Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Just take your time... It's okay to take it slow and steady. {I aired out reassuringly as I remained protectively close as he took his first few wobbly steps} You've been in a hospital bed for a bit now, so between the combination of that as well as your injuries from the fall, it makes sense that your legs are leery to function like normal. They'll bounce back here again before you know it you'll be walking like a pro. {I said as a means of further reassurance. I knew if he wasn't well enough to leave here, or even to be out of bed, Dr. Halstead wouldn't have signed off on his discharge papers. All that to say, I would miss seeing him here every day while I was at work, but I was happy for him that he was getting to go home for the duration of his recovery} My shift ends in a little while... I can take you home, if you want. {I offered with a warm smile as I kept my hand gently and protectively on his back as he continued toward the hospital room door. I smiled and gave an agreeable nod. First in response to him assuring me that I'm spoken for, and then again when he responded to my request for him to be careful in his line of work. I wasn't naive... I knew how dangerous his job was, so I was aware that injuries happened in his job. Still, I wouldn't be me if I didn't at least share that I wanted to know he was safe} I know, Blake... It's okay that you can't promise that. I understand your work is dangerous. I only said that as a means of telling you that I care about you in a round about way. {I gently explained as a soft smile followed}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I instinctively moved to Blake's side as a means of offering him support, should he need it, as he shifted up onto his feet. Given his injuries, the medication moving through his system, and also the fact that he's been mostly immobile for days, he wasn't all that steady on his feet currently} You good? You can lean on me for support if you need it... I mean, we wouldn't want you toppling over, ending up with another injury, and then having to extend your stay here at the hospital as a result. Of course I wouldn't mind having you here a little longer than planned, but not at the cost of another injury for you. {I said with a smile as my hand gently traced across your back as you worked to build the strength up in your legs before moving much more} And there's no need for you to worry about doctors hitting on me, even if they did, as far as I'm concerned, I'm happily spoken for. {Glancing up at you with a soft, doting smile as I remained close to you} The thought of you coming to fight on my behalf does sound pretty cute though. {I added with a playful grin} Tell you what, I promise to fight off any doctors, or nurses either for that matter, who try to hit on me, if you promise to do your very best to avoid falling out of any buildings or trees again in the near future. And with that, for all future visits to the hospital, that you're not here as the patient. {I pleaded with a soft smile. Sure, I knew how dangerous Blake's job was, and I understood the risk that case with it, but if he could at least try to keep himself safe, I know it would bring me peace of mind}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I smiled over at Dr. Halstead as he instructed me to log a few things into Blake's chart, which prompted me to nod as I retrieved the iPad and did exactly as he asked. Before long he thanked me, gave Blake a few parting words, and then he left the hospital room. By now we were alone again, which I happen to enjoy since moments like this gave me a chance to get to know Blake a bit better than I did now. A soft smile traced my lips as I felt Blake's pinky trailing lightly across my thumb as he shared more about the fire that took his family away from him, and forever changed his life as a result} I can believe that. You're the bravest person I know... {This saying a lot since I had come across a lot of first responders during my short time here at Med. Still, in my eyes, there was no better than Blake. Might make me a little biased in saying that, but nothing would change my mind on that} Oh, without a doubt. I could never forget my favorite patient. Honestly, during these next few days, you're going to be seeing so much of me at your place that there's a good chance you'll be tired of seeing me. {I chuckled softly as I flashed you a playful grin. I meant it though... I fully intended to visit Blake every chance I could over these next few days while he was at home and on the mend}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I nodded while the grin laced across my lips} Your /girlfriend/ approves of the title. {I added with a playful wink before another grin followed. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze before immediately retracting my hand when I heard the sound of footsteps coming into the hospital room. In hearing Dr. Halstead’s voice, I shifted up onto my feet; listening with a slight hint of nervousness as I awaited to hear Blake’s test results. Ultimately excelling a soft sigh of relief when I heard they were all good and Blake would be discharged sooner rather than later] That’s great news. I’m happy for you, Blake. {I aired out with a soft smile. One that brightened when I heard him speak highly of me to Dr. Halstead. A few minutes later, Dr. Halstead left, which gave Blake and I a few minutes to resume with our previous conversation} Blake, before someone else walks in and we get interrupted again, I want to say you are the bravest person I know. You’re brave, selfless, kind… One of the best people I know. You were just a kid when that fire happened. Don’t fault yourself. You did the best you could. {I said with another soft smile} Anyway, are you excited about getting discharged? Won’t be long now, but please promise me you’ll be as careful as possible when you go back to work… Stick to the safer end of the risks you take on the job instead of the crazy ones that will prompt your chief and lieutenants to yell