ionthevoid · 6 hours
born to infodump forced to constantly worry if the other person actually cares or if im making sense or if i said something wrong or if im embarrassing myself or if they want me to stop talking or
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ionthevoid · 6 hours
white people are really like "im autistic and such a smol bean and thats why im unapologetically racist. you should excuse my behavior because im Literally Autistic" and expect to be taken seriously by the rest of us
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ionthevoid · 16 hours
Hundreds of mad scientists unemployed: "There's just no room for madness in modern science."
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ionthevoid · 19 hours
An autistic friend of mine just said this to me “The harder I work at communication the more people expect from me and the less they are willing to compromise.” and it is the most fucking heartbreaking thing I’ve heard.
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ionthevoid · 1 day
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ionthevoid · 2 days
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ionthevoid · 3 days
I really need everyone to stop making things in 5e and start making them in Fabula Ultima instead, thanks in advance.
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ionthevoid · 3 days
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ionthevoid · 4 days
i'm always a bit unsettled by disdain for intellectual or creative labor in leftist spaces. there's this commonly held belief that academics are a bunch of rich old white men, rather than a wide variety of people who are barely getting by. most lecturers in universities are adjuncts living paycheck to paycheck. authors make very little money as a general rule. most researchers are overworked and underpaid. and yet there's still this idea that academics are overcompensated to sit around and smoke cigars together while making shit up
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ionthevoid · 6 days
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A gothic literature hyperfixation has possessed me so I made this
(This took way longer to make than it reasonably should have)
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ionthevoid · 6 days
You can't even dig up graves under the cover of night to steal body parts any more. because of woke.
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ionthevoid · 6 days
Reblog if you're queer, have ADHD, or hate the government.
Nobody needs to know which one.
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ionthevoid · 10 days
This environment is incredibly hostile to a creature such as myself (there are fluorescent lights)
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ionthevoid · 11 days
a full moon on the summer solstice has an almost sexual quality to it. to me
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ionthevoid · 11 days
Trans and genderqueer joy forever
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ionthevoid · 11 days
'fun' fact: you can starve to death and be fat the entire time. this piece of information saved my life, so i'd like to share it as widely as possible.
there's a common misconception that starvation will necessarily make you emaciated, and that if someone is fat they must be getting enough to eat, or an excessive amount.
this just isn't true. fat is an organ, not an inert storage of 'excess' calories. the old idea that gaining weight is caused by taking in more calories than your body needs, and its corollary that reducing caloric intake will automatically result in weight loss, is simply not true. the human metabolism is just way more complex than that.
one thing that can commonly happen is that, faced with repeated or long term caloric deficit, the body chooses to prioritize fat accumulation over other things in hopes of assuring survival. this can occur due to food insecurity, eating disorders, illness, dieting, or other factors.
caloric deficit can sometimes cause weight loss, certainly. but not in everyone, and not in the long term. 95% of dieters, for example, regain the lost weight and often more in addition. the science overwhelmingly supports this, including studies created by people who were trying to find long term weight loss methods. intentional weight loss is impossible in the long term in most cases, and the methods people use to attempt it are harmful to their health.
so yeah. whether due to anorexia, food insecurity, illness, or anything else - a person can be starving and still fat. or become fat(ter) due to repeated or ongoing caloric deficit, or both.
you can be fat and need a feeding tube, though medical fatphobia often makes medical professionals insist otherwise, to fat people's detriment or death. people can starve to death while fat.
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ionthevoid · 11 days
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hand-carved blue topaz pendant with montana sapphire | inwardspectrum on ig
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