In my head Sirius had a one sided beef with Barty, like Sirius hated Barty so much. Mainly because Barty was a lot like Bella, and it stressed Sirius out that he and regulus were best friends, so much so that when he stared to think Barty and regulus where getting too close, he lifted the “no dating my baby brother” rule and started to plan on how to get regulus and James together
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screwed from a past life, that’s why i lost you
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Regulus: *coughs blood*
Sirius: Don’t die Regulus
Regulus: Don’t tell me what to do
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Sirius and Regulus going over Walburgas' stuff after her death:
(That one Shameless scene:)
Regulus *sad face* grabbing a knife carefully from a box: she used to throw this at us when we were kids
James: What
Sirius: Oh Yeah, she had a game..what was it called?
Regulus: Dodged the dagger
Remus: I'm so fucking confused right now
Sirius: Reggie and I would run around the house screaming, laughing, trying not to get stabbed
Regulus *tearing up*:
James: That's fun...
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Regulus: *coughs blood*
Sirius: Don’t die Regulus
Regulus: Don’t tell me what to do
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Giving the black brothers the authentic sibling experience:
Regulus: having a drink...?
Sirius, taking the glass off him and guiding him to a seat: you've already had two, you're way too young to be drinking this much, your liver will up and leave your goddamn body
Regulus: you were doing this at fourteen, I am quite literally twenty
Sirius, convinced he's still thirteen: ......I don't think you are, Lulu
Regulus: firstly, that stupid name has been overused since we were ten, secondly, you're twenty-two, so do the maths.
Sirius: *calls narcissa* important question, how old is regs
Narcissa: twenty
Sirius: *staring at him in horror* ew
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My gospel truth is the relationship between regulus and Sirius is more important to me then any of the ships.
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His daughter was stolen by the Fae. Two decades of fruitless searching later, his time for vengeance has come. He kicks in the door to the Queen’s throne room as she flies to her feet, grabbing the hilt of her sword before recognition flashes across her face. “Dad… what are you doing here?”
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The Black brothers fic idea:
There needs to be more Sirius kidnaps Regulus on the day he runs away to the Potters fics in the Marauders fandom. Like Regulus is short and skinny, Sirius could easily do it. And it's not like Regulus would put up too much of a fight about it(because he now has an excuse not to stay with their family or lose Sirius). And to add to the drama the Black parents could sue the Potter parents for kidnapping Regulus(not Sirius because he's of age and can legally do what he wants). To stop this in it's tracks Regulus and James can get married/engaged so he's legally a Potter (yes I need to add in my mandatory jegulus). I don't know how that would work. But it's pure blood culture, there's probably some backwards tradition about not legally belonging to a family anymore once your marrying into another. Either way there needs to be more Sirius just kidnaps Regulus with him on the day he runs away. Because it be funny and I love shenanigans with the black brothers. And I just love imagining James opening his door on that night a very hurt Sirius with a tied up and gagged/kidnapped(muffled cursing) Regulus tossed over Sirius shoulder and a tired and almost about to pass out Sirius says, "It's a long story can I come in?" And once James says yes, still in shock. Sirius comes in, and gently puts Regulus on the floor. Than he passes out for his wounds. Whi h freaks everyone out including a still tied up and gagged Regulus.
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Sirius definitely has a “straight voice” that he uses to threaten anyone who looks at Regulus, and all of his friends are in the background trying not to laugh at how Sirius made his voice several octaves lower
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Do you not know how to be creative?
James: *seductively takes off glasses*
James: Wow...
Regulus: *blushes*... what?
James: You're really fucking blurry.
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the potter-malfoys!
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partially inspired by the fic ‘a big black sky’
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Jegulus is just fun, no one is saying that it’s cannon? At least not the majority of the shippers? It’s just fun to write, and creat things about. You take this too seriously.
James: Name one hero who was happy ...you can't
Regulus: I can't
James: I know. They never let you be famous AND happy. I'll tell you a secret.
Regulus: Tell me.
James: I'm going to be the first. Swear it.
Regulus: Why me?
James: Because you're the reason. Swear it.
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Regulus loved Sirius more then anyone else, and that included James.
If Sirius needed a heart and James was the only one who matched, regulus would in fact cut his heart out to give it to his brother.
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I really love answering questions! So please send me some! Whether it be about jegulus, or jily, or my thoughts on the fandom as whole. Or my opinions on the world building. Please send them!
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Yeah, you could also replace it with many different lovers, and get the same vibe becaus it’s about tragic love. This is a song of Achilles quote,
This is why I can’t take you jily shippers who swear up and down that jegulus steals from jily, because even when it’s a quote from an entirely different book, you will swear that they stole that dynamic from jily.
James: Name one hero who was happy ...you can't
Regulus: I can't
James: I know. They never let you be famous AND happy. I'll tell you a secret.
Regulus: Tell me.
James: I'm going to be the first. Swear it.
Regulus: Why me?
James: Because you're the reason. Swear it.
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It's 2024 read another book and shut up about the terf manual already
I in fact no longer read Harry Potter, I’ve gone on record multiple times, saying that I think the world building in Harry Potter is awful, I still engage with the fandom because I think the fanfics are amazing and does more then the books ever could,
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