Blog to host the 2023 round of The Irondad Creator Awards. Nominations Open July 1st!
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Irondad Creator Awards 2024 - Info Post

WHAT? — Awards for fanfic and art creations and creators of the Irondad Fandom.
WHEN? — The 2024 Round has come to an end. All winners can be seen here
We will be back in 2025 for more.
All nominees for 2024 are available as follows
All Nominees are Bookmarked here.
The Story Finalists are Bookmarked here - Part 1 & Part 2
The Writer Finalists are Bookmarked here
The Art Nominees are here
The Winners are Bookmarked here
Final Round Voting is now open. You can cast you vote here. Voting ends September 16th at 10pm PST. In the Final Round you may vote
WHY DO THIS? — Still riding high of the success of 2021, 2022, and 2023 we’re here to showcase the many amazing creators of Irondad content once again. We have had so much fun in previous years and it’s been great to see so many people getting involved by nominating and voting.
WHAT DO I WIN? — The fabulous @monireh created the winners prizes this year and her stuff is always beautiful.
MISCELLANEOUS — If you have any questions, feel free to send an Ask or DM.
WHAT CAN YOU DO — Tell your friends! Tell your followers! Tell your readers! Reblog! The more people that hear about the awards and nominate/vote, the better. We want all creators to have the chance to shine.
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Final Thanks

