ioniaschosen · 4 years
so i remembered i had league rp blogs but i cant fucking remember what the email to my lucian one was...
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
{ Send 😱 for a description of how my character might murder yours }
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
Reblog this if I have permission to come into your askbox IC at any point if my muse has a question for yours.
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
I have a taste for what is ardent and intense,
Anna de Noailles, tr. by Sebastian Hayes, from “My Very Own Life-Force,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
           My nature is 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘                What do you expect? 
                                I ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏ everything I touch.
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
         A sharp intake of breath. Memories swirled in Kayn’s head, mostly foggy, but definitely there. He absolutely could remember his parents. He couldn’t remember their exact features or the tones of their voices, but he could remember them.
         The most prominent of scenes which unfurled in his mind was, of course, the day he was taken; Noxian officials forced their way into his home and took him from the two. His father fought with fists and a blade from the kitchen to save him while his mother wept and pleaded, but they were unsuccessful in keeping their son. At least it had been clear that they loved him; few of the poor of Noxus would ever summon enough courage to fight back, especially not over a child still young enough to replace.
         “Yes,” Kayn spoke through clenched teeth. The memories were not fond ones. He could remember them, but why would he want to? He’d never see them again; the only purpose they served now was to taunt about a life that could have been. Shieda wasn’t even sure if he wanted that life anymore, but it still pained him; he was only human, after all.
         “I can remember them. They were good people. Poor, but... it was Noxus. Everyone was,” he spoke, anger flaring up in his expression at the mention of the nation. “I don’t miss them; it’s been too long, and it would serve no purpose. But... I do hope they are doing well.”
Do you remember your parents? [Question meme]
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
@iustitic said: “that was a brave thing you did today.”
          The young man’s lips involuntarily pulled back into the smile of someone who’d just received an ego boost. Truthfully, the last thing Shieda needed was heightened narcissism, but he was quick to accept Kayle’s praise. For all rights and purposes, they should be enemies; Kayn was not an honest man, nor were his morals spot-clean, but in a way, he looked up to her. She had in some way ascended beyond the ranks of mankind, both mentally and physically, and he wanted to mimic that as best he could.
          Perhaps that was why he joined her fight. Demacian ideals were worth no more than a scoff to him, but Kayle was someone he could learn from. A new mentor, essentially, to replace those of the Order. If she’d let him. In any case, the creatures of the dark scared him little. The things he’d witnessed— hell, some of the things he’d done —were far more brutal than any corrupt enemy. Manifestations of evil weren’t much to bat an eye at when you really were evil yourself.
          So, she called it brave. He simply thought of it as playing his cards right. She’d noticed his efforts, and that was his end goal; to gain her recognition and goodwill. Networking, if you will.
          “Thanks,” Shieda replied, pleased. “Bravery is a trait we must all foster. You handled yourself well, too...” His voice trailed off. Neither of the two was terribly injured, but he was certainly tired from fighting. He leaned on the scythe, propping it up to support his weight like a stave. He had to admit, fighting with someone else at his side for a change was good. Since his exile, he’d been largely solitary, and he wondered if she struggled with the same loneliness.
          Shieda’s head tilted to the side, curiosity lining his next question: “How long have you been fighting by yourself?” She seemed very reserved and stoic, undeterred by her lonesome. “Does it bother you at all?”
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
          Mary have 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘺 now look what I’ve 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐄
But don’t 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙚                        'cause I can’t help where I come from.
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
                  I’ve got a past you COULDN’T understand.
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
I want to learn to swallow my pain.
Chelsea Wolfe, from Birth Of Violence (2019); “The Mother Road,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
                            do not ask the price I pay ,   I must live with my quiet  R A G E                        tame the   g h o s t s   in my head that run wild and wish me  𝚍 𝚎 𝚊 𝚍
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
         A toothy smile formed on the young man’s face, bred of ambition and a hunger for power. “Greatness,” he said, almost sinister, with a wicked glint in his eye. Narcissism ran through Shieda Kayn’s veins. Perhaps he was delusional, but he truly did believe himself to be of ascendant worth. Usurping Zed’s position as Master of the Order of the Shadow, conquering Ionia and bringing the fight back to Noxus weren’t just goals in his mind, but the sure and inescapable future. As long as he willed power, he was convinced he would get it.          Nefarious as he could be, he was arguably well-intended. Despite his greed for recognition, he wanted the best for Ionia, the nation his pride fell under despite not being the origin of his birth. His craving for revenge against Noxus and visions of the nation united flooded his thoughts and were the end point of every plan he drew up by candlelight.         “I wish to see our great nation free of bloodshed,” he declared, which was true; unfortunately, he had already concluded, much would spill before they could be free of it.
"Chosen? For what?"
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
                                                            [  —  because it screams the truth.  ] 
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
     in this world there are NO SIDES, only players.
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ioniaschosen · 5 years
I want to rp with you, but I don’t think you want to rp with me: a book by me
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