ioc-1936 · 2 years
An international crisis…are you happy now?
Warships have entered the vicinity of the island, it was too late to create a DMZ zone. Mexican, Japanese, American, Dutch, and Philippines ships are attacking each other and the island. It is the greatest naval battle of time. 
On the island, war has broken out. Fighting has begun between Italian thugs, Indian workers, Mexican guerillas, and Russian-speaking soldiers in German uniforms. 
Mexico sent operatives to spy on their allies in the Asian-American South Alliance; they figured too late they were being invaded by Japan, India, and the Philippines. 
Unfortunately, the Philippines left themselves undefended and the US has started to bombard their country.  
Suddenly… The beaches (do trash islands have beaches?) explode and a red, white, and blue drilling excavator is seen drilling holes into the bottom of the island… 
The delegations that have evacuated the island:
Overall, the committee has broken into war over a sports conference on a sinking island of trash… Happy WWII everyone, congrats!
In the confusion, the Netherlands stole the crown from Great Britain 
The Latvian delegate hypnotized their leader into giving them power. 
And a basket of snakes was found near the door of the Canadian basketball team. Next to it was a bloody katana. The best Polish horse was found dead due to multiple katana strikes.
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
 Clarifications and Stolen Crown 
The crown was stolen from Portugal and given to Great Britain by a beautiful, blue-eyed boxer.
Alliance Updates:
Apologies, +40 C should go to Best Team:
Team Best Team:  100(D), 90(P), 40+90 = 130(C), 100(T)
The Monopoly Alliance: 90(D), 60(P), 90(C), 90(T)
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
Madness in the games!
The Latvian coach starts stabbing the Canadian basketball players, but he gets instantly shot in the head. His last words were: “PO–”
All athletes are having intense contradictory symptoms. They all have massive diarrhea but are gaining huge muscles. They are hyped out of their minds and are becoming aggressive. 
Some unmarked warships are moving toward the island. 
This is getting out of hand…this craziness may require military intervention. 
Stalin has seen this madness and with the help of one IOC delegation has created the rival “Spartacus Games.” 
Schism in the Monopoly Alliance! Mexico and Japan leave to create the AAS. 
The Monopoly Alliance: 130-40 = 90(D), 100-40 = 60(P), 130 - 40 =90(C), 130 -40 =110(T)
The Asian-American South Alliance: 100(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100(T)
France and Canada has been working with multiple alliance countries:
The Monopoly Alliance: 20+130 =150(D), 100(P), 40+ 90= 130(C), 20+ 130 =150(T)
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
Trash Island Olympics
A new Olympics has been created! During the opening ceremony, a group of Mexican secret rebels led by Dora “La Exploradora” Marquez barges in and steals the Olympic torch. They start reading their manifesto:
“For too long, the Olympic Games have been a chance for rich, powerful, countries to show off their wealth and dominance. The SWIPERS are here in defense of all developing countries…”
Suddenly, at the same time, the audio systems are hijacked and the American national anthem starts blaring. The SWIPERS freak out and scram. 
The US sent forces to try to kidnap the IOC president, but it turns out the Filipinos got there first! Do you even care about this poor fella anymore? :( 
A Duck Duck Moose event has been created. 
Alliance Points Updates:
Some scandalous rumors have been spread regarding the romantic life of Monopoly’s athletes…
The Monopoly Alliance: 130(D), 100(P), 100(C), 120 - 20 = 100(T)
The North American Fierce Teamwork Association was created:
The Monopoly Alliance: 130(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100 + 30 = 130(T)
India and Netherlands joint training: 
Team Best Team: 80 +20 = 100(D), 110(P), 10+ 100 = 110(C), 100(T)
A certain delegation has received a very special fungi…
The Monopoly Alliance: 130(D), 100(P), 30+ 100 = 130(C), 130(T)
Someone has messed precision and cardio sport equipment for the Best Team:
Team Best Team:  100(D), -20 + 110 = 90(P), -20+ 110 = 90(C), 100(T)
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
You failed!
