irisclans-legacy · 1 month
Welcome to IrisClan!
ALRIGHT LET'S GO! No schedule, I post as I finish drawing, got that? Cool let's go.
Click here to read through the story chronologically! (no link yet: will add when first lore post is up)
Asks are welcome and I will try my best to answer all of them. I assure you I read them all and cherish them, though.
My name is Nova, and I use he/they pronouns, so if you wanna talk to artist there are your details. Will keep allegiances under the cut, will TRY to keep them updated as the clan changes but we'll see.
I change some names to what sounds right to me, and take some liberties with their designs. I also take some creative liberties when it comes to events, I am a storyteller and I will do what seems right narratively.
Leader: Nightstar - He/Him - Adult - Compassionate - Great Storyteller & Lorekeeper.
Deputy: Lavendersplash - He/Him - Young Adult - Charismatic - Great Teacher
Healer: Hazelspring - She/Her - Adult - Responsible - Great Healer
Nettlecurl - She/Her - Adult - Confident - Talented Swimmer
Queens & Kits:
Rubblejump - She/Her - Adult - Compassionate - Eloquent Speaker Charredkit - She/Her - Know-It-All - Interested in Clan History Pebblekit - She/Her - Noisy - Lover of Stories
Bluefreckle - She/Her - Young Adult - Confident - Good Storyteller Olivekit - He/Him - Skittish - Fascinated by Prophecies Birdkit - He/Him - Daydreamer - Morbid Curiosity
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