at you, and ultimately you ending up hurt again. {I gently pleaded with a smile. Word about Blake’s risk-taking antics had already gotten to me. Well, more like I heard the members of the firehouse talking about him and his risks when they were waiting in the waiting area shortly after Blake was brought in to have his injuries treated. Sure, I appreciated how brave Blake was, but I cared about him, so naturally I didn’t want to see him taking drastic risks that could land him back here in the hospital}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{A soft grin pulled at the corners of my lips as I heard the text from Blake come through my phone. Giving a playful nod as I read the text; chuckling softly at his wording as another grin formed on my lips} Boyfriend...? {My cheeks warming slightly into a blush while the soft grin remained contentedly across my lips} Has a good ring to it, doesn't it? {I aired out in flirtatious response before adding} I like the sound of that. {The grin remained perfectly fixed on my lips as I put my phone back inside my pocket while giving Blake's hand a gentle squeeze} She has her good days and her bad days. {I shared in response to Blake's question about my aunt} She's a fighter though... Toughest woman I know, so if anyone can beat this, it's her. {I added agreeably before Blake shared the story of his own family} I'm sorry that happened to you. Seems to me it made you strong and brave though. I can see the tenacity inside of you... I have a feeling your parents would be very proud of you. {I added with a smile but before much more could be said, Dr. Halstead entered the hospital room with an update on Blake's test results and how soon he will be discharged from here} "How's my favorite patient doing today? Nurse Brooks taking good care of you?" {Dr. Halstead asked as I casually shifted up from my seat on the edge of Blake's hospital bed and onto my feet; moving out of the way and closer to the monitor in Blake's hospital room, so Dr. Halstead could speak to Blake without me blocking their view}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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I trust you. I'm sure it's going to be perfect. {I smiled as his hand held my own for a few seconds longer. Only releasing our hands when he retrieved his phone so I could put my number into his contacts. Once I did, I returned the phone to him} Perfect. Text me your address whenever. {I added with a lingering smile as I relaxed as I sat on the edge of his hospital bed. Hearing Blake ask me about living in Chicago} Just a few months. I was living in New York prior to this. I actually got an offer to work at John's Hopkins in Baltimore, but then I got a call that my aunt here in Chicago was very ill. She had been there so much for me when I was growing up that I knew I wanted to be here for her now, so I told John's Hopkins I wouldn't be able to take the job. Fortunately they had an opening here at Med, and Mrs. Goodwin decided to give me a shot. {I explained. Knowing Blake didn't ask for all of those details, but I figured they went with the story, so I might as well share them now} What about you? Have you lived in Chicago your whole life? {I asked in response. Wanting to get to know Blake a bit more too since all I knew about him was that he was a highly respected firefighter here in Chicago}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I smiled listening to Blake gush about the Italian restaurant he mentioned. I liked that he found simple things like that so exciting. It was sweet. Appreciating the little things is something I find attractive in others} That restaurant sounds perfect. I love Italian, and I've gotta admit, bread is one of my weaknesses. {I added with a playful grin as gave his hand a gentle squeeze as his fingers traced across the top of my hand. Knowing this couldn't last long since it would only be a matter of time before Dr. Halstead came into the room with an update for Blake, but for now, I would enjoy every second of his hand brushed against my own} Sure... Give me your phone a second and I'll put my number in there. Then you can text me with your information so I know where to come when I bring you food. {I knew it would only be a matter of time before Blake returned to work and his day to day routine, but for now, I wanted to spend time with him while he was still on the mend} Good because spending time with you since you've been here is the best thing that's happened to me since I moved to Chicago. {I aired out sincerely and smiled. I normally didn't fall this fast for a guy, but even I couldn't deny the mutual connection we had between us}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I smiled in pure relief as I heard Blake agree that we were going to have dinner together once he was released from here and feeling better. Obviously I wasn’t expecting us to have dinner immediately after he was discharged from here. He was hurt and on the mend, so naturally I wanted him to rest and heal for a few days first} Italian is my favorite, but I’m not picky. We can go anywhere you want… Just, not too fancy. I’m not really a fancy, wear a dress to go to a ritzy restaurant type of girl. Besides, I’ve been to places like that, and I never seem to know what fork I’m supposed to use. {I aired out through a soft laugh, even though that was the truth. Fancy restaurants and multiple pieces of the same type of silverware wasn’t my thing. I was too simple for that sort of thing} And once you’re released from here, just know I’m not expecting us to do the dinner date thing right away. I want you to heal and feel better first. {I said with a smile before adding to my comment with a suggestion} But, if you’re up for it, once you are discharged from here, I can always bring you food at your place and we could hang out there while you are on the mend. I mean, I know it wouldn’t be an out and about type of date, but we’d still get to spend time together, without the people from the hospital watching us like hawks, so it might not be so