iridescemce · 4 years
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Carry On boys comic, because if there’s anything I love doing it’s making them Yearn
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iridescemce · 4 years
the idiot sandwich, reimagined:
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iridescemce · 4 years
being gay is like…. we’re friends…. but are we flirting?…. now we’re fake flirting…. or is this serious flirting?…. we’re really good friends….. you tell me I’m pretty and I call you attractive…. but we’re just being nice, right?…. and I’m down to kiss…. if you want….
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iridescemce · 4 years
I'm tired of non-asians on twitter trying to tell asians that we shouldn't be offended by the racial stereotype that is Cho Chang. I mean,
Cho and Chang are both last names
One's Korean, the other's Chinese (no I dont remeber which is which)
She got sorted into the Smart House
Her only interactions are following 2 white boys around like a lovesick puppy
Cho Chang sounds suspiciously like "ching chang" a term used to mock asians (This has been used multiple times against my family and other asian friends)
The only person East Asians can identify with, one of the 4 asians in the entire series (Patil twins, Nagini)
All of the Asian characters are only seen in relation to white men.
Honestly, we wouldn't be as mad if there was other East Asians that DIDN'T conform to that stereotype, but Cho is the only one we got. Thanks Joanne.
Also JK Rowling said the Voldemort's snake used to be an asian women named Nagini... who is now in service to him... and is basically his pet...
JK Rowling is a transphobic, homophobic, TERF, anti-semitic, and racist.
The only Irish kid blows shit up (ira) (Seamus Finnigan)
The most prominent black character doesnt have a dad. (Dean Thomas)
The other black Hogwarts students, (Blaise Zabini) his mom is implied to be a gold digger.
(Angelina Johnson) is good at sports (stereotype, but she's still badass)
The bankers are described as hook nose goblins... yeah.
Apparently she made aids/HIV a comparison to werewolves... where it was unwillingly given to Lupin by a man who targets children...
The only jewish character is a dude named Anthony Goldstein, who is never specified to be jewish in the books or movies, and I actually have no idea if he was actually in either.
Rita Skeeter literally described with manly hands, a strong jaw, and other traditionally masculine features... painting her as a trans women, and someone who is a liar, and is hated by everyone... and oh yeah, changes form to spy on kids.
The house elves love to be enslaved
The american wizard society, where she just shits on everything. Implying that the indigenous people had to be colonized so they could be taught "proper magic", mishandling of native cultures, and incorrectly grouping them into one entity
Saying later that Dumbledore was gay, but not putting it in the story, or into Fantastic Beasts 2, where the storyline is LITERALLY about his former lover.
I'm tired of JK Rowling. I'm tired of "it wasn't relevant to Harry's story, so I didnt include it" I'm tired of people outside of these communities telling us that we're overreacting, and that we shouldn't be offended by what we see.
I love the books, but I hate Joanne.
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iridescemce · 4 years
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iridescemce · 4 years
If one more person says simon snow should lose his wings i’m gonna lose my goddamn mind: a meta
Alright you guys, I’ve had ENOUGH. Simon cannot lose his wings unless you want him to break up with Baz, and this is why.
Keep reading
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iridescemce · 4 years
Asian Exclusion From POC Issues
Let’s make this clear, I’m asian, I’m not for Jeremy’s hair, and because he’s asian American, not black, he has no right to go about this discourse and explore what dreads mean and all. If he were black and he wrote an editorial on it, sure, but you cannot do that when the culture is not in any way yours.
At the same time, I’ve seen this issue spark greater debates about if chinese tattoos is appropriation or about how many Asians expect blacks to be aware of oppression in asian communities or that no one is obligated to know that shit. So here’s my take on this greater discourse as an Asian American.
Oppression is not a competition. Yes, many African Americans faced mass disconnect from detailed ancestry due to the horrors of slave trade. They have been brutalized by the police and every day people. Their communities have faced educational, economic, and social oppression since they existed and it’s still here today.
However, the Asian American community has faced a long history of oppression too, and we still, believe it or not, face it today. Chinese immigrants were underpaid (or not paid at all) laborers who made the transcontinental railroad. The Chinese Massacre of 1871 marks the largest mass lynching in US history, where 500 white men destroyed and looted chinese businesses, and 17-20 chinese immigrants were tortured and hung to death by mobs.
Japanese, chinese, and Filipino immigrants were exploited on Hawaiian plantations. When Japanese Americans were finally finding some sense of economic independence through farming on mainland US, the US government passed Alien land laws to take land away from Japanese Americans who worked hard to buy that land with their own money. After Pearl Harbor Japanese Americans were put on internment camps just for being Japanese, even though many of them were 2nd generation American born. They had to fight for the US with no regrets to prove their loyalty (look up Go For Broke).
Asians weren’t even allowed to become US citizens till 1965… From the 70’s till now white supremacists have used the term “model minority” to promote anti blackness and general racism against other POC. Let me repeat. ASIANS DID NOT CREATE THE MODEL MINORITY. It was created by white supremacists to put a wedge between us and other POC communities. And they did a pretty good job of it.
