Running in circles
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From scratch. she/her, freshly started animation director. header image is made by @sp8ce-bit. Reblogs>Likes
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inverswayart · 4 days ago
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watched the dollar trilogy and immediately threw some of my fallout 3 ocs into western!AU tho the longer i look at them the more it seems like they're gonna be western ocs with fallout 3!AU lol
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inverswayart · 15 days ago
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had a low-energy weekend but still wanted to draw so here's a lil' Sinclair enjoying his favorite dessert snack - canned peaches (and he only cut his hand a little bit while opening them!)
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inverswayart · 21 days ago
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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inverswayart · 22 days ago
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one broke down in cuckoo's nest
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inverswayart · 26 days ago
cw: scars, eye contact
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finally installed bullet scar mod and made fresh refs for Ino's and Sinclair's faces (and more or less figured out how exactly they got shot). sinclair of course has his big empty scars on top of that
bonus precanon Ino in her vaultgirl cosplay era
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inverswayart · 1 month ago
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found this old thirst trap with lobotomite Sinclair and realised that i holds up pretty well (even tho his design has shifted a bit ever since)
+bonus little comic redraw of a classic with my first attempt at vault-boy kind of stylization (and Sinclair's more recent design)
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inverswayart · 1 month ago
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Hand in hand, come human error and plain bad luck It seems the timing's always wrong for the ones who wait too long You'll never catch a break, you'll have to make your own
or the end of Sinclair's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time at Big M.T.
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
oooh I'd love to get to sneak a glimpse at party faces or tillamy in the rain!!
well guess what - you'll get both! >:D
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and if you want to know more i'll gladly yap about any of them 👉👈
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
WIP folder game
Got tagged by @vaguely-concerned! Thanks for the tag, tho it threw me a bit of a conundrum - i don't have that much wips in general (it's either getting finished as a sketch or forgotten for like forever... ah the wonders of adhd) but it was still interesting to go through my files to see what i got pending :D
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
So, my current WIP docs are...
party faces - a few headshots of the crew that Liu (mushroom lady) hangs out with occasionally. both designs and story are very in progress but so far i know that they are some kind of freelance couriers, ride a possessed van and get into zany adventures
one more redraw - some of my older followers might remember that i used to do annual redraws/redesigns of one very old character all the way back from 2011. i kinda dropped it a couple of years back but found it again while lookin through old stuff with my frindds.. so this is my attempt to do it again that i didn't have energy to finish before the new year
map westwern continent - ah, the piece that's been a wip for almost 4 years now - it's, as the name implies, a map of a continent for my primary fantasy project (i post occasional snippets of it in #spheresetting tag). it went through quite a lot of revision and still bears scars from my pixel brush obsession era ahah
tillamy in the rain - a sketch of girls kissing in the rain. normally i would think of it as finished but my friends convinced me it could be turned into fake screenshot of sorts so i'm keeping it as a wip for now
raiders hcs - and now for the text files! a humble start of the worldbuilding post i really want to finish one day - mostly about my thoughts on fallout 3's raiders and how to make them less of a mobs for grinding and more of a part of the world (i have a lot of thoughts)
ino: - the doc for the ask game i started right before my previous fallout phase fizzled out, mostly containing promts from @vaguely-concerned... i swear i did not forget about it :.D
The Fallout OC Seven Day S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - another fallout questionnaire i had to put on pause thanks to my lovely habit of biting more than i can chew. i got stuck on Charisma questions for Ino for some reason.. tho maybe i'll manage to finish it this time, who knows ahah
as for tagging, my lovely friends @mageofpanic, @vio-lenceee and @theouroborosart (no pressure!) and anyone who wants to participate in general!
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
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got an idea to make a line-up of all Dew's plot-relevant outfits, dunno if i'll finish it but at least i finallly made her endgame look
gogles go under unfolding helmet as her ususall glasses' replacement - they are too big to fit and her eyesight is too bad to go without any eyewear (-7D on both eyes)
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
it seems like fallout brainrot is creeping on me again, and specifically fallout 3 variety - which is baffling because for the whole time i was playing it it was quite literally "oh my god i dislike almost everything about this and i'm not having a fun time with it" and yet i have finished the main plot and 2 dlc as well as created bunch of ocs...
so the point of this post will be to try to gauge what is that brings me back to this game and made me so invested in first place.
in no particular order:
blood ties, agatha's song and oasis my beloveds
especially blood ties for bringing in some fnv vibes with weird delivery job
in conjunction with previous point, The Family. love those larpers <3
agatha's radio station. genuinely the most wholesome thing in the entire game
questions of realism aside, megaton and rivet city kinda slap as concepts
flak&shrapnel and their routing bug (not a fan of them being the only mlm couple in game, but on their own? pretty cool guys)
the whole of underworld actually
running around with shishkebab
stealth armor
the whole melee stealth build
mothership zeta dlc
especially the companion interactions
and how i kinda broke the last segment pre-boss battle by going full stealth
and as i was typing that it occurred to me that while the list of in-game stuff that i enjoyed isn't that long, i did produce a lot of made-up stuff for my ocs, so i guess the main culprit is wide open space for interpretation and headcanons? born from the game being somewhere in the "compelling mediocrity" on that one quality/amount of fanfiction chart.
case solved, i guess!
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
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first post of the year!
shout out to my lovely friends i've spent my new year night with! and while we were hanging out i sketched out a new oc idea and it was fun af
the oc in question is Liu, the minor deity of Unity and a hot mushroom gf (ang her cool little outfits)
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inverswayart · 2 months ago
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at last, the summary of 2024!
it actually looks way better than i remembered - there's always something going on in every month despite all the irl stuff and at least 2 hardcore artblocks. so in my book, it's a success!
wish everyone the nicest, chillest, the most calm and relaxed 2025 to come, and thank you for sticking around! Happy New Year! 🥳💖
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inverswayart · 3 months ago
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He will rise up with joyful noise Turn dust to ash And dust to ash And dust to ash and dust
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inverswayart · 3 months ago
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back in 2021 Elaine Gallagher used to be my primary cultist simulator oc after i rp-ed as her in a lovecraft-inspired campaign - but years pass, and now that spot is squarely taken by Blanche Quincy, my beloved the Lady Afterwards girlie, and i'm not that interested in 1950's aesthetics...
so now Elaine lives in lovecraftian 1920s and her "previous" life is a long series of dreams and visions she's been seeing for years. She works at local newspaper as a secretary for the main editor at day, parties like crazy at night and also plans to bring forth the Apocalypse :D
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inverswayart · 3 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cultist Simulator Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bright Young Thing/Detective (Cultist Simulator) Characters: Alan Holstenwall, Maximilian von Nimmell, Count Jannings (Cultist Simulator), Heart Dancer (Cultist Simulator) Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn, Pining, Suppression Bureau (Cultist Simulator), basically Heart Pawn stumbling around occult scene and having no fucking idea what's going on
finally, after almost a year of contempating if i should post it or not, i did it. my silly semi-unfinished pre-slash fic about my silly OC is free!
tbh i'm pretty happy with how it turned out, despite the fact that it's 2 chapters shorter than i planned
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inverswayart · 3 months ago
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Birth is the First Torment, and Thirst the Seventh
seems like i can't to resist the allure of Blanche being miserable and under-dressed
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