Ion/Doc 💜 They/them, Xe/xem, He/him 💚 Love overanalyzing, science, gothic lit, space, magic, and my fellow queers 🌌 Currently studying chemistry in university 🧪 TW will be tagged as needed 🔭 My ask box is open; anon is off ⚛ pfp picrew: (edited)
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being so fr when I say that transmisogyny has put feminism back like 50 years
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The people who police your gender will police your gender even if you're cis.
Eat them.
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I’m actually a unbiological man. I’m made of metal and shit. Sorry,
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All I’m SAYING is that if you’re making up fucked up little fictional scientists u should throw a medical illustrator in there. They’re useful they’re versatile they’ll make kickass diagrams to record how u did ur evil little science procedures for future mad scientists. They might even draw rouge the bat with tits wide as she is tall if you’re lucky
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the thing is like. i get that it's scary and makes people who do desire to get pregnant uncomfortable when we talk about the brutality and violence of pregnancy and the damage that pregnancy can do to your body
but you deserve to give informed consent to that process.
the lies around pregnancy - that it's inherently safe, that it doesn't do you permanent damage, that it's only extremely rare for people to die of pregnancy complications, etc like
all of these are lies constructed so that more people will get pregnant w/o knowing all that
there needs to be more talk about the impact of miscarriages and how common they are, how different abortion processes are and how accessible they are
but also like. talking about how pregnancy fucks your body up should not be taboo
this is a process that permanently changes most people's bodies, and that's even if the pregnancy doesn't do them like. severe illness or injury
and i just think everybody should have a right to KNOW that
bc to live in a society that intentionally obscures and hides facts about a completely optional and dangerous process does so for a reason, and that reason is based in a very sinister ideology that does not value bodily autonomy or informed consent
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It’s not over. It’s not fucking over. Until they steal the breath from our lungs and the last of us has given up or given in, nothing is finished.
Today’s to-do list:
1) Take care of yourself.
2) Take care of each other.
3) Start planning.
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to be fully honest this new trend of remaking and sanitizing not only gothic fiction and its genres (hill house, dorian grey, turn of the screw) and horror movies more generally (carrie, the exorcist) point to much more serious cultural movement than the death of art or the death of horror as a genre in the mainstream. specifically it is gesturing to a sanitizing effect in which cultural authority has now deemed the subversive as worthy of living but only if it is a) commodified and b) divested of all its subversive elements. we can play-act at feminism, trans inclusion, and anti-racism as long as it serves a corporate interest and does not actually challenge cultural authorities. we can adopt its aesthetics as something to be sold without actually inhabiting it ideologically. it is the newest manifestation of cultural authorities anesthetizing effect on anything that threatens it and it is becoming more and more prevalent. anyway i want to beat mike flanagan with hammers
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This? A sex thing? No you don’t understand— it’s actually a gender thing. Sex and gender are different, you know!
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i keep seeing misinformation about this, so: queerplatonic relationships do not have a set definition. the name comes from the idea that it's "queering" the platonic relationship, tailoring it to the individual relationships' own desires. it isn't necessarily romance lite, but it also isn't necessarily whatever definition you want to impose on it. the point of queering the platonic relationship is to break away from strict allonormative views on friendship, romance, and sex, not to make a new categorical box to fit in.
the answer to "what is a qpr?" is "whatever you want it to be." sometimes that is romance lite. sometimes it's a deeply committed friendship. sometimes it's friends who have a sexual relationship. sometimes it's based on an entirely different mode of attraction. sometimes it's fluid and impossible to put into words. it's whatever you want it to be. it's queer.
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there’s something that’s incredible about the intersectionality and flexibility of werewolves as metaphor.
anger issues? werewolf. intrusive thoughts? werewolf. unresolved trauma? werewolf. rejection by society? werewolf. autism? werewolf. transgenderism? werewolf. queer expression of any sort? werewolf. plurality? werewolf. dissociation? werewolf. repression of any sort? werewolf. abuse cycles? werewolf. emotion so strong it physically changes you? werewolf!!!
really doing it all
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As a society, we need to bring back the Nintendo 3DS
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one thing that really gets me as someone embedded in the production of scientific knowledge is that very few scientists truly interrogate what it means to work for the public good when science has long been unable to answer the whitey on the moon problem. ie, many known public health interventions are cheap and would save lives. they don't get deployed for political reasons. what does it mean about you that you still locate the public good in scientific research funded by the same political incentives that denied those same public health interventions? it means you're a mark.
#it's important to remember that science doesn't exist in a vacuum#to add on: who's scientific knowledge is considered valuable according to white western ideals?#the 'greats' among scientists tend to be of a certain demographic#which is a portion of the reason I think we have the whitey on the moon problem#science
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I think it says a lot about Jekyll’s character how passive he is to violence and yet how uncomfortable he is with its consequences.
By the end of the Full Statement, at his most obsessive, his phobias and intrusive thoughts mostly revolve around the possibility of not being able to control Mr. Hyde (control he has willingly relinquished by third-personing him!), not about violence; Hyde spends his time trapped in the laboratory going out of his way to assert dominance, as if to further prove to himself he isn’t dependent on the potion like Jekyll is. When he cries after the Carew murder, yes, it’s partly out of regret, but also partly out of relief, because now he has a good reason to not consume again.
It’s interesting how Jekyll doesn’t fear hurting Utterson and Lanyon because he would never do that, even at his most selfish (being Hyde) (they’re his friends!)… at least not consciously. In my opinion Hyde only wanted to flaunt the potion before Lanyon, well aware it would shatter his worldview, but unaware that it could very much kill him! No, he fears being caught, being found out, being tried and imprisoned. But mostly, losing his reputation. Ending up at a dissecting table and not under a marble slab.
And later he fears Hyde is acting on his own volition, watching him, standing too close to him, the only person in the world that knows of his sins— that knows Dr. Jekyll isn’t the saintly figure he so desperately hopes to be remembered as. What makes him hate his creation so much is that it knows him intimately. Jekyll’s last lucid thought is that he will never again be in control of what happens to him. That now it’s all up to Hyde, and who cares if Hyde is him— he doesn’t look it, doesn’t even act it. And Jekyll is fine with suicide as he is fine with murder, because that’s what Hyde does the instant he gets the chance or feels he has to.
The one fear that is always, constantly, consistently in his mind, invoked regularly in Jekyll’s narration, is Hyde being executed…
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