iquirms · 4 hours
Guys. Oh my god. I restarted my phone cause it was glitching out and when i clicked my chrome for some ao3 time instead of seeing the smiley face in the corner of the tap that shows how many tabs you have open (samsings give you a smiley face after a 100 instead of a number)
Im feeling genuine grief. Shock. Disbelief. Some of those weren't bookmarked, weren't finished or saved for later what am i gonna do???? Go find them again???? I dont even remember them! All i know is that i loved them! Isnt that enough? To keep them?
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iquirms · 6 hours
My controversial take on fanfic (perhaps even a hot take, depending on who agrees) (also TW: mentioned gr**ming and p*d*philia, both are not real in the context im putting them in but i said id do this anyway) is that in fandom spaces i dont care if a character is ooc if it makes me sick to my stomach. Is thay guy a sick killer? No, will i still read a fic about hom being one? Yeah
Im talking like, for example, a tim drake/ra's al ghul thing like is ra's actually a pedo? Hell no, hes barely got a passing interest in tim if that, they fought like once tim sorta won and then he moved tf on but am i gonna read a fic about him kidnapping and attempting to gr**m tim??? Yeah that shit makes me feel awful, like im genuinly going to vomit and im shakinf from the adrenaline this is why im here
Another example would be, and ill continue to pull from dc here cause its what im in rn, anything that bashes a character whether it be bruce or clark or oliver or anyone, ill read it if the story is well contruscted, if its got a genuine plot that doesn't revolve around the ooc-ness of the character and if it makes me feel horrible.
This could be not good, for me or in general, but idrc
I need the sick freaks to match my freak you know?
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iquirms · 15 days
ohhhh i get it now. the little seed of loneliness i’ve carried with me since i was five will never go away
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iquirms · 23 days
Potato of luck pls i am about to go on holiday i need the luck
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iquirms · 1 month
I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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iquirms · 1 month
Are fedoras really that bad?
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iquirms · 1 month
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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iquirms · 1 month
I am UGLY CRYING in the club right now. Inconsolable after this week's X-Men '97 finale.
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iquirms · 2 months
someone PLEASE tell me the context behind this panel because i see it all the time and no one ever offers an explanation about what they could be doing. to me, a timkon shippper, first time together. to a DC writer? idk like getting changed together as bros. but that doesn't explain Tim's regrets! is there any context???
Bitches will be like “my ship just got confirmed” and then show you a single low-res frame of ambiguous origin where the characters walk out of a room together. It’s me. I am bitches.
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iquirms · 2 months
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
I've already gone ahead and reposted the original post and go check it out but even if you don't and don't see all the facts and insights into ashraf's family, it's human nature to care. Please, PLEASE, if you can; donate. If you can't, that's perfectly fine, but share his post. These are peoples lives that we're talking about, that the media is forgetting about because its "not as important" anymore but it is. They are. They are so, so important.
Reblog, comment, share it to a different platform - just do something. If we all do something, we might be able to help.
I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
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iquirms · 2 months
My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family.
Beloved of my heart (Bakr)
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Then the war came and destroyed everything. Our home was reduced to ashes, and our chicken farm was obliterated. We lost our home, our livelihood, and even our basic rights. We've been forced to move from place to place in northern Gaza, simply trying to survive.
My House before...
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Me.. while trying to recognize what has happened..
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The terror we feel as we flee from heavy bombardment is unbearable. The sound of explosions around us, the constant fear as we navigate through the rubble of destroyed homes searching for safety and food, haunts us every day. My son Bakr is constantly scared and suffers from severe malnutrition and skin diseases due to the lack of food, water, and sanitation.
Our beautiful memories.. :(
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We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.
Baker used to play with his dog.
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Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in our lives. We desperately need your support and solidarity during this difficult time. Together, we can restore hope and safety to Ashraf and his family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience.
With deepest gratitude,
Ashraf & the Family
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iquirms · 2 months
Yall i NEED a TimKon AU where Kon is a cowboy/rodeo preformer and Tim is the classic City Boy.
