iqseo · 6 years
Thomson & Holt Explain How to Avoid Amazon Suspension Through Phishing Scams
Phishing emails have long been the scourge of online shoppers - and now they are a genuine threat to Amazon Sellers who can see their businesses turned upside down in an instant.
Sophisticated hackers have developed ways to enter Sellers’ accounts should they click on certain links from scam emails, potentially causing huge disruption to your business.
The hackers can then change the bank details from your account to theirs, meaning that all of the funds from your sales are going directly to somebody else’s bank account.
When you raise the issue with Amazon your account can then be suspended for fraudulent activity - hitting businesses where it hurts not once but twice.
There are measures to take to avoid such scenarios, but should you find your business in that situation, the most effective way to remedy it is by contacting Thompson and Holt as quickly as possible.
Managing director Craig Gedey explained: “This can be a nightmare scenario for Amazon businesses.
“Not only do you have the considerable worry of your account being hacked and funds being directed to somebody else, but you can then be suspended and face a period of time where you are unable to operate your business.
“The onus is on you to explain to Amazon how and why you have been hacked, and it can be a daunting process.
“But it is one that Thompson and Holt’s experts are familiar with and can guide you through quickly and effectively, restoring your account settings, returning funds and getting your business back up and running online.”
Thompson and Holt has discovered direct examples of these phishing emails, with one shown below:
“Dear Customer,
We have detected a slight error in your account information.
This might be due to either of the following reasons:
1. A recent change in your personal information ( i.e.change of address, phone number).
2. A recent change or update of your inventory
3. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up or sign in process.
Due to this, you are required to confirm and verify your account information by following the link below to login to your account. It will enable us rectify and clear errors.
Your Payment Account may be subject to certain limits, which may affect your ability to make or receive payments or to withdraw funds. Please respond to our inquiry and deliver to us any information requested by us regarding any disputed sales transactions within 3 business days of our request.”
Amazon itself has clear directions of what to look out for if you suspect a scam or phishing email, which is worth reviewing.
For Sellers, any requests for your Amazon username, password or personal information such as a National Insurance Number, PIN number of security answer, should be immediately dismissed. Amazon will NEVER ask for personal information to be supplied by email.
Similarly, avoid any requests to update payment information through links in emails - Amazon would also never request this. Instead, the company includes instructions on how to verify your account information, including payment options, through the Amazon.co.uk website.
You should never click on any links that look similar to Amazon.co.uk but have subtle differences, or look completely different. As Amazon points out, they will never send e-mails with links to an IP address such as “http://123.456.789.123/amazon.co.uk/".
It’s also crucial to check email addresses that make it look like the sender is from Amazon when in fact it isn’t on closer inspection.
Any prompts to install software or download attachments are also to be avoided, and look out for grammatical errors such as in the example above, where “submitting” is spelt incorrectly.
Reporting such emails will also help the site in the battle against them, but should the worst already have unfolded, contact Thompson and Holt promptly to begin the process of rectifying the situation.
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iqseo · 6 years
Thompson & Holt Review
An introduction to Thompson & Holt - Amazon Account Suspension Specialists
An Amazon suspension can happen to anyone and on any day without prior warning. Amazon account suspensions are viral on Amazon due to its strict devotion to customer satisfaction, which is also a strategy drawn in their main principles. Hence, if the Amazon team, for any reason, believes that your selling procedure is not upholding this standard, your account is highly likely to be suspended without notice.
When this happens, it is quite normal for Amazon sellers to panic because it brings their entire operation to a halt. Most of the time, Amazon does not provide users with a guide detailing why their account was suspended and does not discuss it with them. However, the worst thing a suspended Amazon seller can do at this point is to appeal without thought. Sellers are advised to wait and think it through as there is no harm in delaying the appeal. For best results, these Amazon sellers are advised to seek the services of a renowned Amazon suspended seller account consultant like Thompson and Holt
to improve the chances of their Amazon Seller Accounts reinstated in the shortest time possible. These are among the preferred Amazon suspended seller account consultants - I also wrote a Thompson and Holt review over on Medium, if you wish to go into a little more detail.
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Who are Thompson and Holt?