Some Final Thanks
With the winners announced and prizes posted, the 2024 Irondad Creator Awards are winding down for another year.
As always, we’ve had a lot of fun running them, and I want to take a moment for to give thanks.
@superherotiger created our great icon and banner again this year to add a little color to our posts and they were always ready in the team chat for advice and opinions.
@monireh89 created the most beautiful prize for our winners and runners-up and they put Hours into personalising them. We’re so grateful to them for all their work.
@ctrsara had to take a step back this year as life got busy, but they were there every day in the chat making decisions with us, giving opinions and general encouragement. They also helped me work my way around the Book@marks and Collections options when I was clueless.
@asyouleft is a true hero of these Awards. We literally could not run them without it without them. Not only do they take care of all the data entry and form creation, but they also put their own money into the Awards to pay for the website and secure voting forms. Without them we would be on Google Forms still and we all know how frustrating they are.
Final thanks, of course, go to you all. Thank you for nominating, voting, spreading the word, and being the most vital part of the Awards. Without you all, there would be no point in us running them at all.
See you all in 2025
@jadeys-world x
#irondad creator awards 2024#irondad creator awards#irondad and spiderson#iron man#spider son#fanfic#irondad#art#spider-man#fandom awards
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All Winners and Runners-Up have now been added to the collections, though some will be awaiting permission.
The Bookmarks are all processed though for Winners and Runners-Up so you can find them all there.
Here is a list for simplicity's sake of our 2024 WInners and Runners-Up.
Best Multi -Chapter
Winner: Get Off My Lawn by Or I'll Turn The Hose On You by Bergen
Runner-Up: Broken Mirrors And Fragile Things by Evienyx
Best Drabble
Winner: Peter Parker Needs A Hug by Happyaspie
Runner-Up: They Happen Because Of You by Diamondshard143
Best One -Shot
Winner: How To Get Banned From Monaco (Again) by Niniblack
Runner-Up: King Of The Interns by Isadancurtisproduction
Best Plot Twist
Winner: Dark Matter by Mysterycyclone
Runner-Up: Occupational Hazard by Bergen
Best Biodad
Winner: The Moon And Stars (And Gummy Worms Where They Shouldn’t Be) by Jaworley
Runner-Up: I Believe I'm Lacking Some Context by Bergen
Best World's Colliding
Winner: Heir Of Stark Industries by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Runner-Up: 4.2 And Running In Circles (Don’t Give Up Kid by I’m Here) by Jaworley
Best Hurt/Comfort
Winner: To Be Built Back Up Again by Fotibrit
Runner-Up: If You Find That You Feel Lost by I'll Be Your Ticket Back by Kingdomfaraway
Best Homeless
Winner: Leap Of Faith (Catch Me If You Can) by Erinwantstowrite
Runner-Up: Broken Mirrors And Fragile Things by Evienyx
Best Adoption
Winner: 7 Times Peter Starts To Realize He Has A Family + The One Time He Knows He Does by Jaworley
Runner-Up: 100 Hours (Community Service Is For The Turtles) by Orphanaccount
Best Fix -It Fic
Winner: Tis The Damn Season (For A Christmas Miracle) by Peacockgirl
Runner-Up: The Fifth Stage Of Grief by Bergen
Best 5+1
Winner: The Iron Dad Protocol by Peacockgirl
Runner-Up: 5 Times Peter’s Metabolism Screwed Him Over by For_The_Night
Best Identity Reveal
Winner: Coincidentally— by Bergen
Runner-Up: All I've Waited For (Where You Belonged) by Jaworley
Best Kidnapping
Winner: I Know My Name (It's All I Know For Sure) by Jaworley
Runner-Up: How To Catch A Spider -Man by Ctrsara
Best Bonus Bond
Winner: Take Me By The Hand (I Miss You) by Jaworley
Runner-Up: Unofficial SI Lemonade Business by Happyaspie
Best Humor
Winner: Hierarchy Of Needs by Bergen
Runner-Up: Ned Leeds' Beginner's Guide To Faking Sick by Happyaspie
Best Wild Card Story
Winner: Lies Of Omission by Bergen
Runner-Up: An Unexpected Reunion by Sara (Ctrsara)
Best AU
Winner: A Sky Full Of Stars by Olliecollie
Runner-Up: The Spiderman And The Frog by Bergen
Best Series
Winner: Finding The Way Home by Peacockgirl
Runner-Up: More Than An Intern by Jaworley
The All -Time Favorite
Winner: Leap Of Faith (Catch Me by If You Can) by Erinwantstowrite
Runner-Up: Identity Saga by Kitcat992
The 2023/2024 Favorite
Winner: Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Runner-Up: Broken Mirrors And Fragile Things by Evienyx
Winner: Bergen
Runner-Up: Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Winner: Mswinifredquale
Runner-Up: Badass_Bookworm
Winner: Jaworley
Runner-Up: Peacockgirl
Winner: Spideyart
Runner-Up: Reeneeart
Winner: Spideyart
Runner-Up: Stxrddst
Best Sketch
Winner: Moritashi
Runner-Up: Monireh
Best Wild Card
Winner: Spidey -Art
Winner: Reeneeart
Best Fic Art
Winner: Monireh
Runner-Up: Happyaspie
Best Cartoon
Winner: Happyaspie
Best Canon -Redraw
Winner: Melty -Artz
#irondad creator awards#spider-man#iron man#irondad and spiderson#irondad#art#fandom awards#spider son#fanfic#irondad creator awards 2024
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A Couple Of Notes