Think about it like OH MY GOOOOD its so perfect???? Clark grew up in Kansas you know when hes relaxed hes got a southern accent and Kon lived on the farm for ages. He'd have the accent and then the sexy ass cowboy hat and the confident attitude he already has !!! And, idk, you could go real hallmark with it and say that Tim has gone to the country side to relax from work or hes there to buy land and then realizes how bad it would be - i dont know, i dont care. I need a fic where Kon is dancing in a hodown (i have no idea how to spell that) and Tim is like smiling and laughing and then Kon teaches him how and Kon takes him on the farm and they ride horses or smt. Think about the tension. The jokes. The way their dynamic wouldnt really change from canon; Kon the confident, coy and loud one whith Tim the fussy, snarky and lowkey kinda spoiled one. Im talking like Hannah Montana the Movie vibes. Im talking Footlose happiness levels. Minimal angst. Or you could go real old school cowboys with Kon as a rogue cowboy and Tim as a sheriff/deputy. Please give me a country fic of these boys. Its so perfect
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iquirms · 2 months
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iquirms · 2 months
Sky Broadband and Why I Hate It
now i'm pretty sure that Sky Broadband is only available in the UK and Ireland BUT I got bitchen ass complain about them and I'm gonna write it here. For one, WHY on earth is my sky box and my sky box family (i've got like three) cutting all wifi signals between the hours of 2:45am and 5:45am??? Why is that? I don't care about ECO mode? I care if i can finish my youtube video while I write! And it's a real thing that happens! Me and my sister thought we were going CRAZY because it would just cut at 2:47 specifically, it became like an urban legend in our house.
Friend: Hey, why is the tv buffing so much during our movie?
Me: what time is it?
Friend: um, it's 2:50???
Me: yeah, we're gonna have to, like, cast our movie to the screen from my laptop. Sorry. Do you remember what time stamp we were on?
Friend: ??? what?
It was so weird. And I hate it. And I know it can probably be turned off, I know that. But keep in mind this thing has been haunting my house for weeks and none of us thought to google it; imagine the frustration, the anger, the boiling sadness that i could not finish my youtube video essays or my binge of Desperate Housewives on Disney+.
Another beef I've got with Sky Broadband is the recording/ watching tv shows not on cable. You can search up a tv show and, if it's offered on sky network, then you can watch every single season they've casted in a row. And I started to watch "The Flash" on Sky - I watched it every day after I came home from school, I was tired and eating my sad little mircowaved dinner because my school ends late and I have to take a bus home. So, imagine my surprise, half way through season three, I'm invested in Barry's life despite knowing that this show is about as accurate as the Harley Quinn show, when I see IT'S GONE. IT'S NOT THERE ANYMORE. THEY GOT RID OF IT. This is more of a personal beef than anything but because of that, I felt a deep hatred towards Sky Broadband.
And my third reason for Hating Sky Broadband, is the fact that they are ROBBING my parents! They raised the prices for their months so quickly and they got so high. Now, I don't want to throw around prices online but when my parents first got a sky box, around 2000 I'm pretty sure, the price was (without installment and for one box) it was around 20 euro a month. Not bad. Then the economy crashed in 2008 and prices rised. Sure, whatever, everyones poor now lets do that. But now? Now, in 2024, (without installment but for a family) they are charging my parents OVER 50 EURO A MONTH! That, to me, is a little too much money. I don't care if you give me Netflix and Youtube and fucking Apple Watch or whatever, on my dodgy box that I pay fifteen euro for five years, I can pirate literally anything and if I pay the five euro fee per month for amazon prime i can get a fire stick which will give me all that anyway. It's too much for a world that basically doesn't watch tv anymore. (That's a whole other can of worms that really bothers me as well actually because everyone complains that people these days get their news from TikTok or Youtube but those are the only places that give the full truth). On top of payment for things like Netflix and Amazon Prime and Disney+ (because thats a capitalism nightmare), and the rest of their bills that could be as high as 2000 a month, they have to drop 50+ eurors for something that'll stop working wheneve rit wants and actually has a lot of problems? AND you have to pay more for sports and kids tv and movies? Sure.
Those are my three reasons, this got a bit political and perchance controversial towards the end but it's my truth. Sky Broadband lowkey sucks and I need the people to know it. During a recession (because thats what we're in) and MULTIPLE wars happening worldwide, this seems very small and insignificant but it's a real bother as well in Ireland and the UK I think. (Not to mention the whole RTE debacle that went down in Ireland not too long ago)
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iquirms · 3 months
He is also slightly homophobic omg i am feeling very weird and awkward now
Finding out that my sisters boyfriend is lowkey racist is not what i expected to come from this excursion to get dinner but ig thats how it is thesw days. Damn. Gotta kill him now
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iquirms · 3 months
Finding out that my sisters boyfriend is lowkey racist is not what i expected to come from this excursion to get dinner but ig thats how it is thesw days. Damn. Gotta kill him now
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iquirms · 3 months
i never noticed that at Birdpersons and Tammy's wedding Tammy says "I am yours until YOUR death" and BirdPerson says "I am yours until MY death". Very subtle foreshadowing, nice
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