bad. {Leaving my suggestion there for the time being while Blake has time to consider my idea} Well, lucky for you, I already finished my morning rounds, so you have my undivided attention until I either get paged, or Maggie comes in here and has me tend to another patient or something. {I said with a soft smile as I remained contentedly here in his hospital room}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I smiled when I heard Blake confess that, although he wouldn’t miss the hospital beds here, that he would miss me. Wow, if we were alone right now, and my job wouldn’t be on the line, I probably would have leaned in and kissed him for a sweet remark like that. Instead I merely responded with a soft smile before nodding in response} I know what you mean… {I started to say as I paused long enough to ensure nobody was nearby to hear me before my lips parted so I could continue} I’m going to miss seeing you too. This just means you’re going to need to take me out on an official date once you’re no longer my patient. {Okay, maybe I was taking a risk now with that suggestion, but I figured it was a mostly safe risk. No, I didn’t like putting myself out there like I just did. It left me feeling vulnerable and opened the door for rejection, but it was clear that my feelings toward Blake were reciprocated, so I didn’t feel all that nervous for his reaction. Confident that once we left here, Blake and I would at least go on one date to test the waters between us} I don’t know… He was checking in on another patient a few minutes ago, so I’m assuming once he’s finished with that patient, he’ll be coming in to talk to you about your tests and such. {I briefly explained. Of course I could be wrong about that since that sort of thing was always unpredictable. Even with the best intentions, Dr. Halstead could always get pulled away unexpectedly to another patient, but either way, I knew he would be here to check on Blake as soon as he was able to} In the meantime though, you have me here to keep you company. {I added with a smile as I remained standing beside Blake’s hospital bed}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I flashed Blake a soft, cheerful smile when I made my way to the side of his hospital bed} Good morning, handsome... {I said in a volume just loud enough for Blake to hear me as I jotted down the necessary notes in his medical chart. After hitting save, I put in the order for his next round of pain medication, since he was due for it} I stopped in here a few times to check on you, but you were sleeping, which was good... It's what you needed. {I started to say with a lingering smile before adding} Impressive though considering how uncomfortable these beds are. Must have been the meds that did it. Dr. Halstead does have you on the good ones. {I joked lightly as I remained situated beside his hospital room} Speaking of, you're due for your next round of pain medication. {The soft smile on my lips remained as I put the key code for the medication cabinet into the key pad, then once it unlocked and the door opened, I grabbed the pain medication that Blake needed. Once I had what I needed, I closed and locked the cabinet back up, then swapped out the IV bags of pain medication. After disposing of the empty bag, I hooked up the new one into his IV bag, then configured the correct dosage into the machine, so the medication started to reach Blake's body at a safe speed and level} There you go... You should be feeling the affects of this one shortly. {I assured him before taking a seat on the edge of his hospital bed, so I could keep him company for a few minutes until I would be needed elsewhere} Dr. Halstead should be in shortly to check on you... Last I spoke to him he said he wanted you to go for a few tests, and then if all came out fine with those, there's a good chance you'll be discharged today or tomorrow. {I shared with Blake; knowing I'd miss being able to keep him company here, but I knew he'd be relieved to be getting out of the hospital sooner rather than later. Honestly, I'd be feeling the same way if I was in his shoes, so I completely understood that sentiment}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{By the time my break came in between my double shift, I returned to Blake's hospital room to find him asleep. Although I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get to speak to him again before my break, I was relieved to see him resting. Given his injuries, he needed all of the rest that he could get. After wrapping up my last few notes in my patient's charts, I made my way to one of the napping rooms, so I could grab a couple hours of sleep. Knowing I'd need it before the start of my next shift... The time seemed to go by quickly before the alarm I had set on my cell phone was going off, and I was awoken from my needed rest. Once I got up out of the bed, I made my way to the nurse's lounge to freshen up a bit. Not long then before I was pulling my hair back up into a ponytail, I had placed my bag into my locker, and then I made my way back to my floor to begin my rounds. For the most part everything was taken care of, so after briefly doing my rounds, and then jotted the appropriate notes into each of my patient's charts, I started toward Blake's room to check in on him. A soft smile resting on my lips as I approached his hospital room; pleased to see that he was awake and watching TV} Well, if it isn't my favorite patient. {I said with a cheerful smile as I stepped into his room to first check his vitals, so I could update his chart, and then spend some time with him while I had the chance to do so} How are you feeling? I'm guessing you're ready for your next round of pain medication? {Noticing he was due for that in his chart, so I took the liberty of putting the order in for that before even needing to get a response from him. Once I finished, my eyes returned to him with another soft smile} Were you able to get some sleep? When I checked in on you before my break, you were sleeping, so I hoped you were able to get some much needed rest.
