iraj-mga2020mi4017 · 5 years
Critical Review On PARASITE.
This tragic comedy by Bon Jonn – Ho is known as the miracle film by his fans as to the impact which it has created over them. Parasite has won many awards over its production and content yet one of the most significant achievement is the leading four awards at the 92nd Academy Awards as the Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best International Feature Film. When considering the scene where they have a visit to the Mercedez Benz company the way the luxury and the poor characters have been portrayed is spontaneous. The angles which the camera had recorded shows all emotions and actions of them within the car creating a full frame of excitement. Then in a few seconds when another scene is created in the car with rich people the tones of the color used, the usage of sunshine and the zoom in to the mug and the angels recorded through the front mirror and etc shows a wider picture within the car. Spacious and not compressed. Usage of sunlight as the mode of lighting is a key feature to be noticed. Highlighting the skin, clothes and certain objects the produces creates a frame with brighter tones. Throughout the scene lighting and balance of color tones can be seen and the panning of colors are visible mostly. When she says the peaches are restricted at her house and then when the next shot is her walking out of a shop with a peach the vibrant colors treats the audience with the idea of freedom. The Rembrandt lighting can be noticed when she holds the peach and give a glans. The cinematography features used such as the panning in, narrow frame, the flashback effect, narration and the opera music used in different scales creates and sets different moods towards the film occasionally. The rich music adds a lot of value to the visual imagery and have been followed throughout the scene endlessly. The setting of mood is done by the color tones used through the background, costumes and the edit. To the audience is a thrilling scene with the lot of excitement as to how the story builds in. The class dividance in Korea is very well shown through this scene and it shows the lifestyles in reality. The sunny area is just as limited as the size of the small window. Likewise throughout the scene there are multiple moments as such which personifies the reality in an artistic manner. ‘technical lighting’ is the other key element used to enhance the expressions and situation throughout. Use of props are another key feature which mad this film go far! The peach , packet of sauce , coffee mug are just some examples. The framing and the balance of the picture controls the emotions of the film.
As a conclusion its very clear that this film is a masterpiece created through advance knowledge, advance technology and a seriously timely advance story line. It’s just a dream to watch.
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iraj-mga2020mi4017 · 5 years
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iraj-mga2020mi4017 · 5 years
1 note · View note
iraj-mga2020mi4017 · 5 years
‘Rear Window’ –  OPENING SCENE (3:25 MIN)
I selected the opening scene of the rear window movie as it’s a scene which is rich with amazing lighting, colors, framing, props, décor, make up, and costumes, compositions and etc. It gives the audience an intense idea of a rich and quality content while hinting the entire story through the use of film language. The opening scene of any movie is the start of creating the plot while setting the mood of the audience by dragging the attention towards basic details and giving life to the introduction. Creation of an opening scene is even more challenging as the audience starts to judge the entire production through the glimpse we give in the introduction. In this very movie the production crew have done an amazing job by creating the set up and framing the features highlighting objects and necessary actors and actresses by using different filming angels, lighting and color tones to emphasize the details which will later link with the following story. The film starts by showing a squared frame through a window which is well lighted by using head and direct lighting filling up the entire area to create the effect of a morning which seems to be a usual morning.                the color tone of the scene shows the era of the production along with the costumes used. Movements of the camera takes us on a complete ride within the area showing various symmetrical and balanced framing. The distance to the camera shows significance and importance towards the story. At the very beginning some shots are token with great distance while certain shots are taken in very short distance. This also gives the audience a clear image upon the key features. The music helps to create the basic mood towards the film. The balance exposure of the scene showed through the lens is truly magical. At the timing of 2.50 minutes the cameraman creates the high key feature and then directly moves towards a low key frame of the very same photograph. It hints about the characteristics of the lady in the photo while the next frame of the man shaving and doing his work with a broken leg and then answering his phone shows that every detail and act shown in the scene is interconnected. Till the end of this scene all frames and sounds shows the usual morning routine of the people shown in this particular area. The camera is zoomed in towards the broken leg and then shows the man’s name written on the plaster in a sarcastic manner. I’d rather say it’s a personification. The space between certain objects (props) supports to create emotions while the continuous square and boxed frame shows the limitedness of their lives. The main prop is a window and gradually the numbers of the props shown increases and decreases.
           At one point the main actor’s forehead with sweat is zoomed in as the main frame with a butterfly lighting and it shows the texture of the skin and warmth of the body along with a bit of tension. The frame then continues with the Rembrandt lighting. The entire scene shows the warmth on an intense morning. Time to time if you pay attention you can identify the lighting front lights, back lights and the filling lights which creates shadows in different dimensions and angles. The different colors showed in this scene signifies different emotions like how red symbolizes aggression and etc. the monochrome effects and sellouts provides more and more natural visual imagery within the scene to the audience. On my personal opinion my conclusion on this project would be it’s a good learning material which covers all features taught in the film language.  
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