Asian Americans are held to a higher standard for college applications than other groups. I’m not even saying we’re held to the same level as white people WE’RE HELD ABOVE WHITE PEOPLE because this model minority bullshit has given off this fake ass illusion that asians are magically smarter wtf…
Now onto media…Asians have a terrible history with American media. Girls are always coy and submissive, overly sexualized. While Asian men are always portrayed as undateable, dorky, nerdy. On the other end of the spectrum, Asian languages are often fetishized due to the popularity of kpop, anime, all that stuff. Either way, asians can never be regular ass people. And when we do have roles for us they’re whitewashed by Hollywood. We lack so much representation.
Don’t even get me started about what it means to be Queer and Asian, and what it means to be southeast asian or south asian vs. East asian because it’s not pretty. Or how somehow western construct has made it completely cool to group the whole land mass of “asia” as just 1 race because omfg There’s so much diversity within “asia”. Don’t even get me started on western colonialization of Asian countries and how those western influences still effect those countries today.
And the biggest oppression of Asian Americans today is that NONE of this is taught today in the schools. Asians helped build this country too, and Asian blood was shed for this country, but it’s not written in the text books. It’s covered less than african American history, less than native American history, less than Latino American history. And the lack of education is shown everywhere. It’s why everyone thinks it’s cool to crack an Asian joke on national TV but a black joke is off limits. It’s why Asian Americans are not accepted by other POC groups because we’re just seen as “model minorities”. We aren’t model, the media and school system just isn’t letting you see our impoverished communities, and our history of oppression.
Being Asian means not being white enough for white people but not really being considered POC because people think we don’t face POC issues… And it’s not the same issues that the African American or Latino American communities face but they’re issues unique to us and they’re real issues.
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iridescemce · 4 years
I was drawing a bunch of pentagrams in my notebook during math class because I was bored and I think I drew 150 pentagrams in total before a devilish-looking guy wearing a red suit broke down the door of the classroom and yelled “wHAT the fUCK do you wANT?!”
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iridescemce · 5 years
please don’t make captain kim evil please don’t make captain kim evil please don’t make captain kim evil please don’t make captain kim evil please don’t make captain kim evil please don’t ma
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iridescemce · 5 years
The Good Place said “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying to be a good person, treating other people with dignity and compassion, loving and supporting one another, and fighting for a better system” and I for one think that’s very radical of them
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iridescemce · 5 years
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“Beauty Tahani wants to battle!”
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“Trainer Chidi wants to battle! …Maybe? Actually, hold on, he isn’t totally sure yet. Trainer Chidi is debating the ethical implications of Pokémon battles with himself. It’s… taking a while. Maybe you should just go.
Trainer Chidi… has a stomach ache.”
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“Holy shirtballs! Trainer Eleanor wants to battle!”
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“Oh, dip! Trainer Jason wants to battle! “
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“Trainer Janet wants to battle, and she can absolutely assure you that she does not have a Maractus!”
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“Elite Four Michael wants to battle! (He’ll meet you in the dot of the “i”)”
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iridescemce · 5 years
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25: Undercover
Penny gives me these weirdly passive-aggressive journal pages to fill in. (She thinks I need to work through my feelings about Baz instead of stalking him.) Honestly, if her roommate was a vampire we’d have to put our entire lives on hold, but when it’s me? Simon, stop being ridiculous!!! Here, use my gel pens.
Penny never likes what I write. (She corrects me like I’m homework.) It’s a good way to gather evidence on Baz…or it would be, if I could keep it a secret.
I got back to our room today and found a page stuck to the bathroom mirror. (I don’t know what he used for glue - probably the force of his own venomous spite.) On a Post-it note he’d written, “Snow, get a life so that I can end it for you. You are resolutely crap at staying undercover. Yours in agony, T. Basilton Grimm-Pitch.”
This suggests he might have caught on. (Or maybe he just wants me to think he knows? Layers of sneakiness, like a plotting vampiric onion.)
I need to be more careful about where I leave things in our room.
He’s got no reason to look under my pillow, right?
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iridescemce · 5 years
green eggs and ham season 2
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iridescemce · 5 years
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iridescemce · 5 years
the scene in paddington 2 when paddington thinks the browns have forgotten him and starts crying and his tears make little leaves sprout from the prison floorboards and those leaves grow into a forest and suddenly he's back in peru with aunt lucy because he feels like he has both two homes and no homes because he cannot return to either of them and finally confesses to aunt lucy that he's in prison and so desperately alone. yeah.
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iridescemce · 5 years
broke: being excited for the next season because Etheria is reconnected to the universe and we might get to see Adora’s parents
woke:  being excited for the next season because Etheria is reconnected to the universe and we might get to see Adora’s brother
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iridescemce · 5 years
It’s a shame that Jane the Virgin only lasted two and half season but at least Jane and Michael had a wonderful life together. They had three beautiful children that they took to the mountains to see the snow and always had Sunday dinners with the family. They grew old together and they were happy, so happy.
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