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{Over the next few hours, I tended to my patients. Of course I made sure to check in on Blake hourly; explaining to Maggie that Dr. Halstead instructed me to do as such every time Maggie gave me a knowing sort of look. Damn, it was like this woman was an FBI detective or something by the way she always seemed to know everything. Could she read minds? I ridiculously wondered in my mind after swapping out Blake's last meds with the new set of IV bags that Dr. Halstead ordered him. Once I finished doing so, I made my way over to his monitor so I could jot down his latest set of STATS and levels into the electronic file in my handheld iPad. After jotting down the last few notes into the iPad, I hit "save," and then lingered there another second or two longer in order to ensure it saved. Noticing Blake was still fast asleep, a soft smile creased my lips. I knew Maggie would be watching for me to reappear because she was like some kind of eagle-eye or something, so before lingering any longer, I took my leave from the hospital room; pulling the plexiglass door closed behind me before I started toward the nurse's station area} "You're certainly very attentive of that patient." {Maggie said with a questioning smirk. Prompting me to nod and to give my usual response. Maggie cut me off part way through my speech though to add} "Oh yes, of course... Dr. Halstead told you to visit Blake hourly. Sure." {Maggie said with a grin before leaning in to add in a whispered volume} "Keep in mind, falling for a patient is forbidden and means for dismissal." {Maggie said which prompted a casual nod from me. I didn't even get a chance to respond though before she added} "But last I heard, he's probably going to be discharged from here tomorrow, so technically speaking, he'll no longer be your patient." {Maggie flashed me a smirk as she started to walk away from the counter} "Oh, and do me a favor, check on the patient in 102 for me. I need an updated note of his STATS and check on his urine levels too. Doris was supposed to do it, but she's tied up with another patient now." {I nodded in response before heading toward that patient's hospital room} No problem. {I said with a soft smile as I pulled that patient's file up on my iPad, so I had all of the information I needed before I updated the electronic chart at Maggie's request}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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Good because I plan to let you fall completely head over heels for me. {I said with a soft, playful grin. Checking to ensure nobody was watching or listening in on us before I added} And I plan to let you catch me when I fall head over heels for you. {Flashing him a wink and then a smile as I cleaned up the dinner remnants. No sooner managing to do so when Dr. Halstead walked into the hospital room to give Blake an update on his condition. Dr. Halstead gave me a few directions in regard to tests and medication alterations, which prompted me to nod in response before I took my leave from the room in order to take care of that. By the time I did as Dr. Halstead asked and I returned to the hospital room, Blake's eyes were closed and he appeared to be trying to get some sleep. It was needed, I'm sure, since I'm assuming he's feeling the affects of his injuries currently. I didn't want to wake him, so I worked as quietly as possible as I changed out some of his IV bags, in order to accommodate the new medications that Dr. Halstead wanted to add to Blake's current list. Once I finished and ensured it was running properly, I stopped briefly in front of his hospital monitor, so I could jot down his latest stats into the handheld iPad where Blake's chart was located}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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No, on the contrary... If our next date is even half as good as this one was, then I have a feeling I'm about to fall completely head over heals for you, Blake Gallo. {I said with a genuine smile as I continued to eat the sandwich in front of me. In noticing the change in Blake's expression though, I knew he was starting to feel the affects of his injuries. Lowering my sandwich back down into the plastic container and I wiped my hands off with my napkin before sipping on a bit of water} Hey, it's okay.... I promise, no judgement. I like a guy who is honest about how he's feeling. Those pretend "tough guys" who lie and put on a brave face to hide their pain just aren't for me. {I said with a soft smile as I gently and subtly gave his hand a squeeze. Fortunately I was blocking our hands, so nobody would have seen me do that} You rest here and I'll be back shortly with that Jello and pain medication. {I assured him as I released his hand then shifted up onto my feet} You finished with your food? If so, I can throw what's left away before going to get the Jello and pain meds for you. {I offered as I bagged up the rest of my stuff; figuring I'd eat the rest of my wrap later this evening or something. I then started to clean up the stuff I knew