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Congratulations IOC leaders, you failed to amend the drug testing policies! All of your delegations went through a second round of testing and tested positive for amphetamines, except Portugal. All athletes that tested positive have been suspended. There is not enough time for new athletes to arrive because it is already August 1936. 
Portugal is the winner of the Olympic Games!
So…what now? Will you set up another event? (Games cannot be played unless another event is set up!)
All alliance points remain the same. 
Note from CD:
This is by no means the end of committee. Awards are still being considered, keep your crisis arcs going!
If you had notes relating to the Olympic Games, we will apply them to the new event if it is created unless otherwise specified. Any previous crisis notes and directives regarding drugs will be disregarded unless reimplemented. (You are not losing your drug manufacturing capabilities, however).
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
Drug Testing: Timed Crisis (40 minutes)
The games have begun! All delegations went through drug testing: 
Amphetamine Testing
Mexico: Positive
Japan: Positive
Canada: Positive
USA: Positive
Italy: Positive
Turkey: Positive
Poland: Positive
Estonia: Positive
France: Positive
Portugal: Negative
Sweden: Positive
Netherlands: Positive
Latvia: Positive
Finland: Positive
Great Britain: Positive
Philippines: Positive
India: Positive
All delegations that tested positive are under threat of being suspended before games begin unless something changes…also for some reason, all fans are twitching erratically as well...
The Spanish Civil War broke out, the People’s Olympiad collapsed. All star athletes stay with the Olympics.
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
A failed kidnapping!
The year is 1936, the games are occurring in a few months. An operative was seen breaking into the house of IOC Head President Henri de Baillet in Brussels by US intelligence officers. The operative was captured and after “enhanced interrogation,” he claimed he was working for the Indian and Portuguese IOC committees. He thought the house would be unguarded. This news was made public to all IOC committees. 
Due to the strong condemnations of racism, sexism, etc. by the IOC, all athletes are now willing to stay and play for the Olympic Games (except Ahmed Sher Khan, he is still injured). 
Due to a dueling conference that occurred a few months ago, dueling nations have increased their skills:
The Monopoly Alliance: 30+100=130(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100(T)
Team Best Team: 20+70=90(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100(T)
France has been tandem bicycling: 
Team Best Team: 90(D), 100(P), 10+100(C), 100(T)
Beer Pong is now an Olympic Sport.
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
An accidental sabotage!
Alliances have been made!
The Monopoly Alliance: Mexico, Japan, Canada, USA, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Estonia OK very good
Team Best Team: France, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Latvia, Finland, Great Britain, Philippines, India
Great Britain sent a hitman against Ahmed Sher Khan because India initially rejected their alliance. Though they are allied now, Great Britain called off their hitman too late: Khan got shot in the arm and is unable to participate in the games. India loses their star athlete and Team Best Team alliance points are now 70(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100(T)
Monopoly Alliance points are: 100(D), 100(P), 100(C), 100(T)
The People’s Olympiad has condemned the racist policies of Germany and many athletes seem to be in agreement. (Most delegations are in danger of losing their star athlete to The People’s Olympiad!)
Both the Olympics and The People’s Olympiad are beginning next year (next committee session!)
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
Alliances: Timed Crisis
Clear alliances have started to be made in the background. States against states, IOC delegations against IOC delegations, and athletes against athletes. The time is ripe: it’s time to make alliances. This is a timed crisis: make a joint directive in 45 minutes. If an agreement cannot be made with alliances, they will be randomized (to one side’s great detriment!)
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
The People's Olympiad
The year is 1934. Due to concerns over Nazi Germany, Stalin has worked with Spain to set up an alternative sporting event called “The People's Olympiad.” Many states have decided to fund The People's Olympiad over the Olympic Games. As such, Germany is struggling to build safe sporting facilities and decent housing for athletes. Lucrative payouts have been offered by Stalin to all IOC member states’ top athletes; they are strongly considering participating in the alternative event.
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ioc-1936 · 2 years
Code of Conduct
Welcome IOC Member States! Before you begin fighting for gold, please sign the code of conduct and turn it in to your chair. Any delegate found to violate the terms of this contract will be disqualified from awards.
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