affliction of sexual sin could be passed on to her if she strayed to close. 
The Septon said it was a place of sickness that would disfigure the body and soul. Their existence was a defiance of their Gods, and any who went there would be punished for it greatly in the afterlife. 
Sex itself was not the sin. For it was acceptable between a man and women in the confines of marriage, for the explicit purpose of procreation. The Septon’s had informed her of this too. She had to be prepared, that one day she would be wed and this act would be expected of her. 
Though they had not explicitly said it was her duty, Marriage was a commandment of the gods, and if the purpose of marriage was procreation…Well, then it must be the duty of any woman who wanted to stay faithful to their Gods. 
Which Alicent did, more than anything.
Marriage was not only a commandment, it was something instituted by the divine edict. So she should have felt pleased that her former friend and step daughter was being blessed with such a union today. 
But she did not feel anything close to happiness on this day. A marriage could not heal the sickness that ravaged through Daemon’s frightful form. He was known for visiting brothels, taking virgins and turning them into soiled women. His reputation was as legendary as it was horrifying. 
It was made worse, that Alicent had once been fond of him. As a girl she thought him handsome, charming, and everything a prince should be. She could still recall the heat of his lips on her hand, when they were first introduced. 
She had nearly run from the late King’s chambers every time his youngest grandson entered, too embarrassed about her cheeks flushed in Daemon’s presence. 
The fact he made her — a faithful maiden, feel such lustful thoughts spoke to how much sin radiated from him, even then. Now as a man, it had increased tenfold. It was amazing he was not crippled by illness, from how deeply he had betrayed the Gods wishes by participating in such things. 
If she — Alicent — could find herself under the man's spell, then she could not expect Rhaenyra to be immune, either!
Rhaenyra smiled as she spoke her vows, clearly under the charms of her Uncle. She was dressed in white and covered with her house's cloak, looking innocent despite her previous actions. Her small hand was daintily placed in her Uncle’s, and her chin tipped up to see his face from her small height. 
All Alicent could think was that he would be capable of crushing her, in both body and spirit. 
Rhaenyra could not see the monster that festered under his human form, growing larger and more voracious every time he sinned. Now, she worried it would spread to Rhaenyra’s soul too. 
Even though their relationship now resembled a feud more than a friendship, no one deserved that.
Viserys Targaryen
Their wedding night was horrifying — the Valyrian practice of men shouting and stripping the bride as she headed to her quarters was distasteful at best, disgusting at worst. She had been glad when Viserys respected her commitment to the faith from her homeland and did not force her to participate in such a thing. 
It was bad enough that on your wedding night your husband had to touch you. The thought of bawdy men pawing at her as if she was a common whore made her cringe!  
It made her cringe watching Rhaenyra experience it too, though the girl still smiled and laughed and seemed nearly gleeful despite what her choices had led to.  
A few minutes later, when the new couple was locked behind thick doors — the screams started. She looked down at her cup sadly, knowing now the Princess was surely not smiling. Noises such as those could only be of suffering! She looked around the populated room, and saw signs of discomfort clear on everyone's faces. 
People nervously laughed, and tried to carry on, but it was impossible to miss the noises that seemed to echo through the halls. The sounds of violence, of a woman in pain. She wondered if Rhaenyra would survive. Wondered if she would walk again. Wondered how Daemon had the nerve to do such a thing where his bride's father could hear! 
She tried to discuss it with Viserys when he walked her to her chambers that night, “Husband, I think we should speak on what we heard tonight…” 
Viserys adamantly shook his head, “I do not want to think of it, much less speak about it!” He sounded almost angry, and rightly so, Alicent thought! 
“I realize he is your brother which puts you in a difficult position but…” She was going to say it was unacceptable, regardless of how close the man was to the crown. But Viserys interrupted her before she could finish, “It is because he is my brother that I will not speak on it. Do you understand?” 
Viserys was the softer of the brothers, the warmer of the pair. He was rarely so harsh and cold with her. But she supposed the day's events would weigh heavily on all of them. 
No father wanted to think of his daughter experiencing such a thing. 
She nodded, and dropped the subject. 
Rhaenyra wasn’t present at breakfast the next morning, the poor girl likely needing time to recover. 
Ser Cristin Cole
The screams continued nightly in the following weeks, along with moans and groans that seemed to echo through the halls outside the shared quarters of the Prince and Princess. Sometimes you could even hear the crack of hand against flesh — almost as loud as that of furniture crashing into stone. 
The violence of it made her feel sick. Made her feel sorry for her former friend. If she could not turn to her husband for actions on the Princesses wellbeing, she would go to her sworn shield. Surely her safety would be his highest priority — his only priority! 
But he was no better. The man almost blushed when she broached the topic!
“I know you, Ser would never do such a thing to a woman…” 
“I have taken a vow, my Queen, it would be wrong for me to do such things.” He said emphatically. 
“Yes of course! I know you would not even think of it.” Not all Knights were as vile as Daemon, though it was so easy to forget when she so often found herself in his presence.
He was blushing in truth now as he next spoke, “Well I can’t say I have not thought of it, but I would never lose control in such a way.” 
She nearly gasped! The nerve of the man to admit such a thing to her. Did all men feel this way? So tempted to force violence on the women they came across. Did he feel such temptations for her, now? For Rhaenyra, too? Did all men long for women, screaming beneath them? Perhaps all Knights were vile, but some were just better at hiding it. 
She would not continue this conversation with such a man, she stomped away in a fury — much to the embarrassed Knight's confusion. 
She was the one who had questioned him on his vows of chastity, after all. 
Harwin Strong
She saw the way he looked at the princess. She had despised it, mere months ago — the  open fondness and love that was inappropriate given their difference in stations. And now she was wed, which made it even worse for him to think of a relationship with her. 