needed to be tossed out as I waited for Blake's response about what was left of his turkey wrap. As I did so, Dr. Halstead entered the room with his iPad in hand} "Good news, Gallo, your latest set of labs came out good. We'll run another set of labs tomorrow morning for added precaution, but if all goes as expected, we might be springing you from here tomorrow afternoon or evening." {Dr. Halstead explained to Blake which prompted a smile from me in response. In the meantime I continued to clean up the remaining remnants from our dinner before placing the bag off to the side. While Dr. Halstead continued filling Blake in on the labs and test results, I ducked out of the room in order to grab him more Jello, and most importantly, the next dose of pain medication, since I knew he was definitely needing it currently}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{Of course I was only teasing about the sponge bath portion of my comment. I mean, obviously, right? Blake and I just met. We barely knew each other, and at this point in time, we really shouldn't be having conversations like this at all given that he's a patient and I'm his assigned nurse. This sort of thing would get me fired if anyone got wind of it. I was new here at Med. I didn't have much time under my belt, so I couldn't afford to get a black mark put on my record for breaking the cardinal rule of the hospital. Still, I liked Blake... Apparently enough to take this risk, so I was open to see where this may or may not go once he was discharged from the hospital} That got your attention, I see. {I gently teased while a soft grin pulled at the corners of my lips} Anyway, let's go on a date first, once you're no longer my patient, and then we'll pencil the sponge bath in depending on how the date goes. {I chuckled softly and then flashed Blake another grin in response} In the meantime, can I get you anything? More Jello, maybe? A bib in case I say something that causes you to choke on your water again? {I teased while a playful grin rested across my lips. I didn't know about Blake, but personally, I liked this playful sort of banter we had going between us now} On a more medical side of things, once you're finished eating, I'll give you your next dose of pain medication... I'm sure you're starting to feel the affects of your injuries... Especially since I keep making you laugh, and now choke too. {I gently rubbed your back before retracting my hand to flash you a soft smile}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I smiled when I heard Blake giving me an out about dating him. He understood my concerns for his well-being and safety, given his dangerous line of work. Sure, I had real concerns about that. I mean, look at how we met... He got injured in his line of work and we met when I was assigned to him as his nurse. Still, I liked Blake and I thought it would be silly to not give him a chance given a risk. Hey, life was unpredictable. Anything can happen at any point... I see proof of that on a daily basis while working here, so why would I give up the opportunity to date a seemingly great guy just because of the "what if" factor? I silently considered as I gave my head a light shake while the soft smile lingered across my lips} I don't want an out, Blake. I like you, so if you still decide you want a date with me once you're no longer a patient here, then I'm in. {I added with a slightly heightened smile} Besides, fortunately for you, I'm a nurse, so if you go and get yourself injured, you'll have me there to take extra special care of you. {Wiggles my brows playfully and winks} Might even toss in a sponge bath or two, if the need and opportunity should arise. {I added with a teasing grin before I resumed eating the food that was before me}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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{I couldn't help but to smile when I heard Blake's whispered comment. Relieved to know that this conversation wasn't all just in fun now, like when our banter first began. Of course our flirting began when Blake first came into the ED and was high on pain killers, then it continued when he helped me get out of a requested date from Mike, but as time went on, it seemed our flirting went from merely a game to sincerity. Grant it, I can't exactly pinpoint the exact moment it became genuine but I wasn't complaining either because I liked Blake. He was handsome, charming, funny, and I could tell he was one of the good ones. Not to mention the whole selfless, saving lives on a daily basis, type of career also made me like him even more. Mind you, it terrified me a bit to know he could come in with injuries a great deal more significant than this one, but it was endearing to know he had such a kind heart, so I'd let that be my focus over my fear, at the moment} I look forward to that... And not to worry, when you ask me out on that date, I fully intend to say yes. {I started to say before teasingly adding} I don't plan to blow you off like I did Mike. {A soft chuckle leaving my lips as I continued to eat the food from the container in front of