Thompson and Holt is an Online UK Amazon consultancy firm that specialises in Suspended Amazon Seller Accounts. They boast of extensive knowledge of Amazon policies and Amazon suspension. This company strives for the highest satisfaction of their clients and back it up with a promise to do everything possible in their power to get them the chance they deserve and the best work from experienced Appeal Experts.
Thompson and Holt aims to have Amazon Seller Suspended Accounts reinstated in the shortest time possible. Since its inception in 2014, Thompson and Holt have been able to help over 3,850 Amazon sellers restore their suspended Amazon seller accounts. Over the years, the company has grown to become one of UK’s leading Consultants in Amazon Suspensions. The company is dedicated to sellers reestablish their Amazon Suspended accounts.
Thompson and Holt boast of a strong team of Amazon Suspension experts, proofreaders and attorneys who are available to make sure the appeal you get is the best one you can get. This has helped their success rate to be one of the highest in the market. Thanks, to their fantastic reputation, most suspended sellers on Amazon choose them as their suspension consultants. They cover all Amazon marketplaces, including Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.ca, Amazon.in, Amazon.com.au, Amazon.cn, Amazon.jp, Amazon.de, Amazon.it and Amazon.cn.
What makes them Stand out?
Highly Experienced in working with Amazon...
Having worked in Amazon’s Seller Performance Team, the Thompson and Holt team knows how to write Amazon appeal letters and plan of action that will get your business back in track in as little as 8 hours. They have a long history working with diverse suspensions, Amazon.com, appealing with Amazon seller suspensions, consultant-led reinstatement process through a combination of strategies, demos and thorough plan of action for suspended Amazon sellers and their selling rights and privileges.
They Provide Customised Services
Unlike other Amazon discontinued seller account consultants, Thomson and Holt doesn't sell templates. They understand that the seller performance team is aware of templates that can be found or purchased online. They help to take away all the stress and hard work from you and provide you with a professional and personalised appeal letter that Amazon expects.
Each of their appeal letters is 100% unique and crafted to fit Amazon requirements. From experience, they know that every Amazon seller suspension is unique in its own way. Hence, they make sure to create a personalized plan of action that is tailored to the client’s unique status quo that led to the suspension.
With Thompson and Holt, no guesswork is needed. Before taking on the appeal, they start by assessing your case to know if they can help you. This assessment takes approximately one hour to analyze the data you have provided. In most cases, they ask the seller to see the original suspension email sent to them, a copy of their appeal if they had already sent out one and any follow-up emails to and from Amazon’s Seller Performance Team.
They also investigate your account for policy warnings, feedback, inventory, metrics, and your correspondence with seller performance to ensure that all your issues are addressed in their appeal letter. If required, they handle escalations and the entire process backed up with support from email and live chat. A typical account is usually reinstated within three days. Their appeal process is quick, professional and most importantly successful.
They use their knowledge and experience of ex-Amazon Seller Performance Team to create a tailored Amazon Appeal Letter that gives you a better chance of getting your Amazon Seller to account up and running in no time. Their suspension appeal team has developed a highly effective plan of action.
Quick Response Time
When your Amazon account is suspended, it basically halts all your services. That is why you need to work with an Amazon suspended seller account consultant that can help you get your account back in the shortest time possible to get you back in business. With this in mind, Thompson and Holt provides their service 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure that no day is wasted when trying to recover a suspended account.
They Provide Post Reinstatement Services
Once your Amazon seller account is put back, they offer insurance services that monitor and protect your seller accounts from other future suspensions. They also provide Amazon sellers Suspension Insurance in case their account become suspended over no fault of their own. In such a case, the insurance will cater to their costs for the initial 65 days of suspension. Most importantly, they provide instructions after a successful appeal to make to your selling practices to avoid repeat suspensions.
Fixed Charges
Thompson and Hold charges a fixed fee of $700 (£500). Along with the fixed charge, they provide further responses, if requested, at no additional costs.
The Bottom Line
The services provided by Thompson and Hold seem pretty comprehensive and satisfactory based on their many positive reviews. If you wish to find out more about them, get in touch with them directly through their website’s Live Chat or send them an email.
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