But, at least she knew this man cared for her. Did not want to abuse her, the way her beast of a husband did. Perhaps he would find it in his heart to help the girl, and listen to Alicent’s pleas. 
“I am hesitant to bring such a topic to you.” She said to the man, her words measured and slow. 
“I’m honored you would bring a topic to me at all, my Queen.” 
She smiled at his noble response, “It concerns the princess.” She said. 
The man's face fell, and she took that as her opportunity — “Are you as devastated by her circumstances as I am?” Alicent asked, the words sad but hopeful at the thought of finding camaraderie  in her concerns. 
The man looked slightly broken as he nodded, “Of course, but I do not think it is my place to speak on it.” 
Alicent sighed, she could understand that, even if she hoped for more than it. 
“At least you too, do not desire such things.” She said solemnly. 
She didn’t see the faint blush on his cheeks, but even if she had, she still wouldn’t have understood the reason for it. 
Otto Hightower 
Her father was no help. 
“You cannot waste your time worrying about that whore.”  
“If Daemon's enthusiasm kills her, it is all the better for us. But that is doubtful.” 
It was doubtful. He was more controlled than that. She was sure he wanted to deal her bruises, not death. But even then, no woman deserved such a life
Every time she heard the cries and heard Rhaenyra wail Daemon’s name, Alicent found she too wanted to cry. She wished he would stop, for both their sake. But he was relentless in his treatment of his wife — it often went on for hours, long into the night, and resuming the next morning. 
Rhaenyra Targaryen
If no one would help Alicent, she would speak to Rhaenyra herself. They sat awkwardly together, unused to each other's company after years of little time spent with one another. 
Rhaenyra was wearing a pretty blue dress, but she wondered if blue flesh was hidden beneath its long sleeves. 
“I asked you for tea to address…Daemon’s treatment of you. In your chambers.”  
“ That is what you wish to speak about?” She said, sounding slightly shocked. 
Why was she surprised? Did she really think people hadn’t noticed? They were so loud, how could people not!
Alicent nodded, “I realize it is a sensitive topic but I find it impossible to ignore.” 
Rhaenyra pursed her lips, “I really do not think it is any of your business.” 
Alicent sighed, “Daemon is just…so relentless, you cannot blame me for wondering.” 
The poor girl was still in denial, “I think Daemon are quite well matched.” 
Alicent was surprised by this, though, “You respond to his actions?” 
Rhaenyra looked surprised now, “I do more than that, I return them.” 
Alicent had to excuse herself, at a loss for words with this realization. Rhaenyra may be the one screaming, but clearly whatever violence they bestowed upon each other was mutual. 
She knew now, that Daemon’s sickness had spread to his wife, and Alicent was too late. 
Daemon was very amused when his wife returned to their chambers, puzzled and mumbling about a strange conversation with Alicent. 
He had noticed Alicent’s disgusted looks in his direction over the past few weeks, which made her interest all the more amusing. 
Though, he was not overly concerned with Alicent’s looks. Not when he could be looking at his wife. 
He was looking at his wife now. 
He despised Alicent, but thought it sad that the closest she could get to pleasure was hearing someone else’s. 
As his wife settled herself in his lap, he did more than just look. No longer sparing a thought for the Queen, for he was ruled by his Princess. 
Luckily for Alicent, she really did not know what she was missing.
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Thank you for reading! :)
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Original Prompt:
Can be crackfic or traditional.
An AU where Viserys agrees to marry Daemon and Rhaenyra at some point before the marriage to Laenor can happen. Daemon and Rhaenyra remain at the Red Keep, and their sex life is often noisy.
Alicent, raised to believe the Faith's teachings on the marital act and in a passionless marriage, believes Daemon is hurting Rhaenyra. Horrified by the thought, she temporarily drops her feud with Rhaenyra in order to get her the help she thinks she needs
Cue multiple awkward conversations where she earnestly tries to get various characters to intervene (Viserys, Otto, Ser Harrold, the choices are yours.)
Daemon is aware of this from the beginning, and sits back to bask in the spectacle.
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
I believe that both Andrew and Neil dont see a reason to get married, that it's literally just a piece of paper that doesn't define their relationship
However, I do believe they would get married but only bc
1. It'd piss off homophobic fans and homophoebs everywhere
2. Tax and legal (mainly in regards to hospital and medical shit) benefits
3. So that when someone asks Neil about the minyard-josten rivalry Neil's chaotic ass can say its actually josten-minyard bc thats what it says on the marriage certificate
4. It would really fucking annoy Aaron
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
All of the foxes think that Neil has a different accent because he’s picked up the habit of unconsciously mimicking the accent of whoever he’s talking to. When they finally figure this out, they ask Neil what his real accent sounds like, and the boy’s brain just kind of stalls for a second before he says, in a manner that suggests that he too has also just made this discovery and is now questioning his very existence, “I don’t know??” 
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
forget “team edward” and “team jacob”, are you team “neil has a really creepy smile” or team “neil actually has a totally normal smile but he’s convinced himself that it’s awful”?
me personally, i’m team “his smile is maybe a little creepy but not nearly as bad as he thinks and andrew finds it completely beautiful. he doesn’t understand how neil could not like it, and he hates how neil always covers it up. it’s beautiful, just like every part of him is beautiful, because it’s his smile.”
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
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#when he’s a total daddy but is also acting like such a dad already
PEDRO PASCAL as JOEL MILLER The Last of Us (2023– )
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
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THE LAST OF US   S01E02 ─ Infected
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irongirl22 · 2 years ago
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Yes, all men must die. But we are not men. Daenerys Targaryen in season three of Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
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