me} No more hospitals though. I mean, as nice as it is to see you, I'd rather you remain in one, unscathed and uninjured piece. {Another smile shifting to my lips} While we're on the subject though, and you know, just so I'm prepared going into this... Do you find yourself injured on the job often? And if so, what sort of injuries are we talking about? Do they tend to be similar to this one where you fell from a tree saving a cat, or more serious things that are going to keep me on my toes with concern for your well being? {Maybe it was too soon to ask questions like that, but I don't know... I was all for transparency. I tended to be one of those people who put all the cards out on the table. I always wanted to know ahead of time what I was getting myself into, and with that, what I can expect if I'm going into a relationship with someone}
It was my nature to get tangled up. It was beyond the risks Blake tended to take. He was the man that climbed up a 12 story building, he was the guy that swung through ropes in order to reach a person in need. You could say he was a daredevil. He had gotten scolded at the start at 51 because of his risk tenacity. Borden was only trying to protect his men; and Casey he was why I was still at 51. He fought for me, and given my story it made sense why I’d go to bat for innocent people. I was only a child when I lost my parents, my sister to a fire. I was on my own. I was the one that had to be strong; I was the one who had to get their life together because I had a life to live.
I knew the dangers of walking into fires; I knew how to handle the job; and honestly today was a pure accident; but in my eyes a nice one. Because due to my injuries I was now in the same room as this beautiful girl; Melanie, and i felt it that spark i haven’t felt in a long time. I felt that spark you never want to let dim. I knew I was only teasing; the gentle tone in my voice said it all. “ Jello was the game changer, you see I’m a sucker for jello, it’s how I healed myself each time I got sick.” Not that was true; along with a bunch of cold medicine, but he wanted to show the connection why she had him at the mention of jello. Not to mention his attempt to save her from an idiot doctor who simply never got the hint. So now that we made it known we had a jello date; we had to follow through with it right?
It was easy; to pretend outside these hospital walls the reality didn’t exsit. Gallo wasn’t the guy to flirt easier; and let’s be honest he was probably coming up short with her. But he also felt the blonde was flirting back with him; it wasn’t an idea he convinced himself of in his head. Melanie liked him; it was clear with her next comment; that she’d want to see him again. Now Gallo glanced to the white sheets on the bed as he attempted to conceal the smile that dared to tug along his lips. He was the mess up; he was the guy who fumbled with words, who never said what he felt; but with her; he wanted to test the boundaries. It was wrong; he was a patient in her care nor would he ever want to risk her career; but he also had to tease her on her own remark.
“ So what I’m hearing is you want to see me again even if I get injured or not, normally we end the first date before admitting you want to see the guy again.” A joke based on the lame movies he’s seen with Violet and Ritter; there was a whole list of films this situation would fit for. Regardless; he’d even tag along with Brett and Violet to deliver paperwork, or do a health check up if it meant he’d see her again. Point was he did want to see her again; where he wasn’t glued to a hospital bed. Once the pillows were done being fluffed; the male had inched himself to lay down, head hitting the fluffed pillows, a lazy smile came to his lips.
Head tilted to the side; as his gaze was drawn right back to her; her eyes, her smile it came the knots form in the pit of his stomach. He was flattered she wanted to share a piece of her. Why she was a nurse; it made sense. Experiences in life is what dictate our careers; I could say the same for myself. “ I’m happy to hear you haven’t had any more almost injuries; maybe you can sparkle those good sprits on me.” Another joke; as he fought the urge to extend his arm out to her; but that would definitely be seen as crossing a long.
“ My family died in a fire when I was a kid, my parents my sister, and I was hopeless. I survived, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like I deserve it. It’s why I became a firefighter. Why I will always go the extra mile to save people because a firefighter did that for me. They didn’t give up when my sister my parents were too burnt up to tell a face. They saved me.” It’s who I was; the savior; the guy that will go above and beyond. Lips pushed together to hold any tear that dared to fall at the memory; it was hard to talk about but Melanie she shared a piece of herself; so I felt I could with her. I trusted her.
Brushing the vulnerable state off; I had echoed out my reply to the jello. “ Do i have anymore test to do or can we jump right to the jello?”
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