Multiple Winners
This year we decided that All-Time Favorite was exempt from the rule of one prize per story and we didn't make that a public announcement. Also, there were some cases in which there would be no winner/runner-up unless one story won more than one prize. Again, I failed to make that pblic.
I apologize personally for any confusion
The Validity Of A Winner
There has been some queries about a crossover story counting as Irondad and winning two prizes. This has been discussed at length by the team and we're all in agreement that the story counts as Irondad and therefore has fairly won their prizes. Congratulations :-)
@jadeys-world x
#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad#spider-man#irondad and spiderson#spider son#fanfic#iron man#irondad creator awards#fandom awards#art
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We've addressed this as a team and we're all in agreement that it's an Irondad story with the current content and it sounds like there will be even more soon.
As one of the Mods said, "People nominated it, people voted for it, so that's just how it rolls." The Awards were born from the idea of showcasing the talent the fandom has and having fun. I think we do a good job of that. We have no plans to form a way of policing nominations.
This is, after all, for fun
Congrats on your wins
@jadeys-world x
I think it's really unfortunate that the same non-IronDad story won two awards in this event. I wish there was a better way to highlight and showcase the many great writers in the MCU IronDad fandom. Lots of authors who get glossed over simply because they're not one of the "popular" writers.
Hi there Anon
We rely on the fandom to police itself as we cannot read every nomination to check it is Irondad before adding it to the voting form. We'd really like to hear which story it is so we can look into it further, though, so if you're willing to drop us another Ask or PM, that'd be great.
As for the winners - they're chosen in a fair vote. We're absolutely open to ideas if you have a way to make it fairer.
@jadeys-world x
#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad creator awards#spider-man#iron man#spider son#irondad#irondad and spiderson#irondad creator awards 2023#fandom awards#art#fanfic#erinwantstowrite
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I think it's really unfortunate that the same non-IronDad story won two awards in this event. I wish there was a better way to highlight and showcase the many great writers in the MCU IronDad fandom. Lots of authors who get glossed over simply because they're not one of the "popular" writers.
Hi there Anon
We rely on the fandom to police itself as we cannot read every nomination to check it is Irondad before adding it to the voting form. We'd really like to hear which story it is so we can look into it further, though, so if you're willing to drop us another Ask or PM, that'd be great.
As for the winners - they're chosen in a fair vote. We're absolutely open to ideas if you have a way to make it fairer.
@jadeys-world x
#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad creator awards#irondad and spiderson#spider-man#iron man#spider son#irondad#fandom awards#irondad creator awards 2023#art#fanfic
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Best Canon Redraw
Winner: Melty -Artz

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad creator awards#irondad#spider-man#irondad and spiderson#spider son#iron man#fanfic#art#fandom awards
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Best Cartoon
Winner: Happyaspie

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#iron man#irondad and spiderson#fanfic#art#fandom awards#spider-man#irondad#irondad creator awards#spider son
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Best Fic Art Prize
Winner: Monireh

Runner-Up: Happyaspie

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#spider-man#iron man#irondad creator awards#spider son#fanfic#irondad#irondad and spiderson#fandom awards#art
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Best Wild Card Art Award
Winner: Spidey -Art

Winner: Reeneeart

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad and spiderson#spider son#iron man#fanfic#art#spider-man#irondad creator awards#fandom awards#irondad
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Best Sketch Award
Winner: Moritashi

Runner-Up: Monireh

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad and spiderson#iron man#spider-man#spider son#fanfic#irondad#irondad creator awards#fandom awards#art
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Most Heartbreaking Fanart
Winner: Spideyart

Runner-Up: Stxrddst

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#iron man#irondad and spiderson#irondad creator awards#spider-man#irondad#fanfic#spider son#art#fandom awards
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Best Iron Family Art
Winner: Spideyart

Runner-Up: Reeneeart

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad and spiderson#spider son#iron man#fanfic#art#spider-man#irondad#irondad creator awards#fandom awards
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The OG Writer Award
Winner: Jaworley

Runner-Up: Peacockgirl

#Irondad Creaor Awards 2024#iron man#irondad and spiderson#spider son#fanfic#irondad#irondad creator awards#spider-man#art#fandom awards
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The Newbie Writer Award
Winner: Mswinifredquale

Runner-Up: Badass_Bookworm

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#irondad creator awards#irondad and spiderson#iron man#spider son#fanfic#spider-man#irondad#fandom awards#art
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The Prolific Writer Award
Winner: Bergen

Runner-Up: Inkinmyheartandonthepage

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#spider-man#iron man#irondad and spiderson#irondad#irondad creator awards#spider son#fanfic#art#fandom awards
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The 2023/2024 Favorite
Winner: Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping by Inkinmyheartandonthepage

Runner-Up: Broken Mirrors And Fragile Things by Evienyx

#Irondad Creator Awards 2024#spider-man#irondad and spiderson#irondad#irondad creator awards#iron man#fanfic#art#spider